studio rounded redondear corners java android xml imageview rounded-corners

java - rounded - ImageView esquinas redondeadas

redondear imageview android studio (15)

Aquí hay algo que encontré aquí: github

Hizo un poco de improvisación. Muy sencillo y limpio. No hay archivos o métodos externos:

public class RoundedImageView extends ImageView { private float mCornerRadius = 10.0f; public RoundedImageView(Context context) { super(context); } public RoundedImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attributes) { super(context, attributes); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // Round some corners betch! Drawable myDrawable = getDrawable(); if (myDrawable!=null && myDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && mCornerRadius > 0) { Paint paint = ((BitmapDrawable) myDrawable).getPaint(); final int color = 0xff000000; Rect bitmapBounds = myDrawable.getBounds(); final RectF rectF = new RectF(bitmapBounds); // Create an off-screen bitmap to the PorterDuff alpha blending to work right int saveCount = canvas.saveLayer(rectF, null, Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.CLIP_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.HAS_ALPHA_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.FULL_COLOR_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.CLIP_TO_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG); // Resize the rounded rect we''ll clip by this view''s current bounds // (super.onDraw() will do something similar with the drawable to draw) getImageMatrix().mapRect(rectF); paint.setAntiAlias(true); canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); paint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, paint); Xfermode oldMode = paint.getXfermode(); // This is the paint already associated with the BitmapDrawable that super draws paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)); super.onDraw(canvas); paint.setXfermode(oldMode); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); } else { super.onDraw(canvas); } } }

Quería que la imagen tuviera esquinas redondeadas. Implemento este código xml y lo uso en mi vista de imagen. Pero la imagen se superpone a la forma. Estoy descargando la imagen a través de tarea asíncrona.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle" > <corners android:radius="20dip" /> </shape> <ImageView android:id="@+id/trVouchersImage" android:layout_width="55dp" android:layout_height="55dp" android:layout_marginLeft="8dp" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:background="@drawable/ash_arrow" />

Basado en la respuesta de Nihal ( https://.com/a/42234152/2832027 ), aquí hay una versión XML pura que da un rectángulo con esquinas redondeadas en API 24 y superior. En debajo de API 24, no mostrará esquinas redondeadas.


<ImageView android:id="@+id/thumbnail" android:layout_width="150dp" android:layout_height="200dp" android:foreground="@drawable/rounded_corner_mask"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android=""> <item android:gravity="bottom|right"> <vector xmlns:android="" android:width="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:height="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:viewportWidth="10.0" android:viewportHeight="10.0"> <path android:pathData="M0,10 A10,10 0 0,0 10,0 L10,10 Z" android:fillColor="@color/white"/> </vector> </item> <item android:gravity="bottom|left"> <vector xmlns:android="" android:width="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:height="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:viewportWidth="10.0" android:viewportHeight="10.0"> <path android:pathData="M0,0 A10,10 0 0,0 10,10 L0,10 Z" android:fillColor="@color/white"/> </vector> </item> <item android:gravity="top|left"> <vector xmlns:android="" android:width="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:height="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:viewportWidth="10.0" android:viewportHeight="10.0"> <path android:pathData="M10,0 A10,10 0 0,0 0,10 L0,0 Z" android:fillColor="@color/white"/> </vector> </item> <item android:gravity="top|right"> <vector xmlns:android="" android:width="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:height="@dimen/rounding_radius" android:viewportWidth="10.0" android:viewportHeight="10.0"> <path android:pathData="M10,10 A10,10 0 0,0 0,0 L10,0 Z" android:fillColor="@color/white"/> </vector> </item> </layer-list>

Debería usar RoundedCornersTransformation de esta biblioteca y crear un ImageView circular.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.picasso.Transformation; public class RoundedCornersTransformation implements Transformation { public enum CornerType { ALL, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, OTHER_TOP_LEFT, OTHER_TOP_RIGHT, OTHER_BOTTOM_LEFT, OTHER_BOTTOM_RIGHT, DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_LEFT, DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_RIGHT } private int mRadius; private int mDiameter; private int mMargin; private CornerType mCornerType; public RoundedCornersTransformation(int radius, int margin) { this(radius, margin, CornerType.ALL); } public RoundedCornersTransformation(int radius, int margin, CornerType cornerType) { mRadius = radius; mDiameter = radius * 2; mMargin = margin; mCornerType = cornerType; } @Override public Bitmap transform(Bitmap source) { int width = source.getWidth(); int height = source.getHeight(); Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setShader(new BitmapShader(source, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)); drawRoundRect(canvas, paint, width, height); source.recycle(); return bitmap; } private void drawRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float width, float height) { float right = width - mMargin; float bottom = height - mMargin; switch (mCornerType) { case ALL: canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); break; case TOP_LEFT: drawTopLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case TOP_RIGHT: drawTopRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: drawBottomLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: drawBottomRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case TOP: drawTopRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case BOTTOM: drawBottomRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case LEFT: drawLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case RIGHT: drawRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case OTHER_TOP_LEFT: drawOtherTopLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case OTHER_TOP_RIGHT: drawOtherTopRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case OTHER_BOTTOM_LEFT: drawOtherBottomLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case OTHER_BOTTOM_RIGHT: drawOtherBottomRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_LEFT: drawDiagonalFromTopLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; case DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_RIGHT: drawDiagonalFromTopRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break; default: canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); break; } } private void drawTopLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawTopRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(right - mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawBottomLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom - mRadius), paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawBottomRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(right - mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawTopRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawBottomRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); } private void drawOtherTopLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawOtherTopRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawOtherBottomLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); } private void drawOtherBottomRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawDiagonalFromTopLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, right - mDiameter, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawDiagonalFromTopRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom - mRadius), paint); canvas.drawRect(new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } @Override public String key() { return "RoundedTransformation(radius=" + mRadius + ", margin=" + mMargin + ", diameter=" + mDiameter + ", cornerType=" + + ")"; } }

Es lo más simple posible usando este método util.

/* * param@ imageView is your image you want to bordered it */ public static Bitmap generateBorders(ImageView imageView){ Bitmap mbitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap(); Bitmap imageRounded = Bitmap.createBitmap(mbitmap.getWidth(), mbitmap.getHeight(), mbitmap.getConfig()); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(imageRounded); Paint mpaint = new Paint(); mpaint.setAntiAlias(true); mpaint.setShader(new BitmapShader(mbitmap, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)); canvas.drawRoundRect((new RectF(0, 0, mbitmap.getWidth(), mbitmap.getHeight())), 100, 100, mpaint);// Round Image Corner 100 100 100 100 return imageRounded; }

a continuación, configure su mapa de bits de visualización de imágenes con valor devuelto diviértase

Intenta esto si necesitas obtener una imagen redondeada ..

Tu clase

public class MainActivity extends Activity { private static final int REQUEST_CODE = 1; private Bitmap bitmap; private ImageView imageView; Bitmap roundedBitmapImage; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; } public void pickImage(View View) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setType("image/*"); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) try { // We need to recycle unused bitmaps if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.recycle(); } InputStream stream = getContentResolver().openInputStream( data.getData()); bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream); stream.close(); /* Bitmap bitmap1=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher); Bitmap bitmap2=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher); Bitmap resultingImage=Bitmap.createBitmap(320, 480, bitmap1.getConfig()); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(resultingImage); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); Path path=new Path(); path.lineTo(150, 0); path.lineTo(230, 120); path.lineTo(70, 120); path.lineTo(150, 0); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN)); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap2, 0, 0, paint);*/ //-------> compositeImageView.setImageBitmap(resultingImage); // Use this when to provide any shape to image i.e Fit image to any shape. // under mentioned taking reference from Rounder class. Finally changing image in round shape. // Here we are passing reference bitmap. roundedBitmapImage = new Rounder().getRoundedShape(bitmap); imageView.setImageBitmap(roundedBitmapImage); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } }

Y tu clase más redonda.

/ ** Esta clase recorta la imagen en forma redonda * /

public class Rounder { public Bitmap getRoundedShape(Bitmap scaleBitmapImage) { int targetWidth = 125; int targetHeight = 125; Bitmap targetBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(targetWidth, targetHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(targetBitmap); Path path = new Path(); path.addCircle(((float) targetWidth - 1) / 2, ((float) targetHeight - 1) / 2, (Math.min(((float) targetWidth), ((float) targetHeight)) / 2), Path.Direction.CCW); canvas.clipPath(path); Bitmap sourceBitmap = scaleBitmapImage; canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, new Rect(0, 0, sourceBitmap.getWidth(), sourceBitmap.getHeight()), new Rect(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight), null); return targetBitmap; } }

Puedes hacerlo por XML de esta manera

<stroke android:width="3dp" android:color="#ff000000"/> <padding android:left="1dp" android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp"/> <corners android:radius="30px"/>

y pragmáticamente puede crear un mapa de bits redondeado y establecerlo en ImageView.

public static Bitmap getRoundedCornerBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output); final int color = 0xff424242; final Paint paint = new Paint(); final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); final RectF rectF = new RectF(rect); final float roundPx = 12; paint.setAntiAlias(true); canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); paint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, roundPx, roundPx, paint); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN)); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, rect, rect, paint); return output; }

Para el cargador perezoso universal puede usar este wat también.

DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder() .displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(25)) // default .build();

Solo me pregunto si alguien todavía necesita que se haga.

Para ellos: puedes usar RoundedBitmapDrawable para tu propósito.

Código de muestra:

ImageView profilePic = (ImageView) findViewById(R.idimageView); RoundedBitmapDrawable roundedBitmapDrawable = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(this.getResources(),bitmap); roundedBitmapDrawable.setCircular(true); profilePic.setImageDrawable(roundedBitmapDrawable);

donde bitmap es la imagen que desea cargar en imageView.

Tu es así:

LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;

Primero debes obtener tu imagen de Resource como Bitmap o Drawable .

Si obtienes como Bitmap :

Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ash_arrow); bm = new Newreza().setEffect(bm, 0.2f, ((ColorDrawable) ll.getBackground).getColor); iv.setImageBitmap(bm);

O si consigues como Drawable :

Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ash_arrow); d = new Newreza().setEffect(d, 0.2f, ((ColorDrawable) ll.getBackground).getColor); iv.setImageDrawable(d);

Luego cree un nuevo archivo como cerca de , y copie los códigos del fondo en :

package; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; //Telegram:@newreza // public class Newreza{ int a,x,y; float bmr; public Bitmap setEffect(Bitmap bm,float radius,int color){ bm=bm.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888,true); bmr=radius*bm.getWidth(); for(y=0;y<bmr;y++){ a=(int)(bmr-Math.sqrt(y*(2*bmr-y))); for(x=0;x<a;x++){ bm.setPixel(x,y,color); } } for(y=0;y<bmr;y++){ a=(int)(bm.getWidth()-bmr+Math.sqrt(y*(2*bmr-y))); for(x=a;x<bm.getWidth();x++){ bm.setPixel(x,y,color); } } for(y=(int)(bm.getHeight()-bmr);y<bm.getHeight();y++){ a=(int)(bm.getWidth()-bmr+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bmr,2)-Math.pow(bmr+y-bm.getHeight(),2))); for(x=a;x<bm.getWidth();x++){ bm.setPixel(x,y,color); } } for(y=(int)(bm.getHeight()-bmr);y<bm.getHeight();y++){ a=(int)(bmr-Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bmr,2)-Math.pow(bmr+y-bm.getHeight(),2))); for(x=0;x<a;x++){ bm.setPixel(x,y,color); } } return bm; } public Drawable setEffect(Drawable d,float radius,int color){ return new BitmapDrawable(Resources.getSystem(),setEffect(((BitmapDrawable)d).getBitmap(),radius,color)); } }

Solo note que reemplace el nombre de su paquete con la primera línea en el código.

Funciona% 100, porque está escrito en detalles :)

Uso la biblioteca del cargador de imágenes universales para descargar y redondear las esquinas de la imagen, y funcionó para mí.

ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(thisContext) // You can pass your own memory cache implementation .discCacheFileNameGenerator(new HashCodeFileNameGenerator()) .build(); DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder() .displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(10)) //rounded corner bitmap .cacheInMemory(true) .cacheOnDisc(true) .build(); ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance(); imageLoader.init(config); imageLoader.displayImage(image_url,image_view, options );

Utilice este ImageView personalizado en Xml

public class RoundedCornerImageView extends ImageView { public RoundedCornerImageView(Context ctx, AttributeSet attrs) { super(ctx, attrs); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Drawable drawable = getDrawable(); if (drawable == null) { return; } if (getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0) { return; } Bitmap b = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap(); Bitmap bitmap = b.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); int w = getWidth(), h = getHeight(); Bitmap roundBitmap = getRoundedCroppedBitmap(bitmap, w); canvas.drawBitmap(roundBitmap, 0, 0, null); } public static Bitmap getRoundedCroppedBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int radius) { Bitmap finalBitmap; if (bitmap.getWidth() != radius || bitmap.getHeight() != radius) finalBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, radius, radius, false); else finalBitmap = bitmap; Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(finalBitmap.getWidth(), finalBitmap.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output); final Paint paint = new Paint(); final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, finalBitmap.getWidth(), finalBitmap.getHeight()); final RectF rectf = new RectF(0, 0, finalBitmap.getWidth(), finalBitmap.getHeight()); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setFilterBitmap(true); paint.setDither(true); canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#BAB399")); //Set Required Radius Here int yourRadius = 7; canvas.drawRoundRect(rectf, yourRadius, yourRadius, paint); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)); canvas.drawBitmap(finalBitmap, rect, rect, paint); return output; } }

Yo uso extender ImageView:

public class RadiusCornerImageView extends { private int cornerRadiusDP = 0; // dp private int corner_radius_position; public RadiusCornerImageView(Context context) { super(context); } public RadiusCornerImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public RadiusCornerImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); TypedArray typeArray = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.RadiusCornerImageView, 0, 0); try { cornerRadiusDP = typeArray.getInt(R.styleable.RadiusCornerImageView_corner_radius_dp, 0); corner_radius_position = typeArray.getInteger(R.styleable.RadiusCornerImageView_corner_radius_position, 0); } finally { typeArray.recycle(); } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { float radiusPx = AndroidUtil.dpToPx(getContext(), cornerRadiusDP); Path clipPath = new Path(); RectF rect = null; if (corner_radius_position == 0) { // all // round corners on all 4 angles rect = new RectF(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); } else if (corner_radius_position == 1) { // round corners only on top left and top right rect = new RectF(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight() + radiusPx); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown corner_radius_position = " + corner_radius_position); } clipPath.addRoundRect(rect, radiusPx, radiusPx, Path.Direction.CW); canvas.clipPath(clipPath); super.onDraw(canvas); } }

El enfoque más simple:

Después de jugar mucho con shape xml drawables, finalmente se encontró una solución de trabajo para ImageView redondeado / circular sin usar ninguna biblioteca o código Java.

Cree un archivo xml rounded_fg.xml en la carpeta res / drawable / de su aplicación. El contenido de rounded_fg.xml es el siguiente,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:innerRadiusRatio="2" android:shape="ring" android:thicknessRatio="1" android:useLevel="false"> <gradient android:type="radial" android:gradientRadius="8dp" android:endColor="@color/white" /> </shape>

Puede hacer coincidir endColor con el fondo de diseño del contenedor ImageView y gradientRadius puede tener cualquier valor según sus requisitos (<= 36dp).

Ahora use este dibujo como primer plano para su vista de imagen de la siguiente manera,

<ImageView android:layout_width="55dp" android:layout_height="55dp" android:foreground="@drawable/rounded_fg" />

Funciona perfecto con imágenes cuadradas y / o imágenes .

Imagen cuadrada / ImageView:

Imagen rectangular / ImageView:

Primer plano aplicado sobre un botón:

NUEVA RESPUESTA Use la biblioteca de Glide para esto. Esta lib también es recomendada por Google. ¿ Ver cómo redondear una imagen con la biblioteca Glide?

ANTIGUA RESPUESTA Solo agregue esa imagen en un cardView y establezca la elevación de cardView en 0dp ... hará el truco (en mi caso fue un viewPager con imágenes, simplemente reemplace viewPager con un ImageView ):

< android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="250dp" app:cardElevation="0dp"> < xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/viewPager" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> </>

  • Es posible que haya encontrado su solución, pero recientemente encontré una nueva biblioteca que le permite crear cualquier forma que desee establecer en la Vista de imagen .

    • Descarga la biblioteca desde here
    • Define tu Xml como: -
    • <com.makeramen.roundedimageview.RoundedImageView......... app:riv_corner_radius="Yourradiusdip"/>
    • Y disfruta de la codificación.! Esta biblioteca que encontré es la mejor! gracias [publiqué esta respuesta más tarde pero recientemente la usé y la encontré muy útil]