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audio - wend - ¿Cómo puedo convertir los comandos de QBASIC PLAY en algo más contemporáneo?

qbasic descargar (4)

Esta secuencia formateada QB play contiene notas musicales y símbolos de duración que podrían convertirse en comandos MIDI y luego empacarse en un formato de archivo midi. Es posible que deba agregar información más detallada sobre el tiempo y el volumen relativo en función de algunos valores predeterminados.

MIDI todavía se considera un formato actual con tropecientos de herramientas y dispositivos que actualmente lo soportan.

Tengo comandos de reproducción en mi aplicación QB como esta:

PLAY "MSe8f#4f#8f#8g8a8b4.a4.g4.f#4.o0b8o1e8e8e4d8e2."

Me gustaría convertir esto de alguna manera en algo que las aplicaciones modernas podrían usar. ¿Alguna idea? Actualmente estoy jugando con la aplicación en FreeBasic.

No hay una manera fácil de hacer esto en Qbasic. Básicamente, necesitarías escribir un controlador de sonido moderno. Tendrá que hacer algo más hackish, como usar Audio Hijack (o una aplicación similar para PC) o incluso este cable de $ 0.85 .

Puede convertir sus cadenas de reproducción en archivos WAV con una herramienta como esta (código C):

// file: play2wav.c #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358 #endif double Note2Freq(int Note) // Note=1 = C1 (32.7032 Hz), Note=84 = B7 (3951.07 Hz) { double f = 0; if (Note > 0) f = 440 * exp(log(2) * (Note - 46) / 12); return f; } int Name2SemitonesFromC(char c) { static const int semitonesFromC[7] = { 9, 11, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7 }; // A,B,C,D,E,F,G if (c < ''A'' && c > ''G'') return -1; return semitonesFromC[c - ''A'']; } typedef struct tPlayer { enum { StateParsing, StateGenerating, } State; int Tempo; int Duration; int Octave; enum { ModeNormal, ModeLegato, ModeStaccato, } Mode; int Note; double NoteDuration; double NoteTime; unsigned SampleRate; } tPlayer; void PlayerInit(tPlayer* pPlayer, unsigned SampleRate) { pPlayer->State = StateParsing; pPlayer->Tempo = 120; // [32,255] quarter notes per minute pPlayer->Duration = 4; // [1,64] pPlayer->Octave = 4; // [0,6] pPlayer->Mode = ModeNormal; pPlayer->Note = 0; pPlayer->SampleRate = SampleRate; } int PlayerGetSample(tPlayer* pPlayer, const char** ppMusicString, short* pSample) { int number; int note = 0; int duration = 0; int dotCnt = 0; double sample; double freq; *pSample = 0; while (pPlayer->State == StateParsing) { char c = **ppMusicString; if (c == ''/0'') return 0; ++*ppMusicString; if (isspace(c)) continue; c = toupper(c); switch (c) { case ''O'': c = **ppMusicString; if (c < ''0'' || c > ''6'') return 0; pPlayer->Octave = c - ''0''; ++*ppMusicString; break; case ''<'': if (pPlayer->Octave > 0) pPlayer->Octave--; break; case ''>'': if (pPlayer->Octave < 6) pPlayer->Octave++; break; case ''M'': c = toupper(**ppMusicString); switch (c) { case ''L'': pPlayer->Mode = ModeLegato; break; case ''N'': pPlayer->Mode = ModeNormal; break; case ''S'': pPlayer->Mode = ModeStaccato; break; case ''B'': case ''F'': // skip MB and MF break; default: return 0; } ++*ppMusicString; break; // ML/MN/MS, MB/MF case ''L'': case ''T'': number = 0; for (;;) { char c2 = **ppMusicString; if (isdigit(c2)) { number = number * 10 + c2 - ''0''; ++*ppMusicString; } else break; } switch (c) { case ''L'': if (number < 1 || number > 64) return 0; pPlayer->Duration = number; break; case ''T'': if (number < 32 || number > 255) return 0; pPlayer->Tempo = number; break; } break; // Ln/Tn case ''A'': case ''B'': case ''C'': case ''D'': case ''E'': case ''F'': case ''G'': case ''N'': case ''P'': switch (c) { case ''A'': case ''B'': case ''C'': case ''D'': case ''E'': case ''F'': case ''G'': note = 1 + pPlayer->Octave * 12 + Name2SemitonesFromC(c); break; // A...G case ''P'': note = 0; break; // P case ''N'': number = 0; for (;;) { char c2 = **ppMusicString; if (isdigit(c2)) { number = number * 10 + c2 - ''0''; ++*ppMusicString; } else break; } if (number < 0 || number > 84) return 0; note = number; break; // N } // got note # if (c >= ''A'' && c <= ''G'') { char c2 = **ppMusicString; if (c2 == ''+'' || c2 == ''#'') { if (note < 84) note++; ++*ppMusicString; } else if (c2 == ''-'') { if (note > 1) note--; ++*ppMusicString; } } // applied sharps and flats duration = pPlayer->Duration; if (c != ''N'') { number = 0; for (;;) { char c2 = **ppMusicString; if (isdigit(c2)) { number = number * 10 + c2 - ''0''; ++*ppMusicString; } else break; } if (number < 0 || number > 64) return 0; if (number > 0) duration = number; } // got note duration while (**ppMusicString == ''.'') { dotCnt++; ++*ppMusicString; } // got dots pPlayer->Note = note; pPlayer->NoteDuration = 1.0 / duration; while (dotCnt--) { duration *= 2; pPlayer->NoteDuration += 1.0 / duration; } pPlayer->NoteDuration *= 60 * 4. / pPlayer->Tempo; // in seconds now pPlayer->NoteTime = 0; pPlayer->State = StateGenerating; break; // A...G/N/P default: return 0; } // switch (c) } // pPlayer->State == StateGenerating // Calculate the next sample for the current note sample = 0; // QuickBasic Play() frequencies appear to be 1 octave higher than // on the piano. freq = Note2Freq(pPlayer->Note) * 2; if (freq > 0) { double f = freq; while (f < pPlayer->SampleRate / 2 && f < 8000) // Cap max frequency at 8 KHz { sample += exp(-0.125 * f / freq) * sin(2 * M_PI * f * pPlayer->NoteTime); f += 2 * freq; // Use only odd harmonics } sample *= 15000; sample *= exp(-pPlayer->NoteTime / 0.5); // Slow decay } if ((pPlayer->Mode == ModeNormal && pPlayer->NoteTime >= pPlayer->NoteDuration * 7 / 8) || (pPlayer->Mode == ModeStaccato && pPlayer->NoteTime >= pPlayer->NoteDuration * 3 / 4)) sample = 0; if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767; if (sample < -32767) sample = -32767; *pSample = (short)sample; pPlayer->NoteTime += 1.0 / pPlayer->SampleRate; if (pPlayer->NoteTime >= pPlayer->NoteDuration) pPlayer->State = StateParsing; return 1; } int PlayToFile(const char* pFileInName, const char* pFileOutName, unsigned SampleRate) { int err = EXIT_FAILURE; FILE *fileIn = NULL, *fileOut = NULL; tPlayer player; short sample; char* pMusicString = NULL; const char* p; size_t sz = 1, len = 0; char c; unsigned char uc; unsigned long sampleCnt = 0, us; if ((fileIn = fopen(pFileInName, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can''t open file /"%s/"/n", pFileInName); goto End; } if ((fileOut = fopen(pFileOutName, "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can''t create file /"%s/"/n", pFileOutName); goto End; } if ((pMusicString = malloc(sz)) == NULL) { NoMemory: fprintf(stderr, "can''t allocate memory/n"); goto End; } // Load the input file into pMusicString[] while (fread(&c, 1, 1, fileIn)) { pMusicString[len++] = c; if (len == sz) { char* p; sz *= 2; if (sz < len) goto NoMemory; p = realloc(pMusicString, sz); if (p == NULL) goto NoMemory; pMusicString = p; } } pMusicString[len] = ''/0''; // Make pMusicString[] an ASCIIZ string // First, a dry run to simply count samples (needed for the WAV header) PlayerInit(&player, SampleRate); p = pMusicString; while (PlayerGetSample(&player, &p, &sample)) sampleCnt++; if (p != pMusicString + len) { fprintf(stderr, "Parsing error near byte %u: /"%c%c%c/"/n", (unsigned)(p - pMusicString), (p > pMusicString) ? p[-1] : '' '', p[0], (p - pMusicString + 1 < len) ? p[1] : '' ''); goto End; } // Write the output file // ChunkID fwrite("RIFF", 1, 4, fileOut); // ChunkSize us = 36 + 2 * sampleCnt; uc = us % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // Format + Subchunk1ID fwrite("WAVEfmt ", 1, 8, fileOut); // Subchunk1Size uc = 16; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = 0; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // AudioFormat uc = 1; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = 0; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // NumChannels uc = 1; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = 0; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // SampleRate uc = SampleRate % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = SampleRate / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = 0; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // ByteRate us = (unsigned long)SampleRate * 2; uc = us % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // BlockAlign uc = 2; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = 0; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // BitsPerSample uc = 16; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = 0; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // Subchunk2ID fwrite("data", 1, 4, fileOut); // Subchunk2Size us = sampleCnt * 2; uc = us % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = us / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); // Data PlayerInit(&player, SampleRate); p = pMusicString; while (PlayerGetSample(&player, &p, &sample)) { uc = (unsigned)sample % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); uc = (unsigned)sample / 256 % 256; fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut); } err = EXIT_SUCCESS; End: if (pMusicString != NULL) free(pMusicString); if (fileOut != NULL) fclose(fileOut); if (fileIn != NULL) fclose(fileIn); return err; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc == 3) // return PlayToFile(argv[1], argv[2], 44100); // Use this for 44100 sample rate return PlayToFile(argv[1], argv[2], 16000); printf("Usage:/n play2wav <Input-QBASIC-Play-String-file> <Output-Wav-file>/n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }

Compilar con gcc:

gcc play2wav.c -o play2wav.exe

Archivo de prueba, JingleBells.txt:

t200l4o2mneel2el4eel2el4egl3cl8dl1el4ffl3fl8fl4fel2el8eel4edde l2dgl4eel2el4eel2el4egl3cl8dl1el4ffl3fl8fl4fel2el8efl4ggfdl2c


play2wav.exe JingleBells.txt JingleBells.wav

¡Disfruta escuchando JingleBells.wav!

La forma de "aplicaciones modernas" de reproducir música sería usar archivos .mid, supongo. FreeBasic incluye soporte para música a través de la biblioteca fmod. Así que puedes convertir la música al formato de archivos .MID, usando MIDI Tracker o algo así.