ver tarea script saber programada procedimiento monitoreo los listar job esta ejecutar ejecutando desde como almacenado sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql sql-agent

sql server - tarea - cómo saber el estado de los trabajos actualmente en ejecución

listar jobs sql server (9)

Necesito saber si un trabajo determinado se está ejecutando actualmente en el servidor de Ms SQL 2008. Para no volver a invocar el mismo trabajo, esto puede generar problemas de simultaneidad.

Dado un trabajo (supongo que sabes su nombre) puedes usar:

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @Job_name = ''Your Job Name''

como se sugiere en el Procedimiento de Ayuda de trabajo de MSDN . Devuelve una gran cantidad de información sobre el trabajo (propietario, servidor, estado, etc.).

Hemos encontrado y hemos estado usando este código para una buena solución. Este código iniciará un trabajo y lo monitoreará, matando el trabajo automáticamente si excede un límite de tiempo.

/**************************************************************** --This SQL will take a list of SQL Agent jobs (names must match), --start them so they''re all running together, and then --monitor them, not quitting until all jobs have completed. -- --In essence, it''s an SQL "watchdog" loop to start and monitor SQL Agent Jobs -- --Code from -- ****************************************************************/ SET NOCOUNT ON -------- BEGIN ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE CONFIGURED -------- --The amount of time to wait before checking again --to see if the jobs are still running. --Should be in hh:mm:ss format. DECLARE @WaitDelay VARCHAR(8) = ''00:00:20'' --Job timeout. Eg, if the jobs are running longer than this, kill them. DECLARE @TimeoutMinutes INT = 240 DECLARE @JobsToRunTable TABLE ( JobName NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, JobID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, Running INT NULL ) --Insert the names of the SQL jobs here. Last two values should always be NULL at this point. --Names need to match exactly, so best to copy/paste from the SQL Server Agent job name. INSERT INTO @JobsToRunTable (JobName, JobID, Running) VALUES (''NameOfFirstSQLAgentJobToRun'',NULL,NULL) INSERT INTO @JobsToRunTable (JobName, JobID, Running) VALUES (''NameOfSecondSQLAgentJobToRun'',NULL,NULL) INSERT INTO @JobsToRunTable (JobName, JobID, Running) VALUES (''NameOfXSQLAgentJobToRun'',NULL,NULL) -------- NOTHING FROM HERE DOWN SHOULD NEED TO BE CONFIGURED -------- DECLARE @ExecutionStatusTable TABLE ( JobID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY, -- Job ID which will be a guid LastRunDate INT, LastRunTime INT, -- Last run date and time NextRunDate INT, NextRunTime INT, -- Next run date and time NextRunScheduleID INT, -- an internal schedule id RequestedToRun INT, RequestSource INT, RequestSourceID VARCHAR(128), Running INT, -- 0 or 1, 1 means the job is executing CurrentStep INT, -- which step is running CurrentRetryAttempt INT, -- retry attempt JobState INT -- 0 = Not idle or suspended, 1 = Executing, 2 = Waiting For Thread, -- 3 = Between Retries, 4 = Idle, 5 = Suspended, -- 6 = WaitingForStepToFinish, 7 = PerformingCompletionActions ) DECLARE @JobNameToRun NVARCHAR(128) = NULL DECLARE @IsJobRunning BIT = 1 DECLARE @AreJobsRunning BIT = 1 DECLARE @job_owner sysname = SUSER_SNAME() DECLARE @JobID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = null DECLARE @StartDateTime DATETIME = GETDATE() DECLARE @CurrentDateTime DATETIME = null DECLARE @ExecutionStatus INT = 0 DECLARE @MaxTimeExceeded BIT = 0 --Loop through and start every job DECLARE dbCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT JobName FROM @JobsToRunTable OPEN dbCursor FETCH NEXT FROM dbCursor INTO @JobNameToRun WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_start_job @JobNameToRun FETCH NEXT FROM dbCursor INTO @JobNameToRun END CLOSE dbCursor DEALLOCATE dbCursor print ''*****************************************************************'' print ''Jobs started. '' + CAST(@StartDateTime as varchar) print ''*****************************************************************'' --Debug (if needed) --SELECT * FROM @JobsToRunTable WHILE 1=1 AND @AreJobsRunning = 1 BEGIN --This has to be first with the delay to make sure the jobs --have time to actually start up and are recognized as ''running'' WAITFOR DELAY @WaitDelay --Reset for each loop iteration SET @AreJobsRunning = 0 --Get the currently executing jobs by our user name INSERT INTO @ExecutionStatusTable EXECUTE [master].[dbo].xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, @job_owner --Debug (if needed) --SELECT ''ExecutionStatusTable'', * FROM @ExecutionStatusTable --select every job to see if it''s running DECLARE dbCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT x.[Running], x.[JobID], FROM @ExecutionStatusTable x INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].sysjobs sj ON sj.job_id = x.JobID INNER JOIN @JobsToRunTable jtr on = jtr.JobName OPEN dbCursor FETCH NEXT FROM dbCursor INTO @IsJobRunning, @JobID, @JobNameToRun --Debug (if needed) --SELECT x.[Running], x.[JobID], -- FROM @ExecutionStatusTable x -- INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj ON sj.job_id = x.JobID -- INNER JOIN @JobsToRunTable jtr on = jtr.JobName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --bitwise operation to see if the loop should continue SET @AreJobsRunning = @AreJobsRunning | @IsJobRunning UPDATE @JobsToRunTable SET Running = @IsJobRunning, JobID = @JobID WHERE JobName = @JobNameToRun --Debug (if needed) --SELECT ''JobsToRun'', * FROM @JobsToRunTable SET @CurrentDateTime=GETDATE() IF @IsJobRunning = 1 BEGIN -- Job is running or finishing (not idle) IF DATEDIFF(mi, @StartDateTime, @CurrentDateTime) > @TimeoutMinutes BEGIN print ''*****************************************************************'' print @JobNameToRun + '' exceeded timeout limit of '' + @TimeoutMinutes + '' minutes. Stopping.'' --Stop the job EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_stop_job @job_name = @JobNameToRun END ELSE BEGIN print @JobNameToRun + '' running for '' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEDIFF(mi, @StartDateTime, @CurrentDateTime)) + '' minute(s).'' END END IF @IsJobRunning = 0 BEGIN --Job isn''t running print ''*****************************************************************'' print @JobNameToRun + '' completed or did not run. '' + CAST(@CurrentDateTime as VARCHAR) END FETCH NEXT FROM dbCursor INTO @IsJobRunning, @JobID, @JobNameToRun END -- WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 CLOSE dbCursor DEALLOCATE dbCursor --Clear out the table for the next loop iteration DELETE FROM @ExecutionStatusTable print ''*****************************************************************'' END -- WHILE 1=1 AND @AreJobsRunning = 1 SET @CurrentDateTime = GETDATE() print ''Finished at '' + CAST(@CurrentDateTime as varchar) print CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEDIFF(mi, @StartDateTime, @CurrentDateTime)) + '' minutes total run time.''

Puede consultar la tabla msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity para determinar si el trabajo se está ejecutando actualmente.

Recibí una mejor respuesta aquí por Kenneth Fisher , después de la consulta de devoluciones solo actualmente ejecutando trabajos.

SELECT ja.job_id, AS job_name, ja.start_execution_date, ISNULL(last_executed_step_id,0)+1 AS current_executed_step_id, Js.step_name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity ja LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh ON ja.job_history_id = jh.instance_id JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON ja.job_id = j.job_id JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js ON ja.job_id = js.job_id AND ISNULL(ja.last_executed_step_id,0)+1 = js.step_id WHERE ja.session_id = (SELECT TOP 1 session_id FROM msdb.dbo.syssessions ORDER BY agent_start_date DESC) AND start_execution_date is not null AND stop_execution_date is null

Puede obtener más información sobre un trabajo añadiendo más columnas de la tabla msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity en la cláusula select.

verifica esta consulta

select,so.description,so.enabled,CASE WHEN sh.[run_status] = 0 THEN ''Failed'' WHEN sh.[run_status] = 1 THEN ''Succeeded'' WHEN sh.[run_status] = 2 THEN ''Retry (step only)'' WHEN sh.[run_status] = 3 THEN ''Canceled'' WHEN sh.[run_status] = 4 THEN ''In-progress message'' WHEN sh.[run_status] = 5 THEN ''Unknown'' ELSE ''N/A'' END as Run_Status,sh.* from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sh LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs so on sh.job_id = so.job_id where sh.run_status = 0 and sh.run_date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 112) order by sh.instance_id desc

Parece que puede usar msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity , verificando un registro con una start_execution_date no nula y una null stop_execution_date, lo que significa que el trabajo se inició, pero aún no se ha completado.

Esto le daría trabajos actualmente en ejecución:

SELECT , sja.* FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity AS sja INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS sj ON sja.job_id = sj.job_id WHERE sja.start_execution_date IS NOT NULL AND sja.stop_execution_date IS NULL

DECLARE @StepCount INT SELECT @StepCount = COUNT(1) FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps WHERE job_id = ''0523333-5C24-1526-8391-AA84749345666'' --JobID SELECT [JobName] ,[JobStepID] ,[JobStepName] ,[JobStepStatus] ,[RunDateTime] ,[RunDuration] FROM ( SELECT j.[name] AS [JobName] ,Jh.[step_id] AS [JobStepID] ,jh.[step_name] AS [JobStepName] ,CASE WHEN jh.[run_status] = 0 THEN ''Failed'' WHEN jh.[run_status] = 1 THEN ''Succeeded'' WHEN jh.[run_status] = 2 THEN ''Retry (step only)'' WHEN jh.[run_status] = 3 THEN ''Canceled'' WHEN jh.[run_status] = 4 THEN ''In-progress message'' WHEN jh.[run_status] = 5 THEN ''Unknown'' ELSE ''N/A'' END AS [JobStepStatus] ,msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(run_date, run_time) AS [RunDateTime] ,CAST(jh.[run_duration]/10000 AS VARCHAR) + '':'' + CAST(jh.[run_duration]/100%100 AS VARCHAR) + '':'' + CAST(jh.[run_duration]%100 AS VARCHAR) AS [RunDuration] ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY jh.[run_date] ORDER BY jh.[run_date] DESC, jh.[run_time] DESC ) AS [RowNumber] FROM msdb.[dbo].[sysjobhistory] jh INNER JOIN msdb.[dbo].[sysjobs] j ON jh.[job_id] = j.[job_id] WHERE j.[name] = ''ProcessCubes'' --Job Name AND jh.[step_id] > 0 AND CAST(RTRIM(run_date) AS DATE) = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) --Current Date ) A WHERE [RowNumber] <= @StepCount AND [JobStepStatus] = ''Failed''

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @Job_name = ''Your Job Name''

check field execution_status

0 - Devuelve solo aquellos trabajos que no están inactivos o suspendidos.
1 - Ejecutando.
2 - Esperando hilo.
3 - Entre reintentos.
4 - Inactivo.
5 - Suspendido.
7 - Realización de acciones de finalización.

Si necesita el resultado de la ejecución, verifique el campo last_run_outcome

0 = Fallido
1 = Sucedió
3 = Cancelado
5 = Desconocido

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,''''

Observe la columna En ejecución, obviamente 1 significa que se está ejecutando actualmente, y [Paso actual]. Esto le devuelve job_id, por lo que deberá buscarlos, por ejemplo:

SELECT top 100 * FROM msdb..sysjobs WHERE job_id IN (0x9DAD1B38EB345D449EAFA5C5BFDC0E45, 0xC00A0A67D109B14897DD3DFD25A50B80, 0xC92C66C66E391345AE7E731BFA68C668)