seguridad que programa podria para internet estar configurar configuracion conexion conecte como bloquear bloqueando aplicaciones acceso c# windows firewall

c# - que - Agregue programáticamente una aplicación al Firewall de Windows

la configuracion de seguridad o del firewall podria estar bloqueando la conexion windows 10 (8)

Tengo una aplicación que está instalada y actualizada a través de ClickOnce. La aplicación descarga archivos a través de FTP y, por lo tanto, debe agregarse como una excepción al firewall de Windows. Debido a la forma en que funciona ClickOnce, la ruta al EXE cambia con cada actualización, por lo que la excepción también necesita cambiar. ¿Cuál sería la mejor manera de realizar los cambios en el firewall para que sea invisible para el usuario final?

(La aplicación está escrita en C #)

Encontré este artículo, que tiene una clase de contenedor completa incluida para manipular el firewall de Windows. Agregar una aplicación a la lista de excepciones en el Firewall de Windows

/// /// Allows basic access to the windows firewall API. /// This can be used to add an exception to the windows firewall /// exceptions list, so that our programs can continue to run merrily /// even when nasty windows firewall is running. /// /// Please note: It is not enforced here, but it might be a good idea /// to actually prompt the user before messing with their firewall settings, /// just as a matter of politeness. /// /// /// To allow the installers to authorize idiom products to work through /// the Windows Firewall. /// public class FirewallHelper { #region Variables /// /// Hooray! Singleton access. /// private static FirewallHelper instance = null; /// /// Interface to the firewall manager COM object /// private INetFwMgr fwMgr = null; #endregion #region Properties /// /// Singleton access to the firewallhelper object. /// Threadsafe. /// public static FirewallHelper Instance { get { lock (typeof(FirewallHelper)) { if (instance == null) instance = new FirewallHelper(); return instance; } } } #endregion #region Constructivat0r /// /// Private Constructor. If this fails, HasFirewall will return /// false; /// private FirewallHelper() { // Get the type of HNetCfg.FwMgr, or null if an error occurred Type fwMgrType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwMgr", false); // Assume failed. fwMgr = null; if (fwMgrType != null) { try { fwMgr = (INetFwMgr)Activator.CreateInstance(fwMgrType); } // In all other circumnstances, fwMgr is null. catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException) { } catch (MissingMethodException) { } catch (MethodAccessException) { } catch (MemberAccessException) { } catch (InvalidComObjectException) { } catch (COMException) { } catch (TypeLoadException) { } } } #endregion #region Helper Methods /// /// Gets whether or not the firewall is installed on this computer. /// /// public bool IsFirewallInstalled { get { if (fwMgr != null && fwMgr.LocalPolicy != null && fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile != null) return true; else return false; } } /// /// Returns whether or not the firewall is enabled. /// If the firewall is not installed, this returns false. /// public bool IsFirewallEnabled { get { if (IsFirewallInstalled && fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.FirewallEnabled) return true; else return false; } } /// /// Returns whether or not the firewall allows Application "Exceptions". /// If the firewall is not installed, this returns false. /// /// /// Added to allow access to this metho /// public bool AppAuthorizationsAllowed { get { if (IsFirewallInstalled && !fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.ExceptionsNotAllowed) return true; else return false; } } /// /// Adds an application to the list of authorized applications. /// If the application is already authorized, does nothing. /// /// /// The full path to the application executable. This cannot /// be blank, and cannot be a relative path. /// /// /// This is the name of the application, purely for display /// puposes in the Microsoft Security Center. /// /// /// When applicationFullPath is null OR /// When appName is null. /// /// /// When applicationFullPath is blank OR /// When appName is blank OR /// applicationFullPath contains invalid path characters OR /// applicationFullPath is not an absolute path /// /// /// If the firewall is not installed OR /// If the firewall does not allow specific application ''exceptions'' OR /// Due to an exception in COM this method could not create the /// necessary COM types /// /// /// If no file exists at the given applicationFullPath /// public void GrantAuthorization(string applicationFullPath, string appName) { #region Parameter checking if (applicationFullPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationFullPath"); if (appName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("appName"); if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not be blank"); if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("appName must not be blank"); if (applicationFullPath.IndexOfAny(Path.InvalidPathChars) >= 0) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not contain invalid path characters"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(applicationFullPath)) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath is not an absolute path"); if (!File.Exists(applicationFullPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist", applicationFullPath); // State checking if (!IsFirewallInstalled) throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot grant authorization: Firewall is not installed."); if (!AppAuthorizationsAllowed) throw new FirewallHelperException("Application exemptions are not allowed."); #endregion if (!HasAuthorization(applicationFullPath)) { // Get the type of HNetCfg.FwMgr, or null if an error occurred Type authAppType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication", false); // Assume failed. INetFwAuthorizedApplication appInfo = null; if (authAppType != null) { try { appInfo = (INetFwAuthorizedApplication)Activator.CreateInstance(authAppType); } // In all other circumnstances, appInfo is null. catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException) { } catch (MissingMethodException) { } catch (MethodAccessException) { } catch (MemberAccessException) { } catch (InvalidComObjectException) { } catch (COMException) { } catch (TypeLoadException) { } } if (appInfo == null) throw new FirewallHelperException("Could not grant authorization: can''t create INetFwAuthorizedApplication instance."); appInfo.Name = appName; appInfo.ProcessImageFileName = applicationFullPath; // ... // Use defaults for other properties of the AuthorizedApplication COM object // Authorize this application fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Add(appInfo); } // otherwise it already has authorization so do nothing } /// /// Removes an application to the list of authorized applications. /// Note that the specified application must exist or a FileNotFound /// exception will be thrown. /// If the specified application exists but does not current have /// authorization, this method will do nothing. /// /// /// The full path to the application executable. This cannot /// be blank, and cannot be a relative path. /// /// /// When applicationFullPath is null /// /// /// When applicationFullPath is blank OR /// applicationFullPath contains invalid path characters OR /// applicationFullPath is not an absolute path /// /// /// If the firewall is not installed. /// /// /// If the specified application does not exist. /// public void RemoveAuthorization(string applicationFullPath) { #region Parameter checking if (applicationFullPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationFullPath"); if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not be blank"); if (applicationFullPath.IndexOfAny(Path.InvalidPathChars) >= 0) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not contain invalid path characters"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(applicationFullPath)) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath is not an absolute path"); if (!File.Exists(applicationFullPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist", applicationFullPath); // State checking if (!IsFirewallInstalled) throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot remove authorization: Firewall is not installed."); #endregion if (HasAuthorization(applicationFullPath)) { // Remove Authorization for this application fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Remove(applicationFullPath); } // otherwise it does not have authorization so do nothing } /// /// Returns whether an application is in the list of authorized applications. /// Note if the file does not exist, this throws a FileNotFound exception. /// /// /// The full path to the application executable. This cannot /// be blank, and cannot be a relative path. /// /// /// The full path to the application executable. This cannot /// be blank, and cannot be a relative path. /// /// /// When applicationFullPath is null /// /// /// When applicationFullPath is blank OR /// applicationFullPath contains invalid path characters OR /// applicationFullPath is not an absolute path /// /// /// If the firewall is not installed. /// /// /// If the specified application does not exist. /// public bool HasAuthorization(string applicationFullPath) { #region Parameter checking if (applicationFullPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationFullPath"); if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not be blank"); if (applicationFullPath.IndexOfAny(Path.InvalidPathChars) >= 0) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not contain invalid path characters"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(applicationFullPath)) throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath is not an absolute path"); if (!File.Exists(applicationFullPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist.", applicationFullPath); // State checking if (!IsFirewallInstalled) throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot remove authorization: Firewall is not installed."); #endregion // Locate Authorization for this application foreach (string appName in GetAuthorizedAppPaths()) { // Paths on windows file systems are not case sensitive. if (appName.ToLower() == applicationFullPath.ToLower()) return true; } // Failed to locate the given app. return false; } /// /// Retrieves a collection of paths to applications that are authorized. /// /// /// /// If the Firewall is not installed. /// public ICollection GetAuthorizedAppPaths() { // State checking if (!IsFirewallInstalled) throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot remove authorization: Firewall is not installed."); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // Collect the paths of all authorized applications foreach (INetFwAuthorizedApplication app in fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.AuthorizedApplications) list.Add(app.ProcessImageFileName); return list; } #endregion } /// /// Describes a FirewallHelperException. /// /// /// /// public class FirewallHelperException : System.Exception { /// /// Construct a new FirewallHelperException /// /// public FirewallHelperException(string message) : base(message) { } }

El arenero ClickOnce no presentó ningún problema.

La forma más fácil que conozco sería usar netsh , simplemente puede eliminar la regla y volver a crearla, o configurar una regla de puerto, si la suya es fija.
netsh hay una página que describe las opciones para su contexto de firewall.

La respuesta es que solo permite que el software de confianza se ejecute con privilegios de administrador. De vez en cuando, ALGUNOS software deben tener privilegios de administrador y realizar cambios sensibles en su sistema. También podría tener un disco duro de solo lectura de lo contrario ...

No estoy seguro si esta es la mejor manera, pero ejecutar netsh debería funcionar:

netsh firewall agregar allowedprogram C: / MyApp / MyApp.exe MyApp ENABLE

Sin embargo, creo que esto requiere permisos de administrador, por razones obvias :)

Editar: simplemente no sé lo suficiente sobre ClickOnce para saber si puede o no ejecutar programas externos a través de él.

Suponiendo que estamos utilizando un Instalador de Visual Studio-> Proyecto de instalación: necesita una clase de instalador como esta dentro de un ensamblaje que se está instalando, y luego asegúrese de agregar una acción personalizada para la "Salida primaria" en la fase de instalación.

using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration.Install; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace YourNamespace { [RunInstaller(true)] public class AddFirewallExceptionInstaller : Installer { protected override void OnAfterInstall(IDictionary savedState) { base.OnAfterInstall(savedState); var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Context.Parameters["assemblypath"]); OpenFirewallForProgram(Path.Combine(path, "YourExe.exe"), "Your program name for display"); } private static void OpenFirewallForProgram(string exeFileName, string displayName) { var proc = Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "netsh", Arguments = string.Format( "firewall add allowedprogram program=/"{0}/" name=/"{1}/" profile=/"ALL/"", exeFileName, displayName), WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }); proc.WaitForExit(); } } }