versiones sirve que puede por para microsoft medio hacer datos convertir caracteristicas abrir ms-access version-control

ms-access - sirve - que se puede hacer por medio de microsoft access

¿Cómo se usa el control de versiones con el desarrollo de Access? (21)

Estoy involucrado en la actualización de una solución de acceso. Tiene una buena cantidad de VBA, una serie de consultas, una pequeña cantidad de tablas y algunas formas de ingreso de datos y generación de informes. Es un candidato ideal para Access.

Quiero hacer cambios en el diseño de la tabla, el VBA, las consultas y los formularios. ¿Cómo puedo rastrear mis cambios con el control de la versión? (usamos Subversion, pero esto vale para cualquier sabor) Puedo poner todo el mdb en subversión, pero eso será almacenar un archivo binario, y no podré decir que acabo de cambiar una línea de código VBA.

Pensé en copiar el código de VBA para separar los archivos y guardarlos, pero podía verlos rápidamente sin sincronizar con lo que hay en la base de datos.

Solución de archivo de texto único (consultas, tablas y relaciones incluidas)

He alterado el par de scripts de Oliver para que exporten / importen relaciones, tablas y consultas además de módulos, clases, formularios y macros. Todo se guarda en archivos de texto plano, por lo que no se crea ningún archivo de base de datos para almacenar con los archivos de texto en el control de versiones.

Exportar a archivos de texto (decompose.vbs)

'' Usage: '' cscript decompose.vbs <input file> <path> '' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access Project file (.adp) <input file> to '' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>. Requires Microsoft Access. Option Explicit Const acForm = 2 Const acModule = 5 Const acMacro = 4 Const acReport = 3 Const acQuery = 1 Const acExportTable = 0 '' BEGIN CODE Dim fso, relDoc, ACCDBFilename, sExportpath Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set relDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0) Then MsgBox "Please provide the .accdb database file", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End If ACCDBFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Wscript.Arguments(0)) If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1) Then sExportpath = "" Else sExportpath = Wscript.Arguments(1) End If exportModulesTxt ACCDBFilename, sExportpath If (Err <> 0) And (Err.Description <> Null) Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" Err.Clear End If Function exportModulesTxt(ACCDBFilename, sExportpath) Dim myComponent, sModuleType, sTempname, sOutstring Dim myType, myName, myPath, hasRelations myType = fso.GetExtensionName(ACCDBFilename) myName = fso.GetBaseName(ACCDBFilename) myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(ACCDBFilename) ''if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory If (sExportpath = "") Then sExportpath = myPath & "/Source" End If ''On Error Resume Next fso.DeleteFolder (sExportpath) fso.CreateFolder (sExportpath) On Error GoTo 0 Wscript.Echo "starting Access..." Dim oApplication Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application") Wscript.Echo "Opening " & ACCDBFilename & " ..." If (Right(ACCDBFilename, 4) = ".adp") Then oApplication.OpenAccessProject ACCDBFilename Else oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase ACCDBFilename End If oApplication.Visible = False Wscript.Echo "exporting..." Dim myObj For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms Wscript.Echo "Exporting FORM " & myObj.FullName oApplication.SaveAsText acForm, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.FullName & ".form.txt" oApplication.DoCmd.Close acForm, myObj.FullName Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules Wscript.Echo "Exporting MODULE " & myObj.FullName oApplication.SaveAsText acModule, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.FullName & ".module.txt" Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros Wscript.Echo "Exporting MACRO " & myObj.FullName oApplication.SaveAsText acMacro, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.FullName & ".macro.txt" Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports Wscript.Echo "Exporting REPORT " & myObj.FullName oApplication.SaveAsText acReport, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.FullName & ".report.txt" Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.QueryDefs Wscript.Echo "Exporting QUERY " & myObj.Name oApplication.SaveAsText acQuery, myObj.Name, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.Name & ".query.txt" Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.TableDefs If Not Left(myObj.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then Wscript.Echo "Exporting TABLE " & myObj.Name oApplication.ExportXml acExportTable, myObj.Name, , sExportpath & "/" & myObj.Name & ".table.txt" ''put the file path as a second parameter if you want to export the table data as well, instead of ommiting it and passing it into a third parameter for structure only End If Next hasRelations = False relDoc.appendChild relDoc.createElement("Relations") For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations ''loop though all the relations If Not Left(myObj.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then Dim relName, relAttrib, relTable, relFoTable, fld hasRelations = True relDoc.ChildNodes(0).appendChild relDoc.createElement("Relation") Set relName = relDoc.createElement("Name") relName.Text = myObj.Name relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relName Set relAttrib = relDoc.createElement("Attributes") relAttrib.Text = myObj.Attributes relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relAttrib Set relTable = relDoc.createElement("Table") relTable.Text = myObj.Table relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relTable Set relFoTable = relDoc.createElement("ForeignTable") relFoTable.Text = myObj.ForeignTable relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relFoTable Wscript.Echo "Exporting relation " & myObj.Name & " between tables " & myObj.Table & " -> " & myObj.ForeignTable For Each fld In myObj.Fields ''in case the relationship works with more fields Dim lf, ff relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relDoc.createElement("Field") Set lf = relDoc.createElement("Name") lf.Text = fld.Name relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.LastChild.appendChild lf Set ff = relDoc.createElement("ForeignName") ff.Text = fld.ForeignName relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.LastChild.appendChild ff Wscript.Echo " Involving fields " & fld.Name & " -> " & fld.ForeignName Next End If Next If hasRelations Then relDoc.InsertBefore relDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=''1.0''"), relDoc.ChildNodes(0) relDoc.Save sExportpath & "/relations.rel.txt" Wscript.Echo "Relations successfuly saved in file relations.rel.txt" End If oApplication.CloseCurrentDatabase oApplication.Quit End Function

Puede ejecutar este script llamando a cscript decompose.vbs <path to file to decompose> <folder to store text files> . En caso de que omita el segundo parámetro, creará la carpeta ''Fuente'' donde se encuentra la base de datos. Tenga en cuenta que la carpeta de destino se borrará si ya existe.

Incluir datos en las tablas exportadas

Reemplace la línea 93: oApplication.ExportXML acExportTable, myObj.Name, , sExportpath & "/" & myObj.Name & ".table.txt"

con la línea oApplication.ExportXML acExportTable, myObj.Name, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.Name & ".table.txt"

Importar en Crear archivo de base de datos (compose.vbs)

'' Usage: '' cscript compose.vbs <file> <path> '' Reads all modules, classes, forms, macros, queries, tables and their relationships in a directory created by "decompose.vbs" '' and composes then into an Access Database file (.accdb). '' Requires Microsoft Access. Option Explicit Const acForm = 2 Const acModule = 5 Const acMacro = 4 Const acReport = 3 Const acQuery = 1 Const acStructureOnly = 0 ''change 0 to 1 if you want import StructureAndData instead of StructureOnly Const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E Dim fso, relDoc, ACCDBFilename, sPath Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set relDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0) Then MsgBox "Please provide the .accdb database file", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End If ACCDBFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Wscript.Arguments(0)) If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1) Then sPath = "" Else sPath = Wscript.Arguments(1) End If importModulesTxt ACCDBFilename, sPath If (Err <> 0) And (Err.Description <> Null) Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" Err.Clear End If Function importModulesTxt(ACCDBFilename, sImportpath) Dim myComponent, sModuleType, sTempname, sOutstring '' Build file and pathnames Dim myType, myName, myPath myType = fso.GetExtensionName(ACCDBFilename) myName = fso.GetBaseName(ACCDBFilename) myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(ACCDBFilename) '' if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory If (sImportpath = "") Then sImportpath = myPath & "/Source/" End If '' check for existing file and ask to overwrite with the stub If fso.FileExists(ACCDBFilename) Then Wscript.StdOut.Write ACCDBFilename & " already exists. Overwrite? (y/n) " Dim sInput sInput = Wscript.StdIn.Read(1) If (sInput <> "y") Then Wscript.Quit Else If fso.FileExists(ACCDBFilename & ".bak") Then fso.DeleteFile (ACCDBFilename & ".bak") End If fso.MoveFile ACCDBFilename, ACCDBFilename & ".bak" End If End If Wscript.Echo "starting Access..." Dim oApplication Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application") Wscript.Echo "Opening " & ACCDBFilename If (Right(ACCDBFilename, 4) = ".adp") Then oApplication.CreateAccessProject ACCDBFilename Else oApplication.NewCurrentDatabase ACCDBFilename End If oApplication.Visible = False Dim folder Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sImportpath) ''load each file from the import path into the stub Dim myFile, objectname, objecttype For Each myFile In folder.Files objectname = fso.GetBaseName(myFile.Name) ''get rid of .txt extension objecttype = fso.GetExtensionName(objectname) objectname = fso.GetBaseName(objectname) Select Case objecttype Case "form" Wscript.Echo "Importing FORM from file " & myFile.Name oApplication.LoadFromText acForm, objectname, myFile.Path Case "module" Wscript.Echo "Importing MODULE from file " & myFile.Name oApplication.LoadFromText acModule, objectname, myFile.Path Case "macro" Wscript.Echo "Importing MACRO from file " & myFile.Name oApplication.LoadFromText acMacro, objectname, myFile.Path Case "report" Wscript.Echo "Importing REPORT from file " & myFile.Name oApplication.LoadFromText acReport, objectname, myFile.Path Case "query" Wscript.Echo "Importing QUERY from file " & myFile.Name oApplication.LoadFromText acQuery, objectname, myFile.Path Case "table" Wscript.Echo "Importing TABLE from file " & myFile.Name oApplication.ImportXml myFile.Path, acStructureOnly Case "rel" Wscript.Echo "Found RELATIONSHIPS file " & myFile.Name & " ... opening, it will be processed after everything else has been imported" relDoc.Load (myFile.Path) End Select Next If relDoc.readyState Then Wscript.Echo "Preparing to build table dependencies..." Dim xmlRel, xmlField, accessRel, relTable, relName, relFTable, relAttr, i For Each xmlRel In relDoc.SelectNodes("/Relations/Relation") ''loop through every Relation node inside .xml file relName = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text relTable = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("Table").Text relFTable = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("ForeignTable").Text relAttr = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("Attributes").Text ''remove any possible conflicting relations or indexes On Error Resume Next oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations.Delete (relName) oApplication.CurrentDb.TableDefs(relTable).Indexes.Delete (relName) oApplication.CurrentDb.TableDefs(relFTable).Indexes.Delete (relName) On Error GoTo 0 Wscript.Echo "Creating relation " & relName & " between tables " & relTable & " -> " & relFTable Set accessRel = oApplication.CurrentDb.CreateRelation(relName, relTable, relFTable, relAttr) ''create the relationship object For Each xmlField In xmlRel.SelectNodes("Field") ''in case the relationship works with more fields accessRel.Fields.Append accessRel.CreateField(xmlField.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text) accessRel.Fields(xmlField.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text).ForeignName = xmlField.SelectSingleNode("ForeignName").Text Wscript.Echo " Involving fields " & xmlField.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text & " -> " & xmlField.SelectSingleNode("ForeignName").Text Next oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations.Append accessRel ''append the newly created relationship to the database Wscript.Echo " Relationship added" Next End If oApplication.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules oApplication.Quit End Function

You can execute this script by calling cscript compose.vbs <path to file which should be created> <folder with text files> . In case you omit the second parameter, it will look into ''Source'' folder where the database should be created.

Import data from text file

Replace line 14: const acStructureOnly = 0 with const acStructureOnly = 1 . This will work only if you have included the data in exported table.

Things that are not covered

  1. I have tested this only with .accdb files, so with anything else there might be some bugs.
  2. Setting are not exported, I would recommend creating the Macro that will apply the setting at start of the database.
  3. Some unknown queries sometimes get exported that are preceded with ''~''. I don''t know if they are necessary.

One of my other resources while working on this script was this answer , which helped me to figure out how to export relationships.

Basado en las ideas de esta publicación y en entradas similares en algunos blogs, he escrito una aplicación que funciona con los formatos de archivo mdb y adp. Importa / exporta todos los objetos de la base de datos (incluidas tablas, referencias, relaciones y propiedades de la base de datos) a archivos de texto sin formato. Con esos archivos puede trabajar con cualquier control de versión de origen. La próxima versión permitirá volver a importar los archivos de texto sin formato a la base de datos. También habrá una herramienta de línea de comando

Puede descargar la aplicación o el código fuente desde:


Desarrollamos nuestra propia herramienta interna, donde:

  1. Módulos: se exportan como archivos txt y luego se comparan con la "herramienta de comparación de archivos" (freeware)
  2. Formularios: se exportan a través del comando undocument application.saveAsText. Entonces es posible ver las diferencias entre 2 versiones diferentes ("herramienta de comparación de archivos" una vez más).
  3. Macros: no tenemos ninguna macro para comparar, ya que solo tenemos la macro "autoexec" con una línea que inicia el procedimiento principal de VBA
  4. Consultas: son solo cadenas de texto almacenadas en una tabla: ver más abajo
  5. tablas: escribimos nuestro propio comparador de tablas, enumerando las diferencias en los registros Y la estructura de la tabla.

Todo el sistema es lo suficientemente inteligente como para permitirnos producir versiones "en tiempo de ejecución" de nuestra aplicación Access, generadas automáticamente a partir de archivos txt (módulos y formularios que se recrean con el comando undocument application.loadFromText) y archivos mdb (tablas).

Puede sonar extraño pero funciona.

Escribimos nuestro propio script en VBScript, que utiliza el Application.SaveAsText () indocumentado en Access para exportar todos los módulos de código, formulario, macro e informe. Aquí está, debería darle algunos consejos. (Cuidado: algunos de los mensajes están en alemán, pero puedes cambiar eso fácilmente).

EDITAR: Para resumir varios comentarios a continuación: Nuestro proyecto asume un archivo .adp. Para que esto funcione con .mdb / .accdb, debe cambiar OpenAccessProject () a OpenCurrentDatabase () . (Se actualizó para usar OpenAccessProject() si ve una extensión .adp, sino que usa OpenCurrentDatabase() .)


'' Usage: '' CScript decompose.vbs <input file> <path> '' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access Project file (.adp) <input file> to '' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>. Requires Microsoft Access. '' Option Explicit const acForm = 2 const acModule = 5 const acMacro = 4 const acReport = 3 '' BEGIN CODE Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim sADPFilename If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then MsgBox "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben!", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End if sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) Dim sExportpath If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then sExportpath = "" else sExportpath = WScript.Arguments(1) End If exportModulesTxt sADPFilename, sExportpath If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" Err.Clear End If Function exportModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sExportpath) Dim myComponent Dim sModuleType Dim sTempname Dim sOutstring dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename) myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename) myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename) If (sExportpath = "") then sExportpath = myPath & "/Source/" End If sStubADPFilename = sExportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType WScript.Echo "copy stub to " & sStubADPFilename & "..." On Error Resume Next fso.CreateFolder(sExportpath) On Error Goto 0 fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sStubADPFilename WScript.Echo "starting Access..." Dim oApplication Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application") WScript.Echo "opening " & sStubADPFilename & " ..." If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then oApplication.OpenAccessProject sStubADPFilename Else oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sStubADPFilename End If oApplication.Visible = false dim dctDelete Set dctDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") WScript.Echo "exporting..." Dim myObj For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acForm, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".form" oApplication.DoCmd.Close acForm, myObj.fullname dctDelete.Add "FO" & myObj.fullname, acForm Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acModule, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".bas" dctDelete.Add "MO" & myObj.fullname, acModule Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acMacro, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".mac" dctDelete.Add "MA" & myObj.fullname, acMacro Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acReport, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".report" dctDelete.Add "RE" & myObj.fullname, acReport Next WScript.Echo "deleting..." dim sObjectname For Each sObjectname In dctDelete WScript.Echo " " & Mid(sObjectname, 3) oApplication.DoCmd.DeleteObject dctDelete(sObjectname), Mid(sObjectname, 3) Next oApplication.CloseCurrentDatabase oApplication.CompactRepair sStubADPFilename, sStubADPFilename & "_" oApplication.Quit fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename & "_", sStubADPFilename fso.DeleteFile sStubADPFilename & "_" End Function Public Function getErr() Dim strError strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _ "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _ " Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _ " Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf getErr = strError End Function

Si necesita un comando en el que se pueda hacer clic, en lugar de usar la línea de comando, cree un archivo llamado "decompose.cmd" con

cscript decompose.vbs youraccessapplication.adp

De forma predeterminada, todos los archivos exportados van a la subcarpeta "Scripts" de su aplicación de acceso. El archivo .adp / mdb también se copia a esta ubicación (con un sufijo "stub") y se elimina de todos los módulos exportados, lo que lo hace realmente pequeño.

DEBE registrar este talón con los archivos de origen, ya que la mayoría de las configuraciones de acceso y barras de menús personalizadas no se pueden exportar de ninguna otra manera. Solo asegúrate de realizar cambios en este archivo solo si realmente cambiaste alguna configuración o menú.

Nota: Si tiene Autoexec-Makros definido en su Aplicación, es posible que tenga que mantener presionada la tecla Mayús al invocar la descomposición para evitar que se ejecute e interfiera con la exportación.

Por supuesto, también existe la secuencia de comandos inversa, para construir la aplicación desde el "origen" -directorio:


'' Usage: '' WScript compose.vbs <file> <path> '' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros in a directory created by "decompose.vbs" '' and composes then into an Access Project file (.adp). This overwrites any existing Modules with the '' same names without warning!!! '' Requires Microsoft Access. Option Explicit const acForm = 2 const acModule = 5 const acMacro = 4 const acReport = 3 Const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E '' BEGIN CODE Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim sADPFilename If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then MsgBox "Please enter the file name!", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End if sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) Dim sPath If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then sPath = "" else sPath = WScript.Arguments(1) End If importModulesTxt sADPFilename, sPath If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" Err.Clear End If Function importModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sImportpath) Dim myComponent Dim sModuleType Dim sTempname Dim sOutstring '' Build file and pathnames dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename) myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename) myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename) '' if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory If (sImportpath = "") then sImportpath = myPath & "/Source/" End If sStubADPFilename = sImportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType '' check for existing file and ask to overwrite with the stub if (fso.FileExists(sADPFilename)) Then WScript.StdOut.Write sADPFilename & " exists. Overwrite? (y/n) " dim sInput sInput = WScript.StdIn.Read(1) if (sInput <> "y") Then WScript.Quit end if fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sADPFilename & ".bak" end if fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename, sADPFilename '' launch MSAccess WScript.Echo "starting Access..." Dim oApplication Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application") WScript.Echo "opening " & sADPFilename & " ..." If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then oApplication.OpenAccessProject sADPFilename Else oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sADPFilename End If oApplication.Visible = false Dim folder Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sImportpath) '' load each file from the import path into the stub Dim myFile, objectname, objecttype for each myFile in folder.Files objecttype = fso.GetExtensionName(myFile.Name) objectname = fso.GetBaseName(myFile.Name) WScript.Echo " " & objectname & " (" & objecttype & ")" if (objecttype = "form") then oApplication.LoadFromText acForm, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "bas") then oApplication.LoadFromText acModule, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "mac") then oApplication.LoadFromText acMacro, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "report") then oApplication.LoadFromText acReport, objectname, myFile.Path end if next oApplication.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules oApplication.Quit End Function Public Function getErr() Dim strError strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _ "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _ " Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _ " Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf getErr = strError End Function

De nuevo, esto va con un compañero "compose.cmd" que contiene:

cscript compose.vbs youraccessapplication.adp

Le pide que confirme que sobrescribe su aplicación actual y primero crea una copia de seguridad, si lo hace. A continuación, recopila todos los archivos de origen en el directorio de origen y los vuelve a insertar en el resguardo.

¡Que te diviertas!

Hay un problema: VSS 6.0 solo puede aceptar MDB usando el complemento bajo una cierta cantidad de objetos, que incluye todas las tablas locales, consultas, módulos y formularios. No sabe el límite exacto del objeto.

Para construir nuestra aplicación de piso de prod de 10 años, que es enorme, nos vemos obligados a combinar 3 o 4 MDB separados de SS en un MDB, lo que complica las construcciones automatizadas hasta el punto de que no perdemos el tiempo haciéndolo.

Creo que probaré el script anterior para arrojar este MDb en SVN y simplificar las construcciones para todos.

La solución de composición / descomposición publicada por Oliver es excelente, pero tiene algunos problemas:

  • Los archivos están codificados como UCS-2 (UTF-16) que pueden causar que los sistemas / herramientas de control de versiones consideren que los archivos son binarios.
  • Los archivos contienen muchos errores que cambian a menudo: sumas de comprobación, información de la impresora y más. Este es un problema serio si quieres diferencias claras o necesitas cooperar en el proyecto.

Estaba planeando arreglarlo yo mismo, pero descubrí que ya hay una buena solución disponible: en GitHub. He probado msaccess-vcs-integration y funciona muy bien.

Actualizado el 3 de marzo de 2015 : El proyecto fue originalmente mantenido / propiedad de bkidwell en Github, pero fue transferido a timabell . El enlace anterior al proyecto se actualiza en consecuencia. Hay algunas bifurcaciones del proyecto original por bkidwell, por ejemplo por ArminBra y por matonb , que AFAICT no se debe utilizar.

La desventaja de usar msaccess-vcs-integration en comparación con la solución de descomposición de Olivers:

  • Es significativamente más lento. Estoy seguro de que se puede solucionar el problema de velocidad, pero no necesito exportar mi proyecto a un texto que a menudo ...
  • No crea un proyecto de acceso auxiliar con las cosas exportadas eliminadas. Esto también se puede arreglar (adoptando el código del script de descomposición), pero de nuevo, no es tan importante.

De todos modos, mi recomendación clara es msaccess-vcs-integration. Resolvió todos los problemas que tuve al usar Git en los archivos exportados.

Olivers responde rocas, pero la referencia CurrentProject no funcionaba para mí. Terminé arrancando las agallas de la mitad de su exportación y reemplazándola con esto, basado en una solución similar de Arvin Meyer . Tiene la ventaja de exportar Consultas si está utilizando un mdb en lugar de un adp.

'' Writes database componenets to a series of text files '' @author Arvin Meyer '' @date June 02, 1999 Function DocDatabase(oApp) Dim dbs Dim cnt Dim doc Dim i Dim prefix Dim dctDelete Dim docName Const acQuery = 1 Set dctDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set dbs = oApp.CurrentDb() '' use CurrentDb() to refresh Collections Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Forms") prefix = oApp.CurrentProject.Path & "/" For Each doc In cnt.Documents oApp.SaveAsText acForm, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".frm" dctDelete.Add "frm_" & doc.Name, acForm Next Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Reports") For Each doc In cnt.Documents oApp.SaveAsText acReport, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".rpt" dctDelete.Add "rpt_" & doc.Name, acReport Next Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Scripts") For Each doc In cnt.Documents oApp.SaveAsText acMacro, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".vbs" dctDelete.Add "vbs_" & doc.Name, acMacro Next Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Modules") For Each doc In cnt.Documents oApp.SaveAsText acModule, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".bas" dctDelete.Add "bas_" & doc.Name, acModule Next For i = 0 To dbs.QueryDefs.Count - 1 oApp.SaveAsText acQuery, dbs.QueryDefs(i).Name, prefix & dbs.QueryDefs(i).Name & ".txt" dctDelete.Add "qry_" & dbs.QueryDefs(i).Name, acQuery Next WScript.Echo "deleting " & dctDelete.Count & " objects." For Each docName In dctDelete WScript.Echo " " & Mid(docName, 5) oApp.DoCmd.DeleteObject dctDelete(docName), Mid(docName, 5) Next Set doc = Nothing Set cnt = Nothing Set dbs = Nothing Set dctDelete = Nothing End Function

Para aquellos que usan Access 2010, SaveAsText no es un método visible en Intellisense, pero parece ser un método válido, ya que el script de Arvin Meyer mencionado anteriormente funcionaba bien para mí.

Curiosamente, SaveAsAXL es nuevo en 2010 y tiene la misma firma que SaveAsText, aunque parece que solo funcionará con bases de datos web, que requieren SharePoint Server 2010.

Parece ser algo bastante disponible en Access:

Este link de msdn explica cómo instalar un complemento de control de código fuente para Microsoft Access. Esto se envió como una descarga gratuita como parte de Access Developer Extensions para Access 2007 y como un complemento independiente para Access 2003.

Me alegra que hayas hecho esta pregunta y me tomé el tiempo para buscarla, ya que también me gustaría esta habilidad. El enlace de arriba tiene más información sobre esto y enlaces a los complementos.

Instalé el complemento para Access 2003. Solo funcionará con VSS, pero me permite poner objetos de Access (formularios, consultas, tablas, módulos, etc.) en el repositorio. Cuando vaya a editar cualquier artículo en el repositorio, se le pedirá que lo revise, pero no es necesario. A continuación, voy a comprobar cómo se maneja abrirse y modificarse en un sistema sin el complemento. No soy fanático de VSS, pero realmente me gusta la idea de almacenar objetos de acceso en un repositorio.

Las máquinas sin el complemento no pueden realizar ningún cambio en la estructura de la base de datos (agregue campos de tabla, parámetros de consulta, etc.). Al principio, pensé que esto podría ser un problema si alguien lo necesitaba, ya que no había una forma evidente de eliminar la base de datos de Access del control de código fuente si Access no tenía el complemento cargado.

Id descubrió que la ejecución de la base de datos "compactar y reparar" le indica si desea eliminar la base de datos del control de origen. Opté que sí y pude editar la base de datos sin el complemento. El artículo en el link arriba también da instrucciones para configurar Access 2003 y 2007 para usar Team System. Si puede encontrar un proveedor de MSSCCI para SVN, hay muchas posibilidades de que pueda hacerlo funcionar.

Resucitar un hilo viejo pero este es bueno. Implementé las dos secuencias de comandos (compose.vbs / decompose.vbs) para mi propio proyecto y encontré un problema con los viejos archivos .mdb:

Se detiene cuando llega a un formulario que incluye el código:

NoSaveCTIWhenDisabled =1

Access dice que tiene un problema y que es el final de la historia. Realicé algunas pruebas y jugué tratando de evitar este problema y encontré este hilo con una solución al final:

No se puede crear una base de datos

Básicamente (en caso de que el hilo se muera), tomas el .mdb y haces un "Guardar como" en el nuevo formato .accdb. Entonces la fuente segura o componer / descomponer cosas funcionará. También tuve que jugar durante 10 minutos para obtener la sintaxis correcta de la línea de comando para que los guiones (de) componer funcionen correctamente, así que aquí está esa información también:

Para componer (supongamos que tus cosas se encuentran en C: / SControl (crea una subcarpeta llamada Fuente para almacenar los archivos extraídos):

''(to extract for importing to source control) cscript compose.vbs database.accdb ''(to rebuild from extracted files saved from an earlier date) cscript decompose.vbs database.accdb C:/SControl/Source/

¡Eso es!

Las versiones de Access en las que he experimentado el problema anterior incluyen las bases de datos ".mdb" de Access 2000-2003 y solucioné el problema guardándolas en los formatos ".accdb" 2007-2010 antes de ejecutar los scripts de redacción / descomposición. ¡Después de la conversión, los scripts funcionan bien!

Tuvimos el mismo problema hace un tiempo.

Nuestro primer intento fue una herramienta de terceros que ofrece un proxy de SourceSafe API para Subversion que se utilizará con MS Access y VB 6. La herramienta se puede encontrar here .

Como no estábamos tan satisfechos con esa herramienta, cambiamos a Visual SourceSafe y al complemento VSS Acces.

For completeness...

There''s always "Visual Studio [YEAR] Tools for the Microsoft Office System" ( ) but that seems to require VSS. To me VSS (auto corrupting) is worse than my 347 save points on my uber backuped network share.

I found this tool on SourceForge:

I haven''t used it, but it may be a start for you. There may be some other 3rd party tools that integrate with VSS or SVN that do what you need.

Personally I just keep a plain text file handy to keep a change log. When I commit the binary MDB, I use the entries in the change log as my commit comment.

I tried to help contribute to his answer by adding an export option for Queries within the access database. (With ample help from other SO answers )

Dim def Set stream = fso.CreateTextFile(sExportpath & "/" & myName & ".queries.txt") For Each def In oApplication.CurrentDb.QueryDefs WScript.Echo " Exporting Queries to Text..." stream.WriteLine("Name: " & def.Name) stream.WriteLine(def.SQL) stream.writeline "--------------------------" stream.writeline " " Next stream.Close

Haven''t be able to work that back into the ''compose'' feature, but that''s not what I need it to do right now.

Note: I also added ".txt" to each of the exported file names in decompose.vbs so that the source control would immediately show me the file diffs.

Hope that helps!

I''m using Oasis-Svn

I just can tell it has saved me at least once. My mdb was growing beyond 2 GB and that broke it. I could go back to an old version and import the Forms and just lost a day or so of work.

The answer from Oliver works great. Please find my extended version below that adds support for Access queries.

(please see answer from Oliver for more information/usage)


'' Usage: '' CScript decompose.vbs <input file> <path> '' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access Project file (.adp) <input file> to '' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>. Requires Microsoft Access. '' Option Explicit const acForm = 2 const acModule = 5 const acMacro = 4 const acReport = 3 const acQuery = 1 '' BEGIN CODE Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim sADPFilename If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then MsgBox "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben!", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End if sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) Dim sExportpath If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then sExportpath = "" else sExportpath = WScript.Arguments(1) End If exportModulesTxt sADPFilename, sExportpath If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" Err.Clear End If Function exportModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sExportpath) Dim myComponent Dim sModuleType Dim sTempname Dim sOutstring dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename) myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename) myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename) If (sExportpath = "") then sExportpath = myPath & "/Source/" End If sStubADPFilename = sExportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType WScript.Echo "copy stub to " & sStubADPFilename & "..." On Error Resume Next fso.CreateFolder(sExportpath) On Error Goto 0 fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sStubADPFilename WScript.Echo "starting Access..." Dim oApplication Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application") WScript.Echo "opening " & sStubADPFilename & " ..." If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then oApplication.OpenAccessProject sStubADPFilename Else oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sStubADPFilename End If oApplication.Visible = false dim dctDelete Set dctDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") WScript.Echo "exporting..." Dim myObj For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acForm, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".form" oApplication.DoCmd.Close acForm, myObj.fullname dctDelete.Add "FO" & myObj.fullname, acForm Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acModule, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".bas" dctDelete.Add "MO" & myObj.fullname, acModule Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acMacro, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".mac" dctDelete.Add "MA" & myObj.fullname, acMacro Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports WScript.Echo " " & myObj.fullname oApplication.SaveAsText acReport, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "/" & myObj.fullname & ".report" dctDelete.Add "RE" & myObj.fullname, acReport Next For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.QueryDefs if not left(,3) = "~sq" then ''exclude queries defined by the forms. Already included in the form itself WScript.Echo " " & oApplication.SaveAsText acQuery,, sExportpath & "/" & & ".query" oApplication.DoCmd.Close acQuery, dctDelete.Add "FO" &, acQuery end if Next WScript.Echo "deleting..." dim sObjectname For Each sObjectname In dctDelete WScript.Echo " " & Mid(sObjectname, 3) oApplication.DoCmd.DeleteObject dctDelete(sObjectname), Mid(sObjectname, 3) Next oApplication.CloseCurrentDatabase oApplication.CompactRepair sStubADPFilename, sStubADPFilename & "_" oApplication.Quit fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename & "_", sStubADPFilename fso.DeleteFile sStubADPFilename & "_" End Function Public Function getErr() Dim strError strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _ "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _ " Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _ " Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf getErr = strError End Function


'' Usage: '' WScript compose.vbs <file> <path> '' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros in a directory created by "decompose.vbs" '' and composes then into an Access Project file (.adp). This overwrites any existing Modules with the '' same names without warning!!! '' Requires Microsoft Access. Option Explicit const acForm = 2 const acModule = 5 const acMacro = 4 const acReport = 3 const acQuery = 1 Const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E '' BEGIN CODE Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim sADPFilename If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then MsgBox "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben!", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End if sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) Dim sPath If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then sPath = "" else sPath = WScript.Arguments(1) End If importModulesTxt sADPFilename, sPath If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" Err.Clear End If Function importModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sImportpath) Dim myComponent Dim sModuleType Dim sTempname Dim sOutstring '' Build file and pathnames dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename) myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename) myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename) '' if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory If (sImportpath = "") then sImportpath = myPath & "/Source/" End If sStubADPFilename = sImportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType '' check for existing file and ask to overwrite with the stub if (fso.FileExists(sADPFilename)) Then WScript.StdOut.Write sADPFilename & " existiert bereits. Überschreiben? (j/n) " dim sInput sInput = WScript.StdIn.Read(1) if (sInput <> "j") Then WScript.Quit end if fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sADPFilename & ".bak" end if fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename, sADPFilename '' launch MSAccess WScript.Echo "starting Access..." Dim oApplication Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application") WScript.Echo "opening " & sADPFilename & " ..." If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then oApplication.OpenAccessProject sADPFilename Else oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sADPFilename End If oApplication.Visible = false Dim folder Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sImportpath) '' load each file from the import path into the stub Dim myFile, objectname, objecttype for each myFile in folder.Files objecttype = fso.GetExtensionName(myFile.Name) objectname = fso.GetBaseName(myFile.Name) WScript.Echo " " & objectname & " (" & objecttype & ")" if (objecttype = "form") then oApplication.LoadFromText acForm, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "bas") then oApplication.LoadFromText acModule, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "mac") then oApplication.LoadFromText acMacro, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "report") then oApplication.LoadFromText acReport, objectname, myFile.Path elseif (objecttype = "query") then oApplication.LoadFromText acQuery, objectname, myFile.Path end if next oApplication.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules oApplication.Quit End Function Public Function getErr() Dim strError strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _ "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _ " Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _ " Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf getErr = strError End Function

This entry describes a totally different approach from the other entries, and may not be what you''re looking for. So I won''t be offended if you ignore this. But at least it is food for thought.

In some professional commercial software development environments, configuration management (CM) of software deliverables is not normally done within the software application itself or software project itself. CM is imposed upon the final deliverable products, by saving the software in a special CM folder, where both the file and its folder are marked with version identification. For example, Clearcase allows the data manager to "check in" a software file, assign it a "branch", assign it a "bubble", and apply "labels". When you want to see and download a file, you have to configure your "config spec" to point to the version you want, then cd into the folder and there it is.

Just an idea.

i''m using the Access 2003 Add-in: Source Code Control . It works fine. One Problem are invalid characters like a ":".

I''m checkin in and out. Internly the Add-In do the same as the code up there, but with more tool support. I can see if an object is checked out and refresh the objects.

Para cualquiera que esté atascado con Access 97, no pude obtener las otras respuestas para trabajar. Utilizando una combinación de DaveParillo''s excelentes respuestas de Oliver''s y DaveParillo''s y realizando algunas modificaciones, pude obtener las secuencias de comandos trabajando con nuestras bases de datos de Access 97. También es un poco más fácil de usar, ya que pregunta qué carpeta colocar los archivos.


'' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access file (.mdb) <input file> to '' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>. Requires Microsoft Access. Option Explicit Const acQuery = 1 Const acForm = 2 Const acModule = 5 Const acMacro = 4 Const acReport = 3 Const acCmdCompactDatabase = 4 Const TemporaryFolder = 2 Dim strMDBFileName : strMDBFileName = SelectDatabaseFile Dim strExportPath : strExportPath = SelectExportFolder CreateExportFolders(strExportPath) Dim objProgressWindow Dim strOverallProgress CreateProgressWindow objProgressWindow Dim strTempMDBFileName CopyToTempDatabase strMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress Dim objAccess Dim objDatabase OpenAccessDatabase objAccess, objDatabase, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress ExportQueries objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress ExportForms objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress ExportReports objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress ExportMacros objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress ExportModules objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress objAccess.CloseCurrentDatabase objAccess.Quit DeleteTempDatabase strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress objProgressWindow.Quit MsgBox "Successfully exported database." Private Function SelectDatabaseFile() MsgBox "Please select the Access database to export." Dim objFileOpen : Set objFileOpen = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen") If objFileOpen.OpenFileOpenDlg Then SelectDatabaseFile = objFileOpen.FileName Else WScript.Quit() End If End Function Private Function SelectExportFolder() Dim objShell : Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") SelectExportFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select folder to export the database to:", 0, "").self.path & "/" End Function Private Sub CreateExportFolders(strExportPath) Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") MsgBox "Existing folders from a previous Access export under " & strExportPath & " will be deleted!" If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Queries/") Then objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Queries", true End If objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Queries/") If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Forms/") Then objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Forms", true End If objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Forms/") If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Reports/") Then objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Reports", true End If objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Reports/") If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Macros/") Then objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Macros", true End If objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Macros/") If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Modules/") Then objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Modules", true End If objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Modules/") End Sub Private Sub CreateProgressWindow(objProgressWindow) Set objProgressWindow = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application") objProgressWindow.Navigate "about:blank" objProgressWindow.ToolBar = 0 objProgressWindow.StatusBar = 0 objProgressWindow.Width = 320 objProgressWindow.Height = 240 objProgressWindow.Visible = 1 objProgressWindow.Document.Title = "Access export in progress" End Sub Private Sub CopyToTempDatabase(strMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Copying to temporary database...<br/>" Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strTempMDBFileName = objFileSystem.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & "/" & objFileSystem.GetBaseName(strMDBFileName) & "_temp.mdb" objFileSystem.CopyFile strMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName End Sub Private Sub OpenAccessDatabase(objAccess, objDatabase, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Compacting temporary database...<br/>" Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application") objAccess.Visible = false CompactAccessDatabase objAccess, strTempMDBFileName strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Opening temporary database...<br/>" objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strTempMDBFileName Set objDatabase = objAccess.CurrentDb End Sub '' Sometimes the Compact Database command errors out, and it''s not serious if the database isn''t compacted first. Private Sub CompactAccessDatabase(objAccess, strTempMDBFileName) On Error Resume Next Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objAccess.DbEngine.CompactDatabase strTempMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName & "_" objFileSystem.CopyFile strTempMDBFileName & "_", strTempMDBFileName objFileSystem.DeleteFile strTempMDBFileName & "_" End Sub Private Sub ExportQueries(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Queries (Step 1 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter For counter = 0 To objDatabase.QueryDefs.Count - 1 objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & objDatabase.QueryDefs.Count objAccess.SaveAsText acQuery, objDatabase.QueryDefs(counter).Name, strExportPath & "Queries/" & Clean(objDatabase.QueryDefs(counter).Name) & ".sql" Next End Sub Private Sub ExportForms(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Forms (Step 2 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 1 Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Forms") Dim objDocument For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count counter = counter + 1 objAccess.SaveAsText acForm, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Forms/" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".form" objAccess.DoCmd.Close acForm, objDocument.Name Next End Sub Private Sub ExportReports(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Reports (Step 3 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 1 Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Reports") Dim objDocument For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count counter = counter + 1 objAccess.SaveAsText acReport, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Reports/" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".report" Next End Sub Private Sub ExportMacros(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Macros (Step 4 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 1 Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Scripts") Dim objDocument For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count counter = counter + 1 objAccess.SaveAsText acMacro, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Macros/" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".macro" Next End Sub Private Sub ExportModules(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Modules (Step 5 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 1 Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Modules") Dim objDocument For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count counter = counter + 1 objAccess.SaveAsText acModule, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Modules/" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".module" Next End Sub Private Sub DeleteTempDatabase(strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress) On Error Resume Next strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Deleting temporary database...<br/>" Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFileSystem.DeleteFile strTempMDBFileName, true End Sub '' Windows doesn''t like certain characters, so we have to filter those out of the name when exporting Private Function Clean(strInput) Dim objRegexp : Set objRegexp = New RegExp objRegexp.IgnoreCase = True objRegexp.Global = True objRegexp.Pattern = "[///:*?""<>|]" Dim strOutput If objRegexp.Test(strInput) Then strOutput = objRegexp.Replace(strInput, "") MsgBox strInput & " is being exported as " & strOutput Else strOutput = strInput End If Clean = strOutput End Function

Y para importar archivos a la base de datos, debería volver a crear la base de datos desde cero o si desea modificar archivos fuera de Access por alguna razón.


'' Imports all of the queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules from text '' files to an Access file (.mdb). Requires Microsoft Access. Option Explicit const acQuery = 1 const acForm = 2 const acModule = 5 const acMacro = 4 const acReport = 3 const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E Dim strMDBFilename : strMDBFilename = SelectDatabaseFile CreateBackup strMDBFilename Dim strImportPath : strImportPath = SelectImportFolder Dim objAccess Dim objDatabase OpenAccessDatabase objAccess, objDatabase, strMDBFilename Dim objProgressWindow Dim strOverallProgress CreateProgressWindow objProgressWindow ImportQueries objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress ImportForms objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress ImportReports objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress ImportMacros objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress ImportModules objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress objAccess.CloseCurrentDatabase objAccess.Quit objProgressWindow.Quit MsgBox "Successfully imported objects into the database." Private Function SelectDatabaseFile() MsgBox "Please select the Access database to import the objects from. ALL EXISTING OBJECTS WITH THE SAME NAME WILL BE OVERWRITTEN!" Dim objFileOpen : Set objFileOpen = CreateObject( "SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen" ) If objFileOpen.OpenFileOpenDlg Then SelectDatabaseFile = objFileOpen.FileName Else WScript.Quit() End If End Function Private Function SelectImportFolder() Dim objShell : Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") SelectImportFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select folder to import the database objects from:", 0, "").self.path & "/" End Function Private Sub CreateBackup(strMDBFilename) Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFileSystem.CopyFile strMDBFilename, strMDBFilename & ".bak" End Sub Private Sub OpenAccessDatabase(objAccess, objDatabase, strMDBFileName) Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application") objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strMDBFilename objAccess.Visible = false Set objDatabase = objAccess.CurrentDb End Sub Private Sub CreateProgressWindow(ByRef objProgressWindow) Set objProgressWindow = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application") objProgressWindow.Navigate "about:blank" objProgressWindow.ToolBar = 0 objProgressWindow.StatusBar = 0 objProgressWindow.Width = 320 objProgressWindow.Height = 240 objProgressWindow.Visible = 1 objProgressWindow.Document.Title = "Access import in progress" End Sub Private Sub ImportQueries(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = "Importing Queries (Step 1 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 0 Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Queries/") Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file Dim strQueryName For Each file in folder.Files objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count strQueryName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name) objAccess.LoadFromText acQuery, strQueryName, file.Path counter = counter + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub ImportForms(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Forms (Step 2 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 0 Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Forms/") Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file Dim strFormName For Each file in folder.Files objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count strFormName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name) objAccess.LoadFromText acForm, strFormName, file.Path counter = counter + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub ImportReports(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Reports (Step 3 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 0 Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Reports/") Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file Dim strReportName For Each file in folder.Files objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count strReportName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name) objAccess.LoadFromText acReport, strReportName, file.Path counter = counter + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub ImportMacros(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Macros (Step 4 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 0 Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Macros/") Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file Dim strMacroName For Each file in folder.Files objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count strMacroName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name) objAccess.LoadFromText acMacro, strMacroName, file.Path counter = counter + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub ImportModules(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress) strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Modules (Step 5 of 5)...<br/>" Dim counter : counter = 0 Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Modules/") Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file Dim strModuleName For Each file in folder.Files objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count strModuleName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name) objAccess.LoadFromText acModule, strModuleName, file.Path counter = counter + 1 Next '' We need to compile the database whenever any module code changes. If Not objAccess.IsCompiled Then objAccess.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules End If End Sub