vb.net - La página web funciona en IE, Chrome y Firefox, pero no cuando se usa el control.NET WebBrowser
visual-studio-2010 visual-studio-2012 (2)
Estoy usando el control WebBrowser en Visual Studio 2010 e intento mostrar la página: http://lk21.org .
Dentro de esa página web hay muchos scripts cargados, y funciona bien si lo abro a través de un navegador web como Firefox, Chrome y la última versión de IE.
Mi pregunta es, ¿por qué muestra "Solicitud incorrecta" cuando intenté usar el componente WebBrowser para navegar a esa página?
Mira esto:
La página se carga muy bien con la respuesta de Visual Vincent.
Sin embargo, los videos flash en el sitio web (o creo que es algo similar a flash) no se pueden reproducir. Vea la comparación en las imágenes a continuación.
Lo extraño es que si abro YouTube, el flash funciona bien. Después de un poco de investigación, parece ser causado por algo más. ¿Alguna idea de cómo resolverlo?
Internet Explorer: funciona bien:
Control de WebBrowser: por alguna razón, el video está bloqueado y no se puede reproducir:
Basado en la respuesta de @ Visual Vincent , aquí hice una solución modificada:
1 - Enumeración IEBrowserEmulationMode :
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Specifies a Internet Explorer browser emulation mode.
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <remarks>
'''''' <see href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730(v=vs.85)"/>
'''''' </remarks>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Enum IEBrowserEmulationMode As Integer
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE7 Standards mode.
'''''' </summary>
IE7 = 7000
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE8 mode.
'''''' </summary>
IE8 = 8000
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages are displayed in IE8 Standards mode, regardless of the declared !DOCTYPE directive.
'''''' <para></para>
'''''' Failing to declare a !DOCTYPE directive causes the page to load in Quirks.
'''''' </summary>
IE8Standards = 8888
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE9 mode.
'''''' </summary>
IE9 = 9000
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages are displayed in IE9 Standards mode, regardless of the declared !DOCTYPE directive.
'''''' <para></para>
'''''' Failing to declare a !DOCTYPE directive causes the page to load in Quirks.
'''''' </summary>
IE9Standards = 9999
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE10 Standards mode.
'''''' </summary>
IE10 = 10000
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages are displayed in IE10 Standards mode, regardless of the !DOCTYPE directive.
'''''' </summary>
IE10Standards = 10001
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE11 edge mode.
'''''' </summary>
IE11 = 11000
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Webpages are displayed in IE11 edge mode, regardless of the declared !DOCTYPE directive.
'''''' <para></para>
'''''' Failing to declare a !DOCTYPE directive causes the page to load in Quirks.
'''''' </summary>
IE11Edge = 11001
End Enum
2 - Enumeración RegistryScope .
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Specifies a registry scope (a root key).
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Enum RegistryScope As Integer
'''''' <summary>
'''''' This refers to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (or HKLM) registry root key.
'''''' <para></para>
'''''' Configuration changes made on the subkeys of this root key will affect all users.
'''''' </summary>
Machine = 0
'''''' <summary>
'''''' This refers to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (or HKCU) registry root key.
'''''' <para></para>
'''''' Configuration changes made on the subkeys of this root key will affect only the current user.
'''''' </summary>
CurrentUser = 1
End Enum
3 - Propiedad BrowserEmulationMode , para obtener o establecer el modo de emulación de navegador IE para la aplicación actual.
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Gets or sets the Internet Explorer browser emulation mode for the current application.
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <seealso href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730(v=vs.85)"/>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <example> This is a code example to get, set and verify the IE browser emulation mode for the current process.
'''''' <code>
'''''' Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
'''''' Dim oldMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
'''''' Dim newMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
'''''' oldMode = BrowserEmulationMode(scope)
'''''' BrowserEmulationMode(scope) = IEBrowserEmulationMode.IE11Edge
'''''' newMode = BrowserEmulationMode(scope)
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Old Mode: {0} ({1})", oldMode, CStr(oldMode)))
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New Mode: {0} ({1})", newMode, CStr(newMode)))
'''''' Dim f As New Form() With {.Size = New Size(1280, 720)}
'''''' Dim wb As New WebBrowser With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
'''''' f.Controls.Add(wb)
'''''' f.Show()
'''''' wb.Navigate("http://www.whatversion.net/browser/")
'''''' </code>
'''''' </example>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <param name="scope">
'''''' The registry scope.
'''''' </param>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <value>
'''''' The Internet Explorer browser emulation mode.
'''''' </value>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Property BrowserEmulationMode(ByVal scope As RegistryScope) As IEBrowserEmulationMode
Return GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName, scope)
End Get
Set(value As IEBrowserEmulationMode)
SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName, scope, value)
End Set
End Property
3 - Función GetIEBrowserEmulationMode y método SetIEBrowserEmulationMode , para obtener o establecer el modo de emulación del navegador IE para una aplicación externa.
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Gets the Internet Explorer browser emulation mode for the specified process.
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <seealso href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730(v=vs.85)"/>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <example> This is a code example.
'''''' <code>
'''''' Dim processName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName
'''''' Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
'''''' Dim mode As IEBrowserEmulationMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope)
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Mode: {0} ({1})", mode, CStr(mode)))
'''''' </code>
'''''' </example>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <param name="processName">
'''''' The process name (eg. ''cmd.exe'').
'''''' </param>
'''''' <param name="scope">
'''''' The registry scope.
'''''' </param>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <returns>
'''''' The resulting <see cref="IEBrowserEmulationMode"/>.
'''''' </returns>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <exception cref="NotSupportedException">
'''''' </exception>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Function GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(ByVal processName As String, ByVal scope As RegistryScope) As IEBrowserEmulationMode
processName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(processName)
Using rootKey As RegistryKey = If(scope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser,
RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default),
RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Default)),
subKey As RegistryKey = rootKey.CreateSubKey("Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MAIN/FeatureControl/FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION",
Dim value As Integer =
CInt(subKey.GetValue(String.Format("{0}.exe", processName), 0, RegistryValueOptions.None))
'' If no browser emulation mode is retrieved from registry, then return default version for WebBrowser control.
If (value = 0) Then
Return IEBrowserEmulationMode.IE7
End If
If [Enum].IsDefined(GetType(IEBrowserEmulationMode), value) Then
Return DirectCast(value, IEBrowserEmulationMode)
Throw New NotSupportedException(String.Format("Undefined browser emulation value retrieved from registry: ''{0}''", value))
End If
End Using
End Function
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Gets the Internet Explorer browser emulation mode for the specified process.
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <seealso href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730(v=vs.85)"/>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <example> This is a code example.
'''''' <code>
'''''' Dim p As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
'''''' Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
'''''' Dim mode As IEBrowserEmulationMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(p, scope)
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Mode: {0} ({1})", mode, CStr(mode)))
'''''' </code>
'''''' </example>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <param name="p">
'''''' The process.
'''''' </param>
'''''' <param name="scope">
'''''' The registry scope.
'''''' </param>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <returns>
'''''' The resulting <see cref="IEBrowserEmulationMode"/>.
'''''' </returns>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <exception cref="NotSupportedException">
'''''' </exception>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Function GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(ByVal p As Process, ByVal scope As RegistryScope) As IEBrowserEmulationMode
Return GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(p.ProcessName, scope)
End Function
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Sets the Internet Explorer browser emulation mode for the specified process.
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <seealso href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730(v=vs.85)"/>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <example> This is a code example.
'''''' <code>
'''''' Dim processName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName
'''''' Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
'''''' Dim oldMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
'''''' Dim newMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
'''''' oldMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope)
'''''' SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope, IEBrowserEmulationMode.IE11Edge)
'''''' newMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope)
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Old Mode: {0} ({1})", oldMode, CStr(oldMode)))
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New Mode: {0} ({1})", newMode, CStr(newMode)))
'''''' Dim f As New Form() With {.Size = New Size(1280, 720)}
'''''' Dim wb As New WebBrowser With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
'''''' f.Controls.Add(wb)
'''''' f.Show()
'''''' wb.Navigate("http://www.whatversion.net/browser/")
'''''' </code>
'''''' </example>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <param name="processName">
'''''' The process name (eg. ''cmd.exe'').
'''''' </param>
'''''' <param name="scope">
'''''' The registry scope.
'''''' </param>
'''''' <param name="mode">
'''''' The Internet Explorer browser emulation mode to set.
'''''' </param>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <exception cref="NotSupportedException">
'''''' </exception>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Sub SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(ByVal processName As String, ByVal scope As RegistryScope, ByVal mode As IEBrowserEmulationMode)
processName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(processName)
Dim currentIEBrowserEmulationMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope)
If (currentIEBrowserEmulationMode = mode) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Using rootKey As RegistryKey = If(scope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser,
RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default),
RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Default)),
subKey As RegistryKey = rootKey.CreateSubKey(
"Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MAIN/FeatureControl/FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION",
subKey.SetValue(String.Format("{0}.exe", processName),
DirectCast(mode, Integer), RegistryValueKind.DWord)
End Using
End Sub
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <summary>
'''''' Sets the Internet Explorer browser emulation mode for the specified process.
'''''' </summary>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <seealso href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730(v=vs.85)"/>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <example> This is a code example.
'''''' <code>
'''''' Dim processName As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
'''''' Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
'''''' Dim oldMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
'''''' Dim newMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
'''''' oldMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(p, scope)
'''''' SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(p, scope, IEBrowserEmulationMode.IE11Edge)
'''''' newMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(p, scope)
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Old Mode: {0} ({1})", oldMode, CStr(oldMode)))
'''''' Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New Mode: {0} ({1})", newMode, CStr(newMode)))
'''''' Dim f As New Form() With {.Size = New Size(1280, 720)}
'''''' Dim wb As New WebBrowser With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
'''''' f.Controls.Add(wb)
'''''' f.Show()
'''''' wb.Navigate("http://www.whatversion.net/browser/")
'''''' </code>
'''''' </example>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <param name="p">
'''''' The process.
'''''' </param>
'''''' <param name="scope">
'''''' The registry scope.
'''''' </param>
'''''' <param name="mode">
'''''' The Internet Explorer browser emulation mode to set.
'''''' </param>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''''' <exception cref="NotSupportedException">
'''''' </exception>
'''''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Sub SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(ByVal p As Process, ByVal scope As RegistryScope, ByVal mode As IEBrowserEmulationMode)
SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(p.ProcessName, scope, mode)
End Sub
Ejemplo de uso para obtener, establecer y verificar el modo de emulación del navegador IE para el proceso actual:
Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
Dim oldMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
Dim newMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
oldMode = BrowserEmulationMode(scope)
BrowserEmulationMode(scope) = IEBrowserEmulationMode.IE11Edge
newMode = BrowserEmulationMode(scope)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Old Mode: {0} ({1})", oldMode, CStr(oldMode)))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New Mode: {0} ({1})", newMode, CStr(newMode)))
Dim f As New Form() With {.Size = New Size(1280, 720)}
Dim wb As New WebBrowser With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
Ejemplo de uso para obtener, establecer y verificar el modo de emulación del navegador IE para un proceso específico:
Dim processName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName
Dim scope As RegistryScope = RegistryScope.CurrentUser
Dim oldMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
Dim newMode As IEBrowserEmulationMode
oldMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope)
SetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope, IEBrowserEmulationMode.IE11Edge)
newMode = GetIEBrowserEmulationMode(processName, scope)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Old Mode: {0} ({1})", oldMode, CStr(oldMode)))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New Mode: {0} ({1})", newMode, CStr(newMode)))
Dim f As New Form() With {.Size = New Size(1280, 720)}
Dim wb As New WebBrowser With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
Probablemente tiene que ver con que el control
utiliza de manera predeterminada un modo de emulación de documentos de IE 7, lo que significa que todas las páginas se manejan con el motor de Internet Explorer 7.
Dado que esa versión es bastante antigua, la mayoría de los sitios web de hoy no son compatibles con ella, lo que afecta la funcionalidad cuando visita la página.
Puede cambiar este comportamiento agregando un valor para su aplicación en la clave de registro
Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/MAIN/FeatureControl/FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION
en la sección
Al hacerlo, está obligando a su aplicación a usar una versión
del motor IE.
He escrito una clase que te ayudará con esto:
''A class for changing the WebBrowser control''s document emulation.
''Written by Visual Vincent, 2017.
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public NotInheritable Class InternetExplorer
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Const InternetExplorerRootKey As String = "Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer"
Public Const BrowserEmulationKey As String = InternetExplorerRootKey & "/MAIN/FeatureControl/FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION"
Public Const ActiveXObjectCachingKey As String = InternetExplorerRootKey & "/MAIN/FeatureControl/FEATURE_OBJECT_CACHING"
Private Shared ReadOnly WebBrowserInstance As New WebBrowser ''Used to get the current IE version in a .NET-friendly manner.
Public Enum BrowserEmulation As Integer
IE7 = 7000
IE8 = 8000
IE8Standards = 8888
IE9 = 9000
IE9Standards = 9999
IE10 = 10000
IE10Standards = 10001
IE11 = 11000
IE11Edge = 11001
End Enum
Public Shared Sub SetLatestBrowserEmulation(ByVal Root As RegistryRoot)
Dim Emulation As BrowserEmulation = BrowserEmulation.IE7
Select Case WebBrowserInstance.Version.Major
Case Is >= 11 : Emulation = BrowserEmulation.IE11Edge
Case 10 : Emulation = BrowserEmulation.IE10Standards
Case 9 : Emulation = BrowserEmulation.IE9Standards
Case 8 : Emulation = BrowserEmulation.IE8Standards
End Select
InternetExplorer.SetBrowserEmulation(Root, Emulation)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub SetBrowserEmulation(ByVal Root As RegistryRoot, ByVal Emulation As BrowserEmulation)
Using RootKey As RegistryKey = Root.Root
Dim EmulationKey As RegistryKey = RootKey.OpenSubKey(BrowserEmulationKey, True)
If EmulationKey Is Nothing Then EmulationKey = RootKey.CreateSubKey(BrowserEmulationKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree)
Using EmulationKey
EmulationKey.SetValue(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName & ".exe", CType(Emulation, Integer), RegistryValueKind.DWord)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Public Shared Sub SetActiveXObjectCaching(ByVal Root As RegistryRoot, ByVal Enabled As Boolean)
Using RootKey As RegistryKey = Root.Root
Dim ObjectCachingKey As RegistryKey = RootKey.OpenSubKey(ActiveXObjectCachingKey, True)
If ObjectCachingKey Is Nothing Then ObjectCachingKey = RootKey.CreateSubKey(ActiveXObjectCachingKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree)
Using ObjectCachingKey
ObjectCachingKey.SetValue(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName & ".exe", CType(If(Enabled, 1, 0), Integer), RegistryValueKind.DWord)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Public NotInheritable Class RegistryRoot
Private _root As RegistryKey
Public ReadOnly Property Root As RegistryKey
Return _root
End Get
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly Property HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As RegistryRoot
Return New RegistryRoot(Registry.LocalMachine)
End Get
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly Property HKEY_CURRENT_USER As RegistryRoot
Return New RegistryRoot(Registry.CurrentUser)
End Get
End Property
Private Sub New(ByVal Root As RegistryKey)
Me._root = Root
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Para usarlo, coloque
de estas líneas en el evento de
la aplicación:
''HKEY_CURRENT_USER is recommended if you do not want to run your application with administrative privileges.
uso de la raíz
requiere privilegios administrativos)
El método
establecerá la emulación del navegador para su aplicación, en la raíz del registro especificada, a la
última versión INSTALADA
de Internet Explorer.
Sin embargo, utilizando el método
puede controlar manualmente qué versión de IE debe usar
(¡no recomendado!)
Lee mas:
Parece que no puedo ingresar a ese sitio, pero por lo que he leído , ha habido problemas con Flash alojado en el control WebBrowser .
Lo que puede intentar es deshabilitar la función ActiveX Object Caching , que aparentemente puede causar algunos problemas para los controles Flash.
Actualicé la clase de
Copie y pegue, luego agregue esta línea al evento de inicio de su aplicación:
InternetExplorer.SetActiveXObjectCaching(InternetExplorer.RegistryRoot.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, False)
Si todavía no funciona, me temo que no tienes suerte. No he podido encontrar nada más que sea útil.