name keywords google etiquetas ejemplos php tags split paragraph

php - keywords - meta tags google

Separar cadena a varias columnas(etiquetas enteras) (1)

Intentando escribir tal función. Debe dividir el texto en múltiples columnas y la salida debe ser html válida, por ejemplo, sin etiquetas cerradas (!!!) y sin etiquetas no cerradas. Aquí está mi código:

function convert2columns($content = '''', $columns = 2) { $result = array(); $content = closetags($content); $bodytext = array("$content"); $text = implode(",", $bodytext); $length = strlen($text); $length = ceil($length / $columns); $words = explode(" ", $text); $c = count($words); $l = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $columns; $i++) { $new_string = ""; for ($g = $l; $g <= $c; $g++) { if (strlen($new_string) <= $length || $i == $columns) { if (in_array(substr(@$words[$g], $length - 1, 1), array('' '', ''.'', ''!'', ''?''))) $new_string .= @$words[$g] . " "; else { $split = substr(@$words[$g], 0, $length - 1); $lastSpace = strrpos($split, '' ''); if ($lastSpace !== false) { $split = substr($split, 0, $lastSpace); } if (in_array(substr($split, -1, 1), array('',''))) { $split = substr($split, 0, -1); } $new_string .= $split . " "; } } else { $l = $g; break; } } $result[] = $new_string; } return $result; }

Funciona, pero cuando trato de dividir algo de texto en 2 columnas, obtengo etiquetas sin cerrar en la primera columna y sin abrir en la segunda. ¿Cómo arreglar esto? ¡Necesitas ayuda!

Aquí está mi solución. Quería un código que tuviera en cuenta los párrafos, las comillas de bloques, las tablas, etc., así que la segunda columna siempre comienza después de que se hayan cerrado todas las etiquetas.

function ContentToTwoColumns($fullContent){ //Get character length of content $fullContentLength = strlen($fullContent); //Set the ratio of column size $column1Percent = .55; $column2Percent = .45; //Break the content into two columns using the ratios given. $columnsContent = array(); $columnBreak = round($column1Percent * $fullContentLength); $columnsContent[0] = substr($fullContent, 0, $columnBreak); $columnsContent[1] = substr($fullContent, $columnBreak); //Check for unclosed tags in the first column by comparing //the number of open tags with closed tags. $numTags = countOpenClosedTags($columnsContent[0]); $numOpened = $numTags[0]; $numClosed = $numTags[1]; $unclosedTags = $numOpened - $numClosed; //echo ''<p>Opened Tags: ''.$numTags[0].''</p>''; //echo ''<p>Closed Tags: ''.$numTags[1].''</p>''; //echo ''<p>Unclosed Tags: ''.$unclosedTags.''</p>''; //If there are unclosed tags recalculate the column break. if($unclosedTags > 0){ //Return the identity of all open tags in the first column. preg_match_all("#<([a-z]+)( .*)?(?!/)>#iU", $columnsContent[0], $result); $openedTags = $result[1]; //Return the identity of all closed tags in the first column. preg_match_all("#</([a-z]+)>#iU", $columnsContent[0], $result); $closedTags = $result[1]; //Reverse array of open tags so they can be matched against the closed tags. $openedTags = array_reverse($openedTags); //Loop through open/closed tags to identify first unclosed tag //in first column on content. for( $i = 0; $i < $numOpened; $i++ ){ if ( !in_array ( $openedTags[$i], $closedTags ) ){ $firstOpenTag = $openedTags[$i]; //echo ''<p>Open Tag: &lt;''.$firstOpenTag.''&gt;</p>''; } else { unset ( $closedTags[array_search ( $openedTags[$i], $closedTags)] ); } } //Get name of first open tag and create a closed version. //$firstOpenTag = $openedTags[$tagNum][0]; $firstOpenTagClosed = ''</''.$firstOpenTag.''>''; //Calculate the tag length of the closed version. $tagLength = strlen($firstOpenTagClosed); //Locate the position of the first closed tag in the second column //content that matches the first opened tag in the first column $positionCloseTag = strpos($columnsContent[1], $firstOpenTagClosed); //Calculate the position of the new column break using the //position of and length the final closing tag. $columnBreak = $columnBreak + $positionCloseTag + $tagLength; //echo ''<p>Final Closing Tag: &lt;/''.$firstOpenTag.''&gt;</p>''; //echo ''<p>Column Break Point: ''.$columnBreak.''</p>''; // Break the content into two columns using the new break point. $columnsContent[0] = substr($fullContent, 0, $columnBreak); $columnsContent[1] = substr($fullContent, $columnBreak); } // Return the two columns as an array return $columnsContent; } function countOpenClosedTags($html){ //Return the identity and position of all open tags in the HTML. preg_match_all("#<([a-z]+)( .*)?(?!/)>#iU", $html, $result, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); //Check that the returned result array isn''t empty. if (!isset($result[1])){ $numOpened = 0; } else { //If the result array isn''t empty get the number of open tags. $openedTags = $result[1]; $numOpened = (!$openedTags) ? 0 : count($openedTags); } //Return the identity and position of all close tags in the HTML. preg_match_all("#</([a-z]+)>#iU", $html, $result, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); //Check that the returned result array isn''t empty. if (!isset($result[1])){ $numClosed = 0; } else { //If the result array isn''t empty get the number of close tags. $closedTags = $result[1]; $numClosed = (!$closedTags) ? 0 : count($closedTags); } //Create an array to return the open and close counts. $numTags = array($numOpened, $numClosed); return $numTags; }