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¿Hay una casilla de verificación extJS tri state/three state? (1)

Buscando una casilla de verificación que puede contener tres estados.

Uso: verdadero, falso, desconocido.

Comportamiento esperado: [x] , [ ] , [~]

Alguien sabe de algo?

Ext 3. * tri-estado de este sitio web

Ext 6.2.1 Este código es de los foros de Sencha

{ name: ''optionalChange'', fieldLabel: ''Optional change'', xtype: ''tri-checkbox'', value: ''null'' },

.x-checkbox-null .x-form-checkbox-default { border: 1px inset #a0a0a0; background: lightgrey; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px hsl(0, 0%, 80%); }

/** * Tri-state Checkbox. * Author: ontho & nux * Source: * * Note! You must add `x-checkbox-null` style for yourself. * This might work for classic theme: .x-checkbox-null .x-form-checkbox-default { background-position: -39px -26px; } * */ Ext.define(''Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox'', { extend: ''Ext.form.field.Checkbox'', alias: [''widget.xtricheckbox'', "widget.tri-checkbox"], triState: true, // triState can dynamically be disabled using enableTriState values: [''null'', ''0'', ''1''], // The values which are toggled through checkedClasses: [''x-checkbox-null'', '''', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + ''form-cb-checked''], // The classes used for the different states currentCheck: 0, // internal use: which state we are in? getSubmitValue: function() { return this.value; }, getRawValue: function() { return this.value; }, getValue: function() { return this.value; }, initValue: function() { var me = this; me.originalValue = me.lastValue = me.value; me.suspendCheckChange++; me.setValue(me.value); me.suspendCheckChange--; }, setRawValue: function(v) { var me = this; if (v === false || v == 0) v = ''0''; if (v === true || v == 1) v = ''1''; if (v == null || v == '''' || v === undefined) { if (!this.triState) v = ''0''; else v = ''null''; } var oldCheck = me.currentCheck; me.currentCheck = me.getCheckIndex(v); me.value = me.rawValue = me.values[me.currentCheck]; // Update classes var inputEl = me.inputEl; if (inputEl) { inputEl.dom.setAttribute(''aria-checked'', me.value == ''1'' ? true : false); } me[''removeCls''](me.checkedClasses) me[''addCls''](me.checkedClasses[this.currentCheck]); }, // this is a defaul Checkbox style setter we need to override to remove defult behaviour updateCheckedCls: function(checked) { }, // Returns the index from a value to a member of me.values getCheckIndex: function(value) { for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { if (value === this.values[i]) { return i; } } return 0; }, // Handels a click on the checkbox listeners: { afterrender: function() { var me = this; this.el.dom.onclick = function(){ me.toggle(); return false; }; } }, // Switches to the next checkbox-state toggle: function() { var me = this; if (!me.disabled && !me.readOnly) { var check = me.currentCheck; check++; if (check >= me.values.length) { check = (me.triState == false) ? 1 : 0; } this.setValue(me.values[check]); } }, // Enables/Disables tristate-handling at runtime (enableTriState(false) gives a ''normal'' checkbox) enableTriState: function(bTriState) { if (bTriState == undefined) bTriState = true; this.triState = bTriState; if (!this.triState) { this.setValue(this.value); } }, // Toggles tristate-handling ar runtime toggleTriState: function() { this.enableTriState(!this.triState); } });