son qué que ost cómo convertir como archivos archivo abrir c# outlook

c# - qué - que son archivos ost outlook

Accediendo al archivo ost de Outlook (2)

He visto la diferencia entre los archivos pst y ost y actualmente estoy trabajando para acceder al archivo pst outlook a través del siguiente código que se proporciona a continuación. ¿Hay alguna forma de usar el mismo código para acceder al archivo ost? ¿Puede alguien referirme a esto?

private DataTable GetInboxItems() { DataTable inboxTable; //try //{ filter = "[ReceivedTime] >= ''" + dtpStartDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 12:00 AM") + "'' and [ReceivedTime] <= ''" + dtpEndDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 11:59 PM") + "''"; Outlook.Application outlookApp = GetApplicationObject(); Outlook.Folder root = outlookApp.Session.DefaultStore.GetRootFolder() as Outlook.Folder; EnumerateFolders(root); //string filter = "[ReceivedTime] > ''" + dtpStartDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "''"; //inbox Outlook.MAPIFolder inboxFolder = outlookApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox); inboxTable = CreateTable(); int count = 0; if (inboxFolder.Items.Count > 0) { var restrictedItems = inboxFolder.Items.Restrict(filter); restrictedItems.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", true); //descending //foreach (var item in inboxFolder.Items) foreach (var item in restrictedItems) { var mail = item as Outlook.MailItem; if (mail != null) { //try //{ DataRow row = inboxTable.NewRow(); //row["sn"] = (++count).ToString(); row["sn"] = mail.EntryID + " " + mail.ReceivedByEntryID; row["MailType"] = "Inbox"; row["SenderName"] = mail.SenderName; row["SenderEmail"] = mail.SenderEmailAddress; row["ReceivedDate"] = mail.ReceivedTime; row["Subject"] = mail.Subject; row["Body"] = mail.Body != null ? (mail.Body.Length > 25 ? mail.Body.Substring(0, 25) : mail.Body) : null; //row["Body"] = mail.Body != null ? mail.Body : ""; row["MailSize"] = mail.Size.ToString(); string attachments = null; if (mail.Attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (var attachment in mail.Attachments) { if (((Outlook.Attachment)attachment) != null) //attachments = ((Outlook.Attachment)attachment).FileName + " " + ((Outlook.Attachment)attachment).Size.ToString() + ", "; attachments += (((Outlook.Attachment)attachment).Size / 1024).ToString() + " KB, "; } } row["AttachmentCount"] = mail.Attachments.Count; if (attachments != null) row["AttachmentSize"] = attachments.Substring(0, attachments.Length - 2); inboxTable.Rows.Add(row); } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // return null; //} } } return inboxTable; }

Debe informarse sobre lo que es OST / PST, ya que el acceso a ellos no es muy diferente, ambos son objetos de la tienda , por lo que tienen la misma interfaz.

Pruebe estas fuentes para empezar y experimente usted mismo, ya que es la mejor manera de entender cómo funcionan las cosas.

Después de descubrir cómo construir realmente el código proporcionado por OP, me pareció muy útil comenzar con Outlook, por lo que me gustaría compartir el código completo a continuación.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic;//List using System.Linq;//Array //using System.Text; //using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics;//Process using System.Runtime.InteropServices;//Marshal using System.Data;//DataTable using System.Reflection;//Missing using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;//.OST files, needs Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll //TO DO: If you use the Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library, uncomment the following line. using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; namespace WatchOutlookMails { class StoreFormat { public DataTable GetInboxItems(DateTime dtpStartDate, DateTime dtpEndDate) { DataTable inboxTable; string filter = string.Format("[ReceivedTime] >= ''{0:dd/MM/yyyy 12:00 AM}'' and [ReceivedTime] <= ''{1:dd/MM/yyyy 11:59 PM}''", dtpStartDate, dtpEndDate); Outlook.Application outlookApp = GetApplicationObject(); #if false//only needed if you want to select another folder Outlook.Folder root = outlookApp.Session.DefaultStore.GetRootFolder() as Outlook.Folder; EnumerateFolders(root); #endif //inbox Outlook.MAPIFolder inboxFolder = outlookApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox); inboxTable = CreateTable(); if (inboxFolder.Items.Count > 0) { Items restrictedItems = inboxFolder.Items.Restrict(filter); const bool SortDescending = true; restrictedItems.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", SortDescending); foreach (var item in restrictedItems)//item is a "COM Object" (?) { MailItem mail = item as Outlook.MailItem; if (mail != null) { //try //{ DataRow row = inboxTable.NewRow(); //row["sn"] = (++count).ToString(); row["sn"] = mail.EntryID + " " + mail.ReceivedByEntryID; row["MailType"] = "Inbox"; row["SenderName"] = mail.SenderName; row["SenderEmail"] = mail.SenderEmailAddress; row["ReceivedDate"] = mail.ReceivedTime; row["Subject"] = mail.Subject; row["Body"] = mail.Body != null ? (mail.Body.Length > 25 ? mail.Body.Substring(0, 25) : mail.Body) : null; //row["Body"] = mail.Body != null ? mail.Body : ""; row["MailSize"] = mail.Size.ToString(); int AttachmentSize = 0; foreach (Outlook.Attachment attachment in mail.Attachments) { if (attachment != null) AttachmentSize += attachment.Size; } row["AttachmentCount"] = mail.Attachments.Count; row["AttachmentSize"] = AttachmentSize; inboxTable.Rows.Add(row); //catch (Exception ex) //{ // break; //} } } } return inboxTable; } private DataTable CreateTable() { DataTable T = new DataTable(); T.Columns.Add("sn", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("MailType", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("SenderName", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("SenderEmail", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("ReceivedDate", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("Subject", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("Body", typeof(string)); T.Columns.Add("MailSize", typeof(int)); T.Columns.Add("AttachmentCount", typeof(int)); T.Columns.Add("AttachmentSize", typeof(int)); return T; } private void EnumerateFoldersInDefaultStore() { Outlook.Application outlookApp = GetApplicationObject(); Outlook.Folder root = outlookApp.Session.DefaultStore.GetRootFolder() as Outlook.Folder; EnumerateFolders(root); return; } private void EnumerateFolders(Outlook.Folder folder) { Outlook.Folders childFolders = folder.Folders; if (childFolders.Count > 0) { foreach (Outlook.Folder childFolder in childFolders) { // Write the folder path. //Debug.WriteLine(childFolder.FolderPath); // Call EnumerateFolders using childFolder. // Uses recursion to enumerate Outlook subfolders. EnumerateFolders(childFolder); } } return; } /// <summary> /// obtain an Application object that represents an active instance of Microsoft Outlook, /// if there is one running on the local computer, or to create a new instance of Outlook, /// log on to the default profile, and return that instance of Outlook /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Outlook.Application GetApplicationObject() { // source: Outlook.Application application = null; // Check whether there is an Outlook process running. if (Process.GetProcessesByName("OUTLOOK").Count() > 0) { // If so, use the GetActiveObject method to obtain the process and cast it to an Application object. application = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application") as Outlook.Application; } else { // If not, create a new instance of Outlook and log on to the default profile. application = new Outlook.Application(); Outlook.NameSpace nameSpace = application.GetNamespace("MAPI"); nameSpace.Logon("", "", Missing.Value, Missing.Value); nameSpace = null; } // Return the Outlook Application object. return application; } }//end class }//end ns

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