roundcornerprogressbar progressbar akexorcist android widget progress-bar drawable cornerradius

progressbar - Android bordes redondos en barra de progreso en forma de anillo

progressbar android github (2)

Estoy tratando de hacer una barra de progreso circular en Android y parece una tarea bastante sencilla, pero me cuesta redondear los bordes del progreso y el progreso secundario.

¿Hay una manera de hacerlo sin hacer una vista personalizada? ¿Usando un radio de esquinas? o nueve parche dibujable?

Para esta vista (ver adjunto) estoy usando un archivo xml simple

<item android:id="@android:id/progress"> <shape android:useLevel="true" android:innerRadius="@dimen/sixty_dp" android:shape="ring" android:thickness="@dimen/seven_dp"> <solid android:color="#477C5B"/> <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="#FFFF"/> </shape> </item>

Simplemente cree una clase llamada MyProgress en su paquete ... y pegue el siguiente código ...

import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; public class MyProgress extends View { private Paint mPrimaryPaint; private Paint mSecondaryPaint; private RectF mRectF; private TextPaint mTextPaint; private Paint mBackgroundPaint; private boolean mDrawText = false; private int mSecondaryProgressColor; private int mPrimaryProgressColor; private int mBackgroundColor; private int mStrokeWidth; private int mProgress; private int mSecodaryProgress; private int mTextColor; private int mPrimaryCapSize; private int mSecondaryCapSize; private boolean mIsPrimaryCapVisible; private boolean mIsSecondaryCapVisible; private int x; private int y; private int mWidth = 0, mHeight = 0; public MyProgress(Context context) { super(context); init(context, null); } public MyProgress(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(context, attrs); } public MyProgress(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); init(context, attrs); } void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { TypedArray a; if (attrs != null) { a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.MyProgress, 0, 0); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have to pass the attributes"); } try { mDrawText = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.MyProgress_showProgressText, false); mBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.MyProgress_backgroundColor, android.R.color.darker_gray); mPrimaryProgressColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.MyProgress_progressColor, android.R.color.darker_gray); mSecondaryProgressColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.MyProgress_secondaryProgressColor,; mProgress = a.getInt(R.styleable.MyProgress_progress, 0); mSecodaryProgress = a.getInt(R.styleable.MyProgress_secondaryProgress, 0); mStrokeWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.MyProgress_strokeWidth, 20); mTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.MyProgress_textColor,; mPrimaryCapSize = a.getInt(R.styleable.MyProgress_primaryCapSize, 20); mSecondaryCapSize = a.getInt(R.styleable.MyProgress_secodaryCapSize, 20); mIsPrimaryCapVisible = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.MyProgress_primaryCapVisibility, true); mIsSecondaryCapVisible = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.MyProgress_secodaryCapVisibility, true); } finally { a.recycle(); } mBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mBackgroundPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mBackgroundPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mBackgroundPaint.setStrokeWidth(mStrokeWidth); mBackgroundPaint.setColor(mBackgroundColor); mPrimaryPaint = new Paint(); mPrimaryPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mPrimaryPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mPrimaryPaint.setStrokeWidth(mStrokeWidth); mPrimaryPaint.setColor(mPrimaryProgressColor); mSecondaryPaint = new Paint(); mSecondaryPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mSecondaryPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mSecondaryPaint.setStrokeWidth(mStrokeWidth - 2); mSecondaryPaint.setColor(mSecondaryProgressColor); mTextPaint = new TextPaint(); mTextPaint.setColor(mTextColor); mRectF = new RectF(); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); mRectF.set(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), w - getPaddingRight(), h - getPaddingBottom()); mTextPaint.setTextSize(w / 5); x = (w / 2) - ((int) (mTextPaint.measureText(mProgress + "%") / 2)); y = (int) ((h / 2) - ((mTextPaint.descent() + mTextPaint.ascent()) / 2)); mWidth = w; mHeight = h; invalidate(); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); mPrimaryPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mSecondaryPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // for drawing a full progress .. The background circle canvas.drawArc(mRectF, 0, 360, false, mBackgroundPaint); // for drawing a secondary progress circle int secondarySwipeangle = (mSecodaryProgress * 360) / 100; canvas.drawArc(mRectF, 270, secondarySwipeangle, false, mSecondaryPaint); // for drawing a main progress circle int primarySwipeangle = (mProgress * 360) / 100; canvas.drawArc(mRectF, 270, primarySwipeangle, false, mPrimaryPaint); // for cap of secondary progress int r = (getHeight() - getPaddingLeft() * 2) / 2; // Calculated from canvas width double trad = (secondarySwipeangle - 90) * (Math.PI / 180d); // = 5.1051 int x = (int) (r * Math.cos(trad)); int y = (int) (r * Math.sin(trad)); mSecondaryPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); if (mIsSecondaryCapVisible) canvas.drawCircle(x + (mWidth / 2), y + (mHeight / 2), mSecondaryCapSize, mSecondaryPaint); // for cap of primary progress trad = (primarySwipeangle - 90) * (Math.PI / 180d); // = 5.1051 x = (int) (r * Math.cos(trad)); y = (int) (r * Math.sin(trad)); mPrimaryPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); if (mIsPrimaryCapVisible) canvas.drawCircle(x + (mWidth / 2), y + (mHeight / 2), mPrimaryCapSize, mPrimaryPaint); if (mDrawText) canvas.drawText(mProgress + "%", x, y, mTextPaint); } public void setDrawText(boolean mDrawText) { this.mDrawText = mDrawText; invalidate(); } public void setBackgroundColor(int mBackgroundColor) { this.mBackgroundColor = mBackgroundColor; invalidate(); } public void setSecondaryProgressColor(int mSecondaryProgressColor) { this.mSecondaryProgressColor = mSecondaryProgressColor; invalidate(); } public void setPrimaryProgressColor(int mPrimaryProgressColor) { this.mPrimaryProgressColor = mPrimaryProgressColor; invalidate(); } public void setStrokeWidth(int mStrokeWidth) { this.mStrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth; invalidate(); } public void setProgress(int mProgress) { this.mProgress = mProgress; invalidate(); } public void setSecondaryProgress(int mSecondaryProgress) { this.mSecodaryProgress = mSecondaryProgress; invalidate(); } public void setTextColor(int mTextColor) { this.mTextColor = mTextColor; invalidate(); } public void setPrimaryCapSize(int mPrimaryCapSize) { this.mPrimaryCapSize = mPrimaryCapSize; invalidate(); } public void setSecondaryCapSize(int mSecondaryCapSize) { this.mSecondaryCapSize = mSecondaryCapSize; invalidate(); } public boolean isPrimaryCapVisible() { return mIsPrimaryCapVisible; } public void setIsPrimaryCapVisible(boolean mIsPrimaryCapVisible) { this.mIsPrimaryCapVisible = mIsPrimaryCapVisible; } public boolean isSecondaryCapVisible() { return mIsSecondaryCapVisible; } public void setIsSecondaryCapVisible(boolean mIsSecondaryCapVisible) { this.mIsSecondaryCapVisible = mIsSecondaryCapVisible; } public int getSecondaryProgressColor() { return mSecondaryProgressColor; } public int getPrimaryProgressColor() { return mPrimaryProgressColor; } public int getProgress() { return mProgress; } public int getBackgroundColor() { return mBackgroundColor; } public int getSecodaryProgress() { return mSecodaryProgress; } public int getPrimaryCapSize() { return mPrimaryCapSize; } public int getSecondaryCapSize() { return mSecondaryCapSize; } }

y agregue la siguiente línea en res-> values-> attr.xml debajo de una etiqueta y compílelo

<declare-styleable name="MyProgress"> <attr name="showProgressText" format="boolean" /> <attr name="progress" format="integer" /> <attr name="secondaryProgress" format="integer" /> <attr name="progressColor" format="color" /> <attr name="secondaryProgressColor" format="color" /> <attr name="backgroundColor" format="color" /> <attr name="primaryCapSize" format="integer" /> <attr name="secodaryCapSize" format="integer" /> <attr name="primaryCapVisibility" format="boolean" /> <attr name="secodaryCapVisibility" format="boolean" /> <attr name="strokeWidth" format="dimension" /> <attr name="textColor" format="color" /> </declare-styleable>

eso es todo .... y para usar en tu diseño ..

<Your_Package_Name.MyProgress android:padding="20dp" android:id="@+id/timer1" app:strokeWidth="10dp" app:progress="30" app:secondaryProgress="50" app:backgroundColor="@android:color/black" app:progressColor="@android:color/holo_blue_bright" app:secondaryProgressColor="@android:color/holo_blue_dark" app:primaryCapSize="30" app:secodaryCapSize="40" app:primaryCapVisibility="true" app:secodaryCapVisibility="true" android:layout_width="200dp" android:layout_height="200dp" />

También puede cambiar todas las propiedades de forma programática usando setMethods () ...

siéntete libre de preguntar cualquier cosa ... la mejor de las suertes

[Actualización 23-01-2016]

Finalmente subí el código en github. Puede referirse desde aquí

Ahora puede usar esta Barra de progreso simplemente escribiendo la siguiente línea en el archivo build.gradle de su aplicación. No tienes que copiar el código anterior.

compile ''com.msquare.widget.mprogressbar:mprogressbar:1.0.0''

puede agregar una forma de círculo / óvalo en el extremo y el lado de inicio del anillo, al igual que el código de abajo

una lista de capas dibujable contiene dos formas circulares / ovaladas dibujables y una forma de anillo dibujable


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android=""> <item android:bottom="294px" android:left="540px" android:right="48px" android:top="294px"> <shape android:innerRadius="6px" android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"></solid> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:innerRadius="240px" android:shape="ring" android:thickness="12px"> <size android:width="600px" android:height="600px"></size> <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"></solid> </shape> </item> <item> <rotate> <layer-list> <item android:bottom="294px" android:left="540px" android:right="48px" android:top="294px"> <shape android:innerRadius="6px" android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"></solid> </shape> </item> </layer-list> </rotate> </item> </layer-list>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:state_window_focused="true"> <objectAnimator xmlns:android="" android:duration="5000" android:propertyName="ImageLevel" android:repeatCount="infinite" android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="10000" android:valueType="intType"> </objectAnimator> </item> <item> <objectAnimator xmlns:android="" android:duration="0" android:propertyName="ImageLevel" android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="0" android:valueType="intType"> </objectAnimator> </item> </selector>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="@color/colorPrimaryDark" tools:context=".MainActivity"> <ImageView android:stateListAnimator="@animator/round_progress_animation_selector" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/round_progress_drawable" /> </FrameLayout>