functional-programming clojure

functional programming - Clojure: ¿Cómo averiguar la funcionalidad de la función en tiempo de ejecución?

functional-programming (7)

Basándose en la solución de @ whocaresanyway:

(defn provided [cond fun x] (if cond (fun x) x)) (defn append [xs x] (conj (vec xs) x)) (defn arity-of-method [method] (->> method .getParameterTypes alength)) (defn arities [fun] (let [all-declared-methods (.getDeclaredMethods (class fun)) methods-named (fn [name] (filter #(= (.getName %) name) all-declared-methods)) methods-named-invoke (methods-named "invoke") methods-named-do-invoke (methods-named "doInvoke") is-rest-fn (seq methods-named-do-invoke)] (->> methods-named-invoke (map arity-of-method) sort (provided is-rest-fn (fn [v] (append v :rest))))))

Dado un objeto o nombre de función, ¿cómo puedo determinar su aridad? Algo así como (arity func-name) .

Espero que haya una manera, ya que arity es bastante central en Clojure

En realidad, también funciona en macros:

(defn arg-count [f] (let [m (first (.getDeclaredMethods (class f))) p (.getParameterTypes m)] (alength p))) (defmacro my-macro []) (arg-count @#''my-macro) ; 2

¿Por qué 2? Porque cada macro tiene dos argumentos implícitos &form y &env respectivamente.

La ariadidad de una función se almacena en los metadatos de la var.

(:arglists (meta #''str)) ;([] [x] [x & ys])

Esto requiere que la función se defina usando defn , o los metadatos :arglists suministrados explícitamente.

Mi corazón sangraba (cubría todos los casos).

(defn arity "Returns the maximum arity of: - anonymous functions like `#()` and `(fn [])`. - defined functions like `map` or `+`. - macros, by passing a var like `#''->`. Returns `:variadic` if the function/macro is variadic." [f] (let [func (if (var? f) @f f) methods (->> func class .getDeclaredMethods (map #(vector (.getName %) (count (.getParameterTypes %))))) var-args? (some #(-> % first #{"getRequiredArity"}) methods)] (if var-args? :variadic (let [max-arity (->> methods (filter (comp #{"invoke"} first)) (sort-by second) last second)] (if (and (var? f) (-> f meta :macro)) (- max-arity 2) ;; substract implicit &form and &env arguments max-arity))))) (use ''clojure.test) (defmacro m ([a]) ([a b])) (defmacro mx []) (deftest test-arity (testing "with an anonymous #(… %1) function" (is (= 1 (arity #(+ % 32)))) (is (= 1 (arity #(+ %1 32)))) (is (= 2 (arity #(+ %1 %2)))) (is (= 13 (arity #(+ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13)))) (is (= :variadic (arity #(apply + %&)))) (is (= :variadic (arity #(apply + % %&))))) (testing "with an anonymous (fn [] …) function" (testing "single body" (is (= 0 (arity (fn [])))) (is (= 1 (arity (fn [a])))) (is (= 2 (arity (fn [a b])))) (is (= 20 (arity (fn [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t])))) (is (= :variadic (arity (fn [a b & more]))))) (testing "multiple bodies" (is (= 0 (arity (fn ([]))))) (is (= 1 (arity (fn ([a]))))) (is (= 2 (arity (fn ([a]) ([a b]))))) (is (= :variadic (arity (fn ([a]) ([a b & c]))))))) (testing "with a defined function" (is (= :variadic (arity map))) (is (= :variadic (arity +))) (is (= 1 (arity inc)))) (testing "with a var to a macro" (is (= :variadic (arity #''->))) (is (= 2 (arity #''m))) (is (= 0 (arity #''mx))))) (run-tests)

Mi opinión sobre el problema arity, basándose en las otras soluciones:

(defn arity "Returns the maximum parameter count of each invoke method found by refletion on the input instance. The returned value can be then interpreted as the arity of the input function. The count does NOT detect variadic functions." [f] (let [invokes (filter #(= "invoke" (.getName %1)) (.getDeclaredMethods (class f)))] (apply max (map #(alength (.getParameterTypes %1)) invokes))))

Reflexión furtiva:

(defn arg-count [f] (let [m (first (.getDeclaredMethods (class f))) p (.getParameterTypes m)] (alength p)))

O bien:

(defn arg-count [f] {:pre [(instance? clojure.lang.AFunction f)]} (-> f class .getDeclaredMethods first .getParameterTypes alength))

user=> (defn test-func ([p1] "Arity was 1.") ([p1 p2] "Arity was 2.") ([p1 p2 & more-args] (str "Arity was " (+ 2 (count more-args))))) #''user/test-func user=> (test-func 1) "Arity was 1." user=> (test-func 1 2) "Arity was 2." user=> (test-func 1 2 3) "Arity was 3" user=> (test-func 1 2 3 4) "Arity was 4" user=> (test-func 1 2 3 4 5) ;... "Arity was 5"