utilizacion sirve segun que programacion para neo nao como caracteriza caracteristicas articulo python audio nao-robot

python - sirve - Problemas de audio remoto del robot NAO

que es robot nao (1)

aquí hay una muestra "pequeña"

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################### # Retrieve robot audio buffer # Syntaxe: # python scriptname --pip <ip> --pport <port> # # --pip <ip>: specify the ip of your robot (without specification it will use the NAO_IP defined some line below # # Author: Alexandre Mazel ########################################################### NAO_IP = "" # Romeo on table #~ NAO_IP = "" # Nao Alex Blue from optparse import OptionParser import naoqi import numpy as np import time import sys class SoundReceiverModule(naoqi.ALModule): """ Use this object to get call back from the ALMemory of the naoqi world. Your callback needs to be a method with two parameter (variable name, value). """ def __init__( self, strModuleName, strNaoIp ): try: naoqi.ALModule.__init__(self, strModuleName ); self.BIND_PYTHON( self.getName(),"callback" ); self.strNaoIp = strNaoIp; self.outfile = None; self.aOutfile = [None]*(4-1); # ASSUME max nbr channels = 4 except BaseException, err: print( "ERR: abcdk.naoqitools.SoundReceiverModule: loading error: %s" % str(err) ); # __init__ - end def __del__( self ): print( "INF: abcdk.SoundReceiverModule.__del__: cleaning everything" ); self.stop(); def start( self ): audio = naoqi.ALProxy( "ALAudioDevice", self.strNaoIp, 9559 ); nNbrChannelFlag = 0; # ALL_Channels: 0, AL::LEFTCHANNEL: 1, AL::RIGHTCHANNEL: 2; AL::FRONTCHANNEL: 3 or AL::REARCHANNEL: 4. nDeinterleave = 0; nSampleRate = 48000; audio.setClientPreferences( self.getName(), nSampleRate, nNbrChannelFlag, nDeinterleave ); # setting same as default generate a bug !?! audio.subscribe( self.getName() ); print( "INF: SoundReceiver: started!" ); # self.processRemote( 4, 128, [18,0], "A"*128*4*2 ); # for local test # on romeo, here''s the current order: # 0: right; 1: rear; 2: left; 3: front, def stop( self ): print( "INF: SoundReceiver: stopping..." ); audio = naoqi.ALProxy( "ALAudioDevice", self.strNaoIp, 9559 ); audio.unsubscribe( self.getName() ); print( "INF: SoundReceiver: stopped!" ); if( self.outfile != None ): self.outfile.close(); def processRemote( self, nbOfChannels, nbrOfSamplesByChannel, aTimeStamp, buffer ): """ This is THE method that receives all the sound buffers from the "ALAudioDevice" module """ #~ print( "process!" ); #~ print( "processRemote: %s, %s, %s, lendata: %s, data0: %s (0x%x), data1: %s (0x%x)" % (nbOfChannels, nbrOfSamplesByChannel, aTimeStamp, len(buffer), buffer[0],ord(buffer[0]),buffer[1],ord(buffer[1])) ); #~ print( "raw data: " ), #~ for i in range( 8 ): #~ print( "%s (0x%x), " % (buffer[i],ord(buffer[i])) ), #~ print( "" ); aSoundDataInterlaced = np.fromstring( str(buffer), dtype=np.int16 ); #~ print( "len data: %s " % len( aSoundDataInterlaced ) ); #~ print( "data interlaced: " ), #~ for i in range( 8 ): #~ print( "%d, " % (aSoundDataInterlaced[i]) ), #~ print( "" ); aSoundData = np.reshape( aSoundDataInterlaced, (nbOfChannels, nbrOfSamplesByChannel), ''F'' ); #~ print( "len data: %s " % len( aSoundData ) ); #~ print( "len data 0: %s " % len( aSoundData[0] ) ); if( False ): # compute average aAvgValue = np.mean( aSoundData, axis = 1 ); print( "avg: %s" % aAvgValue ); if( False ): # compute fft nBlockSize = nbrOfSamplesByChannel; signal = aSoundData[0] * np.hanning( nBlockSize ); aFft = ( np.fft.rfft(signal) / nBlockSize ); print aFft; if( False ): # compute peak aPeakValue = np.max( aSoundData ); if( aPeakValue > 16000 ): print( "Peak: %s" % aPeakValue ); if( True ): bSaveAll = True; # save to file if( self.outfile == None ): strFilenameOut = "/out.raw"; print( "INF: Writing sound to ''%s''" % strFilenameOut ); self.outfile = open( strFilenameOut, "wb" ); if( bSaveAll ): for nNumChannel in range( 1, nbOfChannels ): strFilenameOutChan = strFilenameOut.replace(".raw", "_%d.raw"%nNumChannel); self.aOutfile[nNumChannel-1] = open( strFilenameOutChan, "wb" ); print( "INF: Writing other channel sound to ''%s''" % strFilenameOutChan ); #~ aSoundDataInterlaced.tofile( self.outfile ); # wrote the 4 channels aSoundData[0].tofile( self.outfile ); # wrote only one channel #~ print( "aTimeStamp: %s" % aTimeStamp ); #~ print( "data wrotten: " ), #~ for i in range( 8 ): #~ print( "%d, " % (aSoundData[0][i]) ), #~ print( "" ); #~ self.stop(); # make naoqi crashes if( bSaveAll ): for nNumChannel in range( 1, nbOfChannels ): aSoundData[nNumChannel].tofile( self.aOutfile[nNumChannel-1] ); # processRemote - end def version( self ): return "0.6"; # SoundReceiver - end def main(): """ Main entry point """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--pip", help="Parent broker port. The IP address or your robot", dest="pip") parser.add_option("--pport", help="Parent broker port. The port NAOqi is listening to", dest="pport", type="int") parser.set_defaults( pip=NAO_IP, pport=9559) (opts, args_) = parser.parse_args() pip = opts.pip pport = opts.pport # We need this broker to be able to construct # NAOqi modules and subscribe to other modules # The broker must stay alive until the program exists myBroker = naoqi.ALBroker("myBroker", "", # listen to anyone 0, # find a free port and use it pip, # parent broker IP pport) # parent broker port # Warning: SoundReceiver must be a global variable # The name given to the constructor must be the name of the # variable global SoundReceiver SoundReceiver = SoundReceiverModule("SoundReceiver", pip) SoundReceiver.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print print "Interrupted by user, shutting down" myBroker.shutdown() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Me gustaría saber si alguien aquí sabe cómo transmitir audio de robot NAO a un módulo remoto en Python, y si usted tiene un ejemplo. Quiero obtener los búferes de audio NAO en mi computadora portátil directamente para el procesamiento, por lo que no hay grabación y scp o lo que sea.

Ahora mi problema es este: el sitio de aldebaran dice que para recibir audio de forma remota (en mi computadora portátil), tengo que escribir un módulo que hereda de ALSoundExtractor. El caso es que esta clase no estaba incluida en el SDK de Python, así que si estás creando un programa remoto de python, NO PUEDES heredar de ununctordetractor ... He estado atascado en este problema durante semanas, y sería realmente agradable si alguien podría ayudarme.

entonces la idea es comenzar el módulo con

class AudioClassificationModule(ALSoundExtractor):

y tiene una función llamada proceso que se llama automáticamente. Me sale este error sin embargo:

NameError: name ''ALSoundExtractor'' is not defined

por lo que se reduce a esto: ¿alguien podría mostrar cómo se debe hacer esto? escribe un módulo python que hereda de ALSoundExtractor, y tiene una función ''proceso'' que hace algo con el audio? ¡¡GRACIAS!!

Enlace de documentación: https://community.aldebaran-robotics.com/doc/1-14/naoqi/audio/alaudiodevice-api.html#ALAudioDeviceProxy::subscribe__ssCR