progreso colocar bootstrap barra bar animada iphone progress-bar titanium xmlhttprequest appcelerator-mobile

iphone - colocar - ¿Varias barras de progreso de titanio en una vista de tabla para cargas simultáneas?

progress bar bootstrap animation (1)

Estoy tratando de mostrar el progreso de múltiples envíos xhr en una vista de tabla. Esta es mi primera oportunidad en una vista de tabla (que tampoco se desplaza por alguna razón) y no puedo encontrar la forma adecuada de conectar las barras a onsendstream. Agradezco cualquier comentario sobre el resto de mi código también.

mi función de ventana

No pretendo que varios XHR simultáneos sean estables, pero me funciona en el simulador. Esta pregunta se refería más a la tarea de IU específica, independientemente de si los XHR están o no en cola asíncronamente , pero agradezco cualquier comentario sobre la calidad del código o las mejores prácticas. Aquí está la solución a la que llegué.

// a namespace for the UI code myApp.ui = {}; // a function for this window myApp.ui.createCameraWindow = function() { var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ // I have my own custom header title:'''', }); var containerView = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor:''#85AAD7'', }); var tableQueue = Ti.UI.createTableView({ backgroundColor:''#85AAD7'', separatorColor:''#85AAD7'', data:photosQueue, // photosQueue is an empty global array width:320 }); containerView.add(tableQueue); // device stores the candidate file on the system and sends data Ti.App.addEventListener(''photoReady'',function(candidate) { // here we an add a caption if we please var captionView = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor:''#FFF'' }); var candidateIMG = Ti.UI.createImageView({ // the candidate file was stored with a uniqie identifier called fileStamp // don''t forget to change resourcesDirectory to tempDirectory for use on the device image:Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory,candidate.fileStamp + ''-thumb320.png''), height:367, width:320, top:0, opacity:0.5 }); var captionLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text:''caption'', color:''#000'', top:-180, textAlign:''center'', font:{fontSize:50,fontWeight:''bold'',fontStyle:''italic'',fontFamily:''Cochin''}, opacity:0.5 }); var captionBox = Ti.UI.createTextField({ height:35, width:270, textAlign:''center'', borderStyle:Titanium.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED }); var submitButton = Ti.UI.createButton({ title:''Submit'', color:''#000'', selectedColor:''#FFF'', top:220, width:130, height:35 }); captionView.add(candidateIMG); captionView.add(captionLabel); captionView.add(captionBox); captionView.add(submitButton); // cover the table view with the temporary caption prompt containerView.add(captionView); submitButton.addEventListener(''click'',function(){ candidate.caption = captionBox.value; // start the xhr send from another function myApp.remote.createPhoto(candidate); // go back to the table view containerView.remove(captionView); var tempFile = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory,candidate.fileStamp + ''-thumb75.png''); var progressBar = Ti.UI.createProgressBar({ width:205, height:50, right:20, min:0, max:1, value:0, style:Titanium.UI.iPhone.ProgressBarStyle.PLAIN, color:''#FFF'' }); var thisRow = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ backgroundColor:''#FFF'', layout:"vertical", height:75, fileStamp:candidate.fileStamp }); // apparently the progress bar needs to be inside a view to align correctly var nestedView = Ti.UI.createView({ height:75, width:320 }); var tinyThumb = Ti.UI.createImageView({ image:tempFile, height:75, width:75, left:0 }); nestedView.add(tinyThumb);; nestedView.add(progressBar); thisRow.add(nestedView); photosQueue.push(thisRow); tableQueue.setData(photosQueue); }); }); // the xhr.onsendstream will repeatedly fire this function and send an object containing an id and e.progress Ti.App.addEventListener(''streamProgress'',function(upload) { // loop through the global queue for (i=0;i<photosQueue.length;i++) { // find the the array object that corresponds to the upload object if (photosQueue[i].fileStamp == { // identifiy this object as the tableRow in the UI thisRow = photosQueue[i]; // find its progress bar by knowing the view hierarchy var bar = thisRow.children[0].children[1]; // update the progress bar''s value bar.value = upload.progress; // update the entire tableView with new data tableQueue.setData(photosQueue); } } }); // the xhr.onload will fire this function and send an object containing an id and a status code Ti.App.addEventListener(''confirmation'',function(upload) { // loop through the global queue for (i=0;i<photosQueue.length;i++) { // find the the array object that corresponds to the upload object if (photosQueue[i].fileStamp == { // identifiy this object as the tableRow in the UI thisRow = photosQueue[i]; // if the POST was successful if (upload.status == ''201'') { // then make the entire row pleasing thisRow.backgroundColor = ''green''; } else { // otherwise make it ugly thisRow.backgroundColor = ''red''; } // identify the full progress bar in the view hierarchy var bar = thisRow.children[0].children[1]; // remove it regardless thisRow.children[0].remove(bar); // update the entire tableView with new data tableQueue.setData(photosQueue); } } }); win.add(containerView); return win; };