excel vba excel-vba levenshtein-distance

excel - Distancia de Levenshtein en VBA

excel-vba levenshtein-distance (4)

Tengo una hoja de Excel con datos que quiero obtener Distancia Levenshtein entre ellos. Ya traté de exportar como texto, leer desde script (php), ejecutar Levenshtein (calcular Distancia de Levenshtein), guardarlo para sobresalir de nuevo.

Pero estoy buscando una manera de calcular programáticamente una distancia de Levenshtein en VBA. ¿Cómo voy a hacerlo?

Creo que fue aún más rápido ... No hice mucho más que mejorar el código anterior para la velocidad y los resultados como%

'' Levenshtein3 tweaked for UTLIMATE speed and CORRECT results '' Solution based on Longs '' Intermediate arrays holding Asc()make difference '' even Fixed length Arrays have impact on speed (small indeed) '' Levenshtein version 3 will return correct percentage '' Function Levenshtein3(ByVal string1 As String, ByVal string2 As String) As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long, string1_length As Long, string2_length As Long Dim distance(0 To 60, 0 To 50) As Long, smStr1(1 To 60) As Long, smStr2(1 To 50) As Long Dim min1 As Long, min2 As Long, min3 As Long, minmin As Long, MaxL As Long string1_length = Len(string1): string2_length = Len(string2) distance(0, 0) = 0 For i = 1 To string1_length: distance(i, 0) = i: smStr1(i) = Asc(LCase(Mid$(string1, i, 1))): Next For j = 1 To string2_length: distance(0, j) = j: smStr2(j) = Asc(LCase(Mid$(string2, j, 1))): Next For i = 1 To string1_length For j = 1 To string2_length If smStr1(i) = smStr2(j) Then distance(i, j) = distance(i - 1, j - 1) Else min1 = distance(i - 1, j) + 1 min2 = distance(i, j - 1) + 1 min3 = distance(i - 1, j - 1) + 1 If min2 < min1 Then If min2 < min3 Then minmin = min2 Else minmin = min3 Else If min1 < min3 Then minmin = min1 Else minmin = min3 End If distance(i, j) = minmin End If Next Next '' Levenshtein3 will properly return a percent match (100%=exact) based on similarities and Lengths etc... MaxL = string1_length: If string2_length > MaxL Then MaxL = string2_length Levenshtein3 = 100 - CLng((distance(string1_length, string2_length) * 100) / MaxL) End Function

Gracias a Smirkingman por la buena publicación de código. Aquí hay una versión optimizada.

1) Use Asc (Mid $ (s1, i, 1) en su lugar. La comparación numérica es generalmente más rápida que el texto.

2) Use Mid $ istead of Mid ya que la última es la variante ver. y agregar $ es string ver.

3) Use la función de aplicación para mín. (preferencia personal solamente)

4) Usa Long en vez de enteros, ya que es lo que Excel usa de manera nativa.

Function Levenshtein(ByVal string1 As String, ByVal string2 As String) As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim string1_length As Long Dim string2_length As Long Dim distance() As Long string1_length = Len(string1) string2_length = Len(string2) ReDim distance(string1_length, string2_length) For i = 0 To string1_length distance(i, 0) = i Next For j = 0 To string2_length distance(0, j) = j Next For i = 1 To string1_length For j = 1 To string2_length If Asc(Mid$(string1, i, 1)) = Asc(Mid$(string2, j, 1)) Then distance(i, j) = distance(i - 1, j - 1) Else distance(i, j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min _ (distance(i - 1, j) + 1, _ distance(i, j - 1) + 1, _ distance(i - 1, j - 1) + 1) End If Next Next Levenshtein = distance(string1_length, string2_length) End Function


Para aquellos que lo quieren: creo que es seguro decir que la mayoría de la gente usa la distancia de Levenshtein para calcular porcentajes de coincidencia difusa. Aquí hay una manera de hacerlo, y he agregado una optimización para que pueda especificar el mínimo. match% to return (valor predeterminado es 70% +. Ingrese porcentajes como "50" u "80", o "0" para ejecutar la fórmula independientemente).

El aumento de velocidad proviene del hecho de que la función verificará si es posible incluso que esté dentro del porcentaje que le das verificando la longitud de las 2 cuerdas. Tenga en cuenta que hay algunas áreas donde se puede optimizar esta función, pero la he mantenido en este punto por razones de legibilidad. Concatené la distancia en el resultado como prueba de funcionalidad, pero puedes jugar con ella :)

Function FuzzyMatch(ByVal string1 As String, _ ByVal string2 As String, _ Optional min_percentage As Long = 70) As String Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim string1_length As Long Dim string2_length As Long Dim distance() As Long, result As Long string1_length = Len(string1) string2_length = Len(string2) '' Check if not too long If string1_length >= string2_length * (min_percentage / 100) Then '' Check if not too short If string1_length <= string2_length * ((200 - min_percentage) / 100) Then ReDim distance(string1_length, string2_length) For i = 0 To string1_length: distance(i, 0) = i: Next For j = 0 To string2_length: distance(0, j) = j: Next For i = 1 To string1_length For j = 1 To string2_length If Asc(Mid$(string1, i, 1)) = Asc(Mid$(string2, j, 1)) Then distance(i, j) = distance(i - 1, j - 1) Else distance(i, j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min _ (distance(i - 1, j) + 1, _ distance(i, j - 1) + 1, _ distance(i - 1, j - 1) + 1) End If Next Next result = distance(string1_length, string2_length) ''The distance End If End If If result <> 0 Then FuzzyMatch = (CLng((100 - ((result / string1_length) * 100)))) & _ "% (" & result & ")" ''Convert to percentage Else FuzzyMatch = "Not a match" End If End Function

Traducido de Wikipedia :

Option Explicit Public Function Levenshtein(s1 As String, s2 As String) Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim l1 As Integer Dim l2 As Integer Dim d() As Integer Dim min1 As Integer Dim min2 As Integer l1 = Len(s1) l2 = Len(s2) ReDim d(l1, l2) For i = 0 To l1 d(i, 0) = i Next For j = 0 To l2 d(0, j) = j Next For i = 1 To l1 For j = 1 To l2 If Mid(s1, i, 1) = Mid(s2, j, 1) Then d(i, j) = d(i - 1, j - 1) Else min1 = d(i - 1, j) + 1 min2 = d(i, j - 1) + 1 If min2 < min1 Then min1 = min2 End If min2 = d(i - 1, j - 1) + 1 If min2 < min1 Then min1 = min2 End If d(i, j) = min1 End If Next Next Levenshtein = d(l1, l2) End Function

? Levenshtein ("sábado", "domingo")


Usa una matriz de bytes para obtener un aumento de velocidad de 17x

Option Explicit Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Sub test() Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, lTime As Long, i As Long s1 = Space(100) s2 = String(100, "a") lTime = GetTickCount For i = 1 To 100 LevenshteinStrings s1, s2 '' the original fn from Wikibooks and Next Debug.Print GetTickCount - lTime; " ms" '' 3900 ms for all diff lTime = GetTickCount For i = 1 To 100 Levenshtein s1, s2 Next Debug.Print GetTickCount - lTime; " ms" '' 234 ms End Sub ''Option Base 0 assumed ''POB: fn with byte array is 17 times faster Function Levenshtein(ByVal string1 As String, ByVal string2 As String) As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long, bs1() As Byte, bs2() As Byte Dim string1_length As Long Dim string2_length As Long Dim distance() As Long Dim min1 As Long, min2 As Long, min3 As Long string1_length = Len(string1) string2_length = Len(string2) ReDim distance(string1_length, string2_length) bs1 = string1 bs2 = string2 For i = 0 To string1_length distance(i, 0) = i Next For j = 0 To string2_length distance(0, j) = j Next For i = 1 To string1_length For j = 1 To string2_length ''slow way: If Mid$(string1, i, 1) = Mid$(string2, j, 1) Then If bs1((i - 1) * 2) = bs2((j - 1) * 2) Then '' *2 because Unicode every 2nd byte is 0 distance(i, j) = distance(i - 1, j - 1) Else ''distance(i, j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min _ (distance(i - 1, j) + 1, _ distance(i, j - 1) + 1, _ distance(i - 1, j - 1) + 1) '' spell it out, 50 times faster than worksheetfunction.min min1 = distance(i - 1, j) + 1 min2 = distance(i, j - 1) + 1 min3 = distance(i - 1, j - 1) + 1 If min1 <= min2 And min1 <= min3 Then distance(i, j) = min1 ElseIf min2 <= min1 And min2 <= min3 Then distance(i, j) = min2 Else distance(i, j) = min3 End If End If Next Next Levenshtein = distance(string1_length, string2_length) End Function