recursiva jerarquicas consultas consulta postgresql recursive-query

postgresql - jerarquicas - Encontrar padre recursivamente usando consulta

consulta recursiva sql (2)

Estoy usando postgresql. Tengo la mesa como abajo.

parent_id child_id ---------------------- 101 102 103 104 104 105 105 106

Quiero escribir una consulta de SQL que proporcionará el padre final de la entrada.

es decir, supongamos que pase 106 como entrada, entonces su salida será 103.

(106 --> 105 --> 104 --> 103)

Aquí hay un ejemplo completo. Primero el DDL :

test=> CREATE TABLE node ( test(> id SERIAL, test(> label TEXT NOT NULL, -- name of the node test(> parent_id INT, test(> PRIMARY KEY(id) test(> ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "node_id_seq" for serial column "" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "node_pkey" for table "node" CREATE TABLE

... y algunos datos ...

test=> INSERT INTO node (label, parent_id) VALUES (''n1'',NULL),(''n2'',1),(''n3'',2),(''n4'',3); INSERT 0 4 test=> INSERT INTO node (label) VALUES (''garbage1''),(''garbage2''), (''garbage3''); INSERT 0 3 test=> INSERT INTO node (label,parent_id) VALUES (''garbage4'',6); INSERT 0 1 test=> SELECT * FROM node; id | label | parent_id ----+----------+----------- 1 | n1 | 2 | n2 | 1 3 | n3 | 2 4 | n4 | 3 5 | garbage1 | 6 | garbage2 | 7 | garbage3 | 8 | garbage4 | 6 (8 rows)

Esto realiza una consulta recursiva en cada id en el nodo:

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS ( SELECT, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, AS path FROM node AS tn WHERE tn.parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth, (p.path || ''->'' || FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c WHERE c.parent_id = ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n ORDER BY ASC; id | label | parent_id | depth | path ----+----------+-----------+-------+------------ 1 | n1 | | 1 | 1 2 | n2 | 1 | 2 | 1->2 3 | n3 | 2 | 3 | 1->2->3 4 | n4 | 3 | 4 | 1->2->3->4 5 | garbage1 | | 1 | 5 6 | garbage2 | | 1 | 6 7 | garbage3 | | 1 | 7 8 | garbage4 | 6 | 2 | 6->8 (8 rows)

Esto obtiene todos los descendientes DONDE = 1:

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS ( SELECT, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, AS path FROM node AS tn WHERE = 1 UNION ALL SELECT, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth, (p.path || ''->'' || FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c WHERE c.parent_id = ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n; id | label | parent_id | depth | path ----+-------+-----------+-------+------------ 1 | n1 | | 1 | 1 2 | n2 | 1 | 2 | 1->2 3 | n3 | 2 | 3 | 1->2->3 4 | n4 | 3 | 4 | 1->2->3->4 (4 rows)

Lo siguiente obtendrá la ruta del nodo con id 4:

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS ( SELECT, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, AS path FROM node AS tn WHERE tn.parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth, (p.path || ''->'' || FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c WHERE c.parent_id = ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n WHERE = 4; id | label | parent_id | depth | path ----+-------+-----------+-------+------------ 4 | n4 | 3 | 4 | 1->2->3->4 (1 row)

Y supongamos que desea limitar su búsqueda a descendientes con una depth inferior a tres (tenga en cuenta que la depth aún no se ha incrementado):

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS ( SELECT, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, AS path FROM node AS tn WHERE = 1 UNION ALL SELECT, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth, (p.path || ''->'' || FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c WHERE c.parent_id = AND p.depth < 2 ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n; id | label | parent_id | depth | path ----+-------+-----------+-------+------ 1 | n1 | | 1 | 1 2 | n2 | 1 | 2 | 1->2 (2 rows)

Recomiendo usar un tipo de datos ARRAY lugar de una cadena para mostrar la "ruta", pero la flecha es más ilustrativa de la relación principal <=> secundaria.

Use WITH RECURSIVE para crear una expresión de tabla común (CTE). Para el término no recursivo, obtenga las filas en las que el hijo está inmediatamente debajo del padre:

SELECT c.child_id, c.parent_id FROM mytable c LEFT JOIN mytable p ON c.parent_id = p.child_id WHERE p.child_id IS NULL child_id | parent_id ----------+----------- 102 | 101 104 | 103

Para el término recursivo, quieres los hijos de estos niños.

WITH RECURSIVE tree(child, root) AS ( SELECT c.child_id, c.parent_id FROM mytable c LEFT JOIN mytable p ON c.parent_id = p.child_id WHERE p.child_id IS NULL UNION SELECT child_id, root FROM tree INNER JOIN mytable on tree.child = mytable.parent_id ) SELECT * FROM tree; child | root -------+------ 102 | 101 104 | 103 105 | 103 106 | 103

Puede filtrar los hijos al consultar el CTE:

WITH RECURSIVE tree(child, root) AS (...) SELECT root FROM tree WHERE child = 106; root ------ 103