blackberry listfield

En Listfield no puede ver los campos en blackberry


Edite su implementación de TableRowManager . Necesita cambiar el getPreferredWidth() y getPreferredHeight() . getWidth() y getHeight() devolverán el valor incorrecto si la ejecución del método de sublayout() no termina antes.

// The preferred width of a row is defined by the list renderer. public int getPreferredWidth() { return Display.getWidth(); } // The preferred height of a row is the "row height" as defined in the // enclosing list. public int getPreferredHeight() { return getRowHeight(); }

He intentado este enlace ¿Cómo personalizar un ListField en BlackBerry? para crear ListField con Three lablefields para cada fila de la lista. Pero iam no puede ver los elementos del campo de la lista. Pero puedo decir que listfield se agrega. Porque en la navegación clic, puedo obtener el índice seleccionado del listfield. Por favor, alguien ayuda donde IAM cometiendo un error. El código que he intentado es ...

public class InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield extends ListField implements ListFieldCallback { private Vector rows; private TableRowManager row ; private LabelField UserName,Message,Timestamp; /** * Creates a new MyScreen object */ public InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub super(0, ListField.MULTI_SELECT); setRowHeight(80); setCallback(this); rows = new Vector(); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { row = new TableRowManager(); UserName = new LabelField("" + String.valueOf(x), DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.LEFT); UserName.setText("name"); row.add(UserName); Message = new LabelField("" + String.valueOf(x), DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.RIGHT); Message.setText("hai"); row.add(Message); Timestamp = new LabelField("" + String.valueOf(x), DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.RIGHT); Timestamp.setText("hai"); row.add(Timestamp); rows.addElement(row); } setSize(rows.size()); } public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics graphics, int index, int y, int width) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield list = (InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield) listField; TableRowManager rowManager = (TableRowManager) list.rows.elementAt(index); rowManager.drawRow(graphics, 0, y, width, list.getRowHeight()); } public Object get(ListField listField, int index) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public int getPreferredWidth(ListField listField) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } private class TableRowManager extends Manager { protected TableRowManager(){super(0); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub} } public void drawRow(Graphics graphics, int i, int y, int width, int rowHeight) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Arrange the cell fields within this row manager. layout(width, rowHeight); // Place this row manager within its enclosing list. setPosition(i, y); // Apply a translating/clipping transformation to the graphics // context so that this row paints in the right area. graphics.pushRegion(getExtent()); // Paint this manager''s controlled fields. subpaint(graphics); graphics.setColor(0x00CACACA); graphics.drawLine(0, 0, getPreferredWidth(), 0); // Restore the graphics context. graphics.popContext(); } protected void sublayout(int width, int height) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // set the size and position of each field. int fontHeight = Font.getDefault().getHeight(); int preferredWidth = getPreferredWidth(); Field field = getField(0); layoutChild(field, preferredWidth - 16, fontHeight + 1); setPositionChild(field, 34, 3); // set the list name label field field = getField(1); layoutChild(field, 150, fontHeight + 1); setPositionChild(field, 34, fontHeight + 6); // set the due time name label field field = getField(2); layoutChild(field, 150, fontHeight + 1); setPositionChild(field, preferredWidth - 152, fontHeight + 6); setExtent(getPreferredWidth(), getPreferredHeight()); } // The preferred width of a row is defined by the list renderer. public int getPreferredWidth() { return getWidth(); } // The preferred height of a row is the "row height" as defined in the // enclosing list. public int getPreferredHeight() { return getHeight(); } } protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { int index1 = getSelectedIndex(); System.out.println("The Clikced item is:"+index1); return true; } }

y la clase de pantalla principal es

public class InboxWithOutCheckboxes extends MainScreen{ private InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield inboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield; public InboxWithOutCheckboxes(){ super(); inboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield = new InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield(); add(inboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield); add(new SeparatorField()); } }

Prueba este código -

Agregar listas en la pantalla principal-

InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield = new InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield (); add(InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield ); add(new SeparatorField());

Haga clic en el detector de eventos de la lista:

protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { getValue(); return true; } protected void getValue() { Field f = getFieldWithFocus(); if (f instanceof ListField) { ListField l = (ListField) f; final int index = l.getSelectedIndex(); FriendsRequestObject _contactslist = (FriendsRequestObject) FriendsRequest_fields.vector.elementAt(index); final String _name = _contactslist.getSender_name(); final String _id = _contactslist.getSender_id(); //Dialog.alert(_name); Application.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { Dialog.alert(_name); } }); // Dialog.alert("The selected element is: "+Integer.toString(l.getSelectedIndex())); } } import java.util.Vector; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Color; import net.rim.device.api.ui.DrawStyle; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListFieldCallback; class InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield extends ListField implements ListFieldCallback { private Vector contacts; static Vector vector = new Vector(); private int contactslist_size = 0; private String name_ = "", id_="", status_=""; public InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield () { super(0, ListField.MULTI_SELECT); setRowHeight(60); setEmptyString("Empty List", DrawStyle.HCENTER); setCallback(this); contacts = new Vector(); vector.addElement(new FriendsRequestObject("1", "hai1", "")); vector.addElement(new FriendsRequestObject("2", "hai2", "")); vector.addElement(new FriendsRequestObject("3", "hai3", "")); vector.addElement(new FriendsRequestObject("4", "hai4", "")); contactslist_size = vector.size(); for (int x = 0; x < contactslist_size; x++) { FriendsRequestObject b = (FriendsRequestObject) vector.elementAt(x); id_ = b.getSender_id().toString(); name_ = b.getSender_name().toString(); status_ = b.getimage().toString(); TableRowManager row = new TableRowManager() { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.clear(); super.paint(g); } }; LabelField name1 = new LabelField(id_, DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS); name1.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.PLAIN)); row.add(name1); LabelField name = new LabelField(name_, DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS); name.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.PLAIN)); row.add(name); // add to the table contacts.addElement(row); } setSize(contacts.size()); } // ListFieldCallback Implementation public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics g, int index, int y, int width) { InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield list = (InboxWithOutCheckboxeslistfield ) listField; TableRowManager rowManager = (TableRowManager) list.contacts.elementAt(index); rowManager.drawRow(g, 0, y, width, list.getRowHeight()); } private class TableRowManager extends Manager { public TableRowManager() { super(0); } // Causes the fields within this row manager to be layed out then // painted. public void drawRow(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // Arrange the cell fields within this row manager. layout(width, height); // Place this row manager within its enclosing list. setPosition(x, y); // Apply a translating/clipping transformation to the graphics // context so that this row paints in the right area. g.pushRegion(getExtent()); // Paint this manager''s controlled fields. subpaint(g); g.setColor(0x00CACACA); g.drawLine(0, 0, getPreferredWidth(), 0); // Restore the graphics context. g.popContext(); } // Arrages this manager''s controlled fields from left to right within // the enclosing table''s columns. protected void sublayout(int width, int height) { // set the size and position of each field. int fontHeight = Font.getDefault().getHeight(); int preferredWidth = getPreferredWidth(); /* positioning of fields in list */ // Status Field field = getField(0); layoutChild(field, preferredWidth, 50); setPositionChild(field, 10, 5); // Name field = getField(1); layoutChild(field, 150, fontHeight + 1); //setPositionChild(field, 1, 2); setPositionChild(field, 80, fontHeight ); setExtent(preferredWidth, getPreferredHeight()); } // The preferred width of a row is defined by the list renderer. public int getPreferredWidth() { return Graphics.getScreenWidth(); } // The preferred height of a row is the "row height" as defined in the // enclosing list. public int getPreferredHeight() { return getRowHeight(); } } public Object get(ListField listField, int index) { return null; } public int getPreferredWidth(ListField listField) { return 0; } public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) { return 0; } }

FriendsRequestObject se da a continuación -

public class FriendsRequestObject { private String sender_id; private String sender_name; private String image; public FriendsRequestObject(String sender_id, String sender_name, String image){ this.sender_id = sender_id; this.sender_name =sender_name; this.image =image; } public String getimage() { return image; } public void setimage(String image) { this.image = image; } public String getSender_id() { return sender_id; } public void setSender_id(String sender_id) { this.sender_id = sender_id; } public String getSender_name() { return sender_name; } public void setSender_name(String sender_name) { this.sender_name = sender_name; } }