uncaught rails not error jquery asp.net-mvc-4 datatable

rails - Error Ajax-jquery datatable

jquery deferred exception $(.datatable is not a (2)

Estoy usando jquery datatable en mi aplicación.

Cuando intento vincular la respuesta json del servidor, recibo el siguiente mensaje en el navegador

DataTables warning:table id=DataTables_Table_0-Ajax error.For more information about this error please seee http://datatables.net/tn/7

y en la consola del navegador como

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) .

Cuando buceé más profundamente en la consola obtuve la siguiente excepción. A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type ''System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.CenterCode_16F8807C95C21FEFA99B4700E38D8ACB4A88C8E560B5640BD5E1FA148C99CCA5''. Y no sé lo que esto significa?

Josn regresa exitosamente sin ningún error? ¿Cómo puedo resolver este problema?

Función JsonResult

public JsonResult GetDataTable(string finYear) { try { Common _cmn = new Common(); List<RegistraionVM.RegDataTable> _dTableReg = new List<RegistraionVM.RegDataTable>(); _dTableReg = _db.StudentRegistrations .AsEnumerable() .Where(r => _centerCodeIds.Contains(r.StudentWalkInn.CenterCode.Id) && (r.TransactionDate.Value.Date >= _startFinDate && r.TransactionDate.Value.Date <= _endFinDate)) .Select(r => new RegistraionVM.RegDataTable { Centre = r.StudentWalkInn.CenterCode.CentreCode, CourseFee = r.TotalCourseFee.Value, Discount = r.Discount.Value, CurrEmpId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedUserId"].ToString()), WalkInn = r.StudentWalkInn, Receipt = r.StudentReceipts.Where(rc => rc.Status == false).FirstOrDefault(), RegDate = r.TransactionDate, RegistrationID = r.Id, SalesPerson = r.StudentWalkInn.CROCount == (int)EnumClass.CROCount.ONE ? r.StudentWalkInn.Employee1.Name : r.StudentWalkInn.Employee1.Name + "," + r.StudentWalkInn.Employee2.Name, StudentName = r.StudentWalkInn.CandidateName, SoftwareUsed = string.Join(",", r.StudentRegistrationCourses .SelectMany(c => c.MultiCourse.MultiCourseDetails .Select(mc => mc.Course.Name))), IsSalesIndividual = _currentRole == (int)EnumClass.Role.SALESINDIVIDUAL ? true : false }).OrderByDescending(r => r.RegistrationID).ToList(); return Json(new { data = _dTableReg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { data = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }


public class RegDataTable { public int RegistrationID { get; set; } public DateTime? RegDate { get; set; } public string Centre { get; set; } public string SalesPerson { get; set; } public string StudentName { get; set; } public int Discount { get; set; } public int CourseFee { get; set; } public string SoftwareUsed { get; set; } public StudentReceipt Receipt { get; set; } public bool IsSalesIndividual { get; set; } public StudentWalkInn WalkInn { get; set; } public int CurrEmpId { get; set; } public int? NextDueAmount { get { return Receipt == null ? 0 : Receipt.Total; } } public string NextDueDate { get { return Receipt == null ? "" : Receipt.DueDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } } public string MobileNo { get { if (IsSalesIndividual) { if ((CurrEmpId == WalkInn.CRO1ID) || (CurrEmpId == WalkInn.CRO2ID)) { return WalkInn.MobileNo; } else { return "-"; } } else { return WalkInn.MobileNo; } } } }


<table class="table table-bordered table-striped dTable" data-url="@Url.Action("GetDataTable", "Registration")"> <thead> <tr> <th>RegDate</th> <th>Centre </th> <th>Sales Person </th> <th>Student Name</th> <th>Mobile</th> <th style="width:200px">S/W Used</th> <th>Discount</th> <th>CourseFee</th> <th>Next DueDetails</th> <th style="display:none">NextDueAmount</th> <th ></th> </tr> </thead> </table>

Llamar a DataTable desde javascript

table = $(".dTable").dataTable({ ... ..., columns: [ { "data": "RegDate" }, { "data": "Centre" }, { "data": "SalesPerson" }, { "data": "StudentName" }, { "data": "MobileNo" }, { "data": "SoftwareUsed" }, { "data": "Discount" }, { "data": "CourseFee" }, { "data": "NextDueDate" }, { "data": "NextDueAmount" }, { "data": "RegistrationID" } ], //Defining checkbox in columns "aoColumnDefs": [ { "targets": [0], "render": function (data, type, full, meta) { var date = new Date(parseInt(data.substr(6))); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; return date.getDate() + ''/'' + month + ''/'' + date.getFullYear() } }, { "targets": [8], "bSortable": false, "render": function (data, type, row) { if (row.NextDueAmount != 0) { return data + '','' + row.NextDueAmount } else { return "FULL PAID" } } }, ], });


Deberías devolver Json (resultado). Después de haber creado la lista, solo está devolviendo datos vacíos si se lanza una excepción. Cambia el resultado de tu método a:

return Json(result); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { error = ex.Message }); } }

Usted * DEBE agregar una etiqueta <tbody> en blanco en su tabla, como;

<table> <thead>...</thead> <tbody></tbody> </table>

Para que los scripts de dataTable puedan agregar datos a tbody e inicializar la tabla.