por - ¿Lectura del objetivo de un archivo.lnk en Python?
leer una linea especifica de un archivo en python (5)
Intento leer el archivo / directorio de destino de un archivo de acceso directo ( .lnk
) de Python. ¿Hay una forma libre de dolor de cabeza para hacerlo? La especificación .lnk [PDF] está muy por encima de mi cabeza. No me importa usar API solo de Windows.
Mi objetivo final es encontrar la carpeta "(My) Videos"
en Windows XP y Vista. En XP, de forma predeterminada, está en %HOMEPATH%/My Documents/My Videos
, y en Vista es %HOMEPATH%/Videos
. Sin embargo, el usuario puede reubicar esta carpeta. En el caso, la carpeta %HOMEPATH%/Videos
deja de existir y se reemplaza por %HOMEPATH%/Videos.lnk
que apunta a la nueva carpeta "My Videos"
. Y quiero su ubicación absoluta.
Básicamente llame a la API de Windows directamente. Aquí hay un buen ejemplo que se encuentra después de buscar en Google:
import os, sys
import pythoncom
from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon
shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
shortcut_path = os.path.join (desktop_path, "python.lnk")
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
persist_file.Load (shortcut_path)
shortcut.SetDescription ("Updated Python %s" % sys.version)
mydocs_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, 0)
shortcut.SetWorkingDirectory (mydocs_path)
persist_file.Save (shortcut_path, 0)
Esto es de http://timgolden.me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/create-a-shortcut.html .
Puede buscar "python ishelllink" para otros ejemplos.
Además, la referencia de API también ayuda: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774950(VS.85).aspx
Alternativamente, puedes intentar usar SHGetFolderPath () . El siguiente código podría funcionar, pero no estoy en una máquina con Windows ahora mismo, así que no puedo probarlo.
import ctypes
shell32 = ctypes.windll.shell32
# allocate MAX_PATH bytes in buffer
video_folder_path = ctypes.create_string_buffer(260)
# If you want a Unicode path, use SHGetFolderPathW instead
if shell32.SHGetFolderPathA(None, 0xE, None, 0, video_folder_path) >= 0:
# success, video_folder_path now contains the correct path
# error
Crear un acceso directo usando Python (a través de WSH)
import sys
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t://test.lnk")
shortcut.Targetpath = "t://ftemp"
Lea el objetivo de un acceso directo usando Python (a través de WSH)
import sys
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t://test.lnk")
También me doy cuenta de que esta pregunta es antigua, pero las respuestas me parecieron más relevantes para mi situación.
Al igual que la respuesta de Jared, tampoco pude usar el módulo win32com. Así que el uso de Jared de la estructura binaria de MS-SHLLINK me ayudó a llegar allí. Necesitaba leer accesos directos tanto en Windows como en Linux, donde Windows creó los accesos directos en un recurso compartido de samba. La implementación de Jared no funcionó para mí, creo que solo porque encontré algunas variaciones diferentes en el formato de acceso directo. Pero, me dio el comienzo que necesitaba (gracias a Jared).
Entonces, aquí hay una clase llamada MSShortcut que expande el enfoque de Jared. Sin embargo, la implementación es solo Python3.4 y superior, debido al uso de algunas características de pathlib agregadas en Python3.4
# Link Format from MS: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd871305.aspx
# Need to be able to read shortcut target from .lnk file on linux or windows.
# Original inspiration from: http://.com/questions/397125/reading-the-target-of-a-lnk-file-in-python
from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
import struct, sys, warnings
if sys.hexversion < 0x03040000:
warnings.warn("''{}'' module requires python3.4 version or above".format(__file__), ImportWarning)
# doc says class id =
# 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
# requiredCLSID = b''/x00/x02/x14/x01/x00/x00/x00/x00/xC0/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x46''
# Actually Getting:
requiredCLSID = b''/x01/x14/x02/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/xC0/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x46'' # puzzling
class ShortCutError(RuntimeError):
class MSShortcut():
interface to Microsoft Shortcut Objects. Purpose:
- I need to be able to get the target from a samba shared on a linux machine
- Also need to get access from a Windows machine.
- Need to support several forms of the shortcut, as they seem be created differently depending on the
creating machine.
- Included some ''flag'' types in external interface to help test differences in shortcut types
scPath (str): path to shortcut
- There are some omitted object properties in the implementation.
Only implemented / tested enough to recover the shortcut target information. Recognized omissions:
- LinkTargetIDList
- VolumeId structure (if captured later, should be a separate class object to hold info)
- Only captured environment block from extra data
- I don''t know how or when some of the shortcut information is used, only captured what I recognized,
so there may be bugs related to use of the information
- NO shortcut update support (though might be nice)
- Implementation requires python 3.4 or greater
- Tested only with Unicode data on a 64bit little endian machine, did not consider potential endian issues
Not Debugged:
- localBasePath - didn''t check if parsed correctly or not.
- commonPathSuffix
- commonNetworkRelativeLink
def __init__(self, scPath):
Parse and keep shortcut properties on creation
self.scPath = Path(scPath)
self._clsid = None
self._lnkFlags = None
self._lnkInfoFlags = None
self._localBasePath = None
self._commonPathSuffix = None
self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = None
self._name = None
self._relativePath = None
self._workingDir = None
self._commandLineArgs = None
self._iconLocation = None
self._envTarget = None
def clsid(self):
return self._clsid
def lnkFlags(self):
return self._lnkFlags
def lnkInfoFlags(self):
return self._lnkInfoFlags
def localBasePath(self):
return self._localBasePath
def commonPathSuffix(self):
return self._commonPathSuffix
def commonNetworkRelativeLink(self):
return self._commonNetworkRelativeLink
def name(self):
return self._name
def relativePath(self):
return self._relativePath
def workingDir(self):
return self._workingDir
def commandLineArgs(self):
return self._commandLineArgs
def iconLocation(self):
return self._iconLocation
def envTarget(self):
return self._envTarget
def targetPath(self):
woAnchor (bool): remove the anchor (//server/path or drive:) from returned path.
a libpath PureWindowsPath object for combined workingDir/relative path
or the envTarget
ShortCutError when no target path found in Shortcut
target = None
if self.workingDir:
target = PureWindowsPath(self.workingDir)
if self.relativePath:
target = target / PureWindowsPath(self.relativePath)
else: target = None
if not target and self.envTarget:
target = PureWindowsPath(self.envTarget)
if not target:
raise ShortCutError("Unable to retrieve target path from MS Shortcut: shortcut = {}"
return target
def targetPathWOAnchor(self):
tp = self.targetPath
return tp.relative_to(tp.anchor)
def _ParseLnkFile(self, lnkPath):
with lnkPath.open(''rb'') as f:
content = f.read()
# verify size (4 bytes)
hdrSize = struct.unpack(''I'', content[0x00:0x04])[0]
if hdrSize != 0x4C:
raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut HeaderSize = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
.format(hdrSize, 0x4C, str(lnkPath)))
# verify LinkCLSID id (16 bytes)
self._clsid = bytes(struct.unpack(''B''*16, content[0x04:0x14]))
if self._clsid != requiredCLSID:
raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut ClassID = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
.format(self._clsid, requiredCLSID, str(lnkPath)))
# read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
self._lnkFlags = struct.unpack(''I'', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
#logger.debug("lnkFlags=0x%0.8x" % self._lnkFlags)
position = 0x4C
# if HasLinkTargetIDList bit, then position to skip the stored IDList structure and header
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x01):
idListSize = struct.unpack(''H'', content[position:position+0x02])[0]
position += idListSize + 2
# if HasLinkInfo, then process the linkinfo structure
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x02):
(linkInfoSize, linkInfoHdrSize, self._linkInfoFlags,
volIdOffset, localBasePathOffset,
cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset, cmnPathSuffixOffset) = struct.unpack(''IIIIIII'', content[position:position+28])
# check for optional offsets
localBasePathOffsetUnicode = None
cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode = None
if linkInfoHdrSize >= 0x24:
(localBasePathOffsetUnicode, cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack(''II'', content[position+28:position+36])
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoSize)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoHdrSize)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % self._linkInfoFlags)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % volIdOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffsetUnicode)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode)
# if info has a localBasePath
if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x01):
bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffset
# not debugged - don''t know if this works or not
self._localBasePath = UnpackZ(''z'', content[bpPosition:])[0].decode(''ascii'')
#logger.debug("localBasePath: {}".format(self._localBasePath))
if localBasePathOffsetUnicode:
bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffsetUnicode
self._localBasePath = UnpackUnicodeZ(''z'', content[bpPosition:])[0]
self._localBasePath = self._localBasePath.decode(''utf-16'')
#logger.debug("localBasePathUnicode: {}".format(self._localBasePath))
# get common Path Suffix
cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffset
self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackZ(''z'', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0].decode(''ascii'')
#logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))
if cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode:
cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode
self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackUnicodeZ(''z'', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0]
self._commonPathSuffix = self._commonPathSuffix.decode(''utf-16'')
#logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))
# check for CommonNetworkRelativeLink
if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x02):
relPosition = position + cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset
self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = CommonNetworkRelativeLink(content, relPosition)
position += linkInfoSize
# If HasName
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x04):
(position, self._name) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
#logger.debug("name: {}".format(self._name))
# get relative path string
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x08):
(position, self._relativePath) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# get working dir string
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x10):
(position, self._workingDir) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# get command line arguments
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x20):
(position, self._commandLineArgs) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# get icon location
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x40):
(position, self._iconLocation) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# look for environment properties
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x200):
while True:
size = struct.unpack(''I'', content[position:position+4])[0]
#logger.debug("blksize=%d" % size)
if size==0: break
signature = struct.unpack(''I'', content[position+4:position+8])[0]
#logger.debug("signature=0x%0.8x" % signature)
# EnvironmentVariableDataBlock
if signature == 0xA0000001:
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
self._envTarget = UnpackUnicodeZ(''z'', content[position+268:])[0]
self._envTarget = self._envTarget.decode(''utf-16'')
self._envTarget = UnpackZ(''z'', content[position+8:])[0].decode(''ascii'')
position += size
def readStringObj(self, scContent, position):
tuple: (newPosition, string)
strg = ''''
size = struct.unpack(''H'', scContent[position:position+2])[0]
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
size *= 2
strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+''s'', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0]
strg = strg.decode(''utf-16'')
strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+''s'', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0].decode(''ascii'')
position += size + 2 # 2 bytes to account for CountCharacters field
return (position, strg)
class CommonNetworkRelativeLink():
def __init__(self, scContent, linkContentPos):
self._networkProviderType = None
self._deviceName = None
self._netName = None
(linkSize, flags, netNameOffset,
devNameOffset, self._networkProviderType) = struct.unpack(''IIIII'', scContent[linkContentPos:linkContentPos+20])
#logger.debug("netnameOffset = {}".format(netNameOffset))
if netNameOffset > 0x014:
(netNameOffsetUnicode, devNameOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack(''II'', scContent[linkContentPos+20:linkContentPos+28])
#logger.debug("netnameOffsetUnicode = {}".format(netNameOffsetUnicode))
self._netName = UnpackUnicodeZ(''z'', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
self._netName = self._netName.decode(''utf-16'')
self._deviceName = UnpackUnicodeZ(''z'', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
self._deviceName = self._deviceName.decode(''utf-16'')
self._netName = UnpackZ(''z'', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffset:])[0].decode(''ascii'')
self._deviceName = UnpackZ(''z'', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffset:])[0].decode(''ascii'')
def deviceName(self):
return self._deviceName
def netName(self):
return self._netName
def networkProviderType(self):
return self._networkProviderType
def UnpackZ (fmt, buf) :
Unpack Null Terminated String
while True :
pos = fmt.find (''z'')
if pos < 0 :
z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
z_len = buf[z_start:].find(b''/0'')
fmt = ''%s%dsx%s'' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
#logger.debug("fmt=''{}'', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])
def UnpackUnicodeZ (fmt, buf) :
Unpack Null Terminated String
while True :
pos = fmt.find (''z'')
if pos < 0 :
z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
# look for null bytes by pairs
z_len = 0
for i in range(z_start,len(buf),2):
if buf[i:i+2] == b''/0/0'':
z_len = i-z_start
fmt = ''%s%dsxx%s'' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
# logger.debug("fmt=''{}'', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])
Espero que esto ayude a otros también. Gracias
Sé que este es un hilo más antiguo, pero creo que no hay mucha información sobre el método que utiliza la especificación del enlace como se señaló en la pregunta original.
La implementación de mi objetivo de acceso directo no pudo usar el módulo win32com y después de mucha búsqueda, decidí crear la mía. Nada más parecía lograr lo que necesitaba bajo mis restricciones. Espero que esto ayude a otras personas en esta misma situación.
Utiliza la estructura binaria que Microsoft ha proporcionado para MS-SHLLINK .
import struct
path = ''myfile.txt.lnk''
target = ''''
with open(path, ''rb'') as stream:
content = stream.read()
# skip first 20 bytes (HeaderSize and LinkCLSID)
# read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
lflags = struct.unpack(''I'', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
position = 0x18
# if the HasLinkTargetIDList bit is set then skip the stored IDList
# structure and header
if (lflags & 0x01) == 1:
position = struct.unpack(''H'', content[0x4C:0x4E])[0] + 0x4E
last_pos = position
position += 0x04
# get how long the file information is (LinkInfoSize)
length = struct.unpack(''I'', content[last_pos:position])[0]
# skip 12 bytes (LinkInfoHeaderSize, LinkInfoFlags, and VolumeIDOffset)
position += 0x0C
# go to the LocalBasePath position
lbpos = struct.unpack(''I'', content[position:position+0x04])[0]
position = last_pos + lbpos
# read the string at the given position of the determined length
size= (length + last_pos) - position - 0x02
temp = struct.unpack(''c'' * size, content[position:position+size])
target = ''''.join([chr(ord(a)) for a in temp])