scale_x_discrete manipulation ggplot change r colors ggplot2 dataframe

manipulation - Color ggplot puntos basados ​​en códigos de color definidos

scale_x_discrete (1)

¿Es posible utilizar ggplot para colorear puntos en función de códigos de color estándar predefinidos contenidos en el marco de datos?

A continuación hay algunos datos de muestra y un código para ayudar a articular mi pregunta.

tick <- c("GE","APPL","GM","BTU","WMT","JPM","LUV") price <- c(22,900,20,22,80,31,35) volume<- c(300,500,100,107,400,300,325) df1 <- data.frame(ticker=tick, price=price, volume=volume) # Here is a sample chart without colors: p <- ggplot(df1, aes(volume, price))+ geom_point(); p # I could use astetics and color_brewer to color points by ticker. # But since I want to have my colors uniform across multiple plots # outside of this script, I have specified the colors to always # be used for certian tickers ## color speciciations ## tick<-c("GE","APPL","GM","BTU","WMT") ccodes<-c("#3399FF", "#FF000", "#CC00FF", "#993300", "#66CC00") cnames<-c("blue", "red", "purple", "brown", "green") df2=data.frame(ticker=tick,, color.names=cnames) ## merge color specifcations into data df3 <-merge(df1,df2, by=("ticker"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE) # since I wont be able to specify colors for all the data will be # be plotting I need to speficy a default color, in this case black. # this is where I start to run into trouble. For some reason the # following line dosent work as i would have intended as it dosent # correctly bring back the defined colors. df3$ <- ifelse($, "#000000", df3$ # Once that is corrected, I would like to use the new color codes # in df3 as the colors of the points. p <- ggplot(df3, aes(volume, price))+ geom_point(); p

Cualquier orientación sería muy apreciada.

##################################################################### ##### Edit below - to test ##################################################################### ccodes<-c("#990000", "#990000", "#990000", "#990000", "#990000")

La línea que reclamó no funcionó:

df3$ <- ifelse($, "#000000", df3$

funciona para mí, aunque creo que te perdiste un dígito en uno de tus colores hexadecimales. Una vez que tenga eso enderezado, solo quiere usar scale_colour_manual con algo como esto:

tick <- c("GE","APPL","GM","BTU","WMT","JPM","LUV") price <- c(22,900,20,22,80,31,35) volume<- c(300,500,100,107,400,300,325) df1 <- data.frame(ticker=tick, price=price, volume=volume) tick<-c("GE","APPL","GM","BTU","WMT") ccodes<-c("#3399FF", "#FF0000", "#CC00FF", "#993300", "#66CC00") cnames<-c("blue", "red", "purple", "brown", "green") df2=data.frame(ticker=tick,, color.names=cnames) ## merge color specifcations into data df3 <-merge(df1,df2, by=("ticker"), all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE) df3$ <- ifelse($, "#000000", df3$ p <- ggplot(df3, aes(volume, price,colour = ticker))+ geom_point() p + scale_colour_manual(breaks = df3$ticker,values = df3$