una survival supervivencia studio schoenfeld residuos regresion meier kaplan hacer ggplot curva cox como analisis r ggplot2 survival-analysis

survival - Trazando curvas de supervivencia en R con ggplot2

residuos de schoenfeld en r (2)

He estado buscando una solución para trazar curvas de supervivencia usando ggplot2. He encontrado algunos buenos ejemplos, pero no siguen toda la estética de ggplot2 (principalmente con respecto a los intervalos de confianza sombreados, etc.). Así que finalmente escribí mi propia función:

ggsurvplot<-function(s, conf.int=T, events=T, shape="|", xlab="Time", ylab="Survival probability", zeroy=F, col=T, linetype=F){ #s: a survfit object. #conf.int: TRUE or FALSE to plot confidence intervals. #events: TRUE or FALSE to draw points when censoring events occur #shape: the shape of these points #zeroy: Force the y axis to reach 0 #col: TRUE, FALSE or a vector with colours. Colour or B/W #linetype: TRUE, FALSE or a vector with line types. require(ggplot2) require(survival) if(class(s)!="survfit") stop("Survfit object required") #Build a data frame with all the data sdata<-data.frame(time=s$time, surv=s$surv, lower=s$lower, upper=s$upper) sdata$strata<-rep(names(s$strata), s$strata) #Create a blank canvas kmplot<-ggplot(sdata, aes(x=time, y=surv))+ geom_blank()+ xlab(xlab)+ ylab(ylab)+ theme_bw() #Set color palette if(is.logical(col)) ifelse(col, kmplot<-kmplot+scale_colour_brewer(type="qual", palette=6)+scale_fill_brewer(type="qual", palette=6), kmplot<-kmplot+scale_colour_manual(values=rep("black",length(s$strata)))+scale_fill_manual(values=rep("black",length(s$strata))) ) else kmplot<-kmplot+scale_fill_manual(values=col)+scale_colour_manual(values=col) #Set line types if(is.logical(linetype)) ifelse(linetype, kmplot<-kmplot+scale_linetype_manual(values=1:length(s$strata)), kmplot<-kmplot+scale_linetype_manual(values=rep(1, length(s$strata))) ) else kmplot<-kmplot+scale_linetype_manual(values=linetype) #Force y axis to zero if(zeroy) { kmplot<-kmplot+ylim(0,1) } #Confidence intervals if(conf.int) { #Create a data frame with stepped lines n <- nrow(sdata) ys <- rep(1:n, each = 2)[-2*n] #duplicate row numbers and remove the last one xs <- c(1, rep(2:n, each=2)) #first row 1, and then duplicate row numbers scurve.step<-data.frame(time=sdata$time[xs], lower=sdata$lower[ys], upper=sdata$upper[ys], surv=sdata$surv[ys], strata=sdata$strata[ys]) kmplot<-kmplot+ geom_ribbon(data=scurve.step, aes(x=time,ymin=lower, ymax=upper, fill=strata), alpha=0.2) } #Events if(events) { kmplot<-kmplot+ geom_point(aes(x=time, y=surv, col=strata), shape=shape) } #Survival stepped line kmplot<-kmplot+geom_step(data=sdata, aes(x=time, y=surv, col=strata, linetype=strata)) #Return the ggplot2 object kmplot }

Escribí una versión anterior usando bucles for para cada estrato, pero fue más lento. Como no soy un programador, busco consejos para mejorar la función. Tal vez agregar una tabla de datos con pacientes en riesgo, o una mejor integración en el marco ggplot2.


Puede intentar lo siguiente para algo con áreas sombreadas entre elementos de configuración:

(Estoy usando la versión de desarrollo aquí ya que hay un defecto con el parámetro alpha en la versión de producción (no sombrea rectángulos superiores correctamente para valores no predeterminados). De lo contrario, las funciones son idénticas).

library(devtools) dev_mode(TRUE) # in case you don''t want a permanent install install_github("survMisc", "dardisco") library("survMisc", lib.loc="C:/Users/c/R-dev") # or wherever you/devtools has put it data(kidney, package="KMsurv") p1 <- autoplot(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney), type="fill", survSize=2, palette="Pastel1", fillLineSize=0.1, alpha=0.4)$plot p1 + theme_classic() dev_mode(FALSE)


Y para una trama y una tabla clásicas:

autoplot(autoplot(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney), type="CI"))

Ver ?survMisc::autoplot.survfit y ?survMisc::autoplot.tableAndPlot para más opciones.

Quería hacer lo mismo y también obtuve el error del error cartesiano. Además, quería tener números censurados en mi código y cantidad de eventos. Así que escribí este pequeño fragmento. Todavía un poco crudo, pero tal vez sea útil para algunos.

ggsurvplot<-function( time, event, event.marker=1, marker, tabletitle="tabletitle", xlab="Time(months)", ylab="Disease Specific Survival", ystratalabs=c("High", "Low"), pv=TRUE, legend=TRUE, n.risk=TRUE, n.event=TRUE, n.cens=TRUE, timeby=24, xmax=120, panel="A") { require(ggplot2) require(survival) require(gridExtra) s.fit=survfit(Surv(time, event==event.marker)~marker) s.diff=survdiff(Surv(time, event=event.marker)~marker) #Build a data frame with all the data sdata<-data.frame(time=s.fit$time, surv=s.fit$surv, lower=s.fit$lower, upper=s.fit$upper, n.censor=s.fit$n.censor, n.event=s.fit$n.event, n.risk=s.fit$n.risk) sdata$strata<-rep(names(s.fit$strata), s.fit$strata) m <- max(nchar(ystratalabs)) if(xmax<=max(sdata$time)){ xlims=c(0, round(xmax/timeby, digits=0)*timeby) }else{ xlims=c(0, round((max(sdata$time))/timeby, digits=0)*timeby) } times <- seq(0, max(xlims), by = timeby) subs <- 1:length(summary(s.fit,times=times,extend = TRUE)$strata) strata = factor(summary(s.fit,times = times,extend = TRUE)$strata[subs]) time = summary(s.fit, time = times, extend = TRUE)$time #Buidling the plot basics p<-ggplot(data = sdata, aes(colour = strata, group = strata, shape=strata)) + theme_classic()+ geom_step(aes(x = time, y = surv), direction = "hv")+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=times)+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,by=0.1)) + geom_ribbon(aes(x = time, ymax = upper, ymin = lower, fill = strata), directions = "hv", linetype = 0,alpha = 0.10) + geom_point(data = subset(sdata, n.censor == 1), aes(x = time, y = surv), shape = 3) + labs(title=tabletitle)+ theme( plot.margin=unit(c(1,0.5,(2.5+length(levels(factor(marker)))*2),2), "lines"), legend.title=element_blank(), legend.background=element_blank(), legend.position=c(0.2,0.2))+ scale_colour_discrete( breaks=c(levels(factor(sdata$strata))), labels=ystratalabs) + scale_shape_discrete( breaks=c(levels(factor(sdata$strata))), labels=ystratalabs) + scale_fill_discrete( breaks=c(levels(factor(sdata$strata))), labels=ystratalabs) + xlab(xlab)+ ylab(ylab)+ coord_cartesian(xlim = xlims, ylim=c(0,1)) #addping the p-value if (pv==TRUE){ pval <- 1 - pchisq(s.diff$chisq, length(s.diff$n) - 1) pvaltxt<-if(pval>=0.001){ paste0("P = ", round(pval, digits=3)) }else{ "P < 0.001" } p <- p + annotate("text", x = 0.85 * max(xlims), y = 0.1, label = pvaltxt) } #adding information for tables times <- seq(0, max(xlims), by = timeby) subs <- 1:length(summary(s.fit,times=times,extend = TRUE)$strata) risk.data<-data.frame(strata = factor(summary(s.fit,times = times,extend = TRUE)$strata[subs]), time = summary(s.fit, time = times, extend = TRUE)$time[subs], n.risk = summary(s.fit,times = times,extend = TRUE)$n.risk[subs], n.cens = summary(s.fit, times=times, extend=TRUE)$n.cens[subs], n.event=summary(s.fit, times=times, extend=TRUE)$n.event[subs]) #adding the risk table if(n.risk==TRUE){ p<- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=0.5*max(xlims), y=-0.15, label="Numbers at risk") for (q in 1:length(levels(factor(marker)))){ p<- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=-0.15*max(xlims),y=(-0.15+(-0.05*q)), label=paste0(ystratalabs[q])) for(i in ((q-1)*length(times)+1):(q*length(times))){ p <- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=risk.data$time[i], y=(-0.15+(-0.05*q)), label=paste0(risk.data$n.risk[i])) } } } #adding the event table if(n.event==TRUE){ p<- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=0.5*max(xlims), y=(-0.20+(-0.05*length(levels(factor(marker))))), label="Number of events") for (q in 1:length(levels(factor(marker)))){ p<- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=-0.15*max(xlims),y=(-0.20+(-0.05*length(levels(factor(marker))))+(-0.05*q)), label=paste0(ystratalabs[q])) for(i in ((q-1)*length(times)+1):(q*length(times))){ p <- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=risk.data$time[i], y=(-0.20+(-0.05*length(levels(factor(marker))))+(-0.05*q)), label=paste0(risk.data$n.event[i])) } } } #adding the cens table if(n.event==TRUE){ p<- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=0.5*max(xlims), y=(-0.25+(-0.05*length(levels(factor(marker)))*2)), label="Number of censored") for (q in 1:length(levels(factor(marker)))){ p<- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=-0.15*max(xlims),y=(-0.25+(-0.05*length(levels(factor(marker)))*2)+(-0.05*q)), label=paste0(ystratalabs[q])) for(i in ((q-1)*length(times)+1):(q*length(times))){ p <- p + annotate("text", cex=3, x=risk.data$time[i], y=(-0.25+(-0.05*length(levels(factor(marker)))*2)+(-0.05*q)), label=paste0(risk.data$n.cens[i])) } } } #adding panel marker p <- p + annotate("text", cex=10, x= -0.2*max(xlims), y=1.1, label=panel) #drawing the plot with the tables outside the margins gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p)) gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name=="panel"] <- "off" grid.draw(gt) }