you unexpected type parse nextjs need may failed appropriate javascript webpack babeljs

javascript - unexpected - you may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. css

webpack+babel-reaccionar, token inesperado ''import'' (1)

Estoy tratando de hacer que index.js funcione con es2015.

Antes de dirigirme a .babelrc , tenga en cuenta que he agregado AMBOS es2015 y reaccionar (para estar seguro, pero no hay reacción aquí).

Cuenta con

import { default as Logary, Targets, getLogger, build } from ''logary'';

Y aquí está .babelrc:

{ "presets": [''es2015'', ''react''] }

Y webpack.config.js

var webpack = require(''webpack''), HtmlWebpackPlugin = require(''html-webpack-plugin''), path = require(''path''); module.exports = { devtool: ''source-map'', entry: [ ''webpack-hot-middleware/client?reload=true'', ''./index.js'' ], output: { path: path.resolve(''./dist''), filename: ''[name].js'', publicPath: ''/'' }, loaders: [ { test: //.js$/, loader: ''babel-loader'', exclude: /node_modules/ }, { test: //.css$/, loader: "style!css" }, { test: //.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|woff)$/, loader: ''url?limit=8192'' }, { test: //.(otf|eot|ttf)$/, loader: "file?prefix=font/" }, { test: //.svg$/, loader: "file" } ], plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: ''index.html'', template: ''index.template.html'' }), new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(), new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ ''process.env.NODE_ENV'': JSON.stringify(''development'') }) ], resolve: { extensions: ['''', ''.js''] } }

Da error:

ERROR in ./index.js Module parse failed: /Users/h/logary-js/examples/webpack/index.js Line 1: Unexpected token You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | import { default as Logary, Targets, getLogger, build } from ''logary''; | | // once per site/app

¿Por qué no está manejando el token de importación?

Su estructura webpack.config.js no es correcta. Webpack no reconoce todos tus cargadores. Específicamente, debe colocar la propiedad de los cargadores dentro de una sección de módulo como esta:

module: { loaders: [ { test: //.js$/, loader: ''babel-loader'', exclude: /node_modules/ }, { test: //.css$/, loader: "style!css" }, { test: //.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|woff)$/, loader: ''url?limit=8192'' }, { test: //.(otf|eot|ttf)$/, loader: "file?prefix=font/" }, { test: //.svg$/, loader: "file" } ], }