php - Configurando Payum Bundle con Symfony2 dando error
paypal payment-gateway (1)
Finalmente logré terminarlo.
Necesitaba 4 archivos
- PaymentController
- Pedidos (Entidad)
- PaymentToken (entidad)
- Pedidos (Modelo)
Este es mi PaymentController
namespace ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Controller;
use ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Entity/Orders;
use Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Controller/Controller;
use Payum/Paypal/ExpressCheckout/Nvp/Api;
use Payum/Core/Registry/RegistryInterface;
use Payum/Core/Request/GetHumanStatus;
use Payum/Core/Security/GenericTokenFactoryInterface;
use Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request;
use Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/JsonResponse;
use Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle/Configuration as Extra;
class PaymentController extends Controller
public function preparePaypalExpressCheckoutPaymentAction(Request $request)
$paymentName = ''paypal'';
$eBook = array(
''author'' => ''Jules Verne'',
''name'' => ''The Mysterious Island'',
''description'' => ''The Mysterious Island is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874.'',
''price'' => 8.64,
''currency_symbol'' => ''$'',
''currency'' => ''USD'',
''clientId'' => ''222'',
''clientemail'' => ''''
$storage = $this->get(''payum'')->getStorage(''ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Entity/Orders'');
/** @var $paymentDetails Orders */
$paymentDetails = $storage->create();
$paymentDetails[''PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE''] = $eBook[''currency''];
$paymentDetails[''PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT''] = $eBook[''price''];
$paymentDetails[''L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0''] = $eBook[''price''];
$paymentDetails[''L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0''] = $eBook[''author''].''. ''.$eBook[''name''];
$paymentDetails[''L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0''] = $eBook[''description''];
$captureToken = $this->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken(
$paymentDetails[''INVNUM''] = $paymentDetails->getId();
return $this->redirect($captureToken->getTargetUrl());
public function doneAction(Request $request)
$token = $this->get('''')->verify($request);
$payment = $this->get(''payum'')->getPayment($token->getPaymentName());
// you can invalidate the token. The url could not be requested any more.
// $this->get('''')->invalidate($token);
// Once you have token you can get the model from the storage directly.
//$identity = $token->getDetails();
//$order = $payum->getStorage($identity->getClass())->find($identity);
// or Payum can fetch the model for you while executing a request (Preferred).
$payment->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($token));
$order = $status->getFirstModel();
// you have order and payment status
// so you can do whatever you want for example you can just print status and payment details.
return new JsonResponse(array(
''status'' => $status->getValue(),
''response'' => array(
''order'' => $order->getTotalAmount(),
''currency_code'' => $order->getCurrencyCode(),
''details'' => $order->getDetails(),
* @return RegistryInterface
protected function getPayum()
return $this->get(''payum'');
* @return GenericTokenFactoryInterface
protected function getTokenFactory()
return $this->get('''');
Esta es mi Entidad de Orders
namespace ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Entity;
use Doctrine/ORM/Mapping as ORM;
use ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Model/Orders as BasePaymentDetails;
* Orders
class Orders extends BasePaymentDetails
* @var integer
protected $id;
private $number;
private $description;
private $client_email;
private $client_id;
private $total_amount;
private $currency_code;
protected $details;
* Get id
* @return integer
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set number
* @param integer $number
* @return Orders
public function setNumber($number)
$this->number = $number;
return $this;
* Get number
* @return integer
public function getNumber()
return $this->number;
* Set description
* @param string $description
* @return Orders
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;
return $this;
* Get description
* @return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* Set client_email
* @param string $clientEmail
* @return Orders
public function setClientEmail($clientEmail)
$this->client_email = $clientEmail;
return $this;
* Get client_email
* @return string
public function getClientEmail()
return $this->client_email;
* Set client_id
* @param string $clientId
* @return Orders
public function setClientId($clientId)
$this->client_id = $clientId;
return $this;
* Get client_id
* @return string
public function getClientId()
return $this->client_id;
* Set total_amount
* @param float $totalAmount
* @return Orders
public function setTotalAmount($totalAmount)
$this->total_amount = $totalAmount;
return $this;
* Get total_amount
* @return float
public function getTotalAmount()
return $this->total_amount;
* Set currency_code
* @param string $currencyCode
* @return Orders
public function setCurrencyCode($currencyCode)
$this->currency_code = $currencyCode;
return $this;
* Get currency_code
* @return string
public function getCurrencyCode()
return $this->currency_code;
* Set details
* @param string $details
* @return Orders
public function setDetails($details)
$this->details = $details;
return $this;
* Get details
* @return string
public function getDetails()
return $this->details;
Esta es mi entidad PaymentToken
namespace ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Entity;
use Doctrine/ORM/Mapping as ORM;
use Payum/Core/Model/Token;
* PaymentToken
class PaymentToken extends Token
Este es mi modelo de Orders
namespace ClickTeck/featuresBundle/Model;
use Payum/Core/Model/ArrayObject;
class Orders extends ArrayObject
protected $id;
* @return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
- Ahora cuando llamo a la acción
por ruta - Me redireccionan para hacer el pago
- Puedo ver la respuesta en
Biblioteca muy ordenada. Me tomó un tiempo resolverlo y estoy contento de que funcione ahora. Estoy seguro de que tengo mucho más para aprender sobre Payum y espero que alguien pueda confirmar si esta es la manera correcta :)
Estoy trabajando con Symfony 2.6 y estoy intentando configurar PayumBundle (paypal express checkout) y estoy obteniendo un error
InvalidConfigurationException in BaseNode.php line 313: Invalid configuration for path "": The storage entry must be a valid model class. It is set Acme/featuresBundle/Entity/PaymentToken
Estoy siguiendo los pasos mencionados en documetation allí
Así es como se ve mi config.yml
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
auto_mapping: true
is_bundle: false
type: xml
dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/payum/core/Payum/Core/Bridge/Doctrine/Resources/mapping
prefix: Payum/Core/Model
Acme/featuresBundle/Entity/PaymentToken: { doctrine: orm }
Acme/featuresBundle/Entity/PaymentDetails: { doctrine: orm }
username: ''asdasd''
password: ''adsasd''
signature: ''asdasdasd''
sandbox: true
Este es mi Entity PaymentToken
namespace Acme/featuresBundle/Entity;
use Doctrine/ORM/Mapping as ORM;
use Payum/Core/Model/Token;
* @ORM/Table
* @ORM/Entity
class PaymentToken extends Token
Y esto es Entity PaymentDetails
namespace Acme/featuresBundle/Entity;
use Doctrine/ORM/Mapping as ORM;
use Payum/Core/Model/Order as BaseOrder;
* @ORM/Table
* @ORM/Entity
class PaymentDetails extends BaseOrder
* @ORM/Column(name="id", type="integer")
* @ORM/Id
* @ORM/GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
* @var integer $id
protected $id;
He revisado una gran cantidad de documentación en línea y otras publicaciones como esta, pero no entiendo por qué recibo este error.
The storage entry must be a valid model class. It is set Acme/featuresBundle/Entity/PaymentToken
Ni siquiera puedo acceder al controlador, así que algo me dice que es la configuración config.yml de Payum que no está configurada correctamente. He revisado la documentación una y otra vez y no puedo encontrar qué estoy haciendo mal.
Realmente agradeceré cualquier ayuda para pasar este error.