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c# - net - cómo crear una pista de auditoría con Entity framework 5 y MVC 4

mvc 5 entity framework relationships (5)

Estoy creando una aplicación MVC 4, utilizando EF 5. Necesito hacer un seguimiento de auditoría, es decir, registrar cualquier cambio que realicen los usuarios finales.

He hecho esta pregunta varias veces, pero no he recibido una respuesta satisfactoria antes. Así que estoy agregando muchos más detalles con la esperanza de llegar a algún lugar ...

Actualmente tengo múltiples repositorios

es decir

public class AuditZoneRepository : IAuditZoneRepository { private AISDbContext context = new AISDbContext(); public int Save(AuditZone model, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { if (model.Id == 0) { context.AuditZones.Add(model); } else { var recordToUpdate = context.AuditZones.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.Id); if (recordToUpdate != null) { recordToUpdate.Description = model.Description; recordToUpdate.Valid = model.Valid; recordToUpdate.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; } } try { context.SaveChanges(); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) { modelState.AddModelError("", "Database error has occured. Please try again later"); return -1; } } } public class PostcodesRepository : IPostcodesRepository { private AISDbContext context = new AISDbContext(); public int Save(Postcodes model, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { if (model.Id == 0) { context.Postcodes.Add(model); } else { var recordToUpdate = context.Postcodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.Id); if (recordToUpdate != null) { recordToUpdate.Suburb = model.Suburb; recordToUpdate.State = model.State; recordToUpdate.Postcode = model.Postcode; recordToUpdate.AuditZoneId = model.AuditZoneId; recordToUpdate.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; } } try { context.SaveChanges(); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) { modelState.AddModelError("", "Database error has occured. Please try again later"); return -1; } } }

Ahora sé por mí que debo agregar el código para ver si hay cambios que necesito agregar al intentar guardar. Antes del contexto.SaveChanges ().

Pero actualmente tengo 10 repos. Realmente no quiero agregar código a 10 lugares diferentes. Como este código hará exactamente lo mismo. De alguna manera quiero tener una clase de base de la cual los repos heredan.

¿alguna ayuda? ¿Algún código de muestra? cualquier punteros?

sería apreciado. Estoy seguro de que otras personas habrían hecho esto antes

Estoy mapeando mis llaves, relaciones y tablas como tal.

public class AuditZoneMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<AuditZone> { public AuditZoneMap() { // Primary Key HasKey(t => t.Id); // Properties Property(t => t.Description) .HasMaxLength(100); // Table & Column Mappings ToTable("AuditZone"); Property(t => t.Id).HasColumnName("Id"); Property(t => t.Description).HasColumnName("Description"); Property(t => t.Valid).HasColumnName("Valid"); Property(t => t.CreatedDate).HasColumnName("CreatedDate"); Property(t => t.CreatedBy).HasColumnName("CreatedBy"); Property(t => t.ModifiedDate).HasColumnName("ModifiedDate"); Property(t => t.ModifiedBy).HasColumnName("ModifiedBy"); // Relationships HasOptional(t => t.CreatedByUser) .WithMany(t => t.CreatedByAuditZone) .HasForeignKey(d => d.CreatedBy); HasOptional(t => t.ModifiedByUser) .WithMany(t => t.ModifiedByAuditZone) .HasForeignKey(d => d.ModifiedBy); } }

Cree una clase para capturar los cambios o haga un seguimiento de los cambios cuando la entidad agregue, modifique o elimine.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; namespace MVC_AuditTrail.Models { public class AuditTrailFactory { private DbContext context; public AuditTrailFactory(DbContext context) { this.context = context; } public Audit GetAudit(DbEntityEntry entry) { Audit audit = new Audit(); // var user = (User)HttpContext.Current.Session[":user"]; audit.UserId = "swapnil";// user.UserName; audit.TableName = GetTableName(entry); audit.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; audit.TableIdValue = GetKeyValue(entry); //entry is Added if (entry.State == EntityState.Added) { var newValues = new StringBuilder(); SetAddedProperties(entry, newValues); audit.NewData = newValues.ToString(); audit.Actions = AuditActions.I.ToString(); } //entry in deleted else if (entry.State == EntityState.Deleted) { var oldValues = new StringBuilder(); SetDeletedProperties(entry, oldValues); audit.OldData = oldValues.ToString(); audit.Actions = AuditActions.D.ToString(); } //entry is modified else if (entry.State == EntityState.Modified) { var oldValues = new StringBuilder(); var newValues = new StringBuilder(); SetModifiedProperties(entry, oldValues, newValues); audit.OldData = oldValues.ToString(); audit.NewData = newValues.ToString(); audit.Actions = AuditActions.U.ToString(); } return audit; } private void SetAddedProperties(DbEntityEntry entry, StringBuilder newData) { foreach (var propertyName in entry.CurrentValues.PropertyNames) { var newVal = entry.CurrentValues[propertyName]; if (newVal != null) { newData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, newVal); } } if (newData.Length > 0) newData = newData.Remove(newData.Length - 3, 3); } private void SetDeletedProperties(DbEntityEntry entry, StringBuilder oldData) { DbPropertyValues dbValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues(); foreach (var propertyName in dbValues.PropertyNames) { var oldVal = dbValues[propertyName]; if (oldVal != null) { oldData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, oldVal); } } if (oldData.Length > 0) oldData = oldData.Remove(oldData.Length - 3, 3); } private void SetModifiedProperties(DbEntityEntry entry, StringBuilder oldData, StringBuilder newData) { DbPropertyValues dbValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues(); foreach (var propertyName in entry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames) { var oldVal = dbValues[propertyName]; var newVal = entry.CurrentValues[propertyName]; if (oldVal != null && newVal != null && !Equals(oldVal, newVal)) { newData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, newVal); oldData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, oldVal); } } if (oldData.Length > 0) oldData = oldData.Remove(oldData.Length - 3, 3); if (newData.Length > 0) newData = newData.Remove(newData.Length - 3, 3); } public long? GetKeyValue(DbEntityEntry entry) { var objectStateEntry = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entry.Entity); long id = 0; if (objectStateEntry.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues != null) id = Convert.ToInt64(objectStateEntry.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value); return id; } private string GetTableName(DbEntityEntry dbEntry) { TableAttribute tableAttr = dbEntry.Entity.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), false).SingleOrDefault() as TableAttribute; string tableName = tableAttr != null ? tableAttr.Name : dbEntry.Entity.GetType().Name; return tableName; } } public enum AuditActions { I, U, D } }

Luego crea la entidad de la tabla de auditoría y la clase de contexto.

Y sobreescriba el método de cambios en este método, obtenga cambios de auditoría y guárdelos antes de guardar la entidad base.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace MVC_AuditTrail.Models { public class Student { public int StudentID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string mobile { get; set; } } public class Audit { public long Id { get; set; } public string TableName { get; set; } public string UserId { get; set; } public string Actions { get; set; } public string OldData { get; set; } public string NewData { get; set; } public Nullable<long> TableIdValue { get; set; } public Nullable<System.DateTime> UpdateDate { get; set; } } public class StdContext : DbContext { private AuditTrailFactory auditFactory; private List<Audit> auditList = new List<Audit>(); private List<DbEntityEntry> objectList = new List<DbEntityEntry>(); public StdContext() : base("stdConnection") { Database.SetInitializer<StdContext>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<StdContext>()); } public DbSet<Student> Student { get; set; } public DbSet<Audit> Audit { get; set; } public override int SaveChanges() { auditList.Clear(); objectList.Clear(); auditFactory = new AuditTrailFactory(this); var entityList = ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(p => p.State == EntityState.Added || p.State == EntityState.Deleted || p.State == EntityState.Modified); foreach (var entity in entityList) { Audit audit = auditFactory.GetAudit(entity); bool isValid = true; if (entity.State == EntityState.Modified && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(audit.NewData) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(audit.OldData)) { isValid = false; } if (isValid) { auditList.Add(audit); objectList.Add(entity); } } var retVal = base.SaveChanges(); if (auditList.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (var audit in auditList) { if (audit.Actions == AuditActions.I.ToString()) audit.TableIdValue = auditFactory.GetKeyValue(objectList[i]); this.Audit.Add(audit); i++; } base.SaveChanges(); } return retVal; } } }

En el patrón de repositorio genérico, podemos escribir un controlador de eventos genérico para el evento db context savechanges.

Busqué en Google y reuní poca información.

  1. No quiero escribir un disparador de servidor SQL
  2. No quiero manejar el método de cambios en cada entidad.

Así que estoy planeando escribir método único genérico

Db estructura que estoy usando

mesa de auditoria

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Audit]( [Id] [BIGINT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [TableName] [nvarchar](250) NULL, [Updated By] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [Actions] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [OldData] [text] NULL, [NewData] [text] NULL, [Created For] varchar(200) NULL, [Updated Date] [datetime] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DBAudit] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]

2. Actualice su dbcontext con la entidad de la tabla de auditoría.

3.Hook controlador de eventos genéricos para Dbcontext savechanges

c # codigo

namespace ARMS.Domain { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Objects; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; public partial class ARMSContext { Collection<Audit> auditTrailList = new Collection<Audit>(); partial void OnContextCreated() { this.SavingChanges += new EventHandler(ArmsEntities_SavingChanges); } public enum AuditActions { Added, Modified, Deleted } void ArmsEntities_SavingChanges(object sender, EventArgs e) { auditTrailList.Clear(); IEnumerable<ObjectStateEntry> changes = this.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries( EntityState.Added | EntityState.Deleted | EntityState.Modified); foreach (ObjectStateEntry stateEntryEntity in changes) { if (!stateEntryEntity.IsRelationship && stateEntryEntity.Entity != null && !(stateEntryEntity.Entity is Audit)) { Audit audit = this.GetAudit(stateEntryEntity); auditTrailList.Add(audit); } } if (auditTrailList.Count > 0) { foreach (var audit in auditTrailList) { this.Audits.AddObject(audit); } } } public Audit GetAudit(ObjectStateEntry entry) { Audit audit = new Audit(); audit.Updated_By ="Test"; audit.TableName = entry.EntitySet.ToString(); audit.Updated_Date = DateTime.Now; audit.Created_For = Convert.ToString(entry.Entity); audit.Actions = Enum.Parse(typeof(AuditActions),entry.State.ToString(), true).ToString(); StringBuilder newValues = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder oldValues = new StringBuilder(); if (entry.State == EntityState.Added) { SetAddedProperties(entry, newValues); audit.NewData = newValues.ToString(); } else if (entry.State == EntityState.Deleted) { SetDeletedProperties(entry, oldValues); audit.OldData = oldValues.ToString(); } else if (entry.State == EntityState.Modified) { SetModifiedProperties(entry, oldValues, newValues); audit.OldData = oldValues.ToString(); audit.NewData = newValues.ToString(); } return audit; } private void SetAddedProperties(ObjectStateEntry entry, StringBuilder newData) { CurrentValueRecord currentValues = entry.CurrentValues; for (int i = 0; i < currentValues.FieldCount; i++) { newData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", currentValues.GetName(i), currentValues.GetValue(i)); } } private void SetDeletedProperties(ObjectStateEntry entry, StringBuilder oldData) { foreach (var propertyName in entry.GetModifiedProperties()) { var oldVal = entry.OriginalValues[propertyName]; if (oldVal != null) { oldData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, oldVal); } } } private void SetModifiedProperties(ObjectStateEntry entry, StringBuilder oldData, StringBuilder newData) { foreach (var propertyName in entry.GetModifiedProperties()) { var oldVal = entry.OriginalValues[propertyName]; var newVal = entry.CurrentValues[propertyName]; if (oldVal != null && newVal != null && !Equals(oldVal, newVal)) { newData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, newVal); oldData.AppendFormat("{0}={1} || ", propertyName, oldVal); } } } } }

Encontré este paquete de NuGet ( TrackerEnabledDbContext ) y seguí estos 4 pasos:

  1. Instalar el paquete TrackerEnabledDbContext

  2. Heredar mi DbContext de TrackerContext en el espacio de nombres TrackerEnabledDbContext

    public class ApplicationDbContext : TrackerContext { public ApplicationDbContext() : base("DefaultConnection") { }

Agregar una migración y actualizar mi base de datos. Se crearon dos tablas nuevas para registrar cambios (AuditLog y AuditLogDetails).

  1. Decida qué tablas desea rastrear y aplique el atributo [TrackChanges] a las clases. En caso de que desee omitir el seguimiento de algunas columnas específicas, puede aplicar el atributo [SkipTracking] a esas columnas (propiedades).

  2. Siempre que realice un cambio en la base de datos, llame a DbContext.SaveChanges() . Ahora tienes una sobrecarga disponible para lo que toma un entero. Este debe ser el ID de usuario de la persona que ha iniciado sesión. Si no pasa la ID de usuario, este cambio no se registrará en la tabla de seguimiento.


Y eso es todo. Más tarde puede recuperar los registros con esto:

var AuditLogs = db.GetLogs<Proyecto>(id).ToList();

Lo que te recomiendo es usar la propiedad ChangeTracker en EF.

Dentro de tu DBContext.cs tendrás esto:

public class DBContext : DbContext { public DBContext () : base("DatabaseName") { } protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) { } public DbSet<YourPocoModelNameHere > YourPocoModelNameHere { get; set; } // This is overridden to prevent someone from calling SaveChanges without specifying the user making the change public override int SaveChanges() { throw new InvalidOperationException("User ID must be provided"); } public int SaveChanges(int userId) { // Get all Added/Deleted/Modified entities (not Unmodified or Detached) foreach (var ent in this.ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(p => p.State == System.Data.EntityState.Added || p.State == System.Data.EntityState.Deleted || p.State == System.Data.EntityState.Modified)) { // For each changed record, get the audit record entries and add them foreach (AuditLog x in GetAuditRecordsForChange(ent, userId)) { this.AuditLogs.Add(x); } } // Call the original SaveChanges(), which will save both the changes made and the audit records return base.SaveChanges(); } private List<AuditLog> GetAuditRecordsForChange(DbEntityEntry dbEntry, int userId) { List<AuditLog> result = new List<AuditLog>(); DateTime changeTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Get the Table() attribute, if one exists //TableAttribute tableAttr = dbEntry.Entity.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), false).SingleOrDefault() as TableAttribute; TableAttribute tableAttr = dbEntry.Entity.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), true).SingleOrDefault() as TableAttribute; // Get table name (if it has a Table attribute, use that, otherwise get the pluralized name) string tableName = tableAttr != null ? tableAttr.Name : dbEntry.Entity.GetType().Name; // Get primary key value (If you have more than one key column, this will need to be adjusted) var keyNames = dbEntry.Entity.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KeyAttribute), false).Count() > 0).ToList(); string keyName = keyNames[0].Name; //dbEntry.Entity.GetType().GetProperties().Single(p => p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KeyAttribute), false).Count() > 0).Name; if (dbEntry.State == System.Data.EntityState.Added) { // For Inserts, just add the whole record // If the entity implements IDescribableEntity, use the description from Describe(), otherwise use ToString() foreach (string propertyName in dbEntry.CurrentValues.PropertyNames) { result.Add(new AuditLog() { AuditLogId = Guid.NewGuid(), UserId = userId, EventDateUTC = changeTime, EventType = "A", // Added TableName = tableName, RecordId = dbEntry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(keyName).ToString(), ColumnName = propertyName, NewValue = dbEntry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName) == null ? null : dbEntry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName).ToString() } ); } } else if (dbEntry.State == System.Data.EntityState.Deleted) { // Same with deletes, do the whole record, and use either the description from Describe() or ToString() result.Add(new AuditLog() { AuditLogId = Guid.NewGuid(), UserId = userId, EventDateUTC = changeTime, EventType = "D", // Deleted TableName = tableName, RecordId = dbEntry.OriginalValues.GetValue<object>(keyName).ToString(), ColumnName = "*ALL", NewValue = (dbEntry.OriginalValues.ToObject() is IDescribableEntity) ? (dbEntry.OriginalValues.ToObject() as IDescribableEntity).Describe() : dbEntry.OriginalValues.ToObject().ToString() } ); } else if (dbEntry.State == System.Data.EntityState.Modified) { foreach (string propertyName in dbEntry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames) { // For updates, we only want to capture the columns that actually changed if (!object.Equals(dbEntry.OriginalValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName), dbEntry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName))) { result.Add(new AuditLog() { AuditLogId = Guid.NewGuid(), UserId = userId, EventDateUTC = changeTime, EventType = "M", // Modified TableName = tableName, RecordId = dbEntry.OriginalValues.GetValue<object>(keyName).ToString(), ColumnName = propertyName, OriginalValue = dbEntry.OriginalValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName) == null ? null : dbEntry.OriginalValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName).ToString(), NewValue = dbEntry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName) == null ? null : dbEntry.CurrentValues.GetValue<object>(propertyName).ToString() } ); } } } // Otherwise, don''t do anything, we don''t care about Unchanged or Detached entities return result; } }

Esto usará la siguiente tabla en su base de datos:

USE [databasename] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[auditlog] Script Date: 06/01/2014 05:56:49 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[auditlog]( [auditlogid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [userid] [int] NOT NULL, [eventdateutc] [datetime] NOT NULL, [eventtype] [char](1) NOT NULL, [tablename] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [recordid] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [columnname] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [originalvalue] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [newvalue] [nvarchar](max) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_AuditLog] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [auditlogid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[auditlog] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_auditlog_users] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[users] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[auditlog] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_auditlog_users] GO

Con todo esto configurado, solo tendrá que llamar a su dbContext.SaveChanges (aquí el ID de usuario);

Espero que esto funcione para usted ... ¡Lo uso en todas mis aplicaciones y funciona muy bien!


Código completo encontrado aquí: https://jmdority.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/using-entity-framework-4-1-dbcontext-change-tracking-for-audit-logging/

Descargo de responsabilidad : soy el propietario del proyecto Entity Framework Plus

EF + tiene funciones de auditoría que admiten EF5, EF6 y EF Core.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don''t forget to include this. var ctx = new EntityContext(); // ... ctx changes ... var audit = new Audit(); audit.CreatedBy = "ZZZ Projects"; // Optional ctx.SaveChanges(audit); // Access to all auditing information var entries = audit.Entries; foreach(var entry in entries) { foreach(var property in entry.Properties) { } }

Una gran cantidad de opciones están disponibles como un Autoguardar en la base de datos.

Documentación: Auditoría EF +