read php phpexcel

read - cómo usar phpexcel para leer datos e insertarlos en la base de datos?

phpexcel documentation (6)

Aquí hay una respuesta muy reciente a esta pregunta del archivo: 07reader.php

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(''display_errors'', TRUE); ini_set(''display_startup_errors'', TRUE); define(''EOL'',(PHP_SAPI == ''cli'') ? PHP_EOL : ''<br />''); date_default_timezone_set(''Europe/London''); /** Include PHPExcel_IOFactory */ require_once ''../Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php''; if (!file_exists("05featuredemo.xlsx")) { exit("Please run 05featuredemo.php first." . EOL); } echo date(''H:i:s'') , " Load from Excel2007 file" , EOL; $callStartTime = microtime(true); $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load("05featuredemo.xlsx"); $callEndTime = microtime(true); $callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime; echo ''Call time to read Workbook was '' , sprintf(''%.4f'',$callTime) , " seconds" , EOL; // Echo memory usage echo date(''H:i:s'') , '' Current memory usage: '' , (memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) , " MB" , EOL; echo date(''H:i:s'') , " Write to Excel2007 format" , EOL; $callStartTime = microtime(true); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, ''Excel2007''); $objWriter->save(str_replace(''.php'', ''.xlsx'', __FILE__)); $callEndTime = microtime(true); $callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime; echo date(''H:i:s'') , " File written to " , str_replace(''.php'', ''.xlsx'', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)) , EOL; echo ''Call time to write Workbook was '' , sprintf(''%.4f'',$callTime) , " seconds" , EOL; // Echo memory usage echo date(''H:i:s'') , '' Current memory usage: '' , (memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) , " MB" , EOL; // Echo memory peak usage echo date(''H:i:s'') , " Peak memory usage: " , (memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) , " MB" , EOL; // Echo done echo date(''H:i:s'') , " Done writing file" , EOL; echo ''File has been created in '' , getcwd() , EOL;

Tengo una aplicación php en la que deseo leer datos de excel, Insertar en la base de datos y luego generar informes en PDF para usuarios específicos. Busqué mucho en internet, pero no se especifica nada sobre ambas cosas. si alguien pudiera proporcionar un tutorial o algo así, sería una verdadera ayuda.

Para leer los datos de microsoft excel 2007 por codeigniter simplemente cree una función auxiliar excel_helper.php y agregue lo siguiente en:

require_once APPPATH.''libraries/phpexcel/PHPExcel.php''; require_once APPPATH.''libraries/phpexcel/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php''; in controller add the following code to read spread sheet by active sheet //initialize php excel first ob_end_clean(); //define cachemethod $cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_phpTemp; $cacheSettings = array(''memoryCacheSize'' => ''20MB''); //set php excel settings PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod( $cacheMethod,$cacheSettings ); $arrayLabel = array("A","B","C","D","E"); //=== set object reader $objectReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader(''Excel2007''); $objectReader->setReadDataOnly(true); $objPHPExcel = $objectReader->load("./forms/test.xlsx"); $objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndexbyName(''Sheet1''); $starting = 1; $end = 3; for($i = $starting;$i<=$end; $i++) { for($j=0;$j<count($arrayLabel);$j++) { //== display each cell value echo $objWorksheet->getCell($arrayLabel[$j].$i)->getValue(); } } //or dump data $sheetData = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true); var_dump($sheetData); //see also the following link ----------- import in another style around 5000 records ------ $this->benchmark->mark(''code_start''); //=== change php ini limits. ===== $cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory:: cache_to_phpTemp; $cacheSettings = array( '' memoryCacheSize '' => ''50MB''); PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings); //==== create excel object of reader $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader(''Excel2007''); //$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); //==== load forms tashkil where the file exists $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load("./forms/5000records.xlsx"); //==== set active sheet to read data $worksheet = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndexbyName(''Sheet1''); $highestRow = $worksheet->getHighestRow(); // e.g. 10 $highestColumn = $worksheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g ''F'' $highestColumnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn); $nrColumns = ord($highestColumn) - 64; $worksheetTitle = $worksheet->getTitle(); echo "<br>The worksheet ".$worksheetTitle." has "; echo $nrColumns . '' columns (A-'' . $highestColumn . '') ''; echo '' and '' . $highestRow . '' row.''; echo ''<br>Data: <table border="1"><tr>''; //----- loop from all rows ----- for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; ++ $row) { echo ''<tr>''; echo "<td>".$row."</td>"; //--- read each excel column for each row ---- for ($col = 0; $col < $highestColumnIndex; ++ $col) { if($row == 1) { // show column name with the title //----- get value ---- $cell = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row); $val = $cell->getValue(); //$dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::dataTypeForValue($val); echo ''<td>'' . $val ."(".$row." X ".$col.")".''</td>''; } else { if($col == 9) { //----- get value ---- $cell = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row); $val = $cell->getValue(); //$dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::dataTypeForValue($val); echo ''<td>zone '' . $val .''</td>''; } else if($col == 13) { $date = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHPObject($worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue())->format(''Y-m-d''); echo ''<td>'' .dateprovider($date,''dr'') .''</td>''; } else { //----- get value ---- $cell = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row); $val = $cell->getValue(); //$dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::dataTypeForValue($val); echo ''<td>'' . $val .''</td>''; } } } echo ''</tr>''; } echo ''</table>''; $this->benchmark->mark(''code_end''); echo "Total time:".$this->benchmark->elapsed_time(''code_start'', ''code_end''); $this->load->view("error");

Usando la biblioteca PHPExcel , el siguiente código funcionará.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . ''/../Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php''; $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader(''Excel2007''); $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); //optional $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(__DIR__.''/YourExcelFile.xlsx''); $objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet(); $i=1; foreach ($objWorksheet->getRowIterator() as $row) { $column_A_Value = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("A$i")->getValue();//column A //you can add your own columns B, C, D etc. //inset $column_A_Value value in DB query here $i++; }

Usar la biblioteca de PHPExcel para leer un archivo de Excel y transferir los datos a una base de datos

// Include PHPExcel_IOFactory include ''PHPExcel/IOFactory.php''; $inputFileName = ''./sampleData/example1.xls''; // Read your Excel workbook try { $inputFileType = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($inputFileName); $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType); $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($inputFileName); } catch(Exception $e) { die(''Error loading file "''.pathinfo($inputFileName,PATHINFO_BASENAME).''": ''.$e->getMessage()); } // Get worksheet dimensions $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0); $highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); $highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // Loop through each row of the worksheet in turn for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; $row++){ // Read a row of data into an array $rowData = $sheet->rangeToArray(''A'' . $row . '':'' . $highestColumn . $row, NULL, TRUE, FALSE); // Insert row data array into your database of choice here }

Cualquier cosa más se vuelve muy dependiente de su base de datos, y cómo quiere que los datos estén estructurados en ella

if($query) { // try to export to excel the whole data --- //initialize php excel first ob_end_clean(); //--- create php excel object --- $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); //define cachemethod ini_set(''memory_limit'', ''3500M''); $cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_phpTemp; $cacheSettings = array(''memoryCacheSize'' => ''800MB''); //set php excel settings PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod( $cacheMethod,$cacheSettings ); $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setTitle("export")->setDescription("none"); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); // Field names in the first row $fields = $query->list_fields(); $col = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, 1, $field); $col++; } // Fetching the table data $row = 2; foreach($query->result() as $data) { $col = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row, $data->$field); $col++; } $row++; } $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); //redirect to cleint browser header(''Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet''); header(''Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=Provinces.xlsx''); header(''Cache-Control: max-age=0''); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, ''Excel2007''); $objWriter->save(''php://output''); }

if($this->mng_auth->get_language()==''en'') { $excel->getActiveSheet()->setRightToLeft(false); } else { $excel->getActiveSheet()->setRightToLeft(true); } $styleArray = array( ''borders'' => array( ''allborders'' => array( ''style'' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN, ''color'' => array(''argb'' => ''00000000''), ), ), ); //SET property $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle(''A1:M10001'')->applyFromArray($styleArray); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle(''A1:M10001'')->getAlignment()->setWrapText(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle(''A1:''.chr(65+count($fields)-1).$query->num_rows())->applyFromArray($styleArray); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle(''A1:''.chr(65+count($fields)-1).$query->num_rows())->getAlignment()->setWrapText(true);