template pay learn how activate wordpress url woocommerce order call

wordpress - pay - woocommerce login shortcode

URL de llamada de WooCommerce(después de la orden completa) (1)

Tengo 3 preguntas (necesito ayuda):

  1. No sé, cómo ejecutar este complemento (me da un error fatal) por favor revisa mi script (soy principiante)
  2. Necesito ayuda con la página de administración para configurar APIkey y elegir el idioma para la URL de la llamada http://xxx.CZ o http://xxx.SK (esta página aún no está encriptada)
  3. ¿Cómo agregar mi página de administración de complementos a la página de administración de woocommerce?

Este plugin es para Woocommerce. Se supone que debe llamar a una URL específica (http://heureka.cz/or .sk/dotaznik/"Clients API set up in admin page in woocommerce"/"Customers email"/"Order ID"/"bought Products ID"/) cuando los clientes piden que se complete.

Soy principiante en PHP y Wordpress. Gracias a todos por ayudarme.


<?php /* Plugin Name: Overené zákazníkmi Heureka Plugin URI: http://www.podujatie.eu Version: 0.1 Description: Author: Podujatie.eu, Ing. Igor Kóňa Tested up to: 3.6 Author URI: http://www.podujatie.eu Text Domain: woocommerce-new-badge License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html */ /** * Check if WooCommerce is active **/ if ( in_array( ''woocommerce/woocommerce.php'', apply_filters( ''active_plugins'', get_option( ''active_plugins'' ) ) ) ) { if ( ! class_exists( ''WC_HO'' ) ) { class WC_HO { function heurekaovereno( $order_id ) { error_log( "Order complete for order $order_id", 0 ); } add_action( ''woocommerce_order_status_completed'', ''heurekaovereno'' ); // order object (optional but handy) $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); // do some stuff here private function sendRequest($url) { $parsed = parse_url($url); $fp = fsockopen($parsed[''host''], 80, $errno, $errstr, 5); if (!$fp) { throw new HeurekaOverenoException($errstr . '' ('' . $errno . '')''); } else { $return = ''''; $out = "GET " . $parsed[''path''] . "?" . $parsed[''query''] . " HTTP/1.1/r/n" . "Host: " . $parsed[''host''] . "/r/n" . "Connection: Close/r/n/r/n"; fputs($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { $return .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); $returnParsed = explode("/r/n/r/n", $return); return empty($returnParsed[1]) ? '''' : trim($returnParsed[1]); } } /** * Sends request to Heureka Overeno service and checks for valid response * * @return boolean true */ public function send() { if (empty($this->email)) { throw new HeurekaOverenoException(''Customer email address not set''); } // create URL $url = $this->getUrl() . ''?id='' . $this->apiKey . ''&email='' . urlencode($this->email); foreach ($this->products as $product) { $url .= ''&produkt[]='' . urlencode($product); } foreach ($this->productsItemId as $itemId) { $url .= ''&itemId[]='' . urlencode($itemId); } // add order ID if (isset($this->orderId)) { $url .= ''&orderid='' . urlencode($this->orderId); } // send request and check for valid response $contents = $this->sendRequest($url); if ($contents == FALSE) { throw new HeurekaOverenoException(''Unable to create HTTP request to Heureka Overeno service''); } elseif ($contents == self::RESPONSE_OK) { return TRUE; } else { throw new HeurekaOverenoException($contents); } } /** * Adds ordered products using item ID * * @param string $itemId Ordered product item ID */ public function addProductItemId($itemId) { $this->productsItemId[] = $itemId; } /** * Adds ordered products using name * * Products names should be provided in UTF-8 encoding. The service can handle * WINDOWS-1250 and ISO-8859-2 if necessary * * @param string $productName Ordered product name */ public function addProduct($productName) { $this->products[] = $productName; } /** * Heureka endpoint URL * * @var string */ const BASE_URL = ''http://www.heureka.cz/direct/dotaznik/objednavka.php''; const BASE_URL_SK = ''http://www.heureka.sk/direct/dotaznik/objednavka.php''; /** * Language IDs * * @var int */ const LANGUAGE_CZ = 1; const LANGUAGE_SK = 2; /** * Valid response value * * @var string */ const RESPONSE_OK = ''ok''; /** * Shop API key * * @var string */ private $apiKey; /** * Customer email * * @var string */ private $email; /** * Ordered products * * @var array */ private $products = array(); /** * Order ID * * @var int */ private $orderId; /** * Current language identifier * * @var int */ private $languageId = 1; /** * Ordered products provided using item ID * * @var array */ private $productsItemId = array(); /** * Initialize Heureka Overeno service * * @param string $apiKey Shop API key * @param int $languageId Language version settings */ public function __construct($apiKey, $languageId = self::LANGUAGE_CZ) { $this->setApiKey($apiKey); $this->languageId = $languageId; } /** * Sets API key and check well-formedness * * @param string $apiKey Shop api key */ public function setApiKey($apiKey) { if (preg_match(''(^[0-9abcdef]{32}$)'', $apiKey)) { $this->apiKey = $apiKey; } else { throw new OverflowException(''Api key '' . $apiKey . '' is invalid.''); } } /** * Sets customer email * * @param string $email Customer email address */ public function setEmail($email) { $this->email = $email; } // Default options add_option( ''wc_nb_newness'', ''30'' ); // Admin add_action( ''woocommerce_settings_image_options_after'', array( $this, ''admin_settings'' ), 20); add_action( ''woocommerce_update_options_catalog'', array( $this, ''save_admin_settings'' ) ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Class Functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Load the settings function admin_settings() { woocommerce_admin_fields( $this->settings ); } // Save the settings function save_admin_settings() { woocommerce_update_options( $this->settings ); } if (!isset($wpdb)) $wpdb = $GLOBALS[''wpdb'']; $heurekaovereno_ver = ''1.00''; $WC_HO = new WC_HO(); } } } ?>