servidores servidor practica ejercicios con cliente java udp

java - practica - ¿Cómo cierro un servidor UDP sin lanzar una excepción?

sockets con udp java (1)

La excepción está cerrada porque cerró la excepción. Puede ver esta excepción y continuar en lugar de imprimirla. Esta es probablemente la mejor manera de manejar esto.

Tengo un servidor que espera mensajes entrantes del cliente y usa UDP. Cuando trato de cerrar la conexión de Udp obtengo una IOException ..

public void run(){ String user_message = null; try { connection = startServer(); System.out.println("Server started"); while ((true) && (serverStarted) ){ try { user_message = receiveMessage(); check_query( user_message , "," ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { System.out.println("Error1 "+ex.getMessage()); setError( "Error establishing connection " ) ; Txt_Log.setText(Txt_Log.getText() + "/n Error establishing connection0") ; break; } } System.out.println("Server is stopped....."); } catch ( SocketException ex ) { System.out.println("Error2 "+ex.getMessage()); setError("Error establishing connection ") ; Txt_Log.setText(Txt_Log.getText() + "/n Error establishing connection1") ; } catch( NullPointerException ex){ System.out.println("Error3 "+ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); setError("Error Null Pointer ") ; Txt_Log.setText(Txt_Log.getText() + "/n Error :"+ex.getMessage()) ; } } /* * Method starts server datagram to bind to port */ public DatagramSocket startServer() throws SocketException{ return new DatagramSocket(10000); } /* * Method stops server so that server is not able to receive client requests */ public void closeServer(){ if (connection != null){ //connection.disconnect(); connection.close(); //connection = null; } } /* * Method sends message via datagram to client */ private void sendMessage( String message ) throws IOException{ byte[] message_byte = message.getBytes(); packet_send = new DatagramPacket( message_byte , message_byte.length , packet_receive.getAddress() , packet_receive.getPort() ); connection.send( packet_send ); } /* * Method receives messages from clients */ private String receiveMessage() throws IOException,NullPointerException{ if (connection!=null){ byte[] buf = new byte[256]; packet_receive = new DatagramPacket( buf , buf.length ) ; connection.receive( packet_receive ) ; return getString( packet_receive ); } throw new NullPointerException("Connection cannot be null"); } /* * Method retrieves data from packet and converts to string */ private String getString(DatagramPacket packet){ String string = new String ( packet.getData() , 0 , packet.getLength()).trim(); return string; } private void drop_DBconnection(){ if (DB_connection!=null){ try{ DB_connection.close(); //DB_connection = null; } catch(SQLException e){ Txt_Log.setText("Server connection Error..."); setError("Cannot close database connection"); } } } public void closeServer(){ if (connection != null){ //connection.disconnect(); connection.close(); //connection = null; } }

private void btn_stopActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

if ( serverStarted ){ Txt_Log.setText( Txt_Log.getText()+"/nServer has been stopped ...." ) ; serverStarted = false ; drop_DBconnection() ; closeServer(); btn_start.setEnabled( true ) ; btn_stop.setEnabled( false ); } }

Mi salida y stacktrace

Server started Server is started..... Error1 socket closed Server is stopped..... socket closed at at at at server.Server.receiveMessage( at at

¿Cómo cierro el servidor para que no se produzca ninguna excepción?