left - Zend Framework SQL select query construction(DONDE CLAUSULA)
zend framework sql query (3)
Puede usar quoteInto para preparar sus condiciones y luego usarlas así:
$first_name_cond = $db->quoteInto(''first_name LIKE ?'', ''%''.$term.''%'');
$last_name_cond = $db->quoteInto(''last_name LIKE ?'', ''%''.$term.''%'');
$concat_cond1 = $db->quoteInto("CONCAT(first_name,'' '', last_name) LIKE ?", ''%''.$term.''%'');
$concat_cond2 = $db->quoteInto("CONCAT(last_name,'' '', first_name) LIKE ?", ''%''.$term.''%'');
$select = $select->where($first_name_cond.'' OR ''.$last_name_cond.'' OR ''.
$concat_cond1.'' OR ''.$concat_cond2)->where("deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0");
Intento generar una consulta que seleccione todo de una tabla de usuario donde cualquier combinación del apellido del primer nombre coincida con un término de búsqueda particular
$select = $select->where(''last_name LIKE ?'', ''%''.$term.''%'')->orWhere(''first_name LIKE ?'', ''%''.$term.''%'')
->orWhere("CONCAT(first_name,'' '', last_name) LIKE ?", ''%''.$term.''%'')
->orWhere("CONCAT(last_name,'' '', first_name) LIKE ?", ''%''.$term.''%'');
Hay otra condición que también debe cumplirse y que se especifica en otra cláusula where
$select = $select->where("deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0");
Se genera la siguiente instrucción SQL
SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE (last_name LIKE ''%frank%'') OR (first_name LIKE ''%frank%'') OR (CONCAT(first_name,'' '', last_name) LIKE ''%frank%'') OR (CONCAT(last_name,'' '', first_name) LIKE ''%frank%'') AND (deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0) ORDER BY `date_created` desc LIMIT 25
Esto no devuelve el resultado deseado ya que obtengo filas donde scholar = 1;
Pensé que la consulta debería ser
SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE ((last_name LIKE ''%frank%'') OR (first_name LIKE ''%frank%'') OR (CONCAT(first_name,'' '', last_name) LIKE ''%frank%'') OR (CONCAT(last_name,'' '', first_name) LIKE ''%frank%'')) AND (deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0) ORDER BY `date_created` DESC LIMIT 25
Cuál es la sintaxis correcta para lograr esto utilizando el objeto $ select.
Supongo que eliminado y erudito son columnas separadas. Entonces, la manera más fácil es simplemente romper:
$select = $select->where("deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0");
en dos declaraciones, como:
$select->where("deleted = ?", 0);
$select->where("scholar = ?", 0);
este cambio debería dar como resultado una cadena sql como:
SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE (last_name LIKE ''%frank%'')
OR (first_name LIKE ''%frank%'')
OR (CONCAT(first_name,'' '', last_name) LIKE ''%frank%'')
OR (CONCAT(last_name,'' '', first_name) LIKE ''%frank%'')
AND deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0 ORDER BY `date_created` desc LIMIT 25
también elimine el extra $select =
. Toda tu selección debería parecerse a algo como:
//first line initializes the select object
//The select object will handle most quoting needs for you
$select = $this->select();
//I like to add expressions this way just to keep things easy to read and easy to edit
//you can string multiple statements together, but I find that harder to edit.
$select->where(''last_name LIKE ?'', ''%''.$term.''%'');
$select->orWhere(''first_name LIKE ?'', ''%''.$term.''%'');
$select->orWhere("CONCAT(first_name,'' '', last_name) LIKE ?", ''%''.$term.''%'');
$select->orWhere("CONCAT(last_name,'' '', first_name) LIKE ?", ''%''.$term.''%'');
$select->where("deleted = ?", 0);
$select->where("scholar = ?", 0);
$select->order(''date_created DESC'');
$user = new Application_Model_DbTable_User();
// User List
echo $query = $user->select()->where(''firstname LIKE ?'', $uname.''%'')->ORwhere(''lastname LIKE ?'', $_POST[''lname''].''%'')->ORwhere(''emailid LIKE ?'', $_POST[''email''].''%'');
$userlist = $user->fetchAll($query);