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javascript - from - Calcule el tiempo transcurrido

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Esta pregunta ya tiene una respuesta aquí:

Estoy buscando algunas muestras simples de JavaScript para calcular el tiempo transcurrido. Mi caso es que, para un punto específico de ejecución en código JavaScript, quiero registrar una hora de inicio. Y en otro punto específico de ejecución en código JavaScript, quiero registrar una hora de finalización.

Luego, quiero calcular el tiempo transcurrido en forma de: cuántos días, horas, minutos y segundos transcurrieron entre el tiempo de finalización y la hora de inicio, por ejemplo: 0 Days, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes and 10 Seconds are elapsed .

Cualquier referencia simple muestras? :-)

Gracias por adelantado,


Espero que esto ayude:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"> <html> <head> <title>compute elapsed time in JavaScript</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function display_c (start) { window.start = parseFloat(start); var end = 0 // change this to stop the counter at a higher value var refresh = 1000; // Refresh rate in milli seconds if( window.start >= end ) { mytime = setTimeout( ''display_ct()'',refresh ) } else { alert("Time Over "); } } function display_ct () { // Calculate the number of days left var days = Math.floor(window.start / 86400); // After deducting the days calculate the number of hours left var hours = Math.floor((window.start - (days * 86400 ))/3600) // After days and hours , how many minutes are left var minutes = Math.floor((window.start - (days * 86400 ) - (hours *3600 ))/60) // Finally how many seconds left after removing days, hours and minutes. var secs = Math.floor((window.start - (days * 86400 ) - (hours *3600 ) - (minutes*60))) var x = window.start + "(" + days + " Days " + hours + " Hours " + minutes + " Minutes and " + secs + " Secondes " + ")"; document.getElementById(''ct'').innerHTML = x; window.start = window.start - 1; tt = display_c(window.start); } function stop() { clearTimeout(mytime); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Start Timer" onclick="display_c(86501);"/> | <input type="button" value="End Timer" onclick="stop();"/> <span id=''ct'' style="background-color: #FFFF00"></span> </body> </html>

Esto es lo que estoy usando:

Milisegundos a una cadena de tiempo de formato bonito:

function ms2Time(ms) { var secs = ms / 1000; ms = Math.floor(ms % 1000); var minutes = secs / 60; secs = Math.floor(secs % 60); var hours = minutes / 60; minutes = Math.floor(minutes % 60); hours = Math.floor(hours % 24); return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + secs + "." + ms; }

Me viene a la mente algo así como un objeto "Cronómetro":


var st = new Stopwatch(); st.start(); //Start the stopwatch // As a test, I use the setTimeout function to delay st.stop(); setTimeout(function (){ st.stop(); // Stop it 5 seconds later... alert(st.getSeconds()); }, 5000);


function Stopwatch(){ var startTime, endTime, instance = this; this.start = function (){ startTime = new Date(); }; this.stop = function (){ endTime = new Date(); } this.clear = function (){ startTime = null; endTime = null; } this.getSeconds = function(){ if (!endTime){ return 0; } return Math.round((endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000); } this.getMinutes = function(){ return instance.getSeconds() / 60; } this.getHours = function(){ return instance.getSeconds() / 60 / 60; } this.getDays = function(){ return instance.getHours() / 24; } }

Primero, siempre puedes tomar la hora actual

var currentTime = new Date();

Luego, puede ver este ejemplo de "cita bonita" en

Si eso no funciona para ti, simplemente busca en google "javascript pretty date" y encontrarás docenas de scripts de ejemplo.

Buena suerte.

Prueba esto...

function Test() { var s1 = new StopWatch(); s1.Start(); // Do something. s1.Stop(); alert( s1.ElapsedMilliseconds ); } // Create a stopwatch "class." StopWatch = function() { this.StartMilliseconds = 0; this.ElapsedMilliseconds = 0; } StopWatch.prototype.Start = function() { this.StartMilliseconds = new Date().getTime(); } StopWatch.prototype.Stop = function() { this.ElapsedMilliseconds = new Date().getTime() - this.StartMilliseconds; }

Pruebe algo como esto ( FIDDLE )

// record start time var startTime = new Date(); ... // later record end time var endTime = new Date(); // time difference in ms var timeDiff = endTime - startTime; // strip the ms timeDiff /= 1000; // get seconds (Original had ''round'' which incorrectly counts 0:28, 0:29, 1:30 ... 1:59, 1:0) var seconds = Math.round(timeDiff % 60); // remove seconds from the date timeDiff = Math.floor(timeDiff / 60); // get minutes var minutes = Math.round(timeDiff % 60); // remove minutes from the date timeDiff = Math.floor(timeDiff / 60); // get hours var hours = Math.round(timeDiff % 24); // remove hours from the date timeDiff = Math.floor(timeDiff / 24); // the rest of timeDiff is number of days var days = timeDiff ;

escriba el programa java que ingrese el tiempo transcurrido en segundos para cualquier evento de ciclismo y el formato de salida debe ser similar a (hora: minuto: segundos) para EX: tiempo transcurrido en 4150 segundos = 1:09:10

<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Gracefully hide from old browsers // Javascript to compute elapsed time between "Start" and "Finish" button clicks function timestamp_class(this_current_time, this_start_time, this_end_time, this_time_difference) { this.this_current_time = this_current_time; this.this_start_time = this_start_time; this.this_end_time = this_end_time; this.this_time_difference = this_time_difference; this.GetCurrentTime = GetCurrentTime; this.StartTiming = StartTiming; this.EndTiming = EndTiming; } //Get current time from date timestamp function GetCurrentTime() { var my_current_timestamp; my_current_timestamp = new Date(); //stamp current date & time return my_current_timestamp.getTime(); } //Stamp current time as start time and reset display textbox function StartTiming() { this.this_start_time = GetCurrentTime(); //stamp current time document.TimeDisplayForm.TimeDisplayBox.value = 0; //init textbox display to zero } //Stamp current time as stop time, compute elapsed time difference and display in textbox function EndTiming() { this.this_end_time = GetCurrentTime(); //stamp current time this.this_time_difference = (this.this_end_time - this.this_start_time) / 1000; //compute elapsed time document.TimeDisplayForm.TimeDisplayBox.value = this.this_time_difference; //set elapsed time in display box } var time_object = new timestamp_class(0, 0, 0, 0); //create new time object and initialize it //--> </script> <form> <input type="button" value="Start" onClick="time_object.StartTiming()"; name="StartButton"> </form> <form> <input type="button" value="Finish" onClick="time_object.EndTiming()"; name="EndButton"> </form> <form name="TimeDisplayForm"> Elapsed time: <input type="text" name="TimeDisplayBox" size="6"> seconds </form>

var StopWatch = function (performance) { this.startTime = 0; this.stopTime = 0; this.running = false; this.performance = performance === false ? false : !!window.performance; }; StopWatch.prototype.currentTime = function () { return this.performance ? : new Date().getTime(); }; StopWatch.prototype.start = function () { this.startTime = this.currentTime(); this.running = true; }; StopWatch.prototype.stop = function () { this.stopTime = this.currentTime(); this.running = false; }; StopWatch.prototype.getElapsedMilliseconds = function () { if (this.running) { this.stopTime = this.currentTime(); } return this.stopTime - this.startTime; }; StopWatch.prototype.getElapsedSeconds = function () { return this.getElapsedMilliseconds() / 1000; }; StopWatch.prototype.printElapsed = function (name) { var currentName = name || ''Elapsed:''; console.log(currentName, ''['' + this.getElapsedMilliseconds() + ''ms]'', ''['' + this.getElapsedSeconds() + ''s]''); };

Punto de referencia

var stopwatch = new StopWatch(); stopwatch.start(); for (var index = 0; index < 100; index++) { stopwatch.printElapsed(''Instance['' + index + '']''); } stopwatch.stop(); stopwatch.printElapsed();


Instance[0] [0ms] [0s] Instance[1] [2.999999967869371ms] [0.002999999967869371s] Instance[2] [2.999999967869371ms] [0.002999999967869371s] /* ... */ Instance[99] [10.999999998603016ms] [0.010999999998603016s] Elapsed: [10.999999998603016ms] [0.010999999998603016s] es opcional; simplemente pase el código falso a la función de constructor StopWatch.