without tutorial setup servicio crear c# .net deployment windows-services installutil

tutorial - windows service c#

Instale un servicio de Windows.NET sin InstallUtil.exe (7)

Tengo un servicio de Windows .NET estándar escrito en C #.

¿Se puede instalar sin usar InstallUtil? ¿Debo usar la clase de instalador de servicio? ¿Cómo debería usarlo?

Deseo poder llamar a lo siguiente:

MyService.exe -install

y tendrá el mismo efecto que llamar:

InstallUtil MyService.exe

Aquí hay una clase que uso cuando escribo servicios. Normalmente tengo una pantalla interactiva que aparece cuando no se llama al servicio. A partir de ahí, uso la clase según sea necesario. Permite múltiples instancias nombradas en la misma máquina, de ahí el campo InstanciaID

Ejemplo de llamada

IntegratedServiceInstaller Inst = new IntegratedServiceInstaller(); Inst.Install("MySvc", "My Sample Service", "Service that executes something", _InstanceID, // System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.LocalService, // this is more secure, but only available in XP and above and WS-2003 and above System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.LocalSystem, // this is required for WS-2000 System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode.Automatic); if (controller == null) { controller = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController(String.Format("MySvc_{0}", _InstanceID), "."); } if (controller.Status == System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { Start_Stop.Text = "Stop Service"; Start_Stop_Debugging.Enabled = false; } else { Start_Stop.Text = "Start Service"; Start_Stop_Debugging.Enabled = true; }

La clase misma

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace MySvc { class IntegratedServiceInstaller { public void Install(String ServiceName, String DisplayName, String Description, String InstanceID, System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount Account, System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode StartMode) { //http://www.theblacksparrow.com/ System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller ProcessInstaller = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller(); ProcessInstaller.Account = Account; System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller SINST = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller(); System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext Context = new System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext(); string processPath = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; if (processPath != null && processPath.Length > 0) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(processPath); String path = String.Format("/assemblypath={0}", fi.FullName); String[] cmdline = { path }; Context = new System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext("", cmdline); } SINST.Context = Context; SINST.DisplayName = String.Format("{0} - {1}", DisplayName, InstanceID); SINST.Description = String.Format("{0} - {1}", Description, InstanceID); SINST.ServiceName = String.Format("{0}_{1}", ServiceName, InstanceID); SINST.StartType = StartMode; SINST.Parent = ProcessInstaller; // http://bytes.com/forum/thread527221.html SINST.ServicesDependedOn = new String[] { "Spooler", "Netlogon", "Netman" }; System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary state = new System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary(); SINST.Install(state); // http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/43/219565.aspx using (RegistryKey oKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(String.Format(@"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/{0}_{1}", ServiceName, InstanceID), true)) { try { Object sValue = oKey.GetValue("ImagePath"); oKey.SetValue("ImagePath", sValue); } catch (Exception Ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } } public void Uninstall(String ServiceName, String InstanceID) { //http://www.theblacksparrow.com/ System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller SINST = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller(); System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext Context = new System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext("c://install.log", null); SINST.Context = Context; SINST.ServiceName = String.Format("{0}_{1}", ServiceName, InstanceID); SINST.Uninstall(null); } } }

Eche un vistazo al método InstallHelper de la clase ManagedInstaller . Puede instalar un servicio usando:

string[] args; ManagedInstallerClass.InstallHelper(args);

Esto es exactamente lo que hace InstallUtil. Los argumentos son los mismos que para InstallUtil.

Los beneficios de este método son que no implica ningún problema en el registro y utiliza el mismo mecanismo que InstallUtil.

En el caso de intentar instalar una aplicación de línea de comando como un servicio de Windows, pruebe la utilidad '' NSSM ''. Detalles relacionados de ServerFault encontrados here .

Los ejemplos anteriores no funcionaron realmente para mí, y el enlace al foro como una solución n. ° 1 es un verdadero problema. Aquí hay una clase que escribí (en parte), y el otro bit se fusionó desde este enlace que encontré enterrado en algún lugar

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.ServiceProcess; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace SystemControl { class Services { #region "Environment Variables" public static string GetEnvironment(string name, bool ExpandVariables=true) { if ( ExpandVariables ) { return System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( name ); } else { return (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Environment/" ).GetValue( name, "", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueOptions.DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames ); } } public static void SetEnvironment( string name, string value ) { System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(name, value); } #endregion #region "ServiceCalls Native" public static ServiceController[] List { get { return ServiceController.GetServices(); } } public static void Start( string serviceName, int timeoutMilliseconds ) { ServiceController service=new ServiceController( serviceName ); try { TimeSpan timeout=TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( timeoutMilliseconds ); service.Start(); service.WaitForStatus( ServiceControllerStatus.Running, timeout ); } catch { // ... } } public static void Stop( string serviceName, int timeoutMilliseconds ) { ServiceController service=new ServiceController( serviceName ); try { TimeSpan timeout=TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( timeoutMilliseconds ); service.Stop(); service.WaitForStatus( ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout ); } catch { // ... } } public static void Restart( string serviceName, int timeoutMilliseconds ) { ServiceController service=new ServiceController( serviceName ); try { int millisec1=Environment.TickCount; TimeSpan timeout=TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( timeoutMilliseconds ); service.Stop(); service.WaitForStatus( ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout ); // count the rest of the timeout int millisec2=Environment.TickCount; timeout=TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( timeoutMilliseconds-( millisec2-millisec1 ) ); service.Start(); service.WaitForStatus( ServiceControllerStatus.Running, timeout ); } catch { // ... } } public static bool IsInstalled( string serviceName ) { // get list of Windows services ServiceController[] services=ServiceController.GetServices(); // try to find service name foreach ( ServiceController service in services ) { if ( service.ServiceName==serviceName ) return true; } return false; } #endregion #region "ServiceCalls API" private const int STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = 0xF0000; private const int SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS = 0x00000010; [Flags] public enum ServiceManagerRights { Connect = 0x0001, CreateService = 0x0002, EnumerateService = 0x0004, Lock = 0x0008, QueryLockStatus = 0x0010, ModifyBootConfig = 0x0020, StandardRightsRequired = 0xF0000, AllAccess = (StandardRightsRequired | Connect | CreateService | EnumerateService | Lock | QueryLockStatus | ModifyBootConfig) } [Flags] public enum ServiceRights { QueryConfig = 0x1, ChangeConfig = 0x2, QueryStatus = 0x4, EnumerateDependants = 0x8, Start = 0x10, Stop = 0x20, PauseContinue = 0x40, Interrogate = 0x80, UserDefinedControl = 0x100, Delete = 0x00010000, StandardRightsRequired = 0xF0000, AllAccess = (StandardRightsRequired | QueryConfig | ChangeConfig | QueryStatus | EnumerateDependants | Start | Stop | PauseContinue | Interrogate | UserDefinedControl) } public enum ServiceBootFlag { Start = 0x00000000, SystemStart = 0x00000001, AutoStart = 0x00000002, DemandStart = 0x00000003, Disabled = 0x00000004 } public enum ServiceState { Unknown = -1, // The state cannot be (has not been) retrieved. NotFound = 0, // The service is not known on the host server. Stop = 1, // The service is NET stopped. Run = 2, // The service is NET started. Stopping = 3, Starting = 4, } public enum ServiceControl { Stop = 0x00000001, Pause = 0x00000002, Continue = 0x00000003, Interrogate = 0x00000004, Shutdown = 0x00000005, ParamChange = 0x00000006, NetBindAdd = 0x00000007, NetBindRemove = 0x00000008, NetBindEnable = 0x00000009, NetBindDisable = 0x0000000A } public enum ServiceError { Ignore = 0x00000000, Normal = 0x00000001, Severe = 0x00000002, Critical = 0x00000003 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private class SERVICE_STATUS { public int dwServiceType = 0; public ServiceState dwCurrentState = 0; public int dwControlsAccepted = 0; public int dwWin32ExitCode = 0; public int dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; public int dwCheckPoint = 0; public int dwWaitHint = 0; } [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "OpenSCManagerA")] private static extern IntPtr OpenSCManager(string lpMachineName, string lpDatabaseName, ServiceManagerRights dwDesiredAccess); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "OpenServiceA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] private static extern IntPtr OpenService(IntPtr hSCManager, string lpServiceName, ServiceRights dwDesiredAccess); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CreateServiceA")] private static extern IntPtr CreateService(IntPtr hSCManager, string lpServiceName, string lpDisplayName, ServiceRights dwDesiredAccess, int dwServiceType, ServiceBootFlag dwStartType, ServiceError dwErrorControl, string lpBinaryPathName, string lpLoadOrderGroup, IntPtr lpdwTagId, string lpDependencies, string lp, string lpPassword); [DllImport("advapi32.dll")] private static extern int CloseServiceHandle(IntPtr hSCObject); [DllImport("advapi32.dll")] private static extern int QueryServiceStatus(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern int DeleteService(IntPtr hService); [DllImport("advapi32.dll")] private static extern int ControlService(IntPtr hService, ServiceControl dwControl, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "StartServiceA")] private static extern int StartService(IntPtr hService, int dwNumServiceArgs, int lpServiceArgVectors); /// <summary> /// Takes a service name and tries to stop and then uninstall the windows serviceError /// </summary> /// <param name="ServiceName">The windows service name to uninstall</param> public static void Uninstall(string ServiceName) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights.Connect); try { IntPtr service = OpenService(scman, ServiceName, ServiceRights.StandardRightsRequired | ServiceRights.Stop | ServiceRights.QueryStatus); if (service == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Service not installed."); } try { StopService(service); int ret = DeleteService(service); if (ret == 0) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new ApplicationException("Could not delete service " + error); } } finally { CloseServiceHandle(service); } } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } /// <summary> /// Accepts a service name and returns true if the service with that service name exists /// </summary> /// <param name="ServiceName">The service name that we will check for existence</param> /// <returns>True if that service exists false otherwise</returns> public static bool ServiceIsInstalled(string ServiceName) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights.Connect); try { IntPtr service = OpenService(scman, ServiceName, ServiceRights.QueryStatus); if (service == IntPtr.Zero) return false; CloseServiceHandle(service); return true; } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } /// <summary> /// Takes a service name, a service display name and the path to the service executable and installs / starts the windows service. /// </summary> /// <param name="ServiceName">The service name that this service will have</param> /// <param name="DisplayName">The display name that this service will have</param> /// <param name="FileName">The path to the executable of the service</param> public static void InstallAndStart(string ServiceName, string DisplayName, string FileName) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights.Connect | ServiceManagerRights.CreateService); try { IntPtr service = OpenService(scman, ServiceName, ServiceRights.QueryStatus | ServiceRights.Start); if (service == IntPtr.Zero) { service = CreateService(scman, ServiceName, DisplayName, ServiceRights.QueryStatus | ServiceRights.Start, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, ServiceBootFlag.AutoStart, ServiceError.Normal, FileName, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, null, null); } if (service == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to install service."); } try { StartService(service); } finally { CloseServiceHandle(service); } } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } /// <summary> /// Takes a service name and starts it /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">The service name</param> public static void StartService(string Name) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights.Connect); try { IntPtr hService = OpenService(scman, Name, ServiceRights.QueryStatus | ServiceRights.Start); if (hService == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not open service."); } try { StartService(hService); } finally { CloseServiceHandle(hService); } } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } /// <summary> /// Stops the provided windows service /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">The service name that will be stopped</param> public static void StopService(string Name) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights.Connect); try { IntPtr hService = OpenService(scman, Name, ServiceRights.QueryStatus | ServiceRights.Stop); if (hService == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not open service."); } try { StopService(hService); } finally { CloseServiceHandle(hService); } } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } /// <summary> /// Stars the provided windows service /// </summary> /// <param name="hService">The handle to the windows service</param> private static void StartService(IntPtr hService) { SERVICE_STATUS status = new SERVICE_STATUS(); StartService(hService, 0, 0); WaitForServiceStatus(hService, ServiceState.Starting, ServiceState.Run); } /// <summary> /// Stops the provided windows service /// </summary> /// <param name="hService">The handle to the windows service</param> private static void StopService(IntPtr hService) { SERVICE_STATUS status = new SERVICE_STATUS(); ControlService(hService, ServiceControl.Stop, status); WaitForServiceStatus(hService, ServiceState.Stopping, ServiceState.Stop); } /// <summary> /// Takes a service name and returns the <code>ServiceState</code> of the corresponding service /// </summary> /// <param name="ServiceName">The service name that we will check for his <code>ServiceState</code></param> /// <returns>The ServiceState of the service we wanted to check</returns> public static ServiceState GetServiceStatus(string ServiceName) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights.Connect); try { IntPtr hService = OpenService(scman, ServiceName, ServiceRights.QueryStatus); if (hService == IntPtr.Zero) { return ServiceState.NotFound; } try { return GetServiceStatus(hService); } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } finally { CloseServiceHandle(scman); } } /// <summary> /// Gets the service state by using the handle of the provided windows service /// </summary> /// <param name="hService">The handle to the service</param> /// <returns>The <code>ServiceState</code> of the service</returns> private static ServiceState GetServiceStatus(IntPtr hService) { SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus = new SERVICE_STATUS(); if (QueryServiceStatus(hService, ssStatus) == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to query service status."); } return ssStatus.dwCurrentState; } /// <summary> /// Returns true when the service status has been changes from wait status to desired status /// ,this method waits around 10 seconds for this operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="hService">The handle to the service</param> /// <param name="WaitStatus">The current state of the service</param> /// <param name="DesiredStatus">The desired state of the service</param> /// <returns>bool if the service has successfully changed states within the allowed timeline</returns> private static bool WaitForServiceStatus(IntPtr hService, ServiceState WaitStatus, ServiceState DesiredStatus) { SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus = new SERVICE_STATUS(); int dwOldCheckPoint; int dwStartTickCount; QueryServiceStatus(hService, ssStatus); if (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == DesiredStatus) return true; dwStartTickCount = Environment.TickCount; dwOldCheckPoint = ssStatus.dwCheckPoint; while (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == WaitStatus) { // Do not wait longer than the wait hint. A good interval is // one tenth the wait hint, but no less than 1 second and no // more than 10 seconds. int dwWaitTime = ssStatus.dwWaitHint / 10; if (dwWaitTime < 1000) dwWaitTime = 1000; else if (dwWaitTime > 10000) dwWaitTime = 10000; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(dwWaitTime); // Check the status again. if (QueryServiceStatus(hService, ssStatus) == 0) break; if (ssStatus.dwCheckPoint > dwOldCheckPoint) { // The service is making progress. dwStartTickCount = Environment.TickCount; dwOldCheckPoint = ssStatus.dwCheckPoint; } else { if (Environment.TickCount - dwStartTickCount > ssStatus.dwWaitHint) { // No progress made within the wait hint break; } } } return (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == DesiredStatus); } /// <summary> /// Opens the service manager /// </summary> /// <param name="Rights">The service manager rights</param> /// <returns>the handle to the service manager</returns> private static IntPtr OpenSCManager(ServiceManagerRights Rights) { IntPtr scman = OpenSCManager(null, null, Rights); if (scman == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not connect to service control manager."); } return scman; } #endregion } }

Para instalar un servicio, ejecute el comando InstallAndStart de la siguiente manera:

SystemControl.InstallAndStart( "apache", "Apache Web Server", @"""c:/apache/bin/httpd.exe"" -k runservice" );

Asegúrese de que la cuenta que ejecuta el programa tenga permiso para instalar servicios. Siempre puede ''Ejecutar como administrador'' en el programa.

También he incluido varios comandos para el acceso que no es de API, que no instalan ni quitan servicios, pero puede enumerarlos y controlar varios (inicio, detención, reinicio). Realmente solo necesita elevar los permisos para instalar o eliminar servicios.

Hay un par de comandos para obtener y establecer también variables de entorno, como OPENSSL_CONF o TEMP . En su mayor parte, los parámetros y los nombres de los métodos deberían ser bastante autoexplicativos.

Proceso QProc = new Process ();

QProc.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd";

QProc.StartInfo.Arguments = "/ c InstallUtil" + "/" "+ filefullPath +" / "";

QProc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("windir") + @ "/ Microsoft.NET / Framework / v2.0.50727 /";

QProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; // QProc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; QProc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; QProc.Start(); //QProc.WaitForExit(); QProc.Close();

Sí, eso es completamente posible (es decir, hago exactamente esto); solo necesita hacer referencia al dll correcto (System.ServiceProcess.dll) y agregar una clase de instalador ...

Aquí hay un ejemplo:

[RunInstaller(true)] public sealed class MyServiceInstallerProcess : ServiceProcessInstaller { public MyServiceInstallerProcess() { this.Account = ServiceAccount.NetworkService; } } [RunInstaller(true)] public sealed class MyServiceInstaller : ServiceInstaller { public MyServiceInstaller() { this.Description = "Service Description"; this.DisplayName = "Service Name"; this.ServiceName = "ServiceName"; this.StartType = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode.Automatic; } } static void Install(bool undo, string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine(undo ? "uninstalling" : "installing"); using (AssemblyInstaller inst = new AssemblyInstaller(typeof(Program).Assembly, args)) { IDictionary state = new Hashtable(); inst.UseNewContext = true; try { if (undo) { inst.Uninstall(state); } else { inst.Install(state); inst.Commit(state); } } catch { try { inst.Rollback(state); } catch { } throw; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }

Siempre puede recurrir a las buenas llamadas antiguas de WinAPI, aunque la cantidad de trabajo involucrado no es trivial. No es necesario que los servicios .NET se instalen a través de un mecanismo compatible con .NET.


  • Abra el administrador de servicios a través de OpenSCManager .
  • Llame a CreateService para registrar el servicio.
  • Opcionalmente, llame a ChangeServiceConfig2 para establecer una descripción.
  • Cierre los manejadores de servicio y servicio manejados con CloseServiceHandle .

Para desinstalar:

  • Abra el administrador de servicios a través de OpenSCManager .
  • Abra el servicio usando OpenService .
  • Elimine el servicio llamando a DeleteService en el identificador devuelto por OpenService .
  • Cierre los manejadores de servicio y servicio manejados con CloseServiceHandle .

La razón principal por la que prefiero utilizar el ServiceInstaller / ServiceProcessInstaller es que puede registrar el servicio con sus propios argumentos de línea de comando personalizados. Por ejemplo, puede registrarlo como "MyApp.exe -service" , luego, si el usuario ejecuta su aplicación sin ningún argumento, podría ofrecerle una IU para instalar / eliminar el servicio.

Ejecutar Reflector en ServiceInstaller puede completar los detalles que faltan en esta breve explicación.

PD Claramente esto no tendrá "el mismo efecto que llamar: InstallUtil MyService.exe" - en particular, no podrás desinstalar utilizando InstallUtil. Pero parece que tal vez este no era un requisito realmente estricto para ti.