usando recursivas jerárquicas hijo consultas consulta arbol sql mysql nested-sets mptt

recursivas - ¿Cómo reparar un árbol MPTT dañado(conjunto anidado) en la base de datos usando SQL?

consultas jerárquicas usando sql server (4)

Tengo un árbol MPTT de más de 100,000 registros almacenados en MySQL usando las lft , rght y parent_id . Ahora los valores de izquierda / derecha se corrompieron, mientras que los identificadores principales aún están intactos. Requeriría toneladas de consultas para repararlo en la capa de aplicación. ¿Hay una buena manera de poner la carga en la base de datos y hacer que vuelva a calcular los valores de izquierda / derecha utilizando solo SQL?

Solo para aclarar, necesito recalcular los valores numéricos lft / rght de un conjunto anidado , no los identificadores de los registros vecinos.

El conjunto anidado

En todas las soluciones provistas, tuve un problema en el que MySQL indicaba que se Running query durante horas pero no sucedería nada.

Luego me di cuenta de que si establecía los valores lft y rght en 1 y 2 en el primer registro de la tabla tmp_tree (el que tiene parent_id = 0 ), todo funcionó bien. Tal vez el procedimiento necesite actualizarse para hacer esto automáticamente.

Esto es lo que he adaptado de la respuesta de @ Lieven, incorporando comentarios de here para un mejor desempeño:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS tree_recover; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE tree_recover () MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE currentId, currentParentId CHAR(36); DECLARE currentLeft INT; DECLARE startId INT DEFAULT 1; # Determines the max size for MEMORY tables. SET max_heap_table_size = 1024 * 1024 * 512; START TRANSACTION; # Temporary MEMORY table to do all the heavy lifting in, # otherwise performance is simply abysmal. CREATE TABLE `tmp_tree` ( `id` char(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''', `parent_id` char(36) DEFAULT NULL, `lft` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `rght` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX USING HASH (`parent_id`), INDEX USING HASH (`lft`), INDEX USING HASH (`rght`) ) ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT `id`, `parent_id`, `lft`, `rght` FROM `tree`; # Leveling the playing field. UPDATE `tmp_tree` SET `lft` = NULL, `rght` = NULL; # Establishing starting numbers for all root elements. WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `tmp_tree` WHERE `parent_id` IS NULL AND `lft` IS NULL AND `rght` IS NULL LIMIT 1) DO UPDATE `tmp_tree` SET `lft` = startId, `rght` = startId + 1 WHERE `parent_id` IS NULL AND `lft` IS NULL AND `rght` IS NULL LIMIT 1; SET startId = startId + 2; END WHILE; # Switching the indexes for the lft/rght columns to B-Trees to speed up the next section, which uses range queries. DROP INDEX `lft` ON `tmp_tree`; DROP INDEX `rght` ON `tmp_tree`; CREATE INDEX `lft` USING BTREE ON `tmp_tree` (`lft`); CREATE INDEX `rght` USING BTREE ON `tmp_tree` (`rght`); # Numbering all child elements WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `tmp_tree` WHERE `lft` IS NULL LIMIT 1) DO # Picking an unprocessed element which has a processed parent. SELECT `tmp_tree`.`id` INTO currentId FROM `tmp_tree` INNER JOIN `tmp_tree` AS `parents` ON `tmp_tree`.`parent_id` = `parents`.`id` WHERE `tmp_tree`.`lft` IS NULL AND `parents`.`lft` IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1; # Finding the element''s parent. SELECT `parent_id` INTO currentParentId FROM `tmp_tree` WHERE `id` = currentId; # Finding the parent''s lft value. SELECT `lft` INTO currentLeft FROM `tmp_tree` WHERE `id` = currentParentId; # Shifting all elements to the right of the current element 2 to the right. UPDATE `tmp_tree` SET `rght` = `rght` + 2 WHERE `rght` > currentLeft; UPDATE `tmp_tree` SET `lft` = `lft` + 2 WHERE `lft` > currentLeft; # Setting lft and rght values for current element. UPDATE `tmp_tree` SET `lft` = currentLeft + 1, `rght` = currentLeft + 2 WHERE `id` = currentId; END WHILE; # Writing calculated values back to physical table. UPDATE `tree`, `tmp_tree` SET `tree`.`lft` = `tmp_tree`.`lft`, `tree`.`rght` = `tmp_tree`.`rght` WHERE `tree`.`id` = `tmp_tree`.`id`; COMMIT; DROP TABLE `tmp_tree`; END// DELIMITER ;

Funcionó bien con algunos datos de prueba, pero aún se está ejecutando en mi árbol de 100,000 registros, así que no puedo emitir un juicio final todavía. El script ingenuo que trabaja directamente en la tabla física tiene un rendimiento abismal, que se ejecuta durante al menos horas, más días probables. El cambio a una tabla de MEMORIA temporal redujo este tiempo a aproximadamente una hora, al elegir los índices correctos reducirlo a 10 minutos.

Me estas rescatando !!! Uso el modelo de árbol mixto, por lo que cuando llega el día, mi árbol (30000+) se corrompió. Aprendo de tu tecnología, pero no es recuperación, solo reconstruyo completamente con la pérdida de todo el ordenamiento y el árbol inverso ... Creo que debo tener en cuenta a los antiguos cat_left ... Solo para una posible integridad. Por lo tanto, tal vez parece que ...

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS tree_recover; DELIMITER | CREATE PROCEDURE tree_recover () MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE currentId, currentParentId CHAR(36); DECLARE currentLeft INT; DECLARE startId INT DEFAULT 1; # Determines the max size for MEMORY tables. SET max_heap_table_size = 1024 * 1024 * 512; START TRANSACTION; # Temporary MEMORY table to do all the heavy lifting in, # otherwise performance is simply abysmal. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_cat`; CREATE TABLE `tmp_cat` ( `cat_id` char(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''', `cat_parent` char(36) DEFAULT NULL, `cat_left` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `cat_right` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `cat_left_old` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cat_id`), INDEX USING HASH (`cat_parent`), INDEX USING HASH (`cat_left`), INDEX USING HASH (`cat_right`), INDEX USING HASH (`cat_left_old`) ) ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT `cat_id`, `cat_parent`, `cat_left`, `cat_right`, `cat_left` as cat_left_old FROM `catalog`; # Leveling the playing field. UPDATE `tmp_cat` SET `cat_left` = NULL, `cat_right` = NULL; # Establishing starting numbers for all root elements. WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `tmp_cat` WHERE `cat_parent` IS NULL AND `cat_left` IS NULL AND `cat_right` IS NULL ORDER BY cat_left_old LIMIT 1) DO UPDATE `tmp_cat` SET `cat_left` = startId, `cat_right` = startId + 1 WHERE `cat_parent` IS NULL AND `cat_left` IS NULL AND `cat_right` IS NULL LIMIT 1; SET startId = startId + 2; END WHILE; # Switching the indexes for the cat_left/rght columns to B-Trees to speed up the next section, which uses range queries. DROP INDEX `cat_left` ON `tmp_cat`; DROP INDEX `cat_right` ON `tmp_cat`; DROP INDEX `cat_left_old` ON `tmp_cat`; CREATE INDEX `cat_left` USING BTREE ON `tmp_cat` (`cat_left`); CREATE INDEX `cat_right` USING BTREE ON `tmp_cat` (`cat_right`); CREATE INDEX `cat_left_old` USING BTREE ON `tmp_cat` (`cat_left_old`); # Numbering all child elements WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `tmp_cat` WHERE `cat_left` IS NULL ORDER BY cat_left_old LIMIT 1) DO # Picking an unprocessed element which has a processed parent. SELECT `tmp_cat`.`cat_id` INTO currentId FROM `tmp_cat` INNER JOIN `tmp_cat` AS `parents` ON `tmp_cat`.`cat_parent` = `parents`.`cat_id` WHERE `tmp_cat`.`cat_left` IS NULL AND `parents`.`cat_left` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `tmp_cat`.cat_left_old DESC LIMIT 1; # Finding the element''s parent. SELECT `cat_parent` INTO currentParentId FROM `tmp_cat` WHERE `cat_id` = currentId; # Finding the parent''s cat_left value. SELECT `cat_left` INTO currentLeft FROM `tmp_cat` WHERE `cat_id` = currentParentId; # Shifting all elements to the right of the current element 2 to the right. UPDATE `tmp_cat` SET `cat_right` = `cat_right` + 2 WHERE `cat_right` > currentLeft; UPDATE `tmp_cat` SET `cat_left` = `cat_left` + 2 WHERE `cat_left` > currentLeft; # Setting cat_left and rght values for current element. UPDATE `tmp_cat` SET `cat_left` = currentLeft + 1, `cat_right` = currentLeft + 2 WHERE `cat_id` = currentId; END WHILE; # Writing calculated values back to physical table. UPDATE `catalog`, `tmp_cat` SET `catalog`.`cat_left` = `tmp_cat`.`cat_left`, `catalog`.`cat_right` = `tmp_cat`.`cat_right` WHERE `catalog`.`cat_id` = `tmp_cat`.`cat_id`; COMMIT; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_cat`; END|

Usando SQL Server, el siguiente script parece estar funcionando para mí.

Prueba de salida

category_id name parent lft rgt lftcalc rgtcalc ----------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1 ELECTRONICS NULL 1 20 1 20 2 TELEVISIONS 1 2 9 2 9 3 TUBE 2 3 4 3 4 4 LCD 2 5 6 5 6 5 PLASMA 2 7 8 7 8 6 PORTABLE ELECTRONICS 1 10 19 10 19 7 MP3 PLAYERS 6 11 14 11 14 8 FLASH 7 12 13 12 13 9 CD PLAYERS 6 15 16 15 16 10 2 WAY RADIOS 6 17 18 17 18


SET NOCOUNT ON GO DECLARE @nested_category TABLE ( category_id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, parent INT, lft INT, rgt INT ); DECLARE @current_Category_ID INTEGER DECLARE @current_parent INTEGER DECLARE @SafeGuard INTEGER DECLARE @myLeft INTEGER SET @SafeGuard = 100 INSERT INTO @nested_category SELECT 1,''ELECTRONICS'',NULL,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2,''TELEVISIONS'',1,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 3,''TUBE'',2,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 4,''LCD'',2,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 5,''PLASMA'',2,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 6,''PORTABLE ELECTRONICS'',1,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 7,''MP3 PLAYERS'',6,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 8,''FLASH'',7,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 9,''CD PLAYERS'',6,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 10,''2 WAY RADIOS'',6,NULL,NULL /* Initialize */ UPDATE @nested_category SET lft = 1 , rgt = 2 WHERE parent IS NULL UPDATE @nested_category SET lft = NULL , rgt = NULL WHERE parent IS NOT NULL WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @nested_category WHERE lft IS NULL) AND @SafeGuard > 0 BEGIN SELECT @current_Category_ID = MAX(nc.category_id) FROM @nested_category nc INNER JOIN @nested_category nc2 ON nc2.category_id = nc.parent WHERE nc.lft IS NULL AND nc2.lft IS NOT NULL SELECT @current_parent = parent FROM @nested_category WHERE category_id = @current_category_id SELECT @myLeft = lft FROM @nested_category WHERE category_id = @current_parent UPDATE @nested_category SET rgt = rgt + 2 WHERE rgt > @myLeft; UPDATE @nested_category SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE lft > @myLeft; UPDATE @nested_category SET lft = @myLeft + 1, rgt = @myLeft + 2 WHERE category_id = @current_category_id SET @SafeGuard = @SafeGuard - 1 END SELECT * FROM @nested_category ORDER BY category_id SELECT COUNT(,, MIN(node.lft) FROM @nested_category AS node, @nested_category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY ORDER BY 3, 1

Testscript ##

SET NOCOUNT ON GO DECLARE @nested_category TABLE ( category_id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, parent INT, lft INT, rgt INT, lftcalc INT, rgtcalc INT ); INSERT INTO @nested_category SELECT 1,''ELECTRONICS'',NULL,1,20,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2,''TELEVISIONS'',1,2,9,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 3,''TUBE'',2,3,4,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 4,''LCD'',2,5,6,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 5,''PLASMA'',2,7,8,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 6,''PORTABLE ELECTRONICS'',1,10,19,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 7,''MP3 PLAYERS'',6,11,14,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 8,''FLASH'',7,12,13,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 9,''CD PLAYERS'',6,15,16,NULL,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 10,''2 WAY RADIOS'',6,17,18,NULL,NULL /* Initialize */ UPDATE @nested_category SET lftcalc = 1 , rgtcalc = 2 WHERE parent IS NULL DECLARE @current_Category_ID INTEGER DECLARE @current_parent INTEGER DECLARE @SafeGuard INTEGER DECLARE @myRight INTEGER DECLARE @myLeft INTEGER SET @SafeGuard = 100 WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @nested_category WHERE lftcalc IS NULL) AND @SafeGuard > 0 BEGIN SELECT @current_Category_ID = MAX(nc.category_id) FROM @nested_category nc INNER JOIN @nested_category nc2 ON nc2.category_id = nc.parent WHERE nc.lftcalc IS NULL AND nc2.lftcalc IS NOT NULL SELECT @current_parent = parent FROM @nested_category WHERE category_id = @current_category_id SELECT @myLeft = lftcalc FROM @nested_category WHERE category_id = @current_parent UPDATE @nested_category SET rgtcalc = rgtcalc + 2 WHERE rgtcalc > @myLeft; UPDATE @nested_category SET lftcalc = lftcalc + 2 WHERE lftcalc > @myLeft; UPDATE @nested_category SET lftcalc = @myLeft + 1, rgtcalc = @myLeft + 2 WHERE category_id = @current_category_id SELECT * FROM @nested_category WHERE category_id = @current_parent SELECT * FROM @nested_category ORDER BY category_id SET @SafeGuard = @SafeGuard - 1 END SELECT * FROM @nested_category ORDER BY category_id SELECT COUNT(,, MIN(node.lft) FROM @nested_category AS node, @nested_category AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY ORDER BY 3, 1