vinegar tutorial plug vim nerdtree

tutorial - vim treeview

Árbol VIM y NERD-cerrando un búfer correctamente (4)

¿Alguien sabe cómo cerrar un búfer en VIM cuando usa NERDTree sin desordenar todas sus ventanas? NERD Tree normalmente divide su pantalla en dos ventanas verticales (el navegador a su izquierda y luego su ventana principal a la derecha). Si cierra un búfer, quedará reducido a una ventana de exploración de archivos gigantes. Si selecciona otro archivo, se abre una segunda ventana, pero se separa horizontalmente. ¿Algunas ideas?

El complemento bufkill también parece tratar este problema.

No uso NERD Tree, pero si entiendo correctamente, desea cerrar un búfer sin cerrar una ventana. Si mi razonamiento es correcto, intente este script.

" Delete buffer while keeping window layout (don''t close buffer''s windows). " Version 2008-11-18 from if v:version < 700 || exists(''loaded_bclose'') || &cp finish endif let loaded_bclose = 1 if !exists(''bclose_multiple'') let bclose_multiple = 1 endif " Display an error message. function! s:Warn(msg) echohl ErrorMsg echomsg a:msg echohl NONE endfunction " Command '':Bclose'' executes '':bd'' to delete buffer in current window. " The window will show the alternate buffer (Ctrl-^) if it exists, " or the previous buffer (:bp), or a blank buffer if no previous. " Command '':Bclose!'' is the same, but executes '':bd!'' (discard changes). " An optional argument can specify which buffer to close (name or number). function! s:Bclose(bang, buffer) if empty(a:buffer) let btarget = bufnr(''%'') elseif a:buffer =~ ''^/d/+$'' let btarget = bufnr(str2nr(a:buffer)) else let btarget = bufnr(a:buffer) endif if btarget < 0 call s:Warn(''No matching buffer for ''.a:buffer) return endif if empty(a:bang) && getbufvar(btarget, ''&modified'') call s:Warn(''No write since last change for buffer ''.btarget.'' (use :Bclose!)'') return endif " Numbers of windows that view target buffer which we will delete. let wnums = filter(range(1, winnr(''$'')), ''winbufnr(v:val) == btarget'') if !g:bclose_multiple && len(wnums) > 1 call s:Warn(''Buffer is in multiple windows (use ":let bclose_multiple=1")'') return endif let wcurrent = winnr() for w in wnums execute w.''wincmd w'' let prevbuf = bufnr(''#'') if prevbuf > 0 && buflisted(prevbuf) && prevbuf != w buffer # else bprevious endif if btarget == bufnr(''%'') " Numbers of listed buffers which are not the target to be deleted. let blisted = filter(range(1, bufnr(''$'')), ''buflisted(v:val) && v:val != btarget'') " Listed, not target, and not displayed. let bhidden = filter(copy(blisted), ''bufwinnr(v:val) < 0'') " Take the first buffer, if any (could be more intelligent). let bjump = (bhidden + blisted + [-1])[0] if bjump > 0 execute ''buffer ''.bjump else execute ''enew''.a:bang endif endif endfor execute ''bdelete''.a:bang.'' ''.btarget execute wcurrent.''wincmd w'' endfunction command! -bang -complete=buffer -nargs=? Bclose call <SID>Bclose(''<bang>'', ''<args>'') nnoremap <silent> <Leader>bd :Bclose<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Leader>bD :Bclose!<CR>

Pruebe esta asignación: nnoremap <leader>q :bp<cr>:bd #<cr>

:bd me funciona en Vim 7.3 y NERDTree 4.1.0.