marcadores icon google example content aƱadir javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3

javascript - icon - google maps marker label content

Google Map resalta la ruta al arrastrar en la ruta (2)

Estoy usando react js para implementar este mapa. Por defecto, tendré una ruta en los mapas de Google que será de color rojo. En la misma ruta, necesito resaltar alguna ruta específica que se resaltará en negro, como esta:

En el lado derecho de la imagen, habrá un ícono de lápiz. Cuando hago clic en el icono, necesito resaltar la ruta específica solo en la línea roja. La ruta resaltada estará en negro según se muestra en la imagen. Luego necesito calcular la distancia de la ruta resaltada en función de la ruta predeterminada.

Nota: La ruta de ruta predeterminada comienza y termina en el mismo punto, y el punto de inicio se indica con un icono de bandera. El punto de inicio y finalización no será el mismo a la vez. Cambiarán la base de la respuesta del usuario.

class MappedRoutes extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.drawFreeHand = this.drawFreeHand.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const routeCoordinatesArr = []; map(routeMapped.route.routeCoordinates, el => { routeCoordinatesArr.push({ lat: parseFloat(, lng: parseFloat(el.lng) }); }); this.mapLocation(routeCoordinatesArr); } mapLocation(routecoordinates) { let currentMarker; let snapToRoute; = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(''map''), { center: { lat: routecoordinates[0].lat, lng: routecoordinates[0].lng }, minZoom: 3, zoom: 14, disableDoubleClickZoom: true, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, }); // Google map direction service for draw routes const flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: routecoordinates, geodisc: true, avoidTolls: true, strokeColor: ''#db3eb1'', strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 3, }); flightPath.setMap(; google.maps.event.addDomListener(flightPath, ''click'', evt => { currentMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: evt.latLng, map:, draggable: true, icon: iconPencile, }); const snapToRoute = new SnapToRoute(, currentMarker, flightPath); this.drawFreeHand(currentMarker); }); } drawFreeHand(marker) { const { highlightValue } = this.props; const path = new google.maps.MVCArray(); const service = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); const polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({ map:, fillColor: ''#ffd83c'', fillOpacity: 0.8, strokeColor: ''#ffd83c'', strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 5, clickable: false, editable: false, }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, ''drag'', event => { if (path.getLength() === 0) { path.push(event.latLng); polyline.setPath(path); } else { service.route( { origin: path.getAt(path.getLength() - 1), destination: event.latLng, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.WALKING, }, (result, status) => { if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { for (let i = 0, len = result.routes[0].overview_path.length; i < len; i += 1) { path.push(result.routes[0].overview_path[i]); } } } ); } }); } render() { return ( <div> <div onClick={this.drawFreeHand}>click to highlight</div> <div id="map" style={{ height: "500px" }} /> </div> ); } } export default MappedRoutes;

Mi respuesta de muestra:

export const routeMapped = { route: { routeId: "5a278bbfc9e77c0001cdf76d", athleteId: "59d62dc0c9e77c0001ee60f5", name: "Sathya new route", city: "105, Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Rd, RA Puram, Austin Nagar, Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600028, India", postalCode: "600028", footPath: "FOLLOW", routeType: "MAP", routeCoordinates: [ { lat: "13.02757", lng: "80.25241000000001", dis: 0, ele: 11.04315 }, { lat: "13.027460000000001", lng: "80.25280000000001", dis: 0.03, ele: 11.61113 }, { lat: "13.02724", lng: "80.25385", dis: 0.1, ele: 13 }, { lat: "13.027190000000001", lng: "80.25404", dis: 0.11, ele: 13 }, { lat: "13.02715", lng: "80.25410000000001", dis: 0.12, ele: 13 }, { lat: "13.02715", lng: "80.25423", dis: 0.13, ele: 13 }, { lat: "13.0271", lng: "80.25593", dis: 0.24, ele: 10.75041 }, { lat: "13.027090000000001", lng: "80.25710000000001", dis: 0.32, ele: 10.75639 }, { lat: "13.027070000000002", lng: "80.25792000000001", dis: 0.37, ele: 11.9969 }, { lat: "13.027080000000002", lng: "80.25885000000001", dis: 0.44, ele: 11.54305 }, { lat: "13.0271", lng: "80.25989000000001", dis: 0.51, ele: 7.42083 }, { lat: "13.02706", lng: "80.26016000000001", dis: 0.53, ele: 7.69134 }, { lat: "13.02697", lng: "80.26058", dis: 0.56, ele: 8.78328 }, { lat: "13.02683", lng: "80.26158000000001", dis: 0.62, ele: 10.39793 }, { lat: "13.02677", lng: "80.26199000000001", dis: 0.65, ele: 10.99504 }, { lat: "13.02663", lng: "80.26337000000001", dis: 0.75, ele: 10.00481 }, { lat: "13.02649", lng: "80.26448", dis: 0.82, ele: 9.75728 }, { lat: "13.02626", lng: "80.26591", dis: 0.92, ele: 7.33569 }, { lat: "13.025620000000002", lng: "80.26547000000001", dis: 0.97, ele: 8.88202 }, { lat: "13.025440000000001", lng: "80.26535000000001", dis: 0.99, ele: 9.03837 }, { lat: "13.02491", lng: "80.26495000000001", dis: 1.03, ele: 8.40581 }, { lat: "13.02424", lng: "80.26446", dis: 1.09, ele: 9 }, { lat: "13.024090000000001", lng: "80.26441000000001", dis: 1.1, ele: 9 }, { lat: "13.024030000000002", lng: "80.26439", dis: 1.1, ele: 9 }, { lat: "13.023560000000002", lng: "80.26417000000001", dis: 1.14, ele: 8.94518 }, { lat: "13.022110000000001", lng: "80.26336", dis: 1.25, ele: 7.18578 }, { lat: "13.02162", lng: "80.26315000000001", dis: 1.29, ele: 7.92565 }, { lat: "13.02148", lng: "80.26303", dis: 1.3, ele: 7.95145 }, { lat: "13.02078", lng: "80.26280000000001", dis: 1.35, ele: 7.69057 }, { lat: "13.020320000000002", lng: "80.26270000000001", dis: 1.39, ele: 7.16353 }, { lat: "13.02012", lng: "80.26257000000001", dis: 1.4, ele: 7.14811 }, { lat: "13.01997", lng: "80.26243000000001", dis: 1.42, ele: 7.25697 }, { lat: "13.01965", lng: "80.2621", dis: 1.45, ele: 7.20241 }, { lat: "13.01913", lng: "80.26159000000001", dis: 1.5, ele: 7.5177 }, { lat: "13.019020000000001", lng: "80.26153000000001", dis: 1.51, ele: 7.6779 }, { lat: "13.018910000000002", lng: "80.26142", dis: 1.52, ele: 7.83809 }, { lat: "13.0187", lng: "80.26121", dis: 1.54, ele: 8.12365 }, { lat: "13.0187", lng: "80.26088", dis: 1.56, ele: 8.05447 }, { lat: "13.01866", lng: "80.25992000000001", dis: 1.62, ele: 8.20218 }, { lat: "13.018630000000002", lng: "80.25916000000001", dis: 1.68, ele: 8.21478 }, { lat: "13.018640000000001", lng: "80.25892", dis: 1.69, ele: 8.12121 }, { lat: "13.01862", lng: "80.25861", dis: 1.71, ele: 8.0189 }, { lat: "13.01861", lng: "80.25818000000001", dis: 1.74, ele: 7.84774 }, { lat: "13.018650000000001", lng: "80.25779", dis: 1.77, ele: 7.78325 }, { lat: "13.018680000000002", lng: "80.25767", dis: 1.78, ele: 7.82694 }, { lat: "13.018730000000001", lng: "80.25754", dis: 1.79, ele: 7.89976 }, { lat: "13.01895", lng: "80.25705", dis: 1.82, ele: 8.44032 }, { lat: "13.019480000000001", lng: "80.25598000000001", dis: 1.9, ele: 9.23848 }, { lat: "13.019870000000001", lng: "80.25523000000001", dis: 1.96, ele: 9.76589 }, { lat: "13.02006", lng: "80.25477000000001", dis: 1.99, ele: 9.48015 }, { lat: "13.020320000000002", lng: "80.25369", dis: 2.07, ele: 8.90729 }, { lat: "13.020430000000001", lng: "80.25333", dis: 2.1, ele: 8.383 }, { lat: "13.02053", lng: "80.25319", dis: 2.11, ele: 8.17911 }, { lat: "13.020690000000002", lng: "80.2531", dis: 2.12, ele: 8.04804 }, { lat: "13.02091", lng: "80.25304000000001", dis: 2.14, ele: 7.95772 }, { lat: "13.02153", lng: "80.25297", dis: 2.18, ele: 7.72059 }, { lat: "13.021700000000001", lng: "80.25295000000001", dis: 2.19, ele: 7.7359 }, { lat: "13.02213", lng: "80.25287", dis: 2.22, ele: 7.91471 }, { lat: "13.024360000000001", lng: "80.25274", dis: 2.37, ele: 10 }, { lat: "13.02448", lng: "80.25274", dis: 2.38, ele: 10 }, { lat: "13.024630000000002", lng: "80.25276000000001", dis: 2.39, ele: 10 }, { lat: "13.025210000000001", lng: "80.25299000000001", dis: 2.44, ele: 10.37474 }, { lat: "13.02682", lng: "80.25375000000001", dis: 2.56, ele: 12.67804 }, { lat: "13.02715", lng: "80.25383000000001", dis: 2.58, ele: 13 }, { lat: "13.02724", lng: "80.25385", dis: 2.59, ele: 13 }, { lat: "13.027320000000001", lng: "80.25341", dis: 2.62, ele: 12.49951 }, { lat: "13.02753", lng: "80.25256", dis: 2.68, ele: 11.2616 }, { lat: "13.02757", lng: "80.25241000000001", dis: 2.69, ele: 11.04315 } ], distance: 2.69, maxElevation: 0, minElevation: 0, startingLocation: { type: "ENTRY", coordinates: ["13.02757", "80.25241000000001"] }, endingLocation: { type: "EXIT", coordinates: ["13.02757", "80.25241000000001"] }, split: [ { id: 1, splitNo: 1, splitDistance: 2.69, splitMarkers: { markerType: "ENTRY", markerId: "1", startPosLat: "13.02757", startPosLang: "80.25241000000001", endPosLat: "13.02757", endPosLang: "80.25241000000001" } } ], laps: 1, createdDatetime: null, updatedDatetime: null } };

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Los ejemplos que puede encontrar aquí

Además, existe la segunda forma de probar las Simple Polylines

Aquí está la parte del ejemplo.

<script> // This example creates a 2-pixel-wide red polyline showing the path of // the first trans-Pacific flight between Oakland, CA, and Brisbane, // Australia which was made by Charles Kingsford Smith. function initMap() { var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(''map''), { zoom: 3, center: {lat: 0, lng: -180}, mapTypeId: ''terrain'' }); var flightPlanCoordinates = [ {lat: 37.772, lng: -122.214}, {lat: 21.291, lng: -157.821}, {lat: -18.142, lng: 178.431}, {lat: -27.467, lng: 153.027} ]; var flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: flightPlanCoordinates, geodesic: true, strokeColor: ''#FF0000'', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 2 }); flightPath.setMap(map); } </script>

// You need to have a polyline, var poly = new google.maps.Polyline({ map: _map, strokeColor: ''#000'', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 0.8, clickable: false }); // Then you have to add a listener, This will add points to polyline as you drag cursor var move = google.maps.event.addListener(_map, ''mousemove'', function (e) { poly.getPath().push(e.latLng); }); // on mouseup add this, google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(_map, ''mouseup'', function (e) { google.maps.event.removeListener(move); var path = poly.getPath(); poly.setMap(null); var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({ map: _map, path: path, strokeColor: ''#000'', strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: ''#000'', fillOpacity: 0 }); }); /* Note: During dragging, you must temporarily make the map non draggable. This can be done by setting draggable as false */