working with update postgres example ejemplo json postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb

with - postgresql jsonb example

¿Acoplar pares clave/valor agregados de un campo JSONB? (1)

Este caso particular

La siguiente función crea dinámicamente una vista basada en una tabla:

create or replace function create_totals_view(table_name text) returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare s text; begin execute format ($fmt$ select string_agg(format(''star_pu->>''''%s'''' "%s"'', key, key), '','') from ( select distinct key from %s, json_each(star_pu) order by 1 ) s; $fmt$, ''%s'', ''%s'', table_name) into s; execute format('' drop view if exists %s_view; create view %s_view as select date, total_list_size, %s from %s'', table_name, table_name, s, table_name); end $$;

Primero, cree una tabla a partir de su consulta.

create table totals as SELECT date, AVG(total_list_size) AS total_list_size, json_object_agg(key, val) AS star_pu FROM (SELECT date, SUM(total_list_size) AS total_list_size, key, SUM(value::numeric) val FROM frontend_practicelist p, jsonb_each_text(star_pu) GROUP BY date, key ) p GROUP BY date ORDER BY date;

Luego, use la función, que creará una vista con el nombre de la tabla con _view postfix:

select create_totals_view(''totals'');

Finalmente, consulta la vista:

select * from totals_view;

Solución generalizada (para jsonb)

create or replace function create_jsonb_flat_view (table_name text, regular_columns text, json_column text) returns text language plpgsql as $$ declare cols text; begin execute format ($ex$ select string_agg(format(''%2$s->>%%1$L "%%1$s"'', key), '', '') from ( select distinct key from %1$s, jsonb_each(%2$s) order by 1 ) s; $ex$, table_name, json_column) into cols; execute format($ex$ drop view if exists %1$s_view; create view %1$s_view as select %2$s, %3$s from %1$s $ex$, table_name, regular_columns, cols); return cols; end $$;


create table example (id int, name text, params jsonb); insert into example values (1, ''Anna'', ''{"height": 175, "weight": 55}''), (2, ''Bob'', ''{"age": 22, "height": 188}''), (3, ''Cindy'', ''{"age": 25, "weight": 48, "pretty": true}''); select create_jsonb_flat_view(''example'', ''id, name'', ''params''); select * from example_view; id | name | age | height | pretty | weight ----+-------+-----+--------+--------+-------- 1 | Anna | | 175 | | 55 2 | Bob | 22 | 188 | | 3 | Cindy | 25 | | true | 48 (3 rows)

Estoy trabajando en Postgres 9.4 con la siguiente tabla:

Column │ Type │ Modifiers ─────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────────────── id │ integer │ not null default practice_id │ character varying(6) │ not null date │ date │ not null pct_id │ character varying(3) │ total_list_size │ double precision │ not null star_pu │ jsonb │

Tengo la siguiente consulta:

SELECT date, AVG(total_list_size) AS total_list_size, json_object_agg(key, val) AS star_pu FROM (SELECT date, SUM(total_list_size) AS total_list_size, key, SUM(value::numeric) val FROM frontend_practicelist p, jsonb_each_text(star_pu) GROUP BY date, key ) p GROUP BY date ORDER BY date;

Me da resultados con un objeto JSON adjunto a star_pu :

date │ 2013-04-01 total_list_size │ 56025123.000000000000 star_pu │ { "antidepressants_cost" : 180102416.8036909901975399, "antiepileptic_drugs_cost" : 296228344.171576079922216... }

En cambio, me gustaría aplanar el resultado JSON a una serie de claves de espacios de nombres, por lo que el resultado se ve así:

date │ 2013-04-01 total_list_size │ 56025123.000000000000 star_pu.antidepressants_cost │ 180102416.8036909901975399 star_pu.antiepileptic_drugs_cost │ 296228344.171576079922216 ...

es posible?