versiones todos reciente numero mas lista historia hay cuantas años actualizaciones objective-c ios cocoa-touch avfoundation

objective-c - todos - lista ios

WaveForm en IOS (5)

Esta es mi respuesta, gracias a todo geek.


Aquí está el código:

-(void) listenerData:(NSNotification *) notify { int resnum=112222; unsigned int bitsum=0; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { bitsum+=(resnum>>(i*8))&0xff; } bitsum=bitsum&0xff; NSString * check=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x %x",resnum,bitsum]; check=nil; self.drawData=notify.object;`` [self setNeedsDisplay]; } -(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { NSArray *data=self.drawData; NSData *tdata=[data objectAtIndex:0]; double *srcdata=(double*)tdata.bytes; int datacount=tdata.length/sizeof(double); tdata=[data objectAtIndex:1]; double *coveddata=(double*)tdata.bytes; CGContextRef context=UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGRect bounds=self.bounds; CGContextClearRect(context, bounds); CGFloat midpos=bounds.size.height/2; CGContextBeginPath(context); const double scale=1.0/100; CGFloat step=bounds.size.width/(datacount-1); CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, midpos); CGFloat xpos=0; for(int i=0;i<datacount;i++) { CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, xpos, midpos-srcdata[i]*scale); xpos+=step; } CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, bounds.size.width, midpos); CGContextClosePath(context); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); CGContextFillPath(context); CGContextBeginPath(context); const double scale2=1.0/100; CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, midpos); xpos=0; for(int i=0;i<datacount;i++) { CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, xpos, midpos+coveddata[i]*scale2); xpos+=step; } CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, bounds.size.width, midpos); CGContextClosePath(context); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextFillPath(context); }

Estoy buscando cómo dibujar la amplitud del sonido.

Encontré pero tengo algunos problemas. ¿Cómo obtener una lista de valores de punto flotante que representan el audio?

Este es el código que he usado para convertir mis datos de audio (archivo de audio) en una representación de punto flotante y guardarlos en una matriz.

-(void) PrintFloatDataFromAudioFile { NSString * name = @"Filename"; //YOUR FILE NAME NSString * source = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:name ofType:@"m4a"]; // SPECIFY YOUR FILE FORMAT const char *cString = [source cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, cString, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman ); CFURLRef inputFileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, str, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false ); ExtAudioFileRef fileRef; ExtAudioFileOpenURL(inputFileURL, &fileRef); AudioStreamBasicDescription audioFormat; audioFormat.mSampleRate = 44100; // GIVE YOUR SAMPLING RATE audioFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; audioFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat; audioFormat.mBitsPerChannel = sizeof(Float32) * 8; audioFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1; // Mono audioFormat.mBytesPerFrame = audioFormat.mChannelsPerFrame * sizeof(Float32); // == sizeof(Float32) audioFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket = audioFormat.mFramesPerPacket * audioFormat.mBytesPerFrame; // = sizeof(Float32) // 3) Apply audio format to the Extended Audio File ExtAudioFileSetProperty( fileRef, kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat, sizeof (AudioStreamBasicDescription), //= audioFormat &audioFormat); int numSamples = 1024; //How many samples to read in at a time UInt32 sizePerPacket = audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket; // = sizeof(Float32) = 32bytes UInt32 packetsPerBuffer = numSamples; UInt32 outputBufferSize = packetsPerBuffer * sizePerPacket; // So the lvalue of outputBuffer is the memory location where we have reserved space UInt8 *outputBuffer = (UInt8 *)malloc(sizeof(UInt8 *) * outputBufferSize); AudioBufferList convertedData ;//= malloc(sizeof(convertedData)); convertedData.mNumberBuffers = 1; // Set this to 1 for mono convertedData.mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = audioFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; //also = 1 convertedData.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = outputBufferSize; convertedData.mBuffers[0].mData = outputBuffer; // UInt32 frameCount = numSamples; float *samplesAsCArray; int j =0; double floatDataArray[882000] ; // SPECIFY YOUR DATA LIMIT MINE WAS 882000 , SHOULD BE EQUAL TO OR MORE THAN DATA LIMIT while (frameCount > 0) { ExtAudioFileRead( fileRef, &frameCount, &convertedData ); if (frameCount > 0) { AudioBuffer audioBuffer = convertedData.mBuffers[0]; samplesAsCArray = (float *)audioBuffer.mData; // CAST YOUR mData INTO FLOAT for (int i =0; i<1024 /*numSamples */; i++) { //YOU CAN PUT numSamples INTEAD OF 1024 floatDataArray[j] = (double)samplesAsCArray[i] ; //PUT YOUR DATA INTO FLOAT ARRAY printf("/n%f",floatDataArray[j]); //PRINT YOUR ARRAY''S DATA IN FLOAT FORM RANGING -1 TO +1 j++; } } }}

Gracias a todos.

Encontré este ejemplo aquí: dibujar formas de onda con AVAssetReader , cambiarlo y desarrollar una nueva clase basada en.

Esta clase devuelve UIImageView.

//.h file #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface WaveformImageVew : UIImageView{ } -(id)initWithUrl:(NSURL*)url; - (NSData *) renderPNGAudioPictogramLogForAssett:(AVURLAsset *)songAsset; @end //.m file #import "WaveformImageVew.h" #define absX(x) (x<0?0-x:x) #define minMaxX(x,mn,mx) (x<=mn?mn:(x>=mx?mx:x)) #define noiseFloor (-50.0) #define decibel(amplitude) (20.0 * log10(absX(amplitude)/32767.0)) #define imgExt @"png" #define imageToData(x) UIImagePNGRepresentation(x) @implementation WaveformImageVew -(id)initWithUrl:(NSURL*)url{ if(self = [super init]){ AVURLAsset * urlA = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:url options:nil]; [self setImage:[UIImage imageWithData:[self renderPNGAudioPictogramLogForAssett:urlA]]]; } return self; } -(UIImage *) audioImageLogGraph:(Float32 *) samples normalizeMax:(Float32) normalizeMax sampleCount:(NSInteger) sampleCount channelCount:(NSInteger) channelCount imageHeight:(float) imageHeight { CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(sampleCount, imageHeight); UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(imageSize); CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor); CGContextSetAlpha(context,1.0); CGRect rect; rect.size = imageSize; rect.origin.x = 0; rect.origin.y = 0; CGColorRef leftcolor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor]; CGColorRef rightcolor = [[UIColor redColor] CGColor]; CGContextFillRect(context, rect); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 1.0); float halfGraphHeight = (imageHeight / 2) / (float) channelCount ; float centerLeft = halfGraphHeight; float centerRight = (halfGraphHeight*3) ; float sampleAdjustmentFactor = (imageHeight/ (float) channelCount) / (normalizeMax - noiseFloor) / 2; for (NSInteger intSample = 0 ; intSample < sampleCount ; intSample ++ ) { Float32 left = *samples++; float pixels = (left - noiseFloor) * sampleAdjustmentFactor; CGContextMoveToPoint(context, intSample, centerLeft-pixels); CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, intSample, centerLeft+pixels); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, leftcolor); CGContextStrokePath(context); if (channelCount==2) { Float32 right = *samples++; float pixels = (right - noiseFloor) * sampleAdjustmentFactor; CGContextMoveToPoint(context, intSample, centerRight - pixels); CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, intSample, centerRight + pixels); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, rightcolor); CGContextStrokePath(context); } } // Create new image UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); // Tidy up UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); return newImage; } - (NSData *) renderPNGAudioPictogramLogForAssett:(AVURLAsset *)songAsset { NSError * error = nil; AVAssetReader * reader = [[AVAssetReader alloc] initWithAsset:songAsset error:&error]; AVAssetTrack * songTrack = [songAsset.tracks objectAtIndex:0]; NSDictionary* outputSettingsDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatLinearPCM],AVFormatIDKey, // [NSNumber numberWithInt:44100.0],AVSampleRateKey, /*Not Supported*/ // [NSNumber numberWithInt: 2],AVNumberOfChannelsKey, /*Not Supported*/ [NSNumber numberWithInt:16],AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],AVLinearPCMIsBigEndianKey, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],AVLinearPCMIsNonInterleaved, nil]; AVAssetReaderTrackOutput* output = [[AVAssetReaderTrackOutput alloc] initWithTrack:songTrack outputSettings:outputSettingsDict]; [reader addOutput:output]; [output release]; UInt32 sampleRate,channelCount; NSArray* formatDesc = songTrack.formatDescriptions; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < [formatDesc count]; ++i) { CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef item = (CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef)[formatDesc objectAtIndex:i]; const AudioStreamBasicDescription* fmtDesc = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetStreamBasicDescription (item); if(fmtDesc ) { sampleRate = fmtDesc->mSampleRate; channelCount = fmtDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; // NSLog(@"channels:%u, bytes/packet: %u, sampleRate %f",fmtDesc->mChannelsPerFrame, fmtDesc->mBytesPerPacket,fmtDesc->mSampleRate); } } UInt32 bytesPerSample = 2 * channelCount; Float32 normalizeMax = noiseFloor; NSLog(@"normalizeMax = %f",normalizeMax); NSMutableData * fullSongData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; [reader startReading]; UInt64 totalBytes = 0; Float64 totalLeft = 0; Float64 totalRight = 0; Float32 sampleTally = 0; NSInteger samplesPerPixel = sampleRate / 50; while (reader.status == AVAssetReaderStatusReading){ AVAssetReaderTrackOutput * trackOutput = (AVAssetReaderTrackOutput *)[reader.outputs objectAtIndex:0]; CMSampleBufferRef sampleBufferRef = [trackOutput copyNextSampleBuffer]; if (sampleBufferRef){ CMBlockBufferRef blockBufferRef = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBufferRef); size_t length = CMBlockBufferGetDataLength(blockBufferRef); totalBytes += length; NSAutoreleasePool *wader = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSMutableData * data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:length]; CMBlockBufferCopyDataBytes(blockBufferRef, 0, length, data.mutableBytes); SInt16 * samples = (SInt16 *) data.mutableBytes; int sampleCount = length / bytesPerSample; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount ; i ++) { Float32 left = (Float32) *samples++; left = decibel(left); left = minMaxX(left,noiseFloor,0); totalLeft += left; Float32 right; if (channelCount==2) { right = (Float32) *samples++; right = decibel(right); right = minMaxX(right,noiseFloor,0); totalRight += right; } sampleTally++; if (sampleTally > samplesPerPixel) { left = totalLeft / sampleTally; if (left > normalizeMax) { normalizeMax = left; } // NSLog(@"left average = %f, normalizeMax = %f",left,normalizeMax); [fullSongData appendBytes:&left length:sizeof(left)]; if (channelCount==2) { right = totalRight / sampleTally; if (right > normalizeMax) { normalizeMax = right; } [fullSongData appendBytes:&right length:sizeof(right)]; } totalLeft = 0; totalRight = 0; sampleTally = 0; } } [wader drain]; CMSampleBufferInvalidate(sampleBufferRef); CFRelease(sampleBufferRef); } } NSData * finalData = nil; if (reader.status == AVAssetReaderStatusFailed || reader.status == AVAssetReaderStatusUnknown){ // Something went wrong. Handle it. } if (reader.status == AVAssetReaderStatusCompleted){ // You''re done. It worked. NSLog(@"rendering output graphics using normalizeMax %f",normalizeMax); UIImage *test = [self audioImageLogGraph:(Float32 *) fullSongData.bytes normalizeMax:normalizeMax sampleCount:fullSongData.length / (sizeof(Float32) * 2) channelCount:2 imageHeight:100]; finalData = imageToData(test); } [fullSongData release]; [reader release]; return finalData; } @end

Puedo darle una referencia de la que he implementado en mi aplicación. Era el ejemplo de Apple. Este es el ejemplo de AurioTouch que analiza 3 tipos de audio sonoro. Apple aún no ha proporcionado para analizar directamente las ondas de audio ... por lo que este ejemplo también utiliza el micrófono para analizar el sonido ...

Entre los 3 solo he usado un osciloscopio para analizar el efecto de amplitud. Tengo que cambiar ese código drásticamente para que coincida con mi requisito, así que mucha suerte si va a usar ...

También puede ver un ejemplo más utilizando dicha amplitud: SpeakHere of Apple