studio proyecto funciona entorno descargar desarrollo como android ubuntu proxy setting

proyecto - Android SDK configuración proxy con ubuntu

install android studio ubuntu (2)

Solo puedo verificar esto en mi mac en este momento. La configuración se almacena en ~/.android/androidtool.cfg

Mi configuración actualmente se ve así:

### Settings for Android Tool #Thu Dec 08 12:22:00 GMT 2011 http.proxyPort=8080 http.proxyHost= sdkman.ask.adb.restart=false sdkman.force.http=false

Intente editar manualmente ese archivo (suponiendo que esté en el mismo lugar en ubuntu)

¿Dónde puedo encontrar la configuración del proxy SDK de Android?

Estoy trabajando con ubuntu, gracias de antemano.

Todo lo que tengo está en la pantalla de abajo

Acabo de modificar la herramienta de Android

aquí los gits

#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2005-2007, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. SS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST=${http_proxy%:*} SS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST=${SS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST##*/} SS_HTTP_PROXY_PORT=${http_proxy##*:} SS_HTTP_PROXY_PORT=${SS_HTTP_PROXY_PORT%%/*} SS_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST=${https_proxy%:*} SS_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST=${SS_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST##*/} SS_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT=${https_proxy##*:} SS_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT=${SS_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT%%/*} # Set up prog to be the path of this script, including following symlinks, # and set up progdir to be the fully-qualified pathname of its directory. prog="$0" while [ -h "${prog}" ]; do newProg=`/bin/ls -ld "${prog}"` newProg=`expr "${newProg}" : ".* -> /(.*/)$"` if expr "x${newProg}" : ''x/'' >/dev/null; then prog="${newProg}" else progdir=`dirname "${prog}"` prog="${progdir}/${newProg}" fi done oldwd=`pwd` progdir=`dirname "${prog}"` cd "${progdir}" progdir=`pwd` prog="${progdir}"/`basename "${prog}"` cd "${oldwd}" jarfile=sdkmanager.jar frameworkdir="$progdir" if [ ! -r "$frameworkdir/$jarfile" ] then frameworkdir=`dirname "$progdir"`/tools/lib fi if [ ! -r "$frameworkdir/$jarfile" ] then frameworkdir=`dirname "$progdir"`/framework fi if [ ! -r "$frameworkdir/$jarfile" ] then echo `basename "$prog"`": can''t find $jarfile" exit 1 fi # Check args. if [ debug = "$1" ]; then # add this in for debugging java_debug=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8050,suspend=y shift 1 else java_debug= fi java_cmd="java" # Mac OS X needs an additional arg, or you get an "illegal thread" complaint. if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then os_opts="-XstartOnFirstThread" else os_opts= fi proxy_opts= if [ ! -z "$SS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST" ] ; then proxy_opts=$proxy_opts" -Dhttp.proxyHost=${SS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST} -Dhttp.proxyPort=${SS_HTTP_PROXY_PORT}" fi if [ ! -z "$SS_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST" ] ; then proxy_opts=$proxy_opts" -Dhttps.proxyHost=${SS_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST} -Dhttps.proxyPort=${SS_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}" fi if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true fi if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ] ; then jarpath=`cygpath -w "$frameworkdir/$jarfile"` jarpath="$jarpath;"`cygpath -w "$frameworkdir/swtmenubar.jar"` progdir=`cygpath -w "$progdir"` else jarpath="$frameworkdir/$jarfile:$frameworkdir/swtmenubar.jar" fi # Get the current content of java.ext.dirs so that we can add to it instead of replacing javaExtDirs=`"${java_cmd}" -jar "${frameworkdir}/archquery.jar" java.ext.dirs` # Figure out the path to the swt.jar for the current architecture. # if ANDROID_SWT is defined, then just use this. # else, if running in the Android source tree, then look for the correct swt folder in prebuilt # else, look for the correct swt folder in the SDK under tools/lib/ swtpath="" if [ -n "$ANDROID_SWT" ]; then swtpath="$ANDROID_SWT" else vmarch=`"${java_cmd}" -jar "${frameworkdir}/archquery.jar"` if [ -n "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" ]; then osname=`uname -s | tr A-Z a-z` swtpath="${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/prebuilts/tools/${osname}-${vmarch}/swt" else swtpath="${frameworkdir}/${vmarch}" fi fi if [ ! -d "$swtpath" ]; then echo "SWT folder ''${swtpath}'' does not exist." echo "Please export ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar for your platform." exit 1 fi # need to use "java.ext.dirs" because "-jar" causes classpath to be ignored exec "$java_cmd" / -Xmx256M $os_opts $proxy_opts $java_debug /"$progdir" / -classpath "$jarpath:$swtpath/swt.jar" / "$@"