Resolución de conflictos con Emacs Ediff: ¿Cómo puedo tomar los cambios de ambas versiones?
emacs-ediff (4)
(Pregunta adaptada de ¿Cómo combino las dos variantes de un conflicto en emacs ''emerge? )
Tengo un archivo con marcadores de conflicto de fusión. Se ve similar a esto:
<<<<<<< HEAD
522ADC9C14B2FD9D00F56BAD /* close_test_button.png in Resources */,
522ADC9D14B2FD9D00F56BAD /* close_test_button@2x.png in Resources */,
522ADCA014B2FDB100F56BAD /* test_failed.png in Resources */,
522ADCA114B2FDB100F56BAD /* test_failed@2x.png in Resources */,
EC1633C014B2F3E3004B52E7 /* arrow.png in Resources */,
EC1633C114B2F3E3004B52E7 /* arrow@2x.png in Resources */,
EC1633C214B2F3E3004B52E7 /* groups.png in Resources */,
EC1633C314B2F3E3004B52E7 /* groups@2x.png in Resources */,
>>>>>>> beta_2.8
Uso Mx vc-resolve-conflicts para iniciar Ediff . Puedo seleccionar la variante A o B presionando aob en mi teclado, pero ¿cómo combino ambas variantes, una después de la otra?
Esto hace lo mismo que la respuesta útil de Trey Jackson, y es mucho más simple. Presionando d se copiarán A y B al buffer C.
(defun ediff-copy-both-to-C ()
(ediff-copy-diff ediff-current-difference nil ''C nil
(ediff-get-region-contents ediff-current-difference ''A ediff-control-buffer)
(ediff-get-region-contents ediff-current-difference ''B ediff-control-buffer))))
(defun add-d-to-ediff-mode-map () (define-key ediff-mode-map "d" ''ediff-copy-both-to-C))
(add-hook ''ediff-keymap-setup-hook ''add-d-to-ediff-mode-map)
La cadena de documentación para vc-resolve-conflicts dice que es un alias para smerge-ediff .
Si eso está funcionando como esperaba, entonces tu buffer debería estar en modo secundario de smerge, y debería haber un menú para smerge. Ese menú contiene todo lo que necesitas.
Puede cambiar al buffer "C" y editarlo. Presione + Si ya ha elegido A o B para restaurar la diferencia.
Si lo que buscas es presionar una tecla para eliminar automáticamente los marcadores de diferencias, solo puedo decir que parece una idea terrible.
Las fusiones manuales deben dejarse en manos del usuario. Eliminar pistas sobre de dónde viene cada región diff no me parece bien.
Puede personalizar los marcadores para que sean líneas en blanco con esto:
(setq ediff-combination-pattern ''("" A "" B "" Ancestor))
Sí, ¡totalmente quiero hacer esto! Con el siguiente fragmento de código, puede obtener ambos escribiendo d , que le proporcionará el código tanto del búfer A
como del búfer B
(en ese orden) en el búfer de fusión.
La única dificultad real en este código es el hecho de que ediff
usa una macro en un lugar, y la versión compilada de la función necesita ser reevaluada con la nueva macro. De todos modos, prueba el código. Probado con Emacs 23.2.
(require ''ediff-init) ;ensure the macro is defined, so we can override it
(defmacro ediff-char-to-buftype (arg)
`(cond ((memq ,arg ''(?a ?A)) ''A)
((memq ,arg ''(?b ?B)) ''B)
((memq ,arg ''(?c ?C)) ''C)
((memq ,arg ''(?d ?D)) ''D)
(require ''ediff)
;; Literally copied from ediff-util
;; need to re-evaluate because it uses the macro defined above
;; and the compiled version needs to be re-compiled with the new definition
;; why a macro????
(defun ediff-diff-to-diff (arg &optional keys)
"Copy buffer-X''th difference region to buffer Y /(X,Y are A, B, or C/).
If numerical prefix argument, copy the difference specified in the arg.
Otherwise, copy the difference given by `ediff-current-difference''.
This command assumes it is bound to a 2-character key sequence, `ab'', `ba'',
`ac'', etc., which is used to determine the types of buffers to be used for
copying difference regions. The first character in the sequence specifies
the source buffer and the second specifies the target.
If the second optional argument, a 2-character string, is given, use it to
determine the source and the target buffers instead of the command keys."
(interactive "P")
(or keys (setq keys (this-command-keys)))
(if (eq arg ''-) (setq arg -1)) ; translate neg arg to -1
(if (numberp arg) (ediff-jump-to-difference arg))
(let* ((key1 (aref keys 0))
(key2 (aref keys 1))
(char1 (ediff-event-key key1))
(char2 (ediff-event-key key2))
(ediff-copy-diff ediff-current-difference
(ediff-char-to-buftype char1)
(ediff-char-to-buftype char2))
;; recenter with rehighlighting, but no messages
(defun ediff-copy-D-to-C (arg)
"Copy ARGth difference region from both buffers A and B to C.
ARG is a prefix argument. If nil, copy the current difference region."
(interactive "P")
(ediff-diff-to-diff arg "dc"))
(defun ediff-copy-diff (n from-buf-type to-buf-type
&optional batch-invocation reg-to-copy)
(let* ((to-buf (ediff-get-buffer to-buf-type))
;;(from-buf (if (not reg-to-copy) (ediff-get-buffer from-buf-type)))
(ctrl-buf ediff-control-buffer)
(saved-p t)
(three-way ediff-3way-job)
reg-to-delete reg-to-delete-beg reg-to-delete-end)
(setq reg-to-delete-beg
(ediff-get-diff-posn to-buf-type ''beg n ctrl-buf))
(setq reg-to-delete-end
(ediff-get-diff-posn to-buf-type ''end n ctrl-buf))
(if (eq from-buf-type ''D)
;; want to copy *both* A and B
(if reg-to-copy
(setq from-buf-type nil)
(setq reg-to-copy (concat (ediff-get-region-contents n ''A ctrl-buf)
(ediff-get-region-contents n ''B ctrl-buf))))
;; regular code
(if reg-to-copy
(setq from-buf-type nil)
(setq reg-to-copy (ediff-get-region-contents n from-buf-type ctrl-buf))))
(setq reg-to-delete (ediff-get-region-contents
n to-buf-type ctrl-buf
reg-to-delete-beg reg-to-delete-end))
(if (string= reg-to-delete reg-to-copy)
(setq saved-p nil) ; don''t copy identical buffers
;; seems ok to copy
(if (or batch-invocation (ediff-test-save-region n to-buf-type))
(condition-case conds
(ediff-with-current-buffer to-buf
;; to prevent flags from interfering if buffer is writable
(let ((inhibit-read-only (null buffer-read-only)))
(goto-char reg-to-delete-end)
(insert reg-to-copy)
(if (> reg-to-delete-end reg-to-delete-beg)
(kill-region reg-to-delete-beg reg-to-delete-end))
(or batch-invocation
(ediff-save-diff-region n to-buf-type reg-to-delete))))
(error (message "ediff-copy-diff: %s %s"
(car conds)
(mapconcat ''prin1-to-string (cdr conds) " "))
(beep 1)
(sit-for 2) ; let the user see the error msg
(setq saved-p nil)
;; adjust state of difference in case 3-way and diff was copied ok
(if (and saved-p three-way)
(ediff-set-state-of-diff-in-all-buffers n ctrl-buf))
(if batch-invocation
(ediff-clear-fine-differences n)
;; If diff3 job, we should recompute fine diffs so we clear them
;; before reinserting flags (and thus before ediff-recenter).
(if (and saved-p three-way)
(ediff-clear-fine-differences n))
;; For diff2 jobs, don''t recompute fine diffs, since we know there
;; aren''t any. So we clear diffs after ediff-recenter.
(if (and saved-p (not three-way))
(ediff-clear-fine-differences n))
;; Make sure that the message about saving and how to restore is seen
;; by the user
(message "%s" messg))
;; add keybinding in a hook b/c the keymap isn''t defined until the hook is run
(add-hook ''ediff-keymap-setup-hook ''add-d-to-ediff-mode-map)
(defun add-d-to-ediff-mode-map ()
(define-key ediff-mode-map "d" ''ediff-copy-D-to-C))