excel vba web web-scraping screen-scraping

excel - Raspado web de supermercados en Argentina

vba web-scraping (1)

Hay un ejemplo que muestra cómo se pueden recuperar los datos del sitio web mediante el análisis XHR y JSON. Consta de varios pasos.

  1. Recuperar los datos.

Investigué un poco con los XHR usando la pestaña Red de herramientas de desarrollador de Chrome. La información más relevante que encontré es la cadena JSON devuelta por POST XHR desde https://www.disco.com.ar/Comprar/HomeService.aspx/ObtenerLimiteDeProductos

POST XHR no funciona para mí sin el encabezado de la cookie. Por lo tanto, primero debo agregar HEAD XHR adicional para recuperar la cookie ASP.NET_SessionId , la versión del servidor XMLHTTP utilizada para controlar las cookies. Los únicos encabezados de respuesta que devuelven la cookie son GET XHR de https://www.disco.com.ar/Login/PreHome.aspx

  1. La cadena JSON recuperada debe analizarse dos veces, ya que contiene la segunda carga JSON envuelta en la propiedad d del primer JSON.
  2. Convierta el objeto JSON analizado en forma de tabla presentada en matrices 2d.
  3. Salida de las matrices a la hoja de trabajo. Puede realizar un procesamiento adicional con acceso directo a las matrices.

Para la página web que se muestra a continuación:

La salida para mí es la siguiente:

Ponga el siguiente código en el módulo estándar del Proyecto VBA:

Option Explicit Sub GetData() Dim sCookie As String Dim sPayLoad As String Dim sCont As String Dim vJSON As Variant Dim sState As String Dim y As Long Dim sSection As Variant Dim aData() Dim aHeader() '' Get cookie from the site With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "HEAD", "https://www.disco.com.ar/Login/PreHome.aspx", False .Send sCookie = .getAllResponseHeaders End With sCookie = Split(sCookie, "Set-Cookie: ", 2)(1) sCookie = Split(sCookie, ";", 2)(0) '' Retrieve JSON data sPayLoad = "{IdMenu:""21063"",textoBusqueda:"""", producto:"""", marca:"""", " & _ "pager:"""", ordenamiento:0, precioDesde:"""", precioHasta:""""}" With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") .Open "POST", "https://www.disco.com.ar/Comprar/HomeService.aspx/ObtenerArticulosPorDescripcionMarcaFamiliaLevex", False .SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01" .SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8" .SetRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(sPayLoad) .SetRequestHeader "Cookie", sCookie .Send CStr(sPayLoad) sCont = .responseText End With '' Parse JSON response JSON.Parse sCont, vJSON, sState sCont = vJSON.Item("d") JSON.Parse sCont, vJSON, sState '' Output tables Sheets(1).Cells.Delete y = 1 For Each sSection In Array("Tipo", "Marca", "Precio", "ResultadosBusquedaLevex", "ArticulosSugereridos") JSON.ToArray vJSON.Item(sSection), aData, aHeader With Sheets(1) .Cells(y, 1).Value = sSection OutputArray .Cells(y + 1, 1), aHeader Output2DArray .Cells(y + 2, 1), aData .Cells.Columns.AutoFit End With y = y + UBound(aData, 1) + 4 Next End Sub Sub OutputArray(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant) With oDstRng .Parent.Select With .Resize( _ 1, _ UBound(aCells) - LBound(aCells) + 1) .NumberFormat = "@" .Value = aCells End With End With End Sub Sub Output2DArray(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant) With oDstRng .Parent.Select With .Resize( _ UBound(aCells, 1) - LBound(aCells, 1) + 1, _ UBound(aCells, 2) - LBound(aCells, 2) + 1) .NumberFormat = "@" .Value = aCells End With End With End Sub

Cree un módulo estándar más, asígnele el nombre JSON y coloque el siguiente código, este código proporciona la funcionalidad de procesamiento JSON:

Option Explicit Private sBuffer As String Private oTokens As Object Private oRegEx As Object Private bMatch As Boolean Private oChunks As Object Private oHeader As Object Private aData() As Variant Private i As Long Sub Parse(ByVal sSample As String, vJSON As Variant, sState As String) '' Backus–Naur form JSON parser implementation based on RegEx '' Input: '' sSample - source JSON string '' Output: '' vJson - created object or array to be returned as result '' sState - string Object|Array|Error depending on processing sBuffer = sSample Set oTokens = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With oRegEx '' Patterns based on specification http://www.json.org/ .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = True '' Unspecified True, False, Null accepted .Pattern = "(?:''[^'']*''|""(?://""|[^""])*"")(?=/s*[,/:/]/}])" '' Double-quoted string, unspecified quoted string Tokenize "s" .Pattern = "[+-]?(?:/d+/./d*|/./d+|/d+)(?:e[+-]?/d+)?(?=/s*[,/]/}])" '' Number, E notation number Tokenize "d" .Pattern = "/b(?:true|false|null)(?=/s*[,/]/}])" '' Constants true, false, null Tokenize "c" .Pattern = "/b[A-Za-z_]/w*(?=/s*/:)" '' Unspecified non-double-quoted property name accepted Tokenize "n" .Pattern = "/s+" sBuffer = .Replace(sBuffer, "") '' Remove unnecessary spaces .MultiLine = False Do bMatch = False .Pattern = "</d+(?:[sn])>/:</d+[codas]>" '' Object property structure Tokenize "p" .Pattern = "/{(?:</d+p>(?:,</d+p>)*)?/}" '' Object structure Tokenize "o" .Pattern = "/[(?:</d+[codas]>(?:,</d+[codas]>)*)?/]" '' Array structure Tokenize "a" Loop While bMatch .Pattern = "^</d+[oa]>$" '' Top level object structure, unspecified array accepted If .Test(sBuffer) And oTokens.Exists(sBuffer) Then Retrieve sBuffer, vJSON sState = IIf(IsObject(vJSON), "Object", "Array") Else vJSON = Null sState = "Error" End If End With Set oTokens = Nothing Set oRegEx = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Tokenize(sType) Dim aContent() As String Dim lCopyIndex As Long Dim i As Long Dim sKey As String With oRegEx.Execute(sBuffer) If .Count = 0 Then Exit Sub ReDim aContent(0 To .Count - 1) lCopyIndex = 1 For i = 0 To .Count - 1 With .Item(i) sKey = "<" & oTokens.Count & sType & ">" oTokens(sKey) = .Value aContent(i) = Mid(sBuffer, lCopyIndex, .FirstIndex - lCopyIndex + 1) & sKey lCopyIndex = .FirstIndex + .Length + 1 End With Next End With sBuffer = Join(aContent, "") & Mid(sBuffer, lCopyIndex, Len(sBuffer) - lCopyIndex + 1) bMatch = True End Sub Private Sub Retrieve(sTokenKey, vTransfer) Dim sTokenValue As String Dim sName As String Dim vValue As Variant Dim aTokens() As String Dim i As Long sTokenValue = oTokens(sTokenKey) With oRegEx .Global = True Select Case Left(Right(sTokenKey, 2), 1) Case "o" Set vTransfer = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") aTokens = Split(sTokenValue, "<") For i = 1 To UBound(aTokens) Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(i), ">", 2)(0) & ">", vTransfer Next Case "p" aTokens = Split(sTokenValue, "<", 4) Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(1), ">", 2)(0) & ">", sName Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(2), ">", 2)(0) & ">", vValue If IsObject(vValue) Then Set vTransfer(sName) = vValue Else vTransfer(sName) = vValue End If Case "a" aTokens = Split(sTokenValue, "<") If UBound(aTokens) = 0 Then vTransfer = Array() Else ReDim vTransfer(0 To UBound(aTokens) - 1) For i = 1 To UBound(aTokens) Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(i), ">", 2)(0) & ">", vValue If IsObject(vValue) Then Set vTransfer(i - 1) = vValue Else vTransfer(i - 1) = vValue End If Next End If Case "n" vTransfer = sTokenValue Case "s" vTransfer = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _ Mid(sTokenValue, 2, Len(sTokenValue) - 2), _ "/""", """"), _ "//", "/"), _ "//", "/"), _ "/b", Chr(8)), _ "/f", Chr(12)), _ "/n", vbLf), _ "/r", vbCr), _ "/t", vbTab) .Global = False .Pattern = "//u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}" Do While .Test(vTransfer) vTransfer = .Replace(vTransfer, ChrW(("&H" & Right(.Execute(vTransfer)(0).Value, 4)) * 1)) Loop Case "d" vTransfer = Evaluate(sTokenValue) Case "c" Select Case LCase(sTokenValue) Case "true" vTransfer = True Case "false" vTransfer = False Case "null" vTransfer = Null End Select End Select End With End Sub Function Serialize(vJSON As Variant) As String Set oChunks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") SerializeElement vJSON, "" Serialize = Join(oChunks.Items(), "") Set oChunks = Nothing End Function Private Sub SerializeElement(vElement As Variant, ByVal sIndent As String) Dim aKeys() As Variant Dim i As Long With oChunks Select Case VarType(vElement) Case vbObject If vElement.Count = 0 Then .Item(.Count) = "{}" Else .Item(.Count) = "{" & vbCrLf aKeys = vElement.Keys For i = 0 To UBound(aKeys) .Item(.Count) = sIndent & vbTab & """" & aKeys(i) & """" & ": " SerializeElement vElement(aKeys(i)), sIndent & vbTab If Not (i = UBound(aKeys)) Then .Item(.Count) = "," .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf Next .Item(.Count) = sIndent & "}" End If Case Is >= vbArray If UBound(vElement) = -1 Then .Item(.Count) = "[]" Else .Item(.Count) = "[" & vbCrLf For i = 0 To UBound(vElement) .Item(.Count) = sIndent & vbTab SerializeElement vElement(i), sIndent & vbTab If Not (i = UBound(vElement)) Then .Item(.Count) = "," ''sResult = sResult & "," .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf Next .Item(.Count) = sIndent & "]" End If Case vbInteger, vbLong .Item(.Count) = vElement Case vbSingle, vbDouble .Item(.Count) = Replace(vElement, ",", ".") Case vbNull .Item(.Count) = "null" Case vbBoolean .Item(.Count) = IIf(vElement, "true", "false") Case Else .Item(.Count) = """" & _ Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(vElement, _ "/", "//"), _ """", "/"""), _ "/", "//"), _ Chr(8), "/b"), _ Chr(12), "/f"), _ vbLf, "/n"), _ vbCr, "/r"), _ vbTab, "/t") & _ """" End Select End With End Sub Function ToString(vJSON As Variant) As String Select Case VarType(vJSON) Case vbObject, Is >= vbArray Set oChunks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ToStringElement vJSON, "" oChunks.Remove 0 ToString = Join(oChunks.Items(), "") Set oChunks = Nothing Case vbNull ToString = "Null" Case vbBoolean ToString = IIf(vJSON, "True", "False") Case Else ToString = CStr(vJSON) End Select End Function Private Sub ToStringElement(vElement As Variant, ByVal sIndent As String) Dim aKeys() As Variant Dim i As Long With oChunks Select Case VarType(vElement) Case vbObject If vElement.Count = 0 Then .Item(.Count) = "''''" Else .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf aKeys = vElement.Keys For i = 0 To UBound(aKeys) .Item(.Count) = sIndent & aKeys(i) & ": " ToStringElement vElement(aKeys(i)), sIndent & vbTab If Not (i = UBound(aKeys)) Then .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf Next End If Case Is >= vbArray If UBound(vElement) = -1 Then .Item(.Count) = "''''" Else .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf For i = 0 To UBound(vElement) .Item(.Count) = sIndent & i & ": " ToStringElement vElement(i), sIndent & vbTab If Not (i = UBound(vElement)) Then .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf Next End If Case vbNull .Item(.Count) = "Null" Case vbBoolean .Item(.Count) = IIf(vElement, "True", "False") Case Else .Item(.Count) = CStr(vElement) End Select End With End Sub Sub ToArray(vJSON As Variant, aRows() As Variant, aHeader() As Variant) '' Input: '' vJSON - Array or Object which contains rows data '' Output: '' aData - 2d array representing JSON data '' aHeader - 1d array of property names Dim sName As Variant Set oHeader = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Select Case VarType(vJSON) Case vbObject If vJSON.Count > 0 Then ReDim aData(0 To vJSON.Count - 1, 0 To 0) oHeader("#") = 0 i = 0 For Each sName In vJSON aData(i, 0) = "#" & sName ToArrayElement vJSON(sName), "" i = i + 1 Next Else ReDim aData(0 To 0, 0 To 0) End If Case Is >= vbArray If UBound(vJSON) >= 0 Then ReDim aData(0 To UBound(vJSON), 0 To 0) For i = 0 To UBound(vJSON) ToArrayElement vJSON(i), "" Next Else ReDim aData(0 To 0, 0 To 0) End If Case Else ReDim aData(0 To 0, 0 To 0) aData(0, 0) = ToString(vJSON) End Select aHeader = oHeader.Keys() Set oHeader = Nothing aRows = aData Erase aData End Sub Private Sub ToArrayElement(vElement As Variant, sFieldName As String) Dim sName As Variant Dim j As Long Select Case VarType(vElement) Case vbObject '' collection of objects For Each sName In vElement ToArrayElement vElement(sName), sFieldName & IIf(sFieldName = "", "", "_") & sName Next Case Is >= vbArray '' collection of arrays For j = 0 To UBound(vElement) ToArrayElement vElement(j), sFieldName & IIf(sFieldName = "", "", "_") & "#" & j Next Case Else If Not oHeader.Exists(sFieldName) Then oHeader(sFieldName) = oHeader.Count If UBound(aData, 2) < oHeader.Count - 1 Then ReDim Preserve aData(0 To UBound(aData, 1), 0 To oHeader.Count - 1) End If j = oHeader(sFieldName) aData(i, j) = ToString(vElement) End Select End Sub

Consulte el analizador VBA-JSON en GitHub para obtener la última versión del analizador JSON (importe el módulo JSON.bas al proyecto VBA para el procesamiento JSON).

Estoy tratando de raspar datos del sitio web:


a través de una macro en Excel 2013 , como precio en tiempo real, nombre del producto e imagen.

He intentado la consulta web de Excel pero no funciona.

¿Hay alguna forma de hacer esto?