arrays - multidimensionales - vba array dinamico
¿Cómo puedo cortar una matriz en Excel VBA? (8)
¿Qué función puedo usar en Excel VBA para cortar una matriz?
Application.WorksheetFunction.Index (matriz, fila, columna)
Si especifica un valor cero para la fila o columna, obtendrá la columna o fila completa que se especifica.
Application.WorksheetFunction.Index (matriz, 0, 3)
Esto te dará la tercera columna completa.
Si especifica tanto la fila como la columna como distintas de cero, obtendrá solo el elemento específico. No hay una manera fácil de obtener una porción más pequeña que una fila o columna completa.
Limitación : existe un límite en el tamaño de la matriz que WorksheetFunction.Index
puede manejar si está utilizando una versión más reciente de Excel. Si la array
tiene más de 65.536 filas o 65.536 columnas, arroja un error de "No coinciden los tipos". Si esto es un problema para usted, entonces vea esta respuesta más complicada que no está sujeta a la misma limitación.
Aquí está la función que escribí para hacer todas mis rebanadas 1D y 2D:
Public Function GetArraySlice2D(Sarray As Variant, Stype As String, Sindex As Integer, Sstart As Integer, Sfinish As Integer) As Variant
'' this function returns a slice of an array, Stype is either row or column
'' Sstart is beginning of slice, Sfinish is end of slice (Sfinish = 0 means entire
'' row or column is taken), Sindex is the row or column to be sliced
'' (NOTE: 1 is always the first row or first column)
'' an Sindex value of 0 means that the array is one dimensional 3/20/09 ljr
Dim vtemp() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
On Err GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case Sindex
Case 0
If Sfinish - Sstart = UBound(Sarray) - LBound(Sarray) Then
vtemp = Sarray
ReDim vtemp(1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1)
For i = 1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1
vtemp(i) = Sarray(i + Sstart - 1)
Next i
End If
Case Else
Select Case Stype
Case "row"
If Sfinish = 0 Or (Sstart = LBound(Sarray, 2) And Sfinish = UBound(Sarray, 2)) Then
vtemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Sarray, Sindex, 0)
ReDim vtemp(1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1)
For i = 1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1
vtemp(i) = Sarray(Sindex, i + Sstart - 1)
Next i
End If
Case "column"
If Sfinish = 0 Or (Sstart = LBound(Sarray, 1) And Sfinish = UBound(Sarray, 1)) Then
vtemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Sarray, 0, Sindex)
ReDim vtemp(1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1)
For i = 1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1
vtemp(i) = Sarray(i + Sstart - 1, Sindex)
Next i
End If
End Select
End Select
GetArraySlice2D = vtemp
Exit Function
Dim M As Integer
M = MsgBox("Bad Array Input", vbOKOnly, "GetArraySlice2D")
End Function
A continuación se muestra un método rápido para cortar matrices de variante de Excel. La mayor parte de esto se armó usando la información de este excelente sitio
Esencialmente, la matriz de destino está precompilada como una variante vacía de 1d o 2d y se pasa al submarino con la matriz de origen y el índice de elementos que se van a cortar. Debido a la forma en que las matrices se almacenan en la memoria, es mucho más rápido cortar una columna que una fila, ya que el diseño de la memoria permite copiar un solo bloque.
Lo bueno de esto es que escala mucho más allá del límite de fila de Excel.
Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
Public Const PTR_LENGTH As Long = 8
Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Mem_Copy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" (ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
Public Const PTR_LENGTH As Long = 4
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Sub Mem_Copy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" (ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
#End If
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAYBOUND
End Type
Sub SliceColumn(ByVal idx As Long, ByRef arrayToSlice() As Variant, ByRef slicedArray As Variant)
''slicedArray can be passed as a 1d or 2d array
''sliceArray can also be part bound, eg slicedArray(1 to 100) or slicedArray(10 to 100)
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData2 As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr
Dim cbElements As Long
Dim atsBound1 As Long
Dim elSize As Long
''determine bound1 of source array (ie row Count)
atsBound1 = UBound(arrayToSlice, 1)
''get pointer to source array Safearray
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(arrayToSlice)
CopyMemory ptrToSafeArray, ByVal ptrToArrayVar, PTR_LENGTH
CopyMemory uSAFEARRAY, ByVal ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
''determine byte size of source elements
cbElements = uSAFEARRAY.cbElements
''get pointer to destination array Safearray
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtr(slicedArray) + 8 ''Variant reserves first 8bytes
CopyMemory ptrToSafeArray, ByVal ptrToArrayVar, PTR_LENGTH
CopyMemory uSAFEARRAY, ByVal ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
ptrToArrayData2 = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
''determine elements size
elSize = UBound(slicedArray, 1) - LBound(slicedArray, 1) + 1
''determine start position of data in source array
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (((idx - 1) * atsBound1 + LBound(slicedArray, 1) - 1) * cbElements)
''Copy source array to destination array
CopyMemory ByVal ptrToArrayData2, ByVal ptrCursor, cbElements * elSize
End Sub
Sub SliceRow(ByVal idx As Long, ByRef arrayToSlice() As Variant, ByRef slicedArray As Variant)
''slicedArray can be passed as a 1d or 2d array
''sliceArray can also be part bound, eg slicedArray(1 to 100) or slicedArray(10 to 100)
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData2 As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr
Dim cbElements As Long
Dim atsBound1 As Long
Dim i As Long
''determine bound1 of source array (ie row Count)
atsBound1 = UBound(arrayToSlice, 1)
''get pointer to source array Safearray
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(arrayToSlice)
CopyMemory ptrToSafeArray, ByVal ptrToArrayVar, PTR_LENGTH
CopyMemory uSAFEARRAY, ByVal ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
''determine byte size of source elements
cbElements = uSAFEARRAY.cbElements
''get pointer to destination array Safearray
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtr(slicedArray) + 8 ''Variant reserves first 8bytes
CopyMemory ptrToSafeArray, ByVal ptrToArrayVar, PTR_LENGTH
CopyMemory uSAFEARRAY, ByVal ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
ptrToArrayData2 = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + ((idx - 1) * cbElements)
For i = LBound(slicedArray, 1) To UBound(slicedArray, 1)
CopyMemory ByVal ptrToArrayData2, ByVal ptrCursor, cbElements
ptrCursor = ptrCursor + (cbElements * atsBound1)
ptrToArrayData2 = ptrToArrayData2 + cbElements
Next i
End Sub
Ejemplo de uso:
Sub exampleUsage()
Dim sourceArr() As Variant
Dim destArr As Variant
Dim sliceIndex As Long
On Error GoTo Err:
sourceArr = Sheet1.Range("A1:D10000").Value2
sliceIndex = 2 ''Slice column 2 / slice row 2
''Build target array
ReDim destArr(20 To 10000) ''1D array from row 20 to 10000
'' ReDim destArr(1 To 10000) ''1D array from row 1 to 10000
'' ReDim destArr(20 To 10000, 1 To 1) ''2D array from row 20 to 10000
'' ReDim destArr(1 To 10000, 1 To 1) ''2D array from row 1 to 10000
''Slice Column
SliceColumn sliceIndex, sourceArr, destArr
''Slice Row
ReDim destArr(1 To 4)
SliceRow sliceIndex, sourceArr, destArr
''Tidy Up See '' http://.com/questions/16323776/copy-an-array-reference-in-vba/16343887#16343887
FillMemory destArr, 16, 0
End Sub
Los tiempos estaban en una vieja CPU de doble núcleo usando la siguiente prueba
Sub timeMethods()
Const trials As Long = 10
Const rowsToCopy As Long = 1048576
Dim rng As Range
Dim Arr() As Variant
Dim newArr As Variant
Dim newArr2 As Variant
Dim t As Long, t1 As Long, t2 As Long, t3 As Long
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo Err
''Setup Conditions 1time only
Sheet1.Range("A1:D1").Value = Split("A1,B1,C1,D1", ",") ''Strings
'' Sheet1.Range("A1:D1").Value = Split("1,1,1,1", ",") ''Longs
Sheet1.Range("A1:D1").AutoFill Destination:=Sheet1.Range("A1:D" & rowsToCopy), Type:=xlFillDefault
''Build source data
Arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:D" & rowsToCopy).Value
Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A1:D" & rowsToCopy)
''Build target container
ReDim newArr(1 To rowsToCopy)
Debug.Print "Trials=" & trials & " Rows=" & rowsToCopy
t3 = 0
For t = 1 To trials
t1 = GetTickCount
For i = LBound(newArr, 1) To UBound(newArr, 1)
newArr(i) = rng(i, 2).Value2
Next i
t2 = GetTickCount
t3 = t3 + (t2 - t1)
Debug.Print "Range: " & t2 - t1
Next t
Debug.Print "Range Avg ms: " & t3 / trials
t3 = 0
For t = 1 To trials
t1 = GetTickCount
For i = LBound(newArr, 1) To UBound(newArr, 1)
newArr(i) = Arr(i, 2)
Next i
t2 = GetTickCount
t3 = t3 + (t2 - t1)
Debug.Print "Array: " & t2 - t1
Next t
Debug.Print "Array Avg ms: " & t3 / trials
t3 = 0
For t = 1 To trials
t1 = GetTickCount
newArr2 = WorksheetFunction.Index(rng, 0, 2) ''newArr2 2d
t2 = GetTickCount
t3 = t3 + (t2 - t1)
Debug.Print "Index: " & t2 - t1
Next t
Debug.Print "Index Avg ms: " & t3 / trials
t3 = 0
For t = 1 To trials
t1 = GetTickCount
SliceColumn 2, Arr, newArr
t2 = GetTickCount
t3 = t3 + (t2 - t1)
Debug.Print "CopyMem: " & t2 - t1
Next t
Debug.Print "CopyMem Avg ms: " & t3 / trials
''Tidy Up
FillMemory newArr, 16, 0
End Sub
Aquí hay otra forma.
Esto no es multidimensional, pero funcionaría una sola fila y una sola columna.
Los parámetros f y t están basados en cero.
Function slice(ByVal arr, ByVal f, ByVal t)
slice = Application.Index(arr, Evaluate("Transpose(Row(" & f + 1 & ":" & t + 1 & "))"))
End Function
Aquí hay una función ingeniosa que escribí para subconjuntar una matriz 2d
Function Subset2D(arr As Variant, Optional rowStart As Long = 1, Optional rowStop As Long = -1, Optional colIndices As Variant) As Variant
''Subset a 2d array (arr)
''If rowStop = -1, all rows are returned
''colIndices can be provided as a variant array like Array(1,3)
''if colIndices is not provided, all columns are returned
Dim newarr() As Variant, newRows As Long, newCols As Long, i As Long, k As Long, refCol As Long
''Set the correct rowStop
If rowStop = -1 Then rowStop = UBound(arr, 1)
''Set the colIndices if they were not provided
If IsMissing(colIndices) Then
ReDim colIndices(1 To UBound(arr, 2))
For k = 1 To UBound(arr, 2)
colIndices(k) = k
Next k
End If
''Get the dimensions of newarr
newRows = rowStop - rowStart + 1
newCols = UBound(colIndices) + 1
ReDim newarr(1 To newRows, 1 To newCols)
''Loop through each empty element of newarr and set its value
For k = 1 To UBound(newarr, 2) ''Loop through each column
refCol = colIndices(k - 1) ''Get the corresponding reference column
For i = 1 To UBound(newarr, 1) ''Loop through each row
newarr(i, k) = arr(i + rowStart - 1, refCol) ''Set the value
Next i
Next k
Subset2D = newarr
End Function
Dos cosas, VBA no es compatible con el corte en matriz, por lo que sea lo que sea que use, tendrá que hacer el suyo. Pero como esto es solo para Excel, puede usar la compilación en el índice de funciones de la hoja de cálculo para el corte de matrices.
Sub Test()
''All example return a 1 based 2D array.
Dim myArr As Variant ''This var must be generic to work.
''Get whole range:
myArr = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
''Get just column 1:
myArr = WorksheetFunction.Index(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, 0, 1)
''Get just row 5
myArr = WorksheetFunction.Index(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, 5, 0)
End Sub
La solución de Lance tiene un error porque no respeta un valor de inicio de desplazamiento con una longitud secundaria no especificada, también encontré que funciona bastante confuso. Ofrezco una solución (con suerte) más transparente a continuación.
Public Function GetSubTable(vIn As Variant, Optional ByVal iStartRow As Integer, Optional ByVal iStartCol As Integer, Optional ByVal iHeight As Integer, Optional ByVal iWidth As Integer) As Variant
Dim vReturn As Variant
Dim iInRowLower As Integer
Dim iInRowUpper As Integer
Dim iInColLower As Integer
Dim iInColUpper As Integer
Dim iEndRow As Integer
Dim iEndCol As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
iInRowLower = LBound(vIn, 1)
iInRowUpper = UBound(vIn, 1)
iInColLower = LBound(vIn, 2)
iInColUpper = UBound(vIn, 2)
If iStartRow = 0 Then
iStartRow = iInRowLower
End If
If iStartCol = 0 Then
iStartCol = iInColLower
End If
If iHeight = 0 Then
iHeight = iInRowUpper - iStartRow + 1
End If
If iWidth = 0 Then
iWidth = iInColUpper - iStartCol + 1
End If
iEndRow = iStartRow + iHeight - 1
iEndCol = iStartCol + iWidth - 1
ReDim vReturn(1 To iEndRow - iStartRow + 1, 1 To iEndCol - iStartCol + 1)
For iRow = iStartRow To iEndRow
For iCol = iStartCol To iEndCol
vReturn(iRow - iStartRow + 1, iCol - iStartCol + 1) = vIn(iRow, iCol)
GetSubTable = vReturn
End Function
No existe una función de división directa para las matrices, diferente de muchos otros lenguajes recientes.
Sin embargo, hay un pequeño fragmento de código muy útil para esto. A continuación, una solución completa para arreglos 1D:
''* Fill(N1,N2)
''* Create 1 dimension array with values from N1 to N2 step 1
Function Fill(N1 As Long, N2 As Long) As Variant
Dim Arr As Variant
If N2 < N1 Then
Fill = False
Exit Function
End If
Fill = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Evaluate("Row(" & N1 & ":" & N2 & ")"))
End Function
''* Slice(AArray, [N1,N2])
''* Slice an array between indices N1 to N2
Function Slice(VArray As Variant, Optional N1 As Long = 1, Optional N2 As Long = 0) As Variant
Dim Indices As Variant
If N2 = 0 Then N2 = UBound(VArray)
If N1 = LBound(VArray) And N2 = UBound(VArray) Then
Slice = VArray
Indices = Fill(N1, N2)
Slice = WorksheetFunction.Index(VArray, 1, Indices)
End If
End Function
Para las pruebas
Var V As Variant
V = Fill(100,109)
''* PrintArr(VArr)
''* Print the array VARR
Function PrintArr(VArray As Variant)
Dim S As String
S = Join(VArray, ", ")
MsgBox (S)
End Function
Los resultados
102, 103, 104
Puede usar una combinación de las propiedades Filas, Columnas, Desplazamiento y Redimensionar para obtener un subconjunto de un rango.
Por ejemplo, si tiene un rango de 5 columnas por 3 filas:
Set rng = Range("A1:E3")
Puede obtener cualquier subconjunto combinando adecuadamente las propiedades anteriores. Por ejemplo, si desea obtener las 3 celdas más a la derecha en la segunda fila (es decir, "C2: E2" en el ejemplo anterior), podría hacer algo como:
Set rngSubset = rng.Rows(2).Offset(0, rng.Columns.Count - 3).Resize(1, 3)
Luego puede resumir esto en una función de VBA.