javascript media codec media-source bloburls

javascript - ¿Cómo usar Blob URL, MediaSource u otros métodos para reproducir Blobs concatenados de fragmentos de medios?

codec media-source (1)

Estoy intentando implementar, por falta de una descripción diferente, un contexto de medios fuera de línea.

El concepto es crear Blob 1 segundo de medios grabados, con la capacidad de

  1. Juega los HTMLMediaElement 1 segundo de forma independiente en un HTMLMediaElement
  2. Reproduzca el recurso de medios completo de Blob s concatenados

El problema es que una vez que los Blob s están concatenados, el recurso de medios no se reproduce en el elemento HTMLMedia utilizando una Blob URL o MediaSource .

La Blob URL creada solo reproduce 1 segundo de la Blob concatenada. MediaSource lanza dos excepciones

DOMException: Failed to execute ''addSourceBuffer'' on ''MediaSource'': The MediaSource''s readyState is not ''open''


DOMException: Failed to execute ''appendBuffer'' on ''SourceBuffer'': This SourceBuffer has been removed from the parent media source.

¿Cómo codificar correctamente los Blob s concatenados o implementar una solución alternativa para reproducir los fragmentos de medios como un único recurso de medios reconstituido?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <script> const src = ""; fetch(src) .then(response => response.blob()) .then(blob => { const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const chunks = []; const mimeCodec = "vdeo/webm; codecs=opus"; let duration; let media = document.createElement("video"); media.onloadedmetadata = () => { media.onloadedmetadata = null; duration = Math.ceil(media.duration); let arr = Array.from({ length: duration }, (_, index) => index); // record each second of media arr.reduce((p, index) => p.then(() => new Promise(resolve => { let recorder; let video = document.createElement("video"); video.onpause = e => { video.onpause = null; console.log(e); recorder.stop(); } video.oncanplay = () => { video.oncanplay = null;; let stream = video.captureStream(); recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); recorder.start(); recorder.ondataavailable = e => { console.log("data event", recorder.state,; chunks.push(; } recorder.onstop = e => { resolve(); } } video.src = `${blobURL}#t=${index},${index+1}`; }) ), Promise.resolve()) .then(() => { console.log(chunks); let video = document.createElement("video"); video.controls = true; document.body.appendChild(video); let select = document.createElement("select"); document.body.appendChild(select); let option = new Option("select a segment"); select.appendChild(option); for (let chunk of chunks) { let index = chunks.indexOf(chunk); let option = new Option(`Play ${index}-${index + 1} seconds of media`, index); select.appendChild(option) } let fullMedia = new Blob(chunks, { type: mimeCodec }); let opt = new Option("Play full media", "Play full media"); select.appendChild(opt); select.onchange = () => { if (select.value !== "Play full media") { video.src = URL.createObjectURL(chunks[select.value]) } else { const mediaSource = new MediaSource(); video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource); mediaSource.addEventListener("sourceopen", sourceOpen); function sourceOpen(event) { // if the media type is supported by `mediaSource` // fetch resource, begin stream read, // append stream to `sourceBuffer` if (MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mimeCodec)) { var sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mimeCodec); // set `sourceBuffer` `.mode` to `"sequence"` sourceBuffer.mode = "segments"; fetch(URL.createObjectURL(fullMedia)) // return `ReadableStream` of `response` .then(response => response.body.getReader()) .then(reader => { const processStream = (data) => { if (data.done) { return; } // append chunk of stream to `sourceBuffer` sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(data.value); } // at `sourceBuffer` `updateend` call ``, // to read next chunk of stream, append chunk to // `sourceBuffer` sourceBuffer.addEventListener("updateend", function() {; }); // start processing stream; // do stuff `reader` is closed, // read of stream is complete return reader.closed.then(() => { // signal end of stream to `mediaSource` mediaSource.endOfStream(); return mediaSource.readyState; }) }) // do stuff when `reader.closed`, `mediaSource` stream ended .then(msg => console.log(msg)) .catch(err => console.log(err)) } // if `mimeCodec` is not supported by `MediaSource` else { alert(mimeCodec + " not supported"); } }; } } }) } media.src = blobURL; }) </script> </body> </html>

usando Blob URL en la instrucción else en el evento select change , que solo reproduce el primer segundo del recurso de medios

video.src = URL.createObjectURL(fullMedia);

plnkr Blob URL versión 1, versión 2 MediaSource

Actualmente no hay una API web dirigida a la edición de video.
Las API MediaStream y MediaRecorder están destinadas a manejar fuentes en vivo.

Debido a la estructura de los archivos de video, no puede simplemente cortar una parte de él para hacer un nuevo video, ni puede simplemente concatenar pequeños archivos de video para hacer uno más largo. En ambos casos, debe reconstruir sus metadatos para crear un nuevo archivo de video.
La única API actual capaz de producir MediaFiles es MediaRecorder.

Actualmente solo hay dos implementadores de la API de MediaRecorder, pero admiten aproximadamente 3 códecs diferentes en dos contenedores diferentes, lo que significa que necesitaría crear al menos 5 analizadores de metadatos para admitir solo las implementaciones actuales (lo que seguirá creciendo en número , y que pueden necesitar actualización a medida que se actualizan las implementaciones).
Suena como un trabajo duro.

Tal vez la API entrante de WebAssembly nos permita portar ffmpeg a los navegadores, lo que lo haría mucho más simple, pero tengo que admitir que no conozco WA en absoluto, por lo que ni siquiera estoy seguro de que sea realmente factible.

Te escucho decir "Ok, no hay una herramienta hecha solo para eso, pero somos piratas informáticos y tenemos otras herramientas, con gran poder".
Bueno, sí. Si realmente estamos dispuestos a hacerlo, podemos hackear algo ...

Como se dijo antes, MediaStream y MediaRecorder están diseñados para video en vivo. De este modo, podemos convertir archivos de video estáticos en transmisiones en vivo con [HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement].captureStream() [HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement].captureStream() métodos.
También podemos grabar esas transmisiones en vivo en un archivo estático gracias a la API MediaRecorder.

Sin embargo, lo que no podemos hacer es cambiar la fuente de transmisión actual de un MediaRecorder con el que se ha alimentado.

Entonces, para fusionar pequeños archivos de video en uno más, necesitaremos

  • cargar estos videos en elementos <video>
  • dibuje estos elementos <video> en un elemento <canvas> en el orden deseado
  • alimentar una fuente de transmisión de AudioContext con los elementos <video>
  • fusionar las transmisiones de canvas.captureStream y AudioStreamSource en un solo MediaStream
  • Grabe este MediaStream

Pero esto significa que la fusión es en realidad una regrabación de todos los videos, y esto solo se puede hacer en tiempo real (velocidad = x1)

Aquí hay una prueba de concepto en vivo donde primero cortamos un archivo de video original en varias partes más pequeñas, barajamos estas partes para imitar un montaje, luego creamos un reproductor basado en lienzo, también capaz de grabar este montaje y exportarlo.

NotaBene: Esta es la primera versión, y todavía tengo muchos errores (notabely en Firefox, debería funcionar casi bien en Chrome).

(() => { if (!(''MediaRecorder'' in window)) { throw new Error(''unsupported browser''); } // some global params const CHUNK_DURATION = 1000; const MAX_SLICES = 15; // get only 15 slices const FPS = 30; async function init() { const url = ''''; const slices = await getSlices(url); // slice the original media in longer chunks mess_up_array(slices); // Let''s shuffle these slices, // otherwise there is no point merging it in a new file generateSelect(slices); // displays each chunk independentely window.player = new SlicePlayer(slices); // init our player }; const SlicePlayer = class { /* @args: Array of populated HTMLVideoElements */ constructor(parts) { = parts; this.initVideoContext(); this.initAudioContext(); this.currentIndex = 0; // to know which video we''ll play this.currentTime = 0; this.duration = parts.reduce((a, b) => b._duration + a, 0); // the sum of all parts'' durations // (see below why "_") this.initDOM(); // attach our onended callback only on the last vid[ - 1].onended = e => this.onended(); this.resetAll(); // set all videos'' currentTime to 0 + draw first frame } initVideoContext() { const c = this.canvas = document.createElement(''canvas''); c.width =[0].videoWidth; c.height =[0].videoHeight; this.v_ctx = c.getContext(''2d''); } initAudioContext() { const a = this.a_ctx = new AudioContext(); const gain = this.volume_node = a.createGain(); gain.connect(a.destination); // extract the audio from our video elements so that we can record it this.audioSources = => a.createMediaElementSource(v)); this.audioSources.forEach(s => s.connect(gain)); } initDOM() { // all DOM things... canvas_player_timeline.max = this.duration; canvas_player_cont.appendChild(this.canvas); canvas_player_play_btn.onclick = e => this.startVid(this.currentIndex); = ''inline-block''; canvas_player_timeline.oninput = e => { if (!this.recording) this.onseeking(e); }; canvas_player_record_btn.onclick = e => this.record(); } resetAll() { this.currentTime = canvas_player_timeline.value = 0; // when the first part as actually been reset to start[0].onseeked = e => {[0].onseeked = null; this.draw(0); // draw it }; => v.currentTime = 0); if (this.playing && this.stopLoop) { this.playing = false; this.stopLoop(); } } startVid(index) { // starts playing the video at given index if (index > - 1) { // that was the last one this.onended(); return; } this.playing = true; this.currentIndex = index; // update our currentIndex[index].play().then(() => { // try to avoid at maximum the gaps between different parts if (this.recording && this.recorder.state === ''paused'') { this.recorder.resume(); } }); this.startLoop(); } startNext() { // starts the next part before the current one actually ended const nextPart =[this.currentIndex + 1]; if (!nextPart) { // current === last return; } this.playing = true; if (!nextPart.paused) { // already playing ? return; } // try to avoid at maximum the gaps between different parts if (this.recording && this.recorder && this.recorder.state === ''recording'') { this.recorder.pause(); } .then(() => { ++this.currentIndex; // this is now the current video if (!this.playing) { // somehow got stop in between ? this.playing = true; this.startLoop(); // start again } // try to avoid at maximum the gaps between different parts if (this.recording && this.recorder.state === ''paused'') { this.recorder.resume(); } }); } startLoop() { // starts our update loop // see https://.com/questions/40687010/ this.stopLoop = audioTimerLoop(e => this.update(), 1000 / FPS); } update(t) { // at every tick const currentPart =[this.currentIndex]; this.updateTimeLine(); // update the timeline if (!this.playing || currentPart.paused) { // somehow got stopped this.playing = false; if (this.stopLoop) { this.stopLoop(); // stop the loop } } this.draw(this.currentIndex); // draw the current video on the canvas // calculate how long we''ve got until the end of this part const remainingTime = currentPart._duration - currentPart.currentTime; if (remainingTime < (2 / FPS)) { // less than 2 frames ? setTimeout(e => this.startNext(), remainingTime / 2); // start the next part } } draw(index) { // draw the video[index] on the canvas this.v_ctx.drawImage([index], 0, 0); } updateTimeLine() { // get the sum of all parts'' currentTime this.currentTime =, b) => (isFinite(b.currentTime) ? b.currentTime : b._duration) + a, 0); canvas_player_timeline.value = this.currentTime; } onended() { // triggered when the last part ends // if we are recording, stop the recorder if (this.recording && this.recorder.state !== ''inactive'') { this.recorder.stop(); } // go back to first frame this.resetAll(); this.currentIndex = 0; this.playing = false; } onseeking(evt) { // when we click the timeline // first reset all videos'' currentTime to 0 => v.currentTime = 0); this.currentTime =; let index = 0; let sum = 0; // find which part should be played at this time for (index; index <; index++) { let p =[index]; if (sum + p._duration > this.currentTime) { break; } sum += p._duration; p.currentTime = p._duration; } this.currentIndex = index; // set the currentTime of this part[index].currentTime = this.currentTime - sum; if (this.playing) { // if we were playing this.startVid(index); // set this part as the current one } else {[index].onseeked = e => { // wait we actually seeked the correct position[index].onseeked = null; this.draw(index); // and draw a single frame }; } } record() { // inits the recording this.recording = true; // let the app know we''re recording this.resetAll(); // go back to first frame canvas_controls.classList.add(''disabled''); // disable controls const v_stream = this.canvas.captureStream(FPS); // make a stream of our canvas const dest = this.a_ctx.createMediaStreamDestination(); // make a stream of our AudioContext this.volume_node.connect(dest); // FF bug... see let merged_stream = null; if (!(''mozCaptureStream'' in HTMLVideoElement.prototype)) { v_stream.addTrack([0]); merged_stream = v_stream; } else { merged_stream = new MediaStream( v_stream.getVideoTracks().concat( ); } const chunks = []; const rec = this.recorder = new MediaRecorder(merged_stream, { mimeType: MediaRecorder._preferred_type }); rec.ondataavailable = e => chunks.push(; rec.onstop = e => { merged_stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()); this.export(new Blob(chunks)); } rec.start(); this.startVid(0); // start playing } export (blob) { // once the recording is over const a = document.createElement(''a''); = a.innerHTML = ''merged.webm''; a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob, { type: MediaRecorder._preferred_type }); exports_cont.appendChild(a); canvas_controls.classList.remove(''disabled''); this.recording = false; this.resetAll(); } } // END Player function generateSelect(slices) { // generates a select to show each slice independently const select = document.createElement(''select''); select.appendChild(new Option(''none'', -1)); slices.forEach((v, i) => select.appendChild(new Option(`slice ${i}`, i))); document.body.insertBefore(select, slice_player_cont); select.onchange = e => { slice_player_cont.firstElementChild && slice_player_cont.firstElementChild.remove(); if (+select.value === -1) return; // ''none'' slice_player_cont.appendChild(slices[+select.value]); }; } async function getSlices(url) { // loads the main video, and record some slices from it const mainVid = await loadVid(url); // try to make the slicing silent... That''s not easy. let a = null; if (mainVid.mozCaptureStream) { // target FF a = new AudioContext(); // this causes an Range error in chrome // a.createMediaElementSource(mainVid); } else { // chrome // this causes the stream to be muted too in FF mainVid.muted = true; // mainVid.volume = 0; // same }; const mainStream = mainVid.captureStream ? mainVid.captureStream() : mainVid.mozCaptureStream(); console.log(''mainVid loaded''); const slices = await getSlicesInLoop(mainStream, mainVid); console.log(''all slices loaded''); setTimeout(() => console.clear(), 1000); if (a && a.close) { // kill the silence audio context (FF) a.close(); } mainVid.pause(); URL.revokeObjectURL(mainVid.src); return Promise.resolve(slices); } async function getSlicesInLoop(stream, mainVid) { // far from being precise // to do it well, we would need to get the keyframes info, but it''s out of scope for this answer let slices = []; const loop = async function(i) { const slice = await => getNewSlice(stream, mainVid)); console.log(`${i + 1} slice(s) loaded`); slices.push(slice); if ((mainVid.currentTime < mainVid._duration) && (i + 1 < MAX_SLICES)) { loop(++i); } else done(slices); }; loop(0); let done; return new Promise((res, rej) => { done = arr => res(arr); }); } function getNewSlice(stream, vid) { // one recorder per slice return new Promise((res, rej) => { const rec = new MediaRecorder(stream, { mimeType: MediaRecorder._preferred_type }); const chunks = []; rec.ondataavailable = e => chunks.push(; rec.onstop = e => { const blob = new Blob(chunks); res(loadVid(URL.createObjectURL(blob))); } rec.start(); setTimeout(() => { const p = vid.pause(); if (p && p.then) p.then(() => rec.stop()) else rec.stop() }, CHUNK_DURATION); }); } function loadVid(url) { // helper returning an video, preloaded return fetch(url) .then(r => r.blob()) .then(b => makeVid(URL.createObjectURL(b))) }; function makeVid(url) { // helper to create a video element const v = document.createElement(''video''); v.control = true; v.preload = ''metadata''; return new Promise((res, rej) => { v.onloadedmetadata = e => { // chrome duration bug... // see // will also occur in next FF versions, in worse... if (v.duration === Infinity) { v.onseeked = e => { v._duration = v.currentTime; // FF new bug never updates duration to correct value v.onseeked = null; v.currentTime = 0; res(v); }; v.currentTime = 1e5; // big but not too big either } else { v._duration = v.duration; res(v); } }; v.onerror = rej; v.src = url; }); }; function mess_up_array(arr) { // shuffles an array const _sort = () => { let r = Math.random() - .5; return r < -0.1 ? -1 : r > 0.1 ? 1 : 0; }; arr.sort(_sort) arr.sort(_sort) arr.sort(_sort); } /* An alternative timing loop, based on AudioContext''s clock @arg callback : a callback function with the audioContext''s currentTime passed as unique argument @arg frequency : float in ms; @returns : a stop function */ function audioTimerLoop(callback, frequency) { const freq = frequency / 1000; // AudioContext time parameters are in seconds const aCtx = new AudioContext(); // Chrome needs our oscillator node to be attached to the destination // So we create a silent Gain Node const silence = aCtx.createGain(); silence.gain.value = 0; silence.connect(aCtx.destination); onOSCend(); var stopped = false; // A flag to know when we''ll stop the loop function onOSCend() { const osc = aCtx.createOscillator(); osc.onended = onOSCend; // so we can loop osc.connect(silence); osc.start(0); // start it now osc.stop(aCtx.currentTime + freq); // stop it next frame callback(aCtx.currentTime); // one frame is done if (stopped) { // user broke the loop osc.onended = function() { aCtx.close(); // clear the audioContext return; }; } }; // return a function to stop our loop return () => stopped = true; } // get the preferred codec available (vp8 is my personal, more reader support) MediaRecorder._preferred_type = [ "video/webm/;codecs=vp8", "video/webm/;codecs=vp9", "video/webm/;codecs=h264", "video/webm" ] .filter(t => MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(t))[0]; init(); })();

#canvas_player_cont { display: none; position: relative; } #canvas_player_cont.disabled { opacity: .7; pointer-events: none; } #canvas_controls { position: absolute; bottom: 4px; left: 0px; width: calc(100% - 8px); display: flex; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7); padding: 4px; } #canvas_player_play_btn { flex-grow: 0; } #canvas_player_timeline { flex-grow: 1; }

<div id="slice_player_cont"> </div> <div id="canvas_player_cont"> <div id="canvas_controls"> <button id="canvas_player_play_btn">play</button> <input type="range" min="0" max="10" step="0.01" id="canvas_player_timeline"> <button id="canvas_player_record_btn">save</button> </div> </div> <div id="exports_cont"></div>