vuelta voltear reves recursiva pseint número numeros numero invertir inverso imprimir forma dar como calcular c++ haskell lambda c++11 monads

c++ - voltear - invertir un numero de forma recursiva en c

Implementando la Posada Monada de Haskell en c++ 11 (6)

Aquí está mi "mónada" que uso con frecuencia en mis proyectos de C ++ ( descargo de responsabilidad: vea los comentarios a continuación ). Es en la medida más parecida a Haskell Maybe que a su implementación, ya que solo contiene un objeto en el caso just (puntos mobj en él), no desperdiciando espacio si no es nothing . Esto también le permite utilizar la semántica de movimientos de C ++ 11 para evitar copias innecesarias. Los tipos de retorno de fmap (función miembro fmapped ) y >>= se deducen con decltype .

template<typename DataT> class maybe; template<typename DataT> maybe<DataT> just(const DataT &obj); struct nothing_object{nothing_object(){}}; const nothing_object nothing; //template class objects of which may or may not contain some given // data object. Inspired by Haskell''s Maybe monad. template<typename DataT> class maybe { DataT *obj; public: class iterator { DataT *mobj; explicit iterator(DataT *init):mobj(init){} public: iterator():mobj(nullptr){} iterator(const iterator &cp):mobj(cp.mobj){} bool operator!=(const iterator &other)const{return mobj!=other.mobj;} DataT &operator*() const{return *mobj;} iterator &operator++(){ mobj=nullptr; return *this; } friend class maybe; }; class const_iterator { const DataT *mobj; explicit const_iterator(const DataT *init):mobj(init){} public: const_iterator():mobj(nullptr){} const_iterator(const const_iterator &cp):mobj(cp.mobj){} bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other)const{return mobj!=other.mobj;} const DataT &operator*() const{return *mobj;} const_iterator &operator++(){ mobj=nullptr; return *this; } friend class maybe; }; iterator begin(){return iterator(obj);} iterator end(){return iterator();} const_iterator begin()const{return const_iterator(obj);} const_iterator end()const{return const_iterator();} const_iterator c_begin()const{return const_iterator(obj);} const_iterator c_end()const{return const_iterator();} bool is_nothing()const{return obj==nullptr;} void make_nothing(){delete obj; obj=nullptr;} bool is_just()const{return obj!=nullptr;} template<typename CpDataT> void with_just_assign(CpDataT &mdftg)const{if(obj) mdftg=*obj;} DataT &from_just(){return *obj;} DataT &operator*(){return *obj;} const DataT &from_just()const{return *obj;} const DataT &operator*()const{return *obj;} template<typename CmpDataT> bool operator==(const maybe<CmpDataT> &cmp)const{ return is_just()==cmp.is_just() && (is_nothing() || *obj==*cmp.obj); } template<typename CmpDataT> bool operator!=(const maybe<CmpDataT> &cmp)const{ return is_just()!=cmp.is_just() || (is_just() && *obj!=*cmp.obj); } bool operator==(const nothing_object &n)const{return obj==nullptr;} bool operator!=(const nothing_object &n)const{return obj!=nullptr;} template<typename MpFnT> auto fmapped(MpFnT f) const -> maybe<decltype(f(*obj))> { return obj? just(f(*obj)) : nothing; } template<typename MonadicFn> auto operator>>=(MonadicFn f) const -> decltype(f(*obj)) { return obj? f(*obj) : nothing; } template<typename ReplaceDT> auto operator>>(const maybe<ReplaceDT> &r) const -> maybe<ReplaceDT> { return obj? r : nothing; } auto operator>>(const nothing_object &n) const -> maybe<DataT> { return nothing; } maybe(const nothing_object &n):obj(nullptr){} template<typename CpDataT> explicit maybe(const CpDataT &cobj):obj(new DataT(cobj)){} template<typename CpDataT> maybe &operator=(const CpDataT &cobj){delete obj; obj=new DataT(cobj); return *this;} template<typename CpDataT> maybe(const maybe<CpDataT> &cp):obj(cp.is_just()?new DataT(cp.from_just()):nullptr){} template<typename CpDataT> maybe &operator=(const maybe<CpDataT> &cp){ delete obj; obj = cp.is_just()? new DataT(cp.from_just()) : nullptr; return *this;} maybe(maybe<DataT> &&mv):obj(mv.obj){mv.obj=nullptr;} maybe &operator=(maybe<DataT> &&mv) { delete obj; obj=mv.obj; mv.obj=nullptr; return *this; } ~maybe(){delete obj;} }; template<typename DataT> auto just(const DataT &obj) -> maybe<DataT> {return maybe<DataT>(obj);} template<typename MpFnT, typename DataT> // represents Haskell''s <$> infix auto operator^(MpFnT f, const maybe<DataT> &m) -> decltype(m.fmapped(f)) { return m.fmapped(f); } template<typename DataT> auto joined(const maybe<maybe<DataT>> &m) -> maybe<DataT> { return m.is_just()? m.from_just() : nothing; } template<typename DataT> auto maybe_yes(const std::pair<DataT,bool>& mbcst) -> maybe<DataT> { return mbcst.second ? just(mbcst.first) : nothing; } template<typename DataT> auto maybe_not(const std::pair<DataT,bool>& mbcst) -> maybe<DataT> { return !mbcst.second ? just(mbcst.first) : nothing; }

Los iteradores de begin y end apariencia un tanto extraña permiten que se utilice en el rango de C ++ 11 para bucles:

maybe<int> a = just(7), b = nothing; for (auto&i: a) std::cout << i; for (auto&i: b) std::cout << i;

Salidas solo una vez 7 .

Estoy intentando implementar la mónada Maybe de Haskell utilizando las funciones lambda en C ++ 11 y las plantillas Esto es lo que tengo hasta ahora

#include<functional> #include<iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T1> struct Maybe { T1 data; bool valid; }; template<typename T1, typename T2> Maybe<T2> operator>>=(Maybe<T1> t, std::function < Maybe<T2> (T1)> &f) { Maybe<T2> return_value; if(t.valid == false) { return_value.valid = false; return return_value; } else { return f(; } } int main() { Maybe<int> x = {5, true}; Maybe<int> y = {29, false}; auto z = [](int a) -> Maybe<int> { Maybe<int> s; = a+1; s.valid = true; return s; }; Maybe<int> p = (x >>= z); Maybe<int> q = (y >>= z); cout<<<<'' ''<<p.valid<<endl; cout<<<<'' ''<<q.valid<<endl; }

Cuando se trata de la llamada real >>= , recibo un error del compilador que dice que no se encontraron coincidencias para el operador >>= . ¿Mi comprensión de las funciones lambda de C ++ 11 me está fallando aquí?

Copiar y pegar literalmente desde el tipo de Haskell "Tal vez" escriba & * encadenamiento * en C ++ 11

Esto es probablemente lo que realmente quieres lograr

#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <deque> #include <algorithm> #include <type_traits> typedef long long int int64; namespace monad { namespace maybe { struct Nothing {}; template < typename T > struct Maybe { template < typename U, typename Enable = void > struct ValueType { typedef U * const type; }; template < typename U > struct ValueType < U, typename std::enable_if < std::is_reference < U >::value >::type > { typedef typename std::remove_reference < T >::type * const type; }; typedef typename ValueType < T >::type value_type; value_type m_v; Maybe(Nothing const &) : m_v(0) {} struct Just { value_type m_v; Just() = delete; explicit Just(T &v) : m_v(&v) { } }; Maybe(Just const &just) : m_v(just.m_v) { } }; Nothing nothing() { return Nothing(); } template < typename T > Maybe < T > just(T &v) { return typename Maybe < T >::Just(v); } template < typename T > Maybe < T const > just(T const &v) { return typename Maybe < T const >::Just(v); } template < typename T, typename R, typename A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T > const &t, R (*f)(A const &)) { if (t.m_v) return just < R >(f(*t.m_v)); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T > const &t, Maybe < R > (*f)(A const &)) { if (t.m_v) return f(*t.m_v); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T > const &t, R (*f)(A &)) { if (t.m_v) return just < R >(f(*t.m_v)); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T > const &t, Maybe < R > (*f)(A &)) { if (t.m_v) return f(*t.m_v); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename... A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T const > const &t, R (T::*f)(A const &...) const) { if (t.m_v) return just < R >(((*t.m_v).*f)()); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename... A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T const > const &t, Maybe < R > (T::*f)(A const &...) const) { if (t.m_v) return just < R >((t.m_v->*f)()); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename... A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T const > const &t, R (T::*f)(A const &...)) { if (t.m_v) return just < R >(((*t.m_v).*f)()); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename R, typename... A > Maybe < R > operator | (Maybe < T const > const &t, Maybe < R > (T::*f)(A const &...)) { if (t.m_v) return just < R >((t.m_v->*f)()); else return nothing(); } template < typename T, typename A > void operator | (Maybe < T > const &t, void (*f)(A const &)) { if (t.m_v) f(*t.m_v); } }} struct Account { std::string const m_id; enum Type { CHECKING, SAVINGS } m_type; int64 m_balance; int64 withdraw(int64 const amt) { if (m_balance < amt) m_balance -= amt; return m_balance; } std::string const &getId() const { return m_id; } }; std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &os, Account const &acct) { os << "{" << acct.m_id << ", " << (acct.m_type == Account::CHECKING ? "Checking" : "Savings") << ", " << acct.m_balance << "}"; } struct Customer { std::string const m_id; std::deque < Account > const m_accounts; }; typedef std::map < std::string, Customer > Customers; using namespace monad::maybe; Maybe < Customer const > getCustomer(Customers const &customers, std::string const &id) { auto customer = customers.find(id); if (customer == customers.end()) return nothing(); else return just(customer->second); }; Maybe < Account const > getAccountByType(Customer const &customer, Account::Type const type) { auto const &accounts = customer.m_accounts; auto account = std::find_if(accounts.begin(), accounts.end(), [type](Account const &account) -> bool { return account.m_type == type; }); if (account == accounts.end()) return nothing(); else return just(*account); } Maybe < Account const > getCheckingAccount(Customer const &customer) { return getAccountByType(customer, Account::CHECKING); }; Maybe < Account const > getSavingsAccount(Customer const &customer) { return getAccountByType(customer, Account::SAVINGS); }; int64 const &getBalance(Account const &acct) { return acct.m_balance; } template < typename T > void print(T const &v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; } int main(int const argc, char const * const argv[]) { Customers customers = { { "12345", { "12345", { { "12345000", Account::CHECKING, 20000 }, { "12345001", Account::SAVINGS, 117000 } } } } , { "12346", { "12346", { { "12346000", Account::SAVINGS, 1000000 } } } } }; getCustomer(customers, "12346") | getCheckingAccount | getBalance | &print < int64 const >; getCustomer(customers, "12345") | getCheckingAccount | getBalance | &print < int64 const >; getCustomer(customers, "12345") | getSavingsAccount | &Account::getId | &print < std::string const >; // getCustomer(customers, "12345") | getSavingsAccount | [](Account &acct){ return acct.withdraw(100); } | &print < std::string const >; }

El tipo de un lambda no es una especialización de std::function . Es un tipo no amado. Hay una conversión a la std::function , pero eso significa que la deducción de tipos no funcionará para ella. Entonces, en esta convocatoria:

Maybe<int> p = (x >>= z);

El tipo T2 no se puede deducir:

Maybe<T2> operator>>=(Maybe<T1> t, std::function < Maybe<T2> (T1)> &f)

Almacene la lambda en una variable std::function desde el principio, y debería funcionar:

std::function < Maybe<int> (int)> z = [](int a) -> Maybe<int> { ... };

Sin embargo, es probable que sea más fácil aceptar cualquier tipo de objeto de función. De esa manera todavía puedes usar auto para la lambda.

template<typename T1, typename F> typename std::result_of<F(T1)>::type operator>>=(Maybe<T1> t, F&& f) { ... std::forward<F>(f)(; }

Lo siguiente funciona para mí: uso decltype para inferir el tipo devuelto por la lambda:

template<typename T1, typename Func> auto operator>>=(Maybe<T1> t, Func f) -> decltype(f( { decltype(f( return_value; if(t.valid == false) { return_value.valid = false; return return_value; } else { return f(; } }


Para seguridad de tipo:

template<typename T1> struct Maybe { T1 data; bool valid; static const bool isMaybe = true; }; template<typename T1, typename Func> auto operator>>=(Maybe<T1> t, Func f) -> decltype(f( { typedef decltype(f( RT; static_assert(RT::isMaybe, "F doesn''t return a maybe"); ...

Mis 5 cts.

Uso de la muestra:

Maybe<string> m1 ("longlonglong"); auto res1 = m1 | lengthy | length;

lengthy y length son "lambdas monádicas", es decir

auto length = [] (const string & s) -> Maybe<int>{ return Maybe<int> (s.length()); };

Código completo:

// g++ -std=c++1y answer.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; // .................................................. // begin LIBRARY // .................................................. template<typename T> class Maybe { // // note: move semantics // (boxed value is never duplicated) // private: bool is_nothing = false; public: T value; using boxed_type = T; bool isNothing() const { return is_nothing; } explicit Maybe () : is_nothing(true) { } // create nothing // // naked values // explicit Maybe (T && a) : value(std::move(a)), is_nothing(false) { } explicit Maybe (T & a) : value(std::move(a)), is_nothing(false) { } // // boxed values // Maybe (Maybe & b) : value(std::move(b.value)), is_nothing(b.is_nothing) { b.is_nothing = true; } Maybe (Maybe && b) : value(std::move(b.value)), is_nothing(b.is_nothing) { b.is_nothing = true; } Maybe & operator = (Maybe & b) { value = std::move(b.value); (*this).is_nothing = b.is_nothing; b.is_nothing = true; return (*this); } }; // class // .................................................. template<typename IT, typename F> auto operator | (Maybe<IT> mi, F f) // chaining (better with | to avoid parentheses) { // deduce the type of the monad being returned ... IT aux; using OutMonadType = decltype( f(aux) ); using OT = typename OutMonadType::boxed_type; // just to declare a nothing to return Maybe<OT> nothing; if (mi.isNothing()) { return nothing; } return f ( mi.value ); } // () // .................................................. template<typename MO> void showMonad (MO m) { if ( m.isNothing() ) { cout << " nothing " << endl; } else { cout << " something : "; cout << m.value << endl; } } // .................................................. // end LIBRARY // .................................................. // .................................................. int main () { auto lengthy = [] (const string & s) -> Maybe<string> { string copyS = s; if (s.length()>8) { return Maybe<string> (copyS); } return Maybe<string> (); // nothing }; auto length = [] (const string & s) -> Maybe<int>{ return Maybe<int> (s.length()); }; Maybe<string> m1 ("longlonglong"); Maybe<string> m2 ("short"); auto res1 = m1 | lengthy | length; auto res2 = m2 | lengthy | length; showMonad (res1); showMonad (res2); } // ()

Notamos que la std::function tiene un estado vacío, podemos tener la siguiente implementación

template<typename T> class Maybe{ private: Maybe(T t){ get = [t](){ return t; }; } Maybe(){} std::function<T ()> get; public: typedef T content_type; template<typename WhenJust, typename WhenNothing> auto on(WhenJust &&whenJust, WhenNothing &&whenNothing) -> decltype(whenNothing()){ if(get==nullptr) return whenNothing(); else return whenJust(get()); } template<typename U> friend Maybe<U> just(U u); template<typename U> friend Maybe<U> nothing(); }; template<typename T> Maybe<T> just(T t){ return Maybe<T>(t); } template<typename T> Maybe<T> nothing(){ return Maybe<T>(); } template<typename T, typename BinderFunction> auto operator >>(Maybe<T> m, BinderFunction bind) -> Maybe<typename decltype(bind(*((T*)nullptr)))::content_type> { return m.on([bind](T v){ return bind(v); },[](){ return nothing<typename decltype(bind(*((T*)nullptr)))::content_type>(); }); }

En esta implementación, todos los métodos de fábrica son funciones gratuitas (amigo), el operador >> (que no debe confundirse con >> en Haskell, esto es el equivalente de >>= con el mismo asociativo) también es gratuito, e incluso no es un amigo función. También tenga on cuenta la función de miembro, esto se usa para forzar a cualquier cliente que quiera usar una instancia de Maybe debe estar preparada para ambos casos (Solo o Nada).

Aquí hay un ejemplo de uso:

int main() { auto n = just(10) >> [](int j){ std::cout<<j<<" >> "; return just(j+10.5); } >> [](double d){ std::cout<<d<<" >> "; return nothing<char>(); } >> [](char c){ std::cout<<c; return just(10); } ; n.on( [](int i) { std::cout<<i; }, []() { std::cout<<"nothing!"; }); std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }

La salida es

10 >> 20.5 >> nothing!