php delphi cryptography aes lockbox-3

TPLockBox3 y PHP-Encriptar AES en Delphi, descifrar en PHP

cryptography lockbox-3 (1)

No has dicho qué versión de Delphi estás usando. Este es un detalle importante. Por el momento, asumiré que es Delphi 2010. Hay varios problemas con su código. Me dirigiré a ellos ...

(1) En Delphi 2010 y versiones posteriores, las cadenas están codificadas en UTF-16LE, mientras que en PHP, las cadenas son UTF-8. Considera esta línea tuya ...

PlainStream := TStringStream.Create(Edit1.Text);

Lo que está haciendo es crear la codificación UTF-16LE de su cadena de carga. Cifras esto y lo pasas al lado de PHP y lo descifras. Pero no obtendrá el resultado esperado porque los bytes descifrados son UTF-16LE, pero PHP espera que sean UTF-8.

(2) TP Lockbox 3 ya tenía métodos nativos para cifrar cadenas. ¿Por qué no usarlos?

(3) El tamaño del bloque para las 3 variaciones de AES es de 128 bits, que es de 16 bytes. El tamaño de IV es siempre el tamaño del bloque. En el lado de PHP, como una cuestión de codificación genérica, siempre debe llamar a mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size () (no lo hizo). Por favor, lea la página de referencia aquí . En cualquier caso, para AES-256 debe devolver 16 bytes. Si no, algo está muy mal.

(4) Sus contraseñas no son las mismas, por lo que nunca puede esperar un resultado feliz. En el lado de Delphi, su contraseña está codificada en UTF-16LE. En el lado de PHP, su contraseña es la codificación UTF-8 de ''PasswordPassword'', que nunca puede ser byte por byte igual a algo válido en UTF-16.

(5) En el lado de PHP, escribiste ...

$iv = substr($ciphertext, 0, 8);

Necesita extender esto a cero en 16 bytes. Consulte esta pregunta .


Como prometí, aquí hay un código PHP para descifrar los mensajes de texto cifrado producidos por TurboPower LockBox 3. Tendrá que crear un archivo CSS, de lo contrario la presentación será fea.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW,NOARCHIVE" /> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Tutorial and demostration page for Delphi (TurboPower LockBox3) to PHP symetric cryptography." /> <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Sean B. Durkin"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="cryptography,delphi,php,turbopower,lockbox,lockbox3"> <title>Delphi-to-PHP Cryptography Tutorial</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-device-width: 721px)" href="tut.css" /><!-- <== Desktop. --> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-device-width: 720px)" href="tut-phone.css" / --><!-- <== Phone and tablet. --> <head> <body> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL | E_COMPILE_ERROR); $password = $_GET["password"]; $ciphertext_trans = $_GET["ciphertext-trans"]; $rawInputCiphertext = $_GET["ciphertext"]; $chain = $_GET["chain"]; $cipherIn = $_GET["cipherIn"]; function radioChecked($param,$value,$isDefault) { $echo = (($param == $value) or ($isDefault and ($param == ''''))) ? '' checked="checked" '' : ''''; echo $echo; return $echo != ''''; } ?> <nav> <div class="nav-bg"></div> <div class="nav-content"> <h1><a href="" title="Go to The Delphi-to-PHP project home"><span class="hidden">Project home</span></a></h1> <dl> <dt>Date created</dt> <dd><time datetime="2012-11-29">29-Nov-2012</time></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Date last modified</dt> <dd><time datetime="2012-12-02">2-Dec-2012</time></dd> </dl> </div> </nav> <h1>Decrypt with PHP from Delphi (TurboPower LockBox3)</h1> <form id="plainForm" class="floatbox" action=""> <fieldset> <legend>Crypto data</legend> <label class="first" for="password">Password (UTF-8) <input id="password" name="password" type="text" placeholder="Enter TCodec password" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($password) ?>" /> </label> <fieldset class="radio"> <legend>Transport encoding</legend> <label for="ciphertext-trans-base64"> <input id="ciphertext-trans-base64" name="ciphertext-trans" type="radio" value="base64" <?php radioChecked($ciphertext_trans,''base64'',True); ?> />base64 </label> <label for="ciphertext-trans-hex"> <input id="ciphertext-trans-hex" name="ciphertext-trans" type="radio" value="hex" <?php radioChecked($ciphertext_trans,''hex'',False); ?> />hex </label> </fieldset> <label for="ciphertext">Ciphertext (transport encoded) <input id="ciphertext" name="ciphertext" type="text" placeholder="Paste ciphertext here" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($rawInputCiphertext) ?>" /> </label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Options</legend> <fieldset class="radio"> <legend>Chaining mode</legend> <label for="chain-cfb"> <input id="chain-cfb" name="chain" type="radio" value="CFB" <?php radioChecked($chain,''CFB'',True); ?> />CFB </label> <label for="chain-cbc"> <input id="chain-cbc" name="chain" type="radio" value="CBC" <?php radioChecked($chain,''CBC'',False); ?> />CBC </label> <label for="chain-ecb"> <input id="chain-ecb" name="chain" type="radio" value="ECB" <?php radioChecked($chain,''ECB'',False); ?> />ECB </label> </fieldset> <fieldset class="radio"> <legend>Cipher</legend> <label for="aes-128"> <input id="aes-128" name="cipherIn" type="radio" value="AES-128" <?php radioChecked($cipherIn,''AES-128'',True); ?> />AES-128 </label> <!-- Extend here with more ciphers as required. Note: PHP does not support AES-256. --> </fieldset> </fieldset> <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Decrypt" /> </form> <?php if ($chain) { ?> <?php function purgeWhiteSpace($sparseHex) { return preg_replace(''//s+/'', '''', $sparseHex); } function expandWithWhiteSpace($compactHex) { // TODO: Insert white space for visual benefit. Bunch the brown spaces // into words of 6 characters, and then separate words with a single space. // Between every 10th word and 11th word, use a new-line ($0D) instead of space. // Assume that $compactHex ONLY consists of characters 0..9 and A..F . return $compactHex; } function displayableMultiline($str) { // TODO: Assume $str ONLY consists of characters whose code-points are below // 137. Insert ''<br />'' before each $0D character. return $str; } function hexToStr($hex) { $hex2 = purgeWhiteSpace( $hex); $str=''''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($hex2)-1; $i+=2) { $str .= chr(hexdec($hex2[$i].$hex2[$i+1])); } return $str; } function strToHex($str) { $hex=''''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) { $addend = dechex(ord($str[$i])); if (strlen($addend) < 2) $addend = ''0'' . $addend; $hex .= $addend; } return $hex; } $normalisedRawCiphertext = purgeWhiteSpace( $rawInputCiphertext); if ($ciphertext_trans == ''base64'') { $ciphertext = base64_decode( $normalisedRawCiphertext); } else { $ciphertext = hexToStr( $normalisedRawCiphertext); } if ($cipherIn == ''AES-128'') { $cipher = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; $cipherName = ''AES-128''; } else { // Extend here with more ciphers as required. Note: PHP does not support AES-256. $cipher = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; // Example only. $cipherName = ''???''; // Example only. } if ($chain == ''CFB'') $mode = ''ncfb''; // Proper block-mode CFB. There is no constant for this. else if ($chain == ''CBC'') $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC; else $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB; $blockSize = mcrypt_get_block_size( $cipher, $mode); $keySize = mcrypt_get_key_size( $cipher, $mode); // Work-around PHP bugs. if (($cipher == MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128) and ($keySize == 32)) { $keySize = 16; } // AES-128 key size is 16 bytes. if (($cipher == MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256) and ($blockSize == 32)) { $blockSize = 16; } // AES-256 block size is 16 bytes. $ivSize = $blockSize; // Always. mcrypt_get_iv_size() is pointless. if ($chain == ''ECB'') { $iv = str_pad( ''NOT USED'', 16, chr(0)); // $ciphertext unchanged. } else { $iv = substr( $ciphertext, 0, 8); $iv = str_pad( $iv, $ivSize, chr(0)); $ciphertext = substr( $ciphertext, 8); } $ciphertextLen = strlen( $ciphertext); if (($ciphertextLen > 0) && ($ciphertextLen < $blockSize) && ($chain == ''CBC'')) { $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CFB; } // CFB 8-bit. This is NOT the same as CFB. if (strlen($password)==$keySize) { $key = $password; } else { $shaPassword = sha1( $password, True); for ($key = ''''; strlen( $key) < $keySize; $key .= $shaPassword) {} $key = substr( $key, 0, $keySize); } $countBlocks = $ciphertextLen / $blockSize; $countWholeBlocks = floor( $countBlocks); $isRound = $countBlocks == $countWholeBlocks; if ($isRound) { $lastBlockSize = 0; } else { $countBlocks = $countWholeBlocks + 1; $lastBlockSize = $ciphertextLen - ($countWholeBlocks * $blockSize); } $isCipherStealing = ($mode == MCRYPT_MODE_CBC) && ($countWholeBlocks >= 1) && !$isRound; if ($isCipherStealing) { // Reverse ciphertext stealing. /* Ciphertext stealing algorithm - Encryption: Mix := Enc( CV[N-2], X[N-2]); Steal := Last( B-b, Mix); Recycle := X[N-1] + Steal; Y[N-2] := Enc( CV[N-2], Recycle); Y[N-1] := Head( b, Mix); Ciphertext stealing algorithm - Decryption: Recycle := Dec( CV[N-2], Y[N-2]); Steal := Last( B-b, Recycle); Mix := Y[N-1] + Steal; X[N-2] := Dec( CV[N-2], Mix); X[N-1] := Head( b, Recycle); */ // 1. Recycle := Dec( CV[N-2], Y[N-2]); $Recycle = mcrypt_decrypt ( $cipher, $key, substr( $ciphertext, 0, $countWholeBlocks * $blockSize), $mode, $iv); $reconUpToX_N_3 = substr( $Recycle, 0, ($countWholeBlocks - 1) * $blockSize); // X[0]..X{N-3] $Recycle = substr( $Recycle, ($countWholeBlocks - 1) * $blockSize, $blockSize); // 2. Steal := Last( B-b, Recycle); $Steal = substr( $Recycle, $lastBlockSize, $blockSize - $lastBlockSize); // 3. Mix := Y[N-1] + Steal; $Y_N1 = substr( $ciphertext, $countWholeBlocks * $blockSize, $lastBlockSize); $Mix = $Y_N1 . $Steal; // 4. X[N-2] := Dec( CV[N-2], Mix); $reconUpToX_N_2 = mcrypt_decrypt ( $cipher, $key, substr( $ciphertext, 0, ($countWholeBlocks - 1) * $blockSize) . $Mix, $mode, $iv); // 5. X[N-1] := Head( b, Recycle); $reconX_N_1 = substr( $Recycle, 0, $lastBlockSize); // Putting it alltogether. $recon = $reconUpToX_N_2 . $reconX_N_1; } else { // Normal decyrption. $recon = mcrypt_decrypt ( $cipher, $key, $ciphertext, $mode, $iv); } if (($chain == ''ECB'') and ($recon != '''')) { // Trim ECB padding. $last = strlen($recon); for ($l = strlen($recon); ($l >= 0) and (ord($recon[$l])==0); $l--) {$last = $l;} $recon = substr( $recon, 0, $last-1); } ?> <hr /> <h2>Output</h2> <h3>Summary2</h3> <p>Cipher is <em><?php echo $cipherName; ?></em></p> <p>Block size is <?php echo $blockSize; ?> bytes</p> <?php if ($isRound) { ?> <p>Given ciphertext was a round <?php echo $countBlocks; ?> blocks long.</p> <?php } else { ?> <p>Given ciphertext was a <?php echo $countWholeBlocks; ?> whole blocks long and <?php echo $lastBlockSize; ?> bytes in an odd block.</p> <?php } ?> <p>Key size is <?php echo $keySize; ?> bytes</p> <p>Given chain mode was <em><?php echo $chain; ?></em></p> <p>Given password was <em>&apos;<?php echo htmlspecialchars($password); ?>&apos;</em></p> <p>Ciphertext as hex is...</p> <code><?php echo ''['' . $ciphertextLen . ''] '' . displayableMultiline( expandWithWhiteSpace( strToHex( $ciphertext))); ?></code> <p></p> <p>Reconstructed plaintext message is <em>&apos;<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $recon); ?>&apos;</em></p> <p></p> <h2>Debug</h2> <p>Key as hex is...</p> <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($key) . ''] '' . expandWithWhiteSpace( strToHex( $key)); ?></code> <p>IV as hex is...</p> <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($iv) . ''] '' . expandWithWhiteSpace( strToHex( $iv)); ?></code> <p>$countBlocks = <code><?php echo $countBlocks; ?></code></p> <p>$countWholeBlocks = <code><?php echo $countWholeBlocks; ?></code></p> <p>$isRound = <code><?php echo $isRound ? ''True'' : ''False''; ?></code></p> <p>$isCipherStealing = <code><?php echo $isCipherStealing ? ''True'' : ''False''; ?></code></p> <p>$lastBlockSize = <code><?php echo $lastBlockSize; ?></code></p> <p>$Recycle = <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($Recycle) . ''] '' . strToHex( $Recycle); ?></code></p> <p>$recon X[0..N-3] = <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($reconUpToX_N_3) . ''] '' . strToHex( $reconUpToX_N_3); ?></code></p> <p>$Steal = <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($Steal) . ''] '' . strToHex( $Steal); ?></code></p> <p>$Mix = <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($Mix) . ''] '' . strToHex( $Mix); ?></code></p> <p>$recon X[0..N-2] = <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($reconUpToX_N_2) . ''] '' . strToHex( $reconUpToX_N_2); ?></code></p> <p>$recon X[N-1] = <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($reconX_N_1) . ''] '' . strToHex( $reconX_N_1); ?></code></p> <p>Reconstructed plaintext as hex is...</p> <code><?php echo ''['' . strlen($recon) . ''] '' . expandWithWhiteSpace( strToHex( $recon)); ?></code> <?php } ?> </body> </html>

... y aquí está un programa Delphi coincidente para producir los mensajes de texto cifrado para la página web anterior de PHP, para fines de prueba y demostración. (Archivo DFM no incluido) ...

unit umfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ActnList, StdCtrls, uTPLb_Codec, uTPLb_BaseNonVisualComponent, uTPLb_CryptographicLibrary, ExtCtrls; type TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric = class(TForm) rgTestVectors: TRadioGroup; rgChainMode: TRadioGroup; edtPassword: TEdit; memoPlaintext: TMemo; lblPassword: TLabel; lblPlaintext: TLabel; cryptoMain: TCryptographicLibrary; codecAES: TCodec; memoOutput: TMemo; btnEncrypt: TButton; actlstMain: TActionList; actEncrypt: TAction; edtSeed: TEdit; lblSeed: TLabel; btnRandomize: TButton; actRandomize: TAction; rgCipher: TRadioGroup; procedure actEncryptUpdate(Sender: TObject); procedure actEncryptExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure rgTestVectorsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure rgChainModeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure actRandomizeUpdate(Sender: TObject); procedure actRandomizeExecute(Sender: TObject); private procedure LogFmt( const sLine: string; const Args: array of const); function SpaceOut( const sCompacted: string): string; public { Public declarations } end; var mfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric: TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric; implementation uses uTPLb_Random, uTPLb_StreamUtils, uTPLb_Constants; {$R *.dfm} function StreamToHex( Data: TStream): string; var b: byte; sByte: string; begin Data.Position := 0; result := ''''; while Data.Read( b, 1) = 1 do begin sByte := Format( ''%x'', [b]); if Odd( Length( sByte)) then sByte := ''0'' + sByte; result := result + sByte end end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.actEncryptExecute( Sender: TObject); const TestCaseNames: array[0..2] of string = (''Test Vector 1'', ''Test Vector 2'', ''Custom''); var usPlaintext: UTF8String; aCiphertext: ansistring; OriginalSeed: int64; stmCipher: TStream; sHex: string; begin memoOutput.Clear; case rgCipher.ItemIndex of 0: codecAES.BlockCipherId := Format( AES_ProgId, [128]); end; case rgChainMode.ItemIndex of 0: codecAES.ChainModeId := CFB_ProgId; 1: codecAES.ChainModeId := CBC_ProgId; 2: codecAES.ChainModeId := ECB_ProgId; end; codecAES.UTF8Password := edtPassword.Text; usPlaintext := memoPlaintext.Lines.Text; OriginalSeed := StrToInt64( edtSeed.Text); TRandomStream.Instance.Seed := OriginalSeed; codecAES.EncryptAnsiString( usPlaintext, aCiphertext); // NextSeed := TRandomStream.Instance.Seed; LogFmt( ''Test case = %s'', [TestCaseNames[rgTestVectors.ItemIndex]]); LogFmt( ''Cipher = %s'', [codecAES.Cipher]); LogFmt( ''Chain mode = %s'', [codecAES.ChainMode]); LogFmt( ''PRNG seed = %d'', [OriginalSeed]); LogFmt( ''Passord (UTF-8) = ''''%s'''''', [codecAES.UTF8Password]); LogFmt( ''------------'', []); stmCipher := TMemoryStream.Create; codecAES.Key.SaveToStream( stmCipher); sHex := StreamToHex( stmCipher); stmCipher.Free; LogFmt( ''key as hex = %s'', [sHex]); LogFmt( ''Plaintext (UTF-8)'', []); LogFmt( ''''''%s'''''', [usPlaintext]); LogFmt( ''------------'', []); LogFmt( ''ciphertext (base64) [Includes prepended IV and block quantisation] ='', []); LogFmt( '' ''''%s'''''', [ SpaceOut( aCiphertext)]); LogFmt( ''------------'', []); stmCipher := TMemoryStream.Create; Base64_to_stream( aCiphertext, stmCipher); sHex := StreamToHex( stmCipher); stmCipher.Free; LogFmt( ''ciphertext (hex) [Includes prepended IV and block quantisation] ='', []); LogFmt( '' ''''%s'''''', [ SpaceOut( sHex)]); LogFmt( ''------------'', []); end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.actEncryptUpdate( Sender: TObject); begin // end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.actRandomizeExecute(Sender: TObject); begin TRandomStream.Instance.Randomize; edtSeed.Text := IntToStr( TRandomStream.Instance.Seed) end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.actRandomizeUpdate(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender as TAction).Enabled := rgTestVectors.ItemIndex = 2 end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.FormCreate( Sender: TObject); begin memoOutput.Clear; LogFmt( ''Select test case and chain mode.'', []); LogFmt( ''Enter password and plaintext message and then press the ''''Encrypt'''' button.'', []); end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.LogFmt( const sLine: string; const Args: array of const); begin memoOutput.Lines.Add( Format( sLine, Args)) end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.rgChainModeClick( Sender: TObject); begin // end; procedure TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.rgTestVectorsClick( Sender: TObject); var isCustom: boolean; begin case rgTestVectors.ItemIndex of 0: begin edtPassword.Text := ''Your lips are smoother than vasoline.''; memoPlaintext.Lines.Text := ''Leeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!''; // Above is constrained to: // More than 16 and not a whole multiple of 16 bytes as UTF-8. edtSeed.Text := ''1''; rgChainMode.ItemIndex := 0; rgCipher.ItemIndex := 0; end; 1: begin edtPassword.Text := ''ORATIO IN L. CATILINAM PRIMA''; memoPlaintext.Lines.Text := ''Quo usque tandem abutere, Catili''; // Above is constrained to: // A whole multiple of 16 bytes as UTF-8, excluding the empty case. edtSeed.Text := ''333''; rgChainMode.ItemIndex := 0; rgCipher.ItemIndex := 0 end; 2: ; end; isCustom := rgTestVectors.ItemIndex = 2; edtPassword.ReadOnly := not isCustom; memoPlaintext.ReadOnly := not isCustom; edtSeed.ReadOnly := not isCustom; rgChainMode.Enabled := isCustom; rgCipher.Enabled := isCustom end; function TmfmDelphi_to_PHP_Symetric.SpaceOut( const sCompacted: string): string; const NewLineSpacing = 70; BunchSpacing = 6; var i, j: integer; begin SetLength( result, 2 * Length( sCompacted)); i := 1; for j := 1 to Length( sCompacted) do begin if ((j mod NewLineSpacing) = 1) and (j <> 1) then begin result[i] := #13; Inc( i); result[i] := #10; Inc( i) end else if ((j mod BunchSpacing) = 1) and (j <> 1) then begin result[i] := '' ''; Inc( i) end; result[i] := sCompacted[j]; Inc( i) end; SetLength( result, i - 1) end; end.

Tengo un problema con lockbox3 y PHP mcrypt. No puedo pasar IV a PHP. Código Delphi :

var Codec: TCodec; CL: TCryptographicLibrary; PlainStream: TStringStream; CipherStream: TMemoryStream; begin PlainStream := TStringStream.Create(Edit1.Text); CipherStream := TMemoryStream.Create; CL := TCryptographicLibrary.Create(nil); Codec := TCodec.Create(nil); Codec.CryptoLibrary := CL; Codec.ChainModeId := uTPLb_Constants.CBC_ProgId; Codec.StreamCipherId := uTPLb_Constants.BlockCipher_ProgId; Codec.BlockCipherId := Format(uTPLb_Constants.AES_ProgId, [256]); Codec.Password := Edit3.Text; Codec.EncryptStream(PlainStream, CipherStream); Codec.Burn; Memo1.Text := Stream_to_Base64(CipherStream); Memo2.Clear; Memo2.Lines.Add(Format(''Size: %d bytes'', [CipherStream.Size])); Memo2.Lines.Add(Format(''Original size: %d bytes'', [PlainStream.Size])); Codec.Free; CL.Free; CipherStream.Free; PlainStream.Free;

Y código PHP :

$ciphertext = base64_decode("zA/eeF+WFVMDsZ7+iA=="); $iv = substr($ciphertext, 0, 8); $text = substr($ciphertext, 8, strlen($ciphertext) - 8); $td = mcrypt_module_open("rijndael-256", "", "cbc", $iv); mcrypt_generic_init($td, "PasswordPassword", $iv); $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($td, $text); echo $plaintext; mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); mcrypt_module_close($td);

Recibí un error:

Advertencia: mcrypt_generic_init () [function.mcrypt-generic-init]: tamaño IV incorrecto; longitud suministrada: 8, necesaria: 32 en C: ... / aestest.php en la línea 7

Tema relacionado: AES Encrypt / Decrypt Delphi & PHP