qscrollbar example qt qt5 qslider

example - Control deslizante de rango en Qt(dos asas en un QSlider)

qscrollbar example (1)

Tuve exactamente el mismo problema. Pensé en usar el QxtSpanSlider, y aunque tienen un código hermoso, ya no lo mantienen actualizado. Entonces, decidí hacer mi propio. No he dedicado tanto tiempo a esto, así que hay errores y probablemente errores. Sin embargo, debe estar en un punto donde pueda copiarlo / pegarlo en su proyecto. Espero que te apunte en la dirección correcta.

* nota, antes de usar esto, aquí hay una lista de todos los problemas que he encontrado y en los que estoy trabajando actualmente:

  • El segundo mango no es tan sensible como el primer mango, lo que resulta en una ligera agitación para el usuario.
  • Algunos de los valores están codificados y, como resultado, el control deslizante no es tan dinámico como podría ser.
  • El segundo manejador no maneja (haa ...) valores negativos todavía.

Aquí hay una buena solución:


#pragma once #include "qslider.h" #include "qlabel.h" /* * Super sick nasty awesome double handled slider! * * @author Steve */ class SuperSliderHandle; class SuperSlider: public QSlider { Q_OBJECT public: /** Constructor */ SuperSlider(QWidget *parent = 0); /** Store the alternate handle for this slider*/ SuperSliderHandle *alt_handle; /** Overridden mouse release event */ void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event); /** Returns the slider value for the alternate handle */ int alt_value(); /** Convenience function for setting the value of the alternate handle */ void alt_setValue(int value); /** Resets the alternate handle to the right side of the slider */ void Reset(); /** Used to update the position of the alternate handle through the use of an event filter */ void alt_update(); signals: /** Constructor */ void alt_valueChanged(int); }; class SuperEventFilter : public QObject { public: /** Constructor */ SliderEventFilter(SuperSlider *_grandParent) {grandParent = _grandParent;}; protected: /* * overloaded functions for object that inherit from this class */ bool eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event); private: /** Store the SuperSlider that this event filter is used within. */ SuperSlider *grandParent; }; class SuperSliderHandle: public QLabel { Q_OBJECT public: /** Constructor */ SuperSliderHandle(SuperSlider *parent = 0); /** An overloaded mousePressevent so that we can start grabbing the cursor and using it''s position for the value */ void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event); /** Returns the value of this handle with respect to the slider */ int value(); /** Maps mouse coordinates to slider values */ int mapValue(); /** Store the parent as a slider so that you don''t have to keep casting it */ SuperSlider *parent; /** Store a bool to determine if the alternate handle has been activated */ bool handleActivated; private: /** Store the filter for installation on the qguiapp */ SliderEventFilter *filter; public slots: /** Sets the value of the handle with respect to the slider */ void setValue(double value); };


//Project #include "SuperSlider.h" //Qt #include <QMouseEvent> #include "qmimedata.h" #include "qdrag.h" #include "qwidgetaction.h" #include "qapplication.h" #include "qpixmap.h" #include "qcursor.h" #include "qguiapplication.h" #include "qdir.h" #include <QProxyStyle> class SliderProxy : public QProxyStyle { public: int pixelMetric ( PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const { switch(metric) { case PM_SliderThickness : return 25; case PM_SliderLength : return 25; default : return (QProxyStyle::pixelMetric(metric,option,widget)); } } }; SuperSlider::SuperSlider(QWidget *parent) : QSlider(parent) { //styling setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); setAcceptDrops(true); SliderProxy *aSliderProxy = new SliderProxy(); //hard coded path to image :/ sorry QString path = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(ImagesPath("handle.png")); setStyleSheet("QSlider::handle { image: url(" + path + "); }"); setStyle(aSliderProxy); //setting up the alternate handle alt_handle = new SuperSliderHandle(this); addAction(new QWidgetAction(alt_handle)); alt_handle->move(this->pos().x() + this->width()- alt_handle->width(), this->pos().y() ); } SuperSliderHandle::SuperSliderHandle(SuperSlider *_parent) : QLabel(_parent) { parent = _parent; filter = new SliderEventFilter(parent); //styling setAcceptDrops(true); //hard coded path to image :/ sorry QPixmap pix = QPixmap(ImagesPath("handle.png")); pix = pix.scaled(25, 25, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); setPixmap(pix); } int SuperSlider::alt_value() { return alt_handle->value(); } void SuperSlider::alt_setValue(int value) { alt_handle->setValue(value); } void SuperSlider::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { alt_handle->show(); alt_handle->handleActivated = false; } mouseEvent->accept(); } void SuperSlider::alt_update() { QPoint posCursor(QCursor::pos()); QPoint posParent(mapToParent(mapToGlobal(pos()))); QPoint point(alt_handle->mapToParent(alt_handle->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())).x(),alt_handle->y()); int horBuffer = (alt_handle->width()); bool lessThanMax = mapToParent(point).x() < pos().x()+ width() - horBuffer; bool greaterThanMin = mapToParent(point).x() > pos().x(); if(lessThanMax && greaterThanMin) alt_handle->move(point); emit alt_valueChanged(alt_value()); } void SuperSliderHandle::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent) { qGuiApp->installEventFilter(filter); parent->clearFocus(); } bool SliderEventFilter::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: qGuiApp->removeEventFilter(this); return true; break; case QEvent::MouseMove: grandParent->alt_update(); return true; break; default: return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } return false; } void SuperSliderHandle::setValue(double value) { double width = parent->width(), position = pos().x(); double range = parent->maximum() - parent->minimum(); int location = (value - parent->minimum())/range; location = location *width; move(y(),location); } int SuperSliderHandle::value() { double width = parent->width(), position = pos().x(); double value = position/width; double range = parent->maximum() - parent->minimum(); return parent->minimum() + (value * range); } void SuperSlider::Reset() { int horBuffer = (alt_handle->width()); QPoint myPos = mapToGlobal(pos()); QPoint point(myPos.x() + width() - horBuffer, myPos.y()- alt_handle->height()); point = alt_handle->mapFromParent(point); alt_handle->move(point); alt_handle->show(); alt_handle->raise(); }

Estoy usando Visual Studio 2010 con Qt 5.0.1 integrado. Necesito una selección de rango en QSlider . ¿Es posible conseguir dos asas?

A continuación se muestra una imagen que ilustra lo que necesito.