java arrays audio javasound wave

Archivo Wav convertir a matriz de bytes en Java

arrays audio (4)

Mi proyecto es ''Reconocimiento de voz del habla azerí''. Tengo que escribir un programa que convierta archivos wav en matriz de bytes.

¿Cómo convertir archivos de audio a bytes []?

Básicamente como se describe en el fragmento en la primera respuesta, pero en lugar de BufferedInputStream use AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(File) para obtener el InputStream .

El uso de la transmisión de audio obtenida de AudioSystem asegurará que los encabezados se eliminen y que el archivo de entrada se decodifique en un byte [] que represente los fotogramas / muestras de sonido reales, que luego se pueden usar para FFT, etc.

Escribir este archivo en ByteArrayOutputStream

ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(WAV_FILE)); int read; byte[] buff = new byte[1024]; while ((read = > 0) { out.write(buff, 0, read); } out.flush(); byte[] audioBytes = out.toByteArray();

import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import javax.sound.sampled.*; /** * This class reads a .wav file and converts it to a bunch of byte arrays. * * The info represented by these byte arrays is then printed out. * * An example of playing these byte arrays with the speakers is used. * * It also converts the byte arrays to a .wav file. * * An extension of this concept can record from a microphone. * In this case, some values like sampling rate would need to be assumed. * * See for .wav file spec * * @author sizu */ public class WavFileHelper { public static void main(String[] args) { final String NEWLINE = "/n"; int recordingSampleRate = 22050; short recordingBitsPerSample = 16; short recordingNumChannels = 2; String inputFile = "/input.wav"; // Place the wav file in the top level directory, ie S:/input.wav String outputFile = "/output.wav"; String recordedFile = "/capture.wav"; System.out.println("START"); try { WavData wavInputData = new WavData(); WavData wavRecordData = new WavData(); wavRecordData.put(WaveSection.SAMPLE_RATE, recordingSampleRate); wavRecordData.put(WaveSection.BITS_PER_SAMPLE, recordingBitsPerSample); wavRecordData.put(WaveSection.NUM_CHANNELS, recordingNumChannels); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"CONVERT WAV FILE TO BYTE ARRAY");; System.out.println(NEWLINE+"CONVERT BYTE ARRAY TO WAV FILE"); wavInputData.write(outputFile); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"DISPLAY BYTE ARRAY INFORMATION FOR INPUT FILE"); wavInputData.printByteInfo(); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"START RECORDING - You can connect the microphone to the speakers"); WavAudioRecorder recorder = new WavFileHelper.WavAudioRecorder(wavRecordData); recorder.startRecording(); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"PLAY BYTE ARRAY (THIS WILL BE RECORDED)"); WavAudioPlayer player = new WavFileHelper.WavAudioPlayer(wavInputData); player.playAudio(); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"STOP RECORDING FOR RECORDING"); recorder.stopRecording(); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"DISPLAY BYTE ARRAY INFORMATION"); wavRecordData.printByteInfo(); System.out.println(NEWLINE+"SAVE RECORDING IN WAV FILE"); wavRecordData.write(recordedFile); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("FINISH"); } public static enum WaveSection { // 12 Bytes CHUNK_ID(4, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN), CHUNK_SIZE(4, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), FORMAT(4, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN), // 24 Bytes SUBCHUNK1_ID(4, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN), SUBCHUNK1_SIZE(4, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), AUDIO_FORMAT(2, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), NUM_CHANNELS(2, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), SAMPLE_RATE(4, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), BYTE_RATE(4, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), BLOCK_ALIGN(2, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), BITS_PER_SAMPLE(2, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), // 8 Bytes SUBCHUNK2_ID(4, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN), SUBCHUNK2_SIZE(4, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), DATA(0, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), ; private Integer numBytes; private ByteOrder endian; WaveSection(Integer numBytes, ByteOrder endian){ this.numBytes = numBytes; this.endian = endian; } } public static class WavData extends LinkedHashMap<WaveSection, byte[]>{ static int HEADER_SIZE = 44; // There are 44 bits before the data section static int DEFAULT_SUBCHUNK1_SIZE = 16; static short DEFAULT_AUDIO_FORMAT = 1; static short DEFAULT_BLOCK_ALIGN = 4; static String DEFAULT_CHUNK_ID = "RIFF"; static String DEFAULT_FORMAT = "WAVE"; static String DEFAULT_SUBCHUNK1_ID = "fmt "; static String DEFAULT_SUBCHUNK2_ID = "data"; public WavData(){ this.put(WaveSection.CHUNK_ID, DEFAULT_CHUNK_ID); this.put(WaveSection.FORMAT, DEFAULT_FORMAT); this.put(WaveSection.SUBCHUNK1_ID, DEFAULT_SUBCHUNK1_ID); this.put(WaveSection.SUBCHUNK1_SIZE, DEFAULT_SUBCHUNK1_SIZE); this.put(WaveSection.AUDIO_FORMAT, DEFAULT_AUDIO_FORMAT); this.put(WaveSection.BLOCK_ALIGN, DEFAULT_BLOCK_ALIGN); this.put(WaveSection.SUBCHUNK2_ID, DEFAULT_SUBCHUNK2_ID); this.put(WaveSection.CHUNK_SIZE, 0); this.put(WaveSection.SUBCHUNK2_SIZE, 0); this.put(WaveSection.BYTE_RATE, 0); } public void put(WaveSection waveSection, String value){ byte[] bytes = value.getBytes(); this.put(waveSection, bytes); } public void put(WaveSection waveSection, int value) { byte[] bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putInt(value).array(); this.put(waveSection, bytes); } public void put(WaveSection waveSection, short value) { byte[] bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putShort(value).array(); this.put(waveSection, bytes); } public byte[] getBytes(WaveSection waveSection) { return this.get(waveSection); } public String getString(WaveSection waveSection) { byte[] bytes = this.get(waveSection); return new String(bytes); } public int getInt(WaveSection waveSection) { byte[] bytes = this.get(waveSection); return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt(); } public short getShort(WaveSection waveSection) { byte[] bytes = this.get(waveSection); return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getShort(); } public void printByteInfo() { for (WaveSection waveSection : WaveSection.values()) { if (waveSection.numBytes == 4 && waveSection.endian == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { System.out.println("SECTION:" + waveSection + ":STRING:" + this.getString(waveSection)); } else if (waveSection.numBytes == 4 && waveSection.endian == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { System.out.println("SECTION:" + waveSection + ":INTEGER:" + this.getInt(waveSection)); } else if (waveSection.numBytes == 2 && waveSection.endian == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { System.out.println("SECTION:" + waveSection + ":SHORT:" + this.getShort(waveSection)); } else { // Data Section } } } public void read(String inputPath) throws Exception { // Analyze redundant info int dataSize = (int) new File(inputPath).length() - HEADER_SIZE; WaveSection.DATA.numBytes = dataSize; // Can''t have two threads using this at the same time // Read from File DataInputStream inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputPath)); for (WaveSection waveSection : WaveSection.values()) { byte[] readBytes = new byte[waveSection.numBytes]; for (int i = 0; i < waveSection.numBytes; i++) { readBytes[i] = inFile.readByte(); } this.put(waveSection, readBytes); } inFile.close(); } public void write(String outputPath) throws Exception { // Analyze redundant info int dataSize = this.get(WaveSection.DATA).length; this.put(WaveSection.CHUNK_SIZE, dataSize+36); this.put(WaveSection.SUBCHUNK2_SIZE, dataSize); int byteRate = this.getInt(WaveSection.SAMPLE_RATE)*this.getShort(WaveSection.BLOCK_ALIGN); this.put(WaveSection.BYTE_RATE, byteRate); // Write to File DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputPath)); for (WaveSection waveSection : WaveSection.values()) { dataOutputStream.write(this.getBytes(waveSection)); } dataOutputStream.close(); } public AudioFormat createAudioFormat() { boolean audioSignedSamples = true; // Samples are signed boolean audioBigEndian = false; float sampleRate = (float) this.getInt(WaveSection.SAMPLE_RATE); int bitsPerSample = (int) this.getShort(WaveSection.BITS_PER_SAMPLE); int numChannels = (int) this.getShort(WaveSection.NUM_CHANNELS); return new AudioFormat(sampleRate, bitsPerSample, numChannels, audioSignedSamples, audioBigEndian); } } public static class WavAudioPlayer { WavData waveData = new WavData(); public WavAudioPlayer(WavData waveData){ this.waveData = waveData; } public void playAudio() throws Exception { byte[] data = waveData.getBytes(WaveSection.DATA); // Create an audio input stream from byte array AudioFormat audioFormat = waveData.createAudioFormat(); InputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); AudioInputStream audioInputStream = new AudioInputStream(byteArrayInputStream, audioFormat, data.length / audioFormat.getFrameSize()); // Write audio input stream to speaker source data line DataLine.Info dataLineInfo = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat); SourceDataLine sourceDataLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo);; sourceDataLine.start(); // Loop through input stream to write to source data line byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[10000]; int cnt; while ((cnt =, 0, tempBuffer.length)) != -1) { sourceDataLine.write(tempBuffer, 0, cnt); } // Cleanup sourceDataLine.drain(); sourceDataLine.close(); byteArrayInputStream.close(); } } public static class WavAudioRecorder implements Runnable { WavData waveData = new WavData(); boolean recording = true; Thread runningThread; ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream; public WavAudioRecorder(WavData waveData){ this.waveData = waveData; } public void startRecording(){ this.recording = true; this.runningThread = new Thread(this); runningThread.start(); } public WavData stopRecording() throws Exception{ this.recording = false; runningThread.stop(); waveData.put(WaveSection.DATA, byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()); return waveData; } public void run() { try { // Create an audio output stream for byte array byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Write audio input stream to speaker source data line AudioFormat audioFormat = waveData.createAudioFormat(); DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audioFormat); TargetDataLine targetDataLine = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);; targetDataLine.start(); // Loop through target data line to write to output stream int numBytesRead; byte[] data = new byte[targetDataLine.getBufferSize() / 5]; while(recording) { numBytesRead =, 0, data.length); byteArrayOutputStream.write(data, 0, numBytesRead); } // Cleanup targetDataLine.stop(); targetDataLine.close(); byteArrayOutputStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }

Convertir archivo en matriz de bytes

fileToByteArray ("C: / .. / my.mp3");

`public static byte[] fileToByteArray(String name){ Path path = Paths.get(name); try { return Files.readAllBytes(path); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }`