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Conversión de códigos de país en.NET (8)

Acabo de encadenar esta clase sucia y rápida para consultar y gestionar entradas ISO3166-1. Solo hay un método de ejemplo para consultar por código alfa 3, pero debe ser lo suficientemente simple como para agregar otras conversiones según sea necesario.

uso de ejemplo:

string countryName = ISO3166.FromAlpha3("LUX").Name;


public static class ISO3166 { /// <summary> /// Obtain ISO3166-1 Country based on its alpha3 code. /// </summary> /// <param name="alpha3"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ISO3166Country FromAlpha3(string alpha3) { Collection<ISO3166Country> collection = BuildCollection(); return collection.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Alpha3 == alpha3); } #region Build Collection private static Collection<ISO3166Country> BuildCollection() { Collection<ISO3166Country> collection = new Collection<ISO3166Country>(); // This collection built from Wikipedia entry on ISO3166-1 on 9th Feb 2016 collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Afghanistan", "AF", "AFG", 4)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Åland Islands", "AX", "ALA", 248)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Albania", "AL", "ALB", 8)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Algeria", "DZ", "DZA", 12)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("American Samoa", "AS", "ASM", 16)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Andorra", "AD", "AND", 20)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Angola", "AO", "AGO", 24)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Anguilla", "AI", "AIA", 660)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Antarctica", "AQ", "ATA", 10)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Antigua and Barbuda", "AG", "ATG", 28)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Argentina", "AR", "ARG", 32)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Armenia", "AM", "ARM", 51)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Aruba", "AW", "ABW", 533)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Australia", "AU", "AUS", 36)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Austria", "AT", "AUT", 40)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Azerbaijan", "AZ", "AZE", 31)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bahamas", "BS", "BHS", 44)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bahrain", "BH", "BHR", 48)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bangladesh", "BD", "BGD", 50)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Barbados", "BB", "BRB", 52)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Belarus", "BY", "BLR", 112)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Belgium", "BE", "BEL", 56)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Belize", "BZ", "BLZ", 84)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Benin", "BJ", "BEN", 204)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bermuda", "BM", "BMU", 60)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bhutan", "BT", "BTN", 64)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bolivia (Plurinational State of)", "BO", "BOL", 68)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "BQ", "BES", 535)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BA", "BIH", 70)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Botswana", "BW", "BWA", 72)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bouvet Island", "BV", "BVT", 74)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Brazil", "BR", "BRA", 76)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("British Indian Ocean Territory", "IO", "IOT", 86)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Brunei Darussalam", "BN", "BRN", 96)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Bulgaria", "BG", "BGR", 100)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Burkina Faso", "BF", "BFA", 854)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Burundi", "BI", "BDI", 108)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cabo Verde", "CV", "CPV", 132)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cambodia", "KH", "KHM", 116)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cameroon", "CM", "CMR", 120)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Canada", "CA", "CAN", 124)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cayman Islands", "KY", "CYM", 136)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Central African Republic", "CF", "CAF", 140)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Chad", "TD", "TCD", 148)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Chile", "CL", "CHL", 152)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("China", "CN", "CHN", 156)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Christmas Island", "CX", "CXR", 162)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "CC", "CCK", 166)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Colombia", "CO", "COL", 170)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Comoros", "KM", "COM", 174)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Congo", "CG", "COG", 178)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Congo (Democratic Republic of the)", "CD", "COD", 180)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cook Islands", "CK", "COK", 184)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Costa Rica", "CR", "CRI", 188)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Côte d''Ivoire", "CI", "CIV", 384)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Croatia", "HR", "HRV", 191)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cuba", "CU", "CUB", 192)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Curaçao", "CW", "CUW", 531)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Cyprus", "CY", "CYP", 196)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Czech Republic", "CZ", "CZE", 203)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Denmark", "DK", "DNK", 208)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Djibouti", "DJ", "DJI", 262)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Dominica", "DM", "DMA", 212)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Dominican Republic", "DO", "DOM", 214)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Ecuador", "EC", "ECU", 218)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Egypt", "EG", "EGY", 818)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("El Salvador", "SV", "SLV", 222)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Equatorial Guinea", "GQ", "GNQ", 226)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Eritrea", "ER", "ERI", 232)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Estonia", "EE", "EST", 233)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Ethiopia", "ET", "ETH", 231)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "FK", "FLK", 238)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Faroe Islands", "FO", "FRO", 234)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Fiji", "FJ", "FJI", 242)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Finland", "FI", "FIN", 246)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("France", "FR", "FRA", 250)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("French Guiana", "GF", "GUF", 254)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("French Polynesia", "PF", "PYF", 258)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("French Southern Territories", "TF", "ATF", 260)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Gabon", "GA", "GAB", 266)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Gambia", "GM", "GMB", 270)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Georgia", "GE", "GEO", 268)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Germany", "DE", "DEU", 276)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Ghana", "GH", "GHA", 288)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Gibraltar", "GI", "GIB", 292)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Greece", "GR", "GRC", 300)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Greenland", "GL", "GRL", 304)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Grenada", "GD", "GRD", 308)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guadeloupe", "GP", "GLP", 312)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guam", "GU", "GUM", 316)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guatemala", "GT", "GTM", 320)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guernsey", "GG", "GGY", 831)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guinea", "GN", "GIN", 324)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guinea-Bissau", "GW", "GNB", 624)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Guyana", "GY", "GUY", 328)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Haiti", "HT", "HTI", 332)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "HM", "HMD", 334)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Holy See", "VA", "VAT", 336)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Honduras", "HN", "HND", 340)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Hong Kong", "HK", "HKG", 344)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Hungary", "HU", "HUN", 348)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Iceland", "IS", "ISL", 352)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("India", "IN", "IND", 356)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Indonesia", "ID", "IDN", 360)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Iran (Islamic Republic of)", "IR", "IRN", 364)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Iraq", "IQ", "IRQ", 368)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Ireland", "IE", "IRL", 372)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Isle of Man", "IM", "IMN", 833)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Israel", "IL", "ISR", 376)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Italy", "IT", "ITA", 380)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Jamaica", "JM", "JAM", 388)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Japan", "JP", "JPN", 392)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Jersey", "JE", "JEY", 832)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Jordan", "JO", "JOR", 400)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Kazakhstan", "KZ", "KAZ", 398)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Kenya", "KE", "KEN", 404)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Kiribati", "KI", "KIR", 296)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Korea (Democratic People''s Republic of)", "KP", "PRK", 408)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Korea (Republic of)", "KR", "KOR", 410)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Kuwait", "KW", "KWT", 414)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Kyrgyzstan", "KG", "KGZ", 417)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Lao People''s Democratic Republic", "LA", "LAO", 418)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Latvia", "LV", "LVA", 428)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Lebanon", "LB", "LBN", 422)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Lesotho", "LS", "LSO", 426)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Liberia", "LR", "LBR", 430)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Libya", "LY", "LBY", 434)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Liechtenstein", "LI", "LIE", 438)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Lithuania", "LT", "LTU", 440)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Luxembourg", "LU", "LUX", 442)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Macao", "MO", "MAC", 446)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)", "MK", "MKD", 807)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Madagascar", "MG", "MDG", 450)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Malawi", "MW", "MWI", 454)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Malaysia", "MY", "MYS", 458)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Maldives", "MV", "MDV", 462)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mali", "ML", "MLI", 466)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Malta", "MT", "MLT", 470)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Marshall Islands", "MH", "MHL", 584)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Martinique", "MQ", "MTQ", 474)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mauritania", "MR", "MRT", 478)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mauritius", "MU", "MUS", 480)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mayotte", "YT", "MYT", 175)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mexico", "MX", "MEX", 484)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Micronesia (Federated States of)", "FM", "FSM", 583)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Moldova (Republic of)", "MD", "MDA", 498)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Monaco", "MC", "MCO", 492)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mongolia", "MN", "MNG", 496)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Montenegro", "ME", "MNE", 499)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Montserrat", "MS", "MSR", 500)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Morocco", "MA", "MAR", 504)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Mozambique", "MZ", "MOZ", 508)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Myanmar", "MM", "MMR", 104)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Namibia", "NA", "NAM", 516)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Nauru", "NR", "NRU", 520)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Nepal", "NP", "NPL", 524)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Netherlands", "NL", "NLD", 528)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("New Caledonia", "NC", "NCL", 540)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("New Zealand", "NZ", "NZL", 554)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Nicaragua", "NI", "NIC", 558)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Niger", "NE", "NER", 562)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Nigeria", "NG", "NGA", 566)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Niue", "NU", "NIU", 570)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Norfolk Island", "NF", "NFK", 574)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Northern Mariana Islands", "MP", "MNP", 580)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Norway", "NO", "NOR", 578)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Oman", "OM", "OMN", 512)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Pakistan", "PK", "PAK", 586)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Palau", "PW", "PLW", 585)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Palestine, State of", "PS", "PSE", 275)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Panama", "PA", "PAN", 591)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Papua New Guinea", "PG", "PNG", 598)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Paraguay", "PY", "PRY", 600)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Peru", "PE", "PER", 604)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Philippines", "PH", "PHL", 608)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Pitcairn", "PN", "PCN", 612)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Poland", "PL", "POL", 616)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Portugal", "PT", "PRT", 620)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Puerto Rico", "PR", "PRI", 630)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Qatar", "QA", "QAT", 634)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Réunion", "RE", "REU", 638)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Romania", "RO", "ROU", 642)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Russian Federation", "RU", "RUS", 643)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Rwanda", "RW", "RWA", 646)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Barthélemy", "BL", "BLM", 652)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "SH", "SHN", 654)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Kitts and Nevis", "KN", "KNA", 659)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Lucia", "LC", "LCA", 662)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Martin (French part)", "MF", "MAF", 663)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "PM", "SPM", 666)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "VC", "VCT", 670)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Samoa", "WS", "WSM", 882)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("San Marino", "SM", "SMR", 674)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Sao Tome and Principe", "ST", "STP", 678)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Saudi Arabia", "SA", "SAU", 682)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Senegal", "SN", "SEN", 686)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Serbia", "RS", "SRB", 688)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Seychelles", "SC", "SYC", 690)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Sierra Leone", "SL", "SLE", 694)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Singapore", "SG", "SGP", 702)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "SX", "SXM", 534)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Slovakia", "SK", "SVK", 703)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Slovenia", "SI", "SVN", 705)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Solomon Islands", "SB", "SLB", 90)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Somalia", "SO", "SOM", 706)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("South Africa", "ZA", "ZAF", 710)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "GS", "SGS", 239)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("South Sudan", "SS", "SSD", 728)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Spain", "ES", "ESP", 724)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Sri Lanka", "LK", "LKA", 144)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Sudan", "SD", "SDN", 729)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Suriname", "SR", "SUR", 740)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "SJ", "SJM", 744)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Swaziland", "SZ", "SWZ", 748)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Sweden", "SE", "SWE", 752)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Switzerland", "CH", "CHE", 756)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Syrian Arab Republic", "SY", "SYR", 760)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Taiwan, Province of China[a]", "TW", "TWN", 158)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Tajikistan", "TJ", "TJK", 762)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Tanzania, United Republic of", "TZ", "TZA", 834)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Thailand", "TH", "THA", 764)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Timor-Leste", "TL", "TLS", 626)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Togo", "TG", "TGO", 768)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Tokelau", "TK", "TKL", 772)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Tonga", "TO", "TON", 776)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Trinidad and Tobago", "TT", "TTO", 780)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Tunisia", "TN", "TUN", 788)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Turkey", "TR", "TUR", 792)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Turkmenistan", "TM", "TKM", 795)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Turks and Caicos Islands", "TC", "TCA", 796)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Tuvalu", "TV", "TUV", 798)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Uganda", "UG", "UGA", 800)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Ukraine", "UA", "UKR", 804)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("United Arab Emirates", "AE", "ARE", 784)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "GB", "GBR", 826)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("United States of America", "US", "USA", 840)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("United States Minor Outlying Islands", "UM", "UMI", 581)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Uruguay", "UY", "URY", 858)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Uzbekistan", "UZ", "UZB", 860)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Vanuatu", "VU", "VUT", 548)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)", "VE", "VEN", 862)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Viet Nam", "VN", "VNM", 704)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Virgin Islands (British)", "VG", "VGB", 92)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Virgin Islands (U.S.)", "VI", "VIR", 850)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Wallis and Futuna", "WF", "WLF", 876)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Western Sahara", "EH", "ESH", 732)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Yemen", "YE", "YEM", 887)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Zambia", "ZM", "ZMB", 894)); collection.Add(new ISO3166Country("Zimbabwe", "ZW", "ZWE", 716)); return collection; } #endregion } /// <summary> /// Representation of an ISO3166-1 Country /// </summary> public class ISO3166Country { public ISO3166Country(string name, string alpha2, string alpha3, int numericCode) { this.Name = name; this.Alpha2 = alpha2; this.Alpha3 = alpha3; this.NumericCode = numericCode; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string Alpha2 { get; private set; } public string Alpha3 { get; private set; } public int NumericCode { get; private set; } }

En .NET hay alguna manera de convertir códigos de país de tres letras (definidos en ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) a códigos de dos letras (definidos en ISO 3166-1 alpha-2), por ejemplo. convertir BEL a SER?

He observado la clase RegionInfo en System.Globalization pero el constructor no parece ser compatible con los códigos de tres letras.

Algunas de las respuestas anteriores son O (N) para búsquedas, lo cual está bien si solo lo hace una vez, pero en general querrá llamar esto más de una vez por proceso, en cuyo caso probablemente desee algo más eficiente. .

var Iso3ToIso2Mapping = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures) .Select(ci => new RegionInfo(ci.LCID)) .GroupBy(ri => ri.ThreeLetterISORegionName) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First().TwoLetterISORegionName);

Luego puedes hacer una búsqueda con:

var iso2CountryCode = Iso3ToIso2Mapping["AUS"]; Console.WriteLine(iso2CountryCode);

Huellas dactilares:


Clase C # para todo el código de país internacional y el nombre del país

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace International_Country_Name_And_Code { public class Class1 { public string Name { get; set; } public string ISO { get; set; } public string Code { get; set; } string[][] Country = new string[][] { new string [] { "Afghanistan", "+93", "AF" }, new string [] { "Albania", "+355", "AL" }, new string [] { "Algeria", "+213", "DZ" }, new string [] { "AmericanSamoa", "+1 684", "AS" }, new string [] { "Andorra", "+376", "AD" }, new string [] { "Angola", "+244", "AO" }, new string [] { "Anguilla", "+1 264", "AI" }, new string [] { "Antigua and Barbuda", "+1268", "AG" }, new string [] { "Argentina", "+54", "AR" }, new string [] { "Armenia", "+374", "AM" }, new string [] { "Aruba", "+297", "AW" }, new string [] { "Australia", "+61", "AU" }, new string [] { "Austria", "+43", "AT" }, new string [] { "Azerbaijan", "+994", "AZ" }, new string [] { "Bahamas", "+1 242", "BS" }, new string [] { "Bahrain", "+973", "BH" }, new string [] { "Bangladesh", "+880", "BD" }, new string [] { "Barbados", "+1 246", "BB" }, new string [] { "Belarus", "+375", "BY" }, new string [] { "Belgium", "+32", "BE" }, new string [] { "Belize", "+501", "BZ" }, new string [] { "Benin", "+229", "BJ" }, new string [] { "Bermuda", "+1 441", "BM" }, new string [] { "Bhutan", "+975", "BT" }, new string [] { "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "+387", "BA" }, new string [] { "Botswana", "+267", "BW" }, new string [] { "Brazil", "+55", "BR" }, new string [] { "British Indian Ocean Territory", "+246", "IO" }, new string [] { "Bulgaria", "+359", "BG" }, new string [] { "Burkina Faso", "+226", "BF" }, new string [] { "Burundi", "+257", "BI" }, new string [] { "Cambodia", "+855", "KH" }, new string [] { "Cameroon", "+237", "CM" }, new string [] { "Canada", "+1", "CA" }, new string [] { "Cape Verde", "+238", "CV" }, new string [] { "Cayman Islands", "+ 345", "KY" }, new string [] { "Central African Republic", "+236", "CF" }, new string [] { "Chad", "+235", "TD" }, new string [] { "Chile", "+56", "CL" }, new string [] { "China", "+86", "CN" }, new string [] { "Christmas Island", "+61", "CX" }, new string [] { "Colombia", "+57", "CO" }, new string [] { "Comoros", "+269", "KM" }, new string [] { "Congo", "+242", "CG" }, new string [] { "Cook Islands", "+682", "CK" }, new string [] { "Costa Rica", "+506", "CR" }, new string [] { "Croatia", "+385", "HR" }, new string [] { "Cuba", "+53", "CU" }, new string [] { "Cyprus", "+537", "CY" }, new string [] { "Czech Republic", "+420", "CZ" }, new string [] { "Denmark", "+45", "DK" }, new string [] { "Djibouti", "+253", "DJ" }, new string [] { "Dominica", "+1 767", "DM" }, new string [] { "Dominican Republic", "+1 849", "DO" }, new string [] { "Ecuador", "+593", "EC" }, new string [] { "Egypt", "+20", "EG" }, new string [] { "El Salvador", "+503", "SV" }, new string [] { "Equatorial Guinea", "+240", "GQ" }, new string [] { "Eritrea", "+291", "ER" }, new string [] { "Estonia", "+372", "EE" }, new string [] { "Ethiopia", "+251", "ET" }, new string [] { "Faroe Islands", "+298", "FO" }, new string [] { "Fiji", "+679", "FJ" }, new string [] { "Finland", "+358", "FI" }, new string [] { "France", "+33", "FR" }, new string [] { "French Guiana", "+594", "GF" }, new string [] { "French Polynesia", "+689", "PF" }, new string [] { "Gabon", "+241", "GA" }, new string [] { "Gambia", "+220", "GM" }, new string [] { "Georgia", "+995", "GE" }, new string [] { "Germany", "+49", "DE" }, new string [] { "Ghana", "+233", "GH" }, new string [] { "Gibraltar", "+350", "GI" }, new string [] { "Greece", "+30", "GR" }, new string [] { "Greenland", "+299", "GL" }, new string [] { "Grenada", "+1 473", "GD" }, new string [] { "Guadeloupe", "+590", "GP" }, new string [] { "Guam", "+1 671", "GU" }, new string [] { "Guatemala", "+502", "GT" }, new string [] { "Guinea", "+224", "GN" }, new string [] { "Guinea-Bissau", "+245", "GW" }, new string [] { "Guyana", "+595", "GY" }, new string [] { "Haiti", "+509", "HT" }, new string [] { "Honduras", "+504", "HN" }, new string [] { "Hungary", "+36", "HU" }, new string [] { "Iceland", "+354", "IS" }, new string [] { "India", "+91", "IN" }, new string [] { "Indonesia", "+62", "ID" }, new string [] { "Iraq", "+964", "IQ" }, new string [] { "Ireland", "+353", "IE" }, new string [] { "Israel", "+972", "IL" }, new string [] { "Italy", "+39", "IT" }, new string [] { "Jamaica", "+1 876", "JM" }, new string [] { "Japan", "+81", "JP" }, new string [] { "Jordan", "+962", "JO" }, new string [] { "Kazakhstan", "+7 7", "KZ" }, new string [] { "Kenya", "+254", "KE" }, new string [] { "Kiribati", "+686", "KI" }, new string [] { "Kuwait", "+965", "KW" }, new string [] { "Kyrgyzstan", "+996", "KG" }, new string [] { "Latvia", "+371", "LV" }, new string [] { "Lebanon", "+961", "LB" }, new string [] { "Lesotho", "+266", "LS" }, new string [] { "Liberia", "+231", "LR" }, new string [] { "Liechtenstein", "+423", "LI" }, new string [] { "Lithuania", "+370", "LT" }, new string [] { "Luxembourg", "+352", "LU" }, new string [] { "Madagascar", "+261", "MG" }, new string [] { "Malawi", "+265", "MW" }, new string [] { "Malaysia", "+60", "MY" }, new string [] { "Maldives", "+960", "MV" }, new string [] { "Mali", "+223", "ML" }, new string [] { "Malta", "+356", "MT" }, new string [] { "Marshall Islands", "+692", "MH" }, new string [] { "Martinique", "+596", "MQ" }, new string [] { "Mauritania", "+222", "MR" }, new string [] { "Mauritius", "+230", "MU" }, new string [] { "Mayotte", "+262", "YT" }, new string [] { "Mexico", "+52", "MX" }, new string [] { "Monaco", "+377", "MC" }, new string [] { "Mongolia", "+976", "MN" }, new string [] { "Montenegro", "+382", "ME" }, new string [] { "Montserrat", "+1664", "MS" }, new string [] { "Morocco", "+212", "MA" }, new string [] { "Myanmar", "+95", "MM" }, new string [] { "Namibia", "+264", "NA" }, new string [] { "Nauru", "+674", "NR" }, new string [] { "Nepal", "+977", "NP" }, new string [] { "Netherlands", "+31", "NL" }, new string [] { "Netherlands Antilles", "+599", "AN" }, new string [] { "New Caledonia", "+687", "NC" }, new string [] { "New Zealand", "+64", "NZ" }, new string [] { "Nicaragua", "+505", "NI" }, new string [] { "Niger", "+227", "NE" }, new string [] { "Nigeria", "+234", "NG" }, new string [] { "Niue", "+683", "NU" }, new string [] { "Northern Mariana Islands", "+1670", "MP" }, new string [] { "Norway", "+47", "NO" }, new string [] { "Oman", "+968", "OM" }, new string [] { "Pakistan", "+92", "PK" }, new string [] { "Palau", "+680", "PW" }, new string [] { "Panama", "+507", "PA" }, new string [] { "Papua New Guinea", "+675", "PG" }, new string [] { "Paraguay", "+595", "PY" }, new string [] { "Peru", "+51", "PE" }, new string [] { "Philippines", "+63", "PH" }, new string [] { "Poland", "+48", "PL" }, new string [] { "Portugal", "+351", "PT" }, new string [] { "Puerto Rico", "+1939", "PR" }, new string [] { "Qatar", "+974", "QA" }, new string [] { "Romania", "+40", "RO" }, new string [] { "Rwanda", "+250", "RW" }, new string [] { "Samoa", "+685", "WS" }, new string [] { "San Marino", "+378", "SM" }, new string [] { "Saudi Arabia", "+966", "SA" }, new string [] { "Senegal", "+221", "SN" }, new string [] { "Serbia", "+381", "RS" }, new string [] { "Seychelles", "+248", "SC" }, new string [] { "Sierra Leone", "+232", "SL" }, new string [] { "Singapore", "+65", "SG" }, new string [] { "Slovakia", "+421", "SK" }, new string [] { "Slovenia", "+386", "SI" }, new string [] { "Solomon Islands", "+677", "SB" }, new string [] { "South Africa", "+27", "ZA" }, new string [] { "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "+500", "GS" }, new string [] { "Spain", "+34", "ES" }, new string [] { "Sri Lanka", "+94", "LK" }, new string [] { "Sudan", "+249", "SD" }, new string [] { "Suriname", "+597", "SR" }, new string [] { "Swaziland", "+268", "SZ" }, new string [] { "Sweden", "+46", "SE" }, new string [] { "Switzerland", "+41", "CH" }, new string [] { "Tajikistan", "+992", "TJ" }, new string [] { "Thailand", "+66", "TH" }, new string [] { "Togo", "+228", "TG" }, new string [] { "Tokelau", "+690", "TK" }, new string [] { "Tonga", "+676", "TO" }, new string [] { "Trinidad and Tobago", "+1 868", "TT" }, new string [] { "Tunisia", "+216", "TN" }, new string [] { "Turkey", "+90", "TR" }, new string [] { "Turkmenistan", "+993", "TM" }, new string [] { "Turks and Caicos Islands", "+1 649", "TC" }, new string [] { "Tuvalu", "+688", "TV" }, new string [] { "Uganda", "+256", "UG" }, new string [] { "Ukraine", "+380", "UA" }, new string [] { "United Arab Emirates", "+971", "AE" }, new string [] { "United Kingdom", "+44", "GB" }, new string [] { "United States", "+1", "US" }, new string [] { "Uruguay", "+598", "UY" }, new string [] { "Uzbekistan", "+998", "UZ" }, new string [] { "Vanuatu", "+678", "VU" }, new string [] { "Wallis and Futuna", "+681", "WF" }, new string [] { "Yemen", "+967", "YE" }, new string [] { "Zambia", "+260", "ZM" }, new string [] { "Zimbabwe", "+263", "ZW" }, new string [] { "Åland Islands", "+358", "AX" }, new string [] { "Antarctica", "+672", "AQ" }, new string [] { "Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "+591", "BO" }, new string [] { "Brunei Darussalam", "+673", "BN" }, new string [] { "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "+61", "CC" }, new string [] { "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", "+243", "CD" }, new string [] { "Cote d''Ivoire", "+225", "CI" }, new string [] { "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "+500", "FK" }, new string [] { "Guernsey", "+44", "GG" }, new string [] { "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "+379", "VA" }, new string [] { "Hong Kong", "+852", "HK" }, new string [] { "Iran, Islamic Republic of", "+98", "IR" }, new string [] { "Isle of Man", "+44", "IM" }, new string [] { "Jersey", "+44", "JE" }, new string [] { "Korea, Democratic People''s Republic of", "+850", "KP" }, new string [] { "Korea, Republic of", "+82", "KR" }, new string [] { "Lao People''s Democratic Republic", "+856", "LA" }, new string [] { "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "+218", "LY" }, new string [] { "Macao", "+853", "MO" }, new string [] { "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of", "+389", "MK" }, new string [] { "Micronesia, Federated States of", "+691", "FM" }, new string [] { "Moldova, Republic of", "+373", "MD" }, new string [] { "Mozambique", "+258", "MZ" }, new string [] { "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", "+970", "PS" }, new string [] { "Pitcairn", "+872", "PN" }, new string [] { "Réunion", "+262", "RE" }, new string [] { "Russia", "+7", "RU" }, new string [] { "Saint Barthélemy", "+590", "BL" }, new string [] { "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha", "+290", "SH" }, new string [] { "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "+1 869", "KN" }, new string [] { "Saint Lucia", "+1 758", "LC" }, new string [] { "Saint Martin", "+590", "MF" }, new string [] { "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "+508", "PM" }, new string [] { "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "+1 784", "VC" }, new string [] { "Sao Tome and Principe", "+239", "ST" }, new string [] { "Somalia", "+252", "SO" }, new string [] { "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "+47", "SJ" }, new string [] { "Syrian Arab Republic", "+963", "SY" }, new string [] { "Taiwan, Province of China", "+886", "TW" }, new string [] { "Tanzania, United Republic of", "+255", "TZ" }, new string [] { "Timor-Leste", "+670", "TL" }, new string [] { "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of", "+58", "VE" }, new string [] { "Viet Nam", "+84", "VN" }, new string [] { "Virgin Islands, British", "+1 284", "VG" }, new string [] { "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "+1 340", "VI" } }; } }

Para el compañero lurker: si lo que quieres es solo derivar un país "predeterminado" para un nombre dado de dos letras en .NET world (por ejemplo " en " => " US ", " ja " => " JP "), esto hace el truco

// Can be read from CultureInfo.Name (or CultureInfo.Parent.Name if using non-generic culture) var language = "ja"; // Japanese // Creates "ja-JP" culture var defaultCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(language); // After this, just take the split[1] (careful, check index) to get country code var split = defaultCulture.Name.Split(''-'');

Tengo esto trabajando con una biblioteca JS que solo acepta códigos ISO3166, y para 25 idiomas nuestro sitio web admite que esto funciona sin problemas. Siempre prueba tu escenario

Parece que no hay una forma integrada de hacerlo. Puede usar el enfoque de la respuesta de GenericTypeTea . Pero si necesita convertir muchos códigos de país, puede evitar la enumeración Cultures y precalcular un diccionario de asignación para la conversión de códigos de país.

Así es como se ve ese generador:

namespace ISOCountryCodes { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var countryCodesMapping = new Dictionary<string, RegionInfo>(); CultureInfo[] cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures); foreach (var culture in cultures) { try { var region = new RegionInfo(culture.LCID); countryCodesMapping[region.ThreeLetterISORegionName] = region; } catch (CultureNotFoundException) { var consoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Culture not found: " + culture.Name); Console.ForegroundColor = consoleColor; } } Console.WriteLine("var countryCodesMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>() {"); foreach (var mapping in countryCodesMapping.OrderBy(mapping => mapping.Key)) { Console.WriteLine(" {{ /"{0}/", /"{1}/" }}, // {2}", mapping.Key, mapping.Value.TwoLetterISORegionName, mapping.Value.EnglishName); } Console.WriteLine("};"); } } }

Ejecute este generador para obtener un diccionario de asignación de códigos de país como este:

var countryCodesMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "AFG", "AF" }, // Afghanistan { "ALB", "AL" }, // Albania { "ARE", "AE" }, // U.A.E. { "ARG", "AR" }, // Argentina { "ARM", "AM" }, // Armenia { "AUS", "AU" }, // Australia { "AUT", "AT" }, // Austria { "AZE", "AZ" }, // Azerbaijan { "BEL", "BE" }, // Belgium { "BGD", "BD" }, // Bangladesh { "BGR", "BG" }, // Bulgaria { "BHR", "BH" }, // Bahrain { "BIH", "BA" }, // Bosnia and Herzegovina { "BLR", "BY" }, // Belarus { "BLZ", "BZ" }, // Belize { "BOL", "BO" }, // Bolivia { "BRA", "BR" }, // Brazil { "BRN", "BN" }, // Brunei Darussalam { "CAN", "CA" }, // Canada { "CHE", "CH" }, // Switzerland { "CHL", "CL" }, // Chile { "CHN", "CN" }, // People''s Republic of China { "COL", "CO" }, // Colombia { "CRI", "CR" }, // Costa Rica { "CZE", "CZ" }, // Czech Republic { "DEU", "DE" }, // Germany { "DNK", "DK" }, // Denmark { "DOM", "DO" }, // Dominican Republic { "DZA", "DZ" }, // Algeria { "ECU", "EC" }, // Ecuador { "EGY", "EG" }, // Egypt { "ESP", "ES" }, // Spain { "EST", "EE" }, // Estonia { "ETH", "ET" }, // Ethiopia { "FIN", "FI" }, // Finland { "FRA", "FR" }, // France { "FRO", "FO" }, // Faroe Islands { "GBR", "GB" }, // United Kingdom { "GEO", "GE" }, // Georgia { "GRC", "GR" }, // Greece { "GRL", "GL" }, // Greenland { "GTM", "GT" }, // Guatemala { "HKG", "HK" }, // Hong Kong S.A.R. { "HND", "HN" }, // Honduras { "HRV", "HR" }, // Croatia { "HUN", "HU" }, // Hungary { "IDN", "ID" }, // Indonesia { "IND", "IN" }, // India { "IRL", "IE" }, // Ireland { "IRN", "IR" }, // Iran { "IRQ", "IQ" }, // Iraq { "ISL", "IS" }, // Iceland { "ISR", "IL" }, // Israel { "ITA", "IT" }, // Italy { "JAM", "JM" }, // Jamaica { "JOR", "JO" }, // Jordan { "JPN", "JP" }, // Japan { "KAZ", "KZ" }, // Kazakhstan { "KEN", "KE" }, // Kenya { "KGZ", "KG" }, // Kyrgyzstan { "KHM", "KH" }, // Cambodia { "KOR", "KR" }, // Korea { "KWT", "KW" }, // Kuwait { "LAO", "LA" }, // Lao P.D.R. { "LBN", "LB" }, // Lebanon { "LBY", "LY" }, // Libya { "LIE", "LI" }, // Liechtenstein { "LKA", "LK" }, // Sri Lanka { "LTU", "LT" }, // Lithuania { "LUX", "LU" }, // Luxembourg { "LVA", "LV" }, // Latvia { "MAC", "MO" }, // Macao S.A.R. { "MAR", "MA" }, // Morocco { "MCO", "MC" }, // Principality of Monaco { "MDV", "MV" }, // Maldives { "MEX", "MX" }, // Mexico { "MKD", "MK" }, // Macedonia (FYROM) { "MLT", "MT" }, // Malta { "MNE", "ME" }, // Montenegro { "MNG", "MN" }, // Mongolia { "MYS", "MY" }, // Malaysia { "NGA", "NG" }, // Nigeria { "NIC", "NI" }, // Nicaragua { "NLD", "NL" }, // Netherlands { "NOR", "NO" }, // Norway { "NPL", "NP" }, // Nepal { "NZL", "NZ" }, // New Zealand { "OMN", "OM" }, // Oman { "PAK", "PK" }, // Islamic Republic of Pakistan { "PAN", "PA" }, // Panama { "PER", "PE" }, // Peru { "PHL", "PH" }, // Republic of the Philippines { "POL", "PL" }, // Poland { "PRI", "PR" }, // Puerto Rico { "PRT", "PT" }, // Portugal { "PRY", "PY" }, // Paraguay { "QAT", "QA" }, // Qatar { "ROU", "RO" }, // Romania { "RUS", "RU" }, // Russia { "RWA", "RW" }, // Rwanda { "SAU", "SA" }, // Saudi Arabia { "SCG", "CS" }, // Serbia and Montenegro (Former) { "SEN", "SN" }, // Senegal { "SGP", "SG" }, // Singapore { "SLV", "SV" }, // El Salvador { "SRB", "RS" }, // Serbia { "SVK", "SK" }, // Slovakia { "SVN", "SI" }, // Slovenia { "SWE", "SE" }, // Sweden { "SYR", "SY" }, // Syria { "TAJ", "TJ" }, // Tajikistan { "THA", "TH" }, // Thailand { "TKM", "TM" }, // Turkmenistan { "TTO", "TT" }, // Trinidad and Tobago { "TUN", "TN" }, // Tunisia { "TUR", "TR" }, // Turkey { "TWN", "TW" }, // Taiwan { "UKR", "UA" }, // Ukraine { "URY", "UY" }, // Uruguay { "USA", "US" }, // United States { "UZB", "UZ" }, // Uzbekistan { "VEN", "VE" }, // Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela { "VNM", "VN" }, // Vietnam { "YEM", "YE" }, // Yemen { "ZAF", "ZA" }, // South Africa { "ZWE", "ZW" }, // Zimbabwe };


No leí la pregunta correctamente antes. Lo siguiente ahora debería estar convirtiendo correctamente de ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2:

No hay una forma construida de hacerlo. Necesitarás repetir a través de CultureInfo s para obtener RegionInfo s con el fin de encontrar manualmente la coincidencia (esto es bastante ineficaz, por lo que sería recomendable algo de almacenamiento en caché):

public string ConvertThreeLetterNameToTwoLetterName(string name) { if (name.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException("name must be three letters."); } name = name.ToUpper(); CultureInfo[] cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures); foreach (CultureInfo culture in cultures) { RegionInfo region = new RegionInfo(culture.LCID); if (region.ThreeLetterISORegionName.ToUpper() == name) { return region.TwoLetterISORegionName; } } return null; }

La clase RegionInfo conoce el código de tres letras (en la propiedad ThreeLetterISORegionName ), pero no creo que haya una manera de obtener RegionInfo basado en este código, necesitaría enumerar todas las regiones y agregarlas a su propio diccionario, con el código de tres letras como clave.

Sin embargo, creo que .NET Framework usa RegionInfo para trabajar con culturas , no con países en el sentido ISO 3166-1. Por lo tanto, muchos países del estándar ISO 3166-1 no están disponibles (pruebe, por ejemplo, SX ). Supongo que deberías crear tu propio libro de códigos del país.

Editar: de 246 países en mi libro de códigos de país actual, RegionInfo está disponible para 125 de ellos, el resto (121) no son compatibles. Conclusión: esta no es una buena manera de obtener un libro de códigos del país.

Una publicación anterior ... pero haría:

var countryCodes = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures).GroupBy(x => x.LCID).Select(x => new RegionInfo(x.First().LCID)).GroupBy(x=>x.ThreeLetterISORegionName).Select(x=>x.First()).ToDictionary(x => x.ThreeLetterISORegionName.ToUpper(), x => x.TwoLetterISORegionName.ToUpper());