paleta lista hexadecimal grey fromname colores color c# colors

lista - Hashing cadenas para colorear en C#

rgba color c# (9)

No sé si hashing es la palabra correcta para esto, pero quiero convertir una cadena en un color hex o argb de forma semi-aleatoria.

He usado la función string.GetHasCode, pero los resultados se inclinan hacia el verde:

string[] list = { "Test String", "something else", "Test Hooray" }; foreach (string k in list) { string x = k.ToUpper().GetHashCode().ToString("X8"); Console.WriteLine("#" + x.Substring(0,6)); }

Idealmente, me gustaría que las cadenas que comienzan con prefijos similares tengan colores muy diferentes. Por ejemplo, "Test String" y "Test Hooray" deberían ser completamente diferentes porque ambos comienzan con "Test".

No estoy realmente preocupado por una solución absoluta, solo quiero algo que sea lo suficientemente bueno. La lista [] tendrá como máximo 10 elementos en una sola vez, y la mayoría de las veces solo 2, 3 o 4. Esto significa que un color solo tiene que ser distinto de otros 2 o 3 colores.

Básicamente estoy generando una lista visual, donde el color hace referencia al nombre, pero el nombre SIEMPRE se debe asignar al mismo color.

Edición: Salida de muestra:

#66BD44 #7EC83E #95E4FE


Cree un hash MD5 de la cadena y tome los primeros tres bytes como los componentes rojo, verde y azul respectivamente.

La siguiente demo produce una distribución razonable de colores.

var words = ("She sells sea shells on the sea shore but the sea " + "shells she sells are sea shells no more.").Split('' ''); var md5 = MD5.Create(); var box = new ListBox { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed }; box.Items.AddRange(words); box.DrawItem += (sender, e) => { var value = (string) box.Items[e.Index]; var hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)); var color = Color.FromArgb(hash[0], hash[1], hash[2]); using (var backBrush = new SolidBrush(color)) using (var foreBrush = new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor)) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, e.Bounds); e.Graphics.DrawString(value, e.Font, foreBrush, e.Bounds); } e.DrawFocusRectangle(); }; new Form {Controls = {box}}.ShowDialog();

Creo que su implementación se desvía hacia lo verde porque la gamut que está utilizando se desvía hacia lo verde.

El siguiente código de rehashing basado en Wang / Jenkins puede ayudar a mejorar la distribución de bits:

private static int ReHash(int srcHash) { unchecked { uint h = (uint)srcHash; h += (h << 15) ^ 0xffffcd7d; h ^= (h >> 10); h += (h << 3); h ^= (h >> 6); h += (h << 2) + (h << 14); return (int)(h ^ (h >> 16)); } }

Sin embargo, los colores todavía pueden ser distribuidos visualmente menos bien. El sistema RGB divide los colores de forma algo sesgada, y nuestros ojos no procesan los colores como los códigos RGB tienen un sospechoso.

No creo que su solución ideal sea consistente, porque la única manera que veo para asegurarme de que las cadenas con prefijos similares estén muy alejadas en el espacio de color es tener una asignación que dependa de los valores de hash existentes, lo que significa que no será consistente.

Considere el caso de borde en el que tiene 2 ^ 24 cadenas que comienzan con "Prueba" ...

Una pregunta interesante, sin embargo. ¿Qué tan verde es el mapeo en este momento? (No puedo pensar en una razón por la que debería ser así).

Para algún valor N (p. Ej., N = 10 o N = 100), use un algoritmo de hash que aumente su población en N cubos (p. Ej., GetHashCode() modulo 10 ). Use ese valor como un índice en una tabla de N colores. A continuación, seleccione N colores distintos para su tabla de índice.

Solución simple: recorra la cadena, agregando valores ascii (o unicode si lo desea) de caracteres individuales. Terminarás con algún número entero; % a un número deseable de bits (por ejemplo, 6) y divida el resultado en 3 componentes (r, g, b). Multiplique o desplace los bits según sea necesario para asegurarse de cubrir todo el rango del espacio de color RGB.

¿La cadena simplemente no usa el object GetHashCode() , que devuelve la dirección de memoria de la referencia? Eso explicaría por qué todos sus códigos gravitan hacia un espectro específico. También significaría que el color no es determinista entre ejecuciones, ya que las ubicaciones de la memoria serían diferentes.

Lo que probablemente debería hacer en su lugar es usar una de las funciones de hashing criptográfico, como SHA1, y luego seleccionar una (la misma) sección aleatoria de 3 bytes de cada cadena.

EDITAR System.String.GetHashCode() recorre la cadena y realiza operaciones matemáticas en los caracteres contenidos en la cadena (actualmente no estoy lo suficientemente alerta como para pasar por las matemáticas ...). Esto permite que el código hash sea siempre el mismo, pero también explica por qué "Test String" y "Test Hooray" producen colores muy similares, no está diseñado para ser seguro, sino repetible.

Edit: Darn ... sobre mi límite de caracteres ... de todos modos, escribí esto en PHP, pero puedes traducirlo fácilmente a C #. Toma una cuerda y devuelve un tono para usar como su color ... usted puede decidir la saturación y la luminosidad (sugiero que se mantengan consistentes). Estos números no son aleatorios, están distribuidos uniformemente en un diccionario de inglés (''a'' tiene un rango mayor porque más palabras comienzan con ''a'', de la misma manera, no muchas palabras comienzan con ''x'', por lo que solo se asignan algunos matices lo)

<?php // first letter $s2h1[''a''] = 0; $s2h1[''b''] = 24.0006119483; $s2h1[''c''] = 45.2658150386; $s2h1[''d''] = 80.9852367475; $s2h1[''e''] = 96.5807389276; $s2h1[''f''] = 108.9573931; $s2h1[''g''] = 126.34284403; $s2h1[''h''] = 150.8544328; $s2h1[''i''] = 165.473877457; $s2h1[''j''] = 174.374665341; $s2h1[''k''] = 179.306968561; $s2h1[''l''] = 183.679339096; $s2h1[''m''] = 197.864300467; $s2h1[''n''] = 218.875545016; $s2h1[''o''] = 227.351028838; $s2h1[''p''] = 235.91218542; $s2h1[''q''] = 264.621739463; $s2h1[''r''] = 266.081236136; $s2h1[''s''] = 280.621127515; $s2h1[''t''] = 319.660368699; $s2h1[''u''] = 337.783217318; $s2h1[''v''] = 341.427369387; $s2h1[''w''] = 347.335730131; $s2h1[''x''] = 357.00757286; $s2h1[''y''] = 357.509370458; $s2h1[''z''] = 358.901552819; $s2h1[''{''] = 360; // second letter $s2h2[''a''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''a''][''b''] = 0.143807848237; $s2h2[''a''][''c''] = 1.15046278589; $s2h2[''a''][''d''] = 3.16377266121; $s2h2[''a''][''e''] = 4.3142354471; $s2h2[''a''][''f''] = 4.69364338713; $s2h2[''a''][''g''] = 5.14342538056; $s2h2[''a''][''h''] = 5.81962824141; $s2h2[''a''][''i''] = 5.85634513884; $s2h2[''a''][''j''] = 6.45299472195; $s2h2[''a''][''k''] = 6.47747265356; $s2h2[''a''][''l''] = 6.55702593131; $s2h2[''a''][''m''] = 9.49743746653; $s2h2[''a''][''n''] = 11.2904459573; $s2h2[''a''][''o''] = 15.0080318213; $s2h2[''a''][''p''] = 15.0478084602; $s2h2[''a''][''q''] = 16.109538744; $s2h2[''a''][''r''] = 16.2472271093; $s2h2[''a''][''s''] = 19.4385374436; $s2h2[''a''][''t''] = 20.9286315306; $s2h2[''a''][''u''] = 22.1800657844; $s2h2[''a''][''v''] = 23.4009026237; $s2h2[''a''][''w''] = 23.6518014228; $s2h2[''a''][''x''] = 23.700757286; $s2h2[''a''][''y''] = 23.8017287539; $s2h2[''a''][''z''] = 23.8568041001; $s2h2[''b''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''b''][''b''] = 5.03021494684; $s2h2[''b''][''c''] = 5.0455136541; $s2h2[''b''][''d''] = 5.0455136541; $s2h2[''b''][''e''] = 5.051633137; $s2h2[''b''][''f''] = 8.01040312094; $s2h2[''b''][''g''] = 8.01040312094; $s2h2[''b''][''h''] = 8.01040312094; $s2h2[''b''][''i''] = 8.05323950126; $s2h2[''b''][''j''] = 10.0390117035; $s2h2[''b''][''k''] = 10.0451311864; $s2h2[''b''][''l''] = 10.0481909279; $s2h2[''b''][''m''] = 12.5938958158; $s2h2[''b''][''n''] = 12.6091945231; $s2h2[''b''][''o''] = 12.6122542645; $s2h2[''b''][''p''] = 15.6689359749; $s2h2[''b''][''q''] = 15.6811749407; $s2h2[''b''][''r''] = 15.6811749407; $s2h2[''b''][''s''] = 18.7133787195; $s2h2[''b''][''t''] = 18.7225579439; $s2h2[''b''][''u''] = 18.7256176853; $s2h2[''b''][''v''] = 21.1183355007; $s2h2[''b''][''w''] = 21.1244549836; $s2h2[''b''][''x''] = 21.1366939494; $s2h2[''b''][''y''] = 21.1366939494; $s2h2[''b''][''z''] = 21.2652030903; $s2h2[''c''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''c''][''b''] = 8.33779545628; $s2h2[''c''][''c''] = 8.34391493919; $s2h2[''c''][''d''] = 8.35003442209; $s2h2[''c''][''e''] = 8.39899028532; $s2h2[''c''][''f''] = 10.2409546393; $s2h2[''c''][''g''] = 10.2531936051; $s2h2[''c''][''h''] = 10.259313088; $s2h2[''c''][''i''] = 15.724011321; $s2h2[''c''][''j''] = 16.9295494531; $s2h2[''c''][''k''] = 16.9326091945; $s2h2[''c''][''l''] = 16.9326091945; $s2h2[''c''][''m''] = 19.4171192534; $s2h2[''c''][''n''] = 19.4293582192; $s2h2[''c''][''o''] = 19.4905530483; $s2h2[''c''][''p''] = 30.4444274459; $s2h2[''c''][''q''] = 30.4627858946; $s2h2[''c''][''r''] = 30.4627858946; $s2h2[''c''][''s''] = 33.1094622504; $s2h2[''c''][''t''] = 33.1247609577; $s2h2[''c''][''u''] = 33.1645375966; $s2h2[''c''][''v''] = 34.6454524593; $s2h2[''c''][''w''] = 34.6515719422; $s2h2[''c''][''x''] = 34.6576914251; $s2h2[''c''][''y''] = 34.6576914251; $s2h2[''c''][''z''] = 35.6674061042; $s2h2[''d''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''d''][''b''] = 2.00107090951; $s2h2[''d''][''c''] = 2.01025013386; $s2h2[''d''][''d''] = 2.01942935822; $s2h2[''d''][''e''] = 2.03472806548; $s2h2[''d''][''f''] = 6.36732196129; $s2h2[''d''][''g''] = 6.37038170275; $s2h2[''d''][''h''] = 6.3734414442; $s2h2[''d''][''i''] = 6.43463627323; $s2h2[''d''][''j''] = 10.4245391264; $s2h2[''d''][''k''] = 10.4520767995; $s2h2[''d''][''l''] = 10.4612560239; $s2h2[''d''][''m''] = 10.4673755068; $s2h2[''d''][''n''] = 10.4979729213; $s2h2[''d''][''o''] = 10.5224508529; $s2h2[''d''][''p''] = 12.6459114205; $s2h2[''d''][''q''] = 12.6612101277; $s2h2[''d''][''r''] = 12.6612101277; $s2h2[''d''][''s''] = 14.1757821464; $s2h2[''d''][''t''] = 14.1849613708; $s2h2[''d''][''u''] = 14.1910808537; $s2h2[''d''][''v''] = 15.1701981183; $s2h2[''d''][''w''] = 15.1763176012; $s2h2[''d''][''x''] = 15.3384838981; $s2h2[''d''][''y''] = 15.3384838981; $s2h2[''d''][''z''] = 15.5924424386; $s2h2[''e''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''e''][''b''] = 0.81083148474; $s2h2[''e''][''c''] = 0.902623728295; $s2h2[''e''][''d''] = 1.44113822382; $s2h2[''e''][''e''] = 2.02860858257; $s2h2[''e''][''f''] = 2.06532548; $s2h2[''e''][''g''] = 2.18771513807; $s2h2[''e''][''h''] = 2.45391264438; $s2h2[''e''][''i''] = 2.46615161019; $s2h2[''e''][''j''] = 2.63443739004; $s2h2[''e''][''k''] = 2.65891532166; $s2h2[''e''][''l''] = 2.66809454601; $s2h2[''e''][''m''] = 4.40908743211; $s2h2[''e''][''n''] = 5.12506693184; $s2h2[''e''][''o''] = 6.61822076035; $s2h2[''e''][''p''] = 6.66717662358; $s2h2[''e''][''q''] = 7.37397689895; $s2h2[''e''][''r''] = 7.67077181978; $s2h2[''e''][''s''] = 8.43876692419; $s2h2[''e''][''t''] = 8.97116193682; $s2h2[''e''][''u''] = 9.34445039394; $s2h2[''e''][''v''] = 10.3725235218; $s2h2[''e''][''w''] = 10.6968561157; $s2h2[''e''][''x''] = 10.7182743058; $s2h2[''e''][''y''] = 12.134934598; $s2h2[''e''][''z''] = 12.3460567582; $s2h2[''f''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''f''][''b''] = 5.7125372906; $s2h2[''f''][''c''] = 5.7186567735; $s2h2[''f''][''d''] = 5.72477625641; $s2h2[''f''][''e''] = 5.73395548076; $s2h2[''f''][''f''] = 7.17815344603; $s2h2[''f''][''g''] = 7.17815344603; $s2h2[''f''][''h''] = 7.17815344603; $s2h2[''f''][''i''] = 7.18427292894; $s2h2[''f''][''j''] = 9.9380402356; $s2h2[''f''][''k''] = 9.94109997705; $s2h2[''f''][''l''] = 9.94109997705; $s2h2[''f''][''m''] = 11.884035799; $s2h2[''f''][''n''] = 11.8901552819; $s2h2[''f''][''o''] = 11.8932150233; $s2h2[''f''][''p''] = 14.0258548153; $s2h2[''f''][''q''] = 14.0319742982; $s2h2[''f''][''r''] = 14.0319742982; $s2h2[''f''][''s''] = 16.3543180601; $s2h2[''f''][''t''] = 16.360437543; $s2h2[''f''][''u''] = 16.3787959917; $s2h2[''f''][''v''] = 17.3640327392; $s2h2[''f''][''w''] = 17.3640327392; $s2h2[''f''][''x''] = 17.3670924807; $s2h2[''f''][''y''] = 17.3670924807; $s2h2[''f''][''z''] = 17.3854509294; $s2h2[''g''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''g''][''b''] = 2.41719574696; $s2h2[''g''][''c''] = 2.42637497131; $s2h2[''g''][''d''] = 2.43555419567; $s2h2[''g''][''e''] = 2.44473342003; $s2h2[''g''][''f''] = 15.5587852826; $s2h2[''g''][''g''] = 15.5587852826; $s2h2[''g''][''h''] = 15.5587852826; $s2h2[''g''][''i''] = 15.6566970091; $s2h2[''g''][''j''] = 16.5929778934; $s2h2[''g''][''k''] = 16.5960376348; $s2h2[''g''][''l''] = 16.5960376348; $s2h2[''g''][''m''] = 17.6302302455; $s2h2[''g''][''n''] = 17.6363497284; $s2h2[''g''][''o''] = 17.7250822306; $s2h2[''g''][''p''] = 19.5456283944; $s2h2[''g''][''q''] = 19.5609271017; $s2h2[''g''][''r''] = 19.5609271017; $s2h2[''g''][''s''] = 22.9235829572; $s2h2[''g''][''t''] = 22.9327621816; $s2h2[''g''][''u''] = 22.9327621816; $s2h2[''g''][''v''] = 24.1811366939; $s2h2[''g''][''w''] = 24.1811366939; $s2h2[''g''][''x''] = 24.1903159183; $s2h2[''g''][''y''] = 24.1903159183; $s2h2[''g''][''z''] = 24.5115887707; $s2h2[''h''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''h''][''b''] = 3.60437543028; $s2h2[''h''][''c''] = 3.60743517173; $s2h2[''h''][''d''] = 3.61355465463; $s2h2[''h''][''e''] = 3.62273387899; $s2h2[''h''][''f''] = 7.0465845636; $s2h2[''h''][''g''] = 7.05270404651; $s2h2[''h''][''h''] = 7.05576378796; $s2h2[''h''][''i''] = 7.05882352941; $s2h2[''h''][''j''] = 8.45712537291; $s2h2[''h''][''k''] = 8.45712537291; $s2h2[''h''][''l''] = 8.45712537291; $s2h2[''h''][''m''] = 8.46018511436; $s2h2[''h''][''n''] = 8.47548382162; $s2h2[''h''][''o''] = 8.48160330452; $s2h2[''h''][''p''] = 11.7402279507; $s2h2[''h''][''q''] = 11.7432876922; $s2h2[''h''][''r''] = 11.7463474336; $s2h2[''h''][''s''] = 11.7616461409; $s2h2[''h''][''t''] = 11.789183814; $s2h2[''h''][''u''] = 11.7983630383; $s2h2[''h''][''v''] = 12.8417348734; $s2h2[''h''][''w''] = 12.8417348734; $s2h2[''h''][''x''] = 12.8447946149; $s2h2[''h''][''y''] = 12.8447946149; $s2h2[''h''][''z''] = 14.6163849155; $s2h2[''i''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''i''][''b''] = 0.100971467911; $s2h2[''i''][''c''] = 0.171345521303; $s2h2[''i''][''d''] = 0.559932685688; $s2h2[''i''][''e''] = 0.847548382162; $s2h2[''i''][''f''] = 0.856727606517; $s2h2[''i''][''g''] = 0.859787347969; $s2h2[''i''][''h''] = 1.01889390347; $s2h2[''i''][''i''] = 1.01889390347; $s2h2[''i''][''j''] = 1.06173028379; $s2h2[''i''][''k''] = 1.0739692496; $s2h2[''i''][''l''] = 1.08314847395; $s2h2[''i''][''m''] = 1.37994339478; $s2h2[''i''][''n''] = 2.3131645376; $s2h2[''i''][''o''] = 7.03740533925; $s2h2[''i''][''p''] = 7.2056911191; $s2h2[''i''][''q''] = 7.28524439685; $s2h2[''i''][''r''] = 7.29136387975; $s2h2[''i''][''s''] = 7.94002906754; $s2h2[''i''][''t''] = 8.5336189092; $s2h2[''i''][''u''] = 8.68966572325; $s2h2[''i''][''v''] = 8.6927254647; $s2h2[''i''][''w''] = 8.81511512277; $s2h2[''i''][''x''] = 8.82735408858; $s2h2[''i''][''y''] = 8.87325021036; $s2h2[''i''][''z''] = 8.87936969326; $s2h2[''j''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''j''][''b''] = 1.59106555496; $s2h2[''j''][''c''] = 1.59106555496; $s2h2[''j''][''d''] = 1.59106555496; $s2h2[''j''][''e''] = 1.59412529641; $s2h2[''j''][''f''] = 2.28868660598; $s2h2[''j''][''g''] = 2.29174634743; $s2h2[''j''][''h''] = 2.29174634743; $s2h2[''j''][''i''] = 2.29480608889; $s2h2[''j''][''j''] = 2.49980876616; $s2h2[''j''][''k''] = 2.49980876616; $s2h2[''j''][''l''] = 2.49980876616; $s2h2[''j''][''m''] = 2.49980876616; $s2h2[''j''][''n''] = 2.49980876616; $s2h2[''j''][''o''] = 2.50592824906; $s2h2[''j''][''p''] = 3.92870802417; $s2h2[''j''][''q''] = 3.92870802417; $s2h2[''j''][''r''] = 3.92870802417; $s2h2[''j''][''s''] = 3.93482750708; $s2h2[''j''][''t''] = 3.93482750708; $s2h2[''j''][''u''] = 3.93482750708; $s2h2[''j''][''v''] = 4.92006425457; $s2h2[''j''][''w''] = 4.92312399602; $s2h2[''j''][''x''] = 4.92312399602; $s2h2[''j''][''y''] = 4.92312399602; $s2h2[''j''][''z''] = 4.93230322038; $s2h2[''k''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''k''][''b''] = 0.991356230399; $s2h2[''k''][''c''] = 1.00053545475; $s2h2[''k''][''d''] = 1.00359519621; $s2h2[''k''][''e''] = 1.00359519621; $s2h2[''k''][''f''] = 1.75017211046; $s2h2[''k''][''g''] = 1.75017211046; $s2h2[''k''][''h''] = 1.75629159336; $s2h2[''k''][''i''] = 1.89703970015; $s2h2[''k''][''j''] = 2.94959075958; $s2h2[''k''][''k''] = 2.94959075958; $s2h2[''k''][''l''] = 2.95265050103; $s2h2[''k''][''m''] = 3.0689206762; $s2h2[''k''][''n''] = 3.07504015911; $s2h2[''k''][''o''] = 3.45444809914; $s2h2[''k''][''p''] = 3.83997552207; $s2h2[''k''][''q''] = 3.84609500497; $s2h2[''k''][''r''] = 3.84609500497; $s2h2[''k''][''s''] = 3.98684311176; $s2h2[''k''][''t''] = 3.99296259466; $s2h2[''k''][''u''] = 3.99602233611; $s2h2[''k''][''v''] = 4.24692113516; $s2h2[''k''][''w''] = 4.25610035952; $s2h2[''k''][''x''] = 4.3142354471; $s2h2[''k''][''y''] = 4.3142354471; $s2h2[''k''][''z''] = 4.37237053469; $s2h2[''l''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''l''][''b''] = 3.72676508835; $s2h2[''l''][''c''] = 3.73594431271; $s2h2[''l''][''d''] = 3.74206379561; $s2h2[''l''][''e''] = 3.75124301996; $s2h2[''l''][''f''] = 6.60904153599; $s2h2[''l''][''g''] = 6.61210127744; $s2h2[''l''][''h''] = 6.61822076035; $s2h2[''l''][''i''] = 6.63045972615; $s2h2[''l''][''j''] = 9.86460644076; $s2h2[''l''][''k''] = 9.86766618221; $s2h2[''l''][''l''] = 9.86766618221; $s2h2[''l''][''m''] = 9.90744282108; $s2h2[''l''][''n''] = 9.91050256253; $s2h2[''l''][''o''] = 9.91050256253; $s2h2[''l''][''p''] = 12.5541191769; $s2h2[''l''][''q''] = 12.5602386598; $s2h2[''l''][''r''] = 12.5602386598; $s2h2[''l''][''s''] = 12.5632984013; $s2h2[''l''][''t''] = 12.5663581427; $s2h2[''l''][''u''] = 12.5755373671; $s2h2[''l''][''v''] = 13.5454754073; $s2h2[''l''][''w''] = 13.5454754073; $s2h2[''l''][''x''] = 13.5485351488; $s2h2[''l''][''y''] = 13.5607741146; $s2h2[''l''][''z''] = 14.1849613708; $s2h2[''m''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''m''][''b''] = 7.08024171957; $s2h2[''m''][''c''] = 7.10165990974; $s2h2[''m''][''d''] = 7.17203396313; $s2h2[''m''][''e''] = 7.18427292894; $s2h2[''m''][''f''] = 10.9844718121; $s2h2[''m''][''g''] = 10.9936510365; $s2h2[''m''][''h''] = 10.9967107779; $s2h2[''m''][''i''] = 11.0028302608; $s2h2[''m''][''j''] = 14.2553354242; $s2h2[''m''][''k''] = 14.2553354242; $s2h2[''m''][''l''] = 14.2583951656; $s2h2[''m''][''m''] = 14.26757439; $s2h2[''m''][''n''] = 14.2767536143; $s2h2[''m''][''o''] = 14.2981718045; $s2h2[''m''][''p''] = 18.107549912; $s2h2[''m''][''q''] = 18.1197888778; $s2h2[''m''][''r''] = 18.1197888778; $s2h2[''m''][''s''] = 18.1595655167; $s2h2[''m''][''t''] = 18.1901629312; $s2h2[''m''][''u''] = 18.2238200872; $s2h2[''m''][''v''] = 20.2126520309; $s2h2[''m''][''w''] = 20.2187715138; $s2h2[''m''][''x''] = 20.2248909967; $s2h2[''m''][''y''] = 20.2279507382; $s2h2[''m''][''z''] = 21.0112445498; $s2h2[''n''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''n''][''b''] = 1.80218771514; $s2h2[''n''][''c''] = 1.81136693949; $s2h2[''n''][''d''] = 1.8174864224; $s2h2[''n''][''e''] = 1.82666564675; $s2h2[''n''][''f''] = 4.31117570565; $s2h2[''n''][''g''] = 4.31117570565; $s2h2[''n''][''h''] = 4.34789260308; $s2h2[''n''][''i''] = 4.35095234453; $s2h2[''n''][''j''] = 5.44022030138; $s2h2[''n''][''k''] = 5.44939952574; $s2h2[''n''][''l''] = 5.44939952574; $s2h2[''n''][''m''] = 5.45551900864; $s2h2[''n''][''n''] = 5.46163849155; $s2h2[''n''][''o''] = 5.4708177159; $s2h2[''n''][''p''] = 7.46576914251; $s2h2[''n''][''q''] = 7.47494836686; $s2h2[''n''][''r''] = 7.47494836686; $s2h2[''n''][''s''] = 7.49942629848; $s2h2[''n''][''t''] = 7.52084448864; $s2h2[''n''][''u''] = 7.52696397154; $s2h2[''n''][''v''] = 8.27048114434; $s2h2[''n''][''w''] = 8.2735408858; $s2h2[''n''][''x''] = 8.28272011015; $s2h2[''n''][''y''] = 8.28272011015; $s2h2[''n''][''z''] = 8.47548382162; $s2h2[''o''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''o''][''b''] = 0.146867589689; $s2h2[''o''][''c''] = 0.581350875851; $s2h2[''o''][''d''] = 1.00971467911; $s2h2[''o''][''e''] = 1.19635890767; $s2h2[''o''][''f''] = 1.3218083072; $s2h2[''o''][''g''] = 1.51763176012; $s2h2[''o''][''h''] = 1.55434865754; $s2h2[''o''][''i''] = 1.59106555496; $s2h2[''o''][''j''] = 1.78994874933; $s2h2[''o''][''k''] = 1.79912797369; $s2h2[''o''][''l''] = 1.86338254418; $s2h2[''o''][''m''] = 2.54570488794; $s2h2[''o''][''n''] = 2.71705040924; $s2h2[''o''][''o''] = 3.17907136847; $s2h2[''o''][''p''] = 3.23720645605; $s2h2[''o''][''q''] = 3.98378337031; $s2h2[''o''][''r''] = 3.98378337031; $s2h2[''o''][''s''] = 6.44381549759; $s2h2[''o''][''t''] = 6.93031438843; $s2h2[''o''][''u''] = 7.15367551442; $s2h2[''o''][''v''] = 7.52696397154; $s2h2[''o''][''w''] = 8.06853820852; $s2h2[''o''][''x''] = 8.11749407175; $s2h2[''o''][''y''] = 8.42958769984; $s2h2[''o''][''z''] = 8.49690201178; $s2h2[''p''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''p''][''b''] = 5.18014227798; $s2h2[''p''][''c''] = 5.18932150233; $s2h2[''p''][''d''] = 5.20156046814; $s2h2[''p''][''e''] = 5.21379943395; $s2h2[''p''][''f''] = 9.11802952651; $s2h2[''p''][''g''] = 9.13638797522; $s2h2[''p''][''h''] = 9.13638797522; $s2h2[''p''][''i''] = 11.3638797522; $s2h2[''p''][''j''] = 14.1207068003; $s2h2[''p''][''k''] = 14.1237665417; $s2h2[''p''][''l''] = 14.1329457661; $s2h2[''p''][''m''] = 16.2533465922; $s2h2[''p''][''n''] = 16.2594660751; $s2h2[''p''][''o''] = 16.3359596114; $s2h2[''p''][''p''] = 20.6960911803; $s2h2[''p''][''q''] = 20.7052704047; $s2h2[''p''][''r''] = 20.7052704047; $s2h2[''p''][''s''] = 25.5916775033; $s2h2[''p''][''t''] = 26.2434024325; $s2h2[''p''][''u''] = 26.5065401974; $s2h2[''p''][''v''] = 28.149621357; $s2h2[''p''][''w''] = 28.1557408399; $s2h2[''p''][''x''] = 28.1588005814; $s2h2[''p''][''y''] = 28.1618603228; $s2h2[''p''][''z''] = 28.7095540427; $s2h2[''q''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''q''][''b''] = 0.0611948290369; $s2h2[''q''][''c''] = 0.0611948290369; $s2h2[''q''][''d''] = 0.0642545704888; $s2h2[''q''][''e''] = 0.0642545704888; $s2h2[''q''][''f''] = 0.0703740533925; $s2h2[''q''][''g''] = 0.0703740533925; $s2h2[''q''][''h''] = 0.0703740533925; $s2h2[''q''][''i''] = 0.0703740533925; $s2h2[''q''][''j''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''q''][''k''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''q''][''l''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''q''][''m''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''q''][''n''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''q''][''o''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''q''][''p''] = 0.110150692267; $s2h2[''q''][''q''] = 0.110150692267; $s2h2[''q''][''r''] = 0.110150692267; $s2h2[''q''][''s''] = 0.110150692267; $s2h2[''q''][''t''] = 0.110150692267; $s2h2[''q''][''u''] = 0.110150692267; $s2h2[''q''][''v''] = 1.45643693108; $s2h2[''q''][''w''] = 1.45643693108; $s2h2[''q''][''x''] = 1.45949667253; $s2h2[''q''][''y''] = 1.45949667253; $s2h2[''q''][''z''] = 1.45949667253; $s2h2[''r''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''r''][''b''] = 2.75988678957; $s2h2[''r''][''c''] = 2.76906601392; $s2h2[''r''][''d''] = 2.77212575537; $s2h2[''r''][''e''] = 2.77212575537; $s2h2[''r''][''f''] = 8.24294347128; $s2h2[''r''][''g''] = 8.24906295418; $s2h2[''r''][''h''] = 8.25212269563; $s2h2[''r''][''i''] = 8.95892297101; $s2h2[''r''][''j''] = 10.4765547311; $s2h2[''r''][''k''] = 10.4765547311; $s2h2[''r''][''l''] = 10.4765547311; $s2h2[''r''][''m''] = 10.4765547311; $s2h2[''r''][''n''] = 10.4765547311; $s2h2[''r''][''o''] = 10.4887936969; $s2h2[''r''][''p''] = 13.279277901; $s2h2[''r''][''q''] = 13.2853973839; $s2h2[''r''][''r''] = 13.2853973839; $s2h2[''r''][''s''] = 13.2853973839; $s2h2[''r''][''t''] = 13.2853973839; $s2h2[''r''][''u''] = 13.2884571254; $s2h2[''r''][''v''] = 14.4695173258; $s2h2[''r''][''w''] = 14.4725770672; $s2h2[''r''][''x''] = 14.484816033; $s2h2[''r''][''y''] = 14.484816033; $s2h2[''r''][''z''] = 14.5398913792; $s2h2[''s''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''s''][''b''] = 4.55901476325; $s2h2[''s''][''c''] = 4.57125372906; $s2h2[''s''][''d''] = 7.2883041383; $s2h2[''s''][''e''] = 7.29136387975; $s2h2[''s''][''f''] = 11.911573472; $s2h2[''s''][''g''] = 11.9176929549; $s2h2[''s''][''h''] = 11.9299319208; $s2h2[''s''][''i''] = 14.6745200031; $s2h2[''s''][''j''] = 17.7250822306; $s2h2[''s''][''k''] = 17.728141972; $s2h2[''s''][''l''] = 18.364568194; $s2h2[''s''][''m''] = 19.3467452; $s2h2[''s''][''n''] = 19.9464545246; $s2h2[''s''][''o''] = 20.6379560927; $s2h2[''s''][''p''] = 23.6212040083; $s2h2[''s''][''q''] = 27.0266962442; $s2h2[''s''][''r''] = 27.4214028915; $s2h2[''s''][''s''] = 27.4428210816; $s2h2[''s''][''t''] = 27.4642392718; $s2h2[''s''][''u''] = 33.2043142354; $s2h2[''s''][''v''] = 36.9647364798; $s2h2[''s''][''w''] = 36.9922741528; $s2h2[''s''][''x''] = 38.1213187486; $s2h2[''s''][''y''] = 38.1213187486; $s2h2[''s''][''z''] = 39.0208827354; $s2h2[''t''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''t''][''b''] = 2.78742446263; $s2h2[''t''][''c''] = 2.79660368699; $s2h2[''t''][''d''] = 2.8210816186; $s2h2[''t''][''e''] = 2.82414136006; $s2h2[''t''][''f''] = 5.5473112522; $s2h2[''t''][''g''] = 5.5473112522; $s2h2[''t''][''h''] = 5.5473112522; $s2h2[''t''][''i''] = 8.23376424692; $s2h2[''t''][''j''] = 9.73303755833; $s2h2[''t''][''k''] = 9.73915704123; $s2h2[''t''][''l''] = 9.74221678268; $s2h2[''t''][''m''] = 9.75139600704; $s2h2[''t''][''n''] = 9.75751548994; $s2h2[''t''][''o''] = 9.7666947143; $s2h2[''t''][''p''] = 11.9238124378; $s2h2[''t''][''q''] = 11.9268721793; $s2h2[''t''][''r''] = 11.9268721793; $s2h2[''t''][''s''] = 15.9014763253; $s2h2[''t''][''t''] = 15.9840893445; $s2h2[''t''][''u''] = 15.9871490859; $s2h2[''t''][''v''] = 17.2661210128; $s2h2[''t''][''w''] = 17.315076876; $s2h2[''t''][''x''] = 17.728141972; $s2h2[''t''][''y''] = 17.7312017135; $s2h2[''t''][''z''] = 18.107549912; $s2h2[''u''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''u''][''b''] = 0.0734337948443; $s2h2[''u''][''c''] = 0.0917922435554; $s2h2[''u''][''d''] = 0.0948519850073; $s2h2[''u''][''e''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''u''][''f''] = 0.107090950815; $s2h2[''u''][''g''] = 0.113210433718; $s2h2[''u''][''h''] = 0.149927331141; $s2h2[''u''][''i''] = 0.156046814044; $s2h2[''u''][''j''] = 0.171345521303; $s2h2[''u''][''k''] = 0.171345521303; $s2h2[''u''][''l''] = 0.19888319437; $s2h2[''u''][''m''] = 0.462020959229; $s2h2[''u''][''n''] = 0.59664958311; $s2h2[''u''][''o''] = 2.3254035034; $s2h2[''u''][''p''] = 2.3254035034; $s2h2[''u''][''q''] = 2.63137764859; $s2h2[''u''][''r''] = 2.63137764859; $s2h2[''u''][''s''] = 3.15459343685; $s2h2[''u''][''t''] = 3.40855197736; $s2h2[''u''][''u''] = 3.5645987914; $s2h2[''u''][''v''] = 3.57989749866; $s2h2[''u''][''w''] = 3.61049491318; $s2h2[''u''][''x''] = 3.61049491318; $s2h2[''u''][''y''] = 3.62273387899; $s2h2[''u''][''z''] = 3.62579362044; $s2h2[''v''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''v''][''b''] = 1.33098753155; $s2h2[''v''][''c''] = 1.33098753155; $s2h2[''v''][''d''] = 1.33404727301; $s2h2[''v''][''e''] = 1.34016675591; $s2h2[''v''][''f''] = 3.2280272317; $s2h2[''v''][''g''] = 3.23108697315; $s2h2[''v''][''h''] = 3.23108697315; $s2h2[''v''][''i''] = 3.2341467146; $s2h2[''v''][''j''] = 5.15566434636; $s2h2[''v''][''k''] = 5.15566434636; $s2h2[''v''][''l''] = 5.15566434636; $s2h2[''v''][''m''] = 5.20462020959; $s2h2[''v''][''n''] = 5.20462020959; $s2h2[''v''][''o''] = 5.20462020959; $s2h2[''v''][''p''] = 5.7951503098; $s2h2[''v''][''q''] = 5.7951503098; $s2h2[''v''][''r''] = 5.7951503098; $s2h2[''v''][''s''] = 5.79821005125; $s2h2[''v''][''t''] = 5.79821005125; $s2h2[''v''][''u''] = 5.8012697927; $s2h2[''v''][''v''] = 5.90224126061; $s2h2[''v''][''w''] = 5.90224126061; $s2h2[''v''][''x''] = 5.90224126061; $s2h2[''v''][''y''] = 5.90530100207; $s2h2[''v''][''z''] = 5.90836074352; $s2h2[''w''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''w''][''b''] = 2.46615161019; $s2h2[''w''][''c''] = 2.478390576; $s2h2[''w''][''d''] = 2.478390576; $s2h2[''w''][''e''] = 2.478390576; $s2h2[''w''][''f''] = 3.82161707336; $s2h2[''w''][''g''] = 3.82161707336; $s2h2[''w''][''h''] = 3.82161707336; $s2h2[''w''][''i''] = 5.36678650654; $s2h2[''w''][''j''] = 7.73808613172; $s2h2[''w''][''k''] = 7.73808613172; $s2h2[''w''][''l''] = 7.73808613172; $s2h2[''w''][''m''] = 7.74114587317; $s2h2[''w''][''n''] = 7.74726535608; $s2h2[''w''][''o''] = 7.75032509753; $s2h2[''w''][''p''] = 9.1945230628; $s2h2[''w''][''q''] = 9.19758280425; $s2h2[''w''][''r''] = 9.19758280425; $s2h2[''w''][''s''] = 9.53415436396; $s2h2[''w''][''t''] = 9.53721410541; $s2h2[''w''][''u''] = 9.54639332976; $s2h2[''w''][''v''] = 9.57699074428; $s2h2[''w''][''w''] = 9.58005048573; $s2h2[''w''][''x''] = 9.58311022719; $s2h2[''w''][''y''] = 9.58311022719; $s2h2[''w''][''z''] = 9.67184272929; $s2h2[''x''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''x''][''b''] = 0.140748106785; $s2h2[''x''][''c''] = 0.140748106785; $s2h2[''x''][''d''] = 0.143807848237; $s2h2[''x''][''e''] = 0.143807848237; $s2h2[''x''][''f''] = 0.293735179377; $s2h2[''x''][''g''] = 0.293735179377; $s2h2[''x''][''h''] = 0.293735179377; $s2h2[''x''][''i''] = 0.296794920829; $s2h2[''x''][''j''] = 0.351870266962; $s2h2[''x''][''k''] = 0.351870266962; $s2h2[''x''][''l''] = 0.351870266962; $s2h2[''x''][''m''] = 0.354930008414; $s2h2[''x''][''n''] = 0.357989749866; $s2h2[''x''][''o''] = 0.357989749866; $s2h2[''x''][''p''] = 0.36410923277; $s2h2[''x''][''q''] = 0.36410923277; $s2h2[''x''][''r''] = 0.36410923277; $s2h2[''x''][''s''] = 0.36410923277; $s2h2[''x''][''t''] = 0.36410923277; $s2h2[''x''][''u''] = 0.370228715674; $s2h2[''x''][''v''] = 0.370228715674; $s2h2[''x''][''w''] = 0.382467681481; $s2h2[''x''][''x''] = 0.382467681481; $s2h2[''x''][''y''] = 0.422244320355; $s2h2[''x''][''z''] = 0.501797598103; $s2h2[''y''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''y''][''b''] = 0.3304520768; $s2h2[''y''][''c''] = 0.336571559703; $s2h2[''y''][''d''] = 0.336571559703; $s2h2[''y''][''e''] = 0.336571559703; $s2h2[''y''][''f''] = 0.976057523139; $s2h2[''y''][''g''] = 0.976057523139; $s2h2[''y''][''h''] = 0.982177006043; $s2h2[''y''][''i''] = 0.988296488947; $s2h2[''y''][''j''] = 1.02501338637; $s2h2[''y''][''k''] = 1.02501338637; $s2h2[''y''][''l''] = 1.02501338637; $s2h2[''y''][''m''] = 1.03113286927; $s2h2[''y''][''n''] = 1.03419261072; $s2h2[''y''][''o''] = 1.03419261072; $s2h2[''y''][''p''] = 1.24225502945; $s2h2[''y''][''q''] = 1.2453147709; $s2h2[''y''][''r''] = 1.24837451235; $s2h2[''y''][''s''] = 1.25143425381; $s2h2[''y''][''t''] = 1.25143425381; $s2h2[''y''][''u''] = 1.26061347816; $s2h2[''y''][''v''] = 1.38912261914; $s2h2[''y''][''w''] = 1.39218236059; $s2h2[''y''][''x''] = 1.39218236059; $s2h2[''y''][''y''] = 1.39218236059; $s2h2[''y''][''z''] = 1.39218236059; $s2h2[''z''][''a''] = 0; $s2h2[''z''][''b''] = 0.217241643081; $s2h2[''z''][''c''] = 0.223361125985; $s2h2[''z''][''d''] = 0.223361125985; $s2h2[''z''][''e''] = 0.226420867437; $s2h2[''z''][''f''] = 0.449781993422; $s2h2[''z''][''g''] = 0.449781993422; $s2h2[''z''][''h''] = 0.449781993422; $s2h2[''z''][''i''] = 0.468140442133; $s2h2[''z''][''j''] = 0.731278206992; $s2h2[''z''][''k''] = 0.731278206992; $s2h2[''z''][''l''] = 0.731278206992; $s2h2[''z''][''m''] = 0.734337948443; $s2h2[''z''][''n''] = 0.734337948443; $s2h2[''z''][''o''] = 0.737397689895; $s2h2[''z''][''p''] = 0.954639332976; $s2h2[''z''][''q''] = 0.954639332976; $s2h2[''z''][''r''] = 0.954639332976; $s2h2[''z''][''s''] = 0.957699074428; $s2h2[''z''][''t''] = 0.96075881588; $s2h2[''z''][''u''] = 0.96075881588; $s2h2[''z''][''v''] = 0.991356230399; $s2h2[''z''][''w''] = 0.991356230399; $s2h2[''z''][''x''] = 1.00359519621; $s2h2[''z''][''y''] = 1.00359519621; $s2h2[''z''][''z''] = 1.09844718121; $s2h2[''z''][''{''] = 1.09844718121; function str2hue($str) { global $s2h1,$s2h2; $str = preg_replace("`[^a-z]+`","",strtolower($str)); $len = strlen($str); $hue = 0; if($len>0) { $hue += $s2h1[$str[0]]; if($len>1) { $hue += $s2h2[$str[0]][$str[1]]; $max = $s2h2[$str[0]][chr(ord($str[1])+1)] - $s2h2[$str[0]][$str[1]]; for($i=2; $i<$len; $i++) { $mult = ord($str[$i])-ord(''a''); $hue += $max/pow(26,$len-$i)*$mult; } } } return $hue; } ?>

Edit2: Te perdí un poco de que querías que las palabras con un principio similar tuvieran diferentes colores ... esto hace exactamente lo contrario. Escribí este código para que al mostrar una lista ordenada alfabéticamente de elementos, si hay un salto entre colores, significa que hay un salto entre letras.