rango operaciones obtener mes mayor listar listado fechas entre dias consultar con comparar sql sql-server sql-server-2008 gaps-and-islands

operaciones - Detectar rangos de fechas consecutivas utilizando SQL

operaciones con fechas sql (4)

Aquí está mi muestra con datos de prueba:

--required output -- 01 - 03 -- 08 - 09 -- 12 - 14 DECLARE @maxRN int; WITH #tmp AS ( SELECT CAST(''2013-01-01'' AS date) DT UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-02'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-03'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-05'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-08'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-09'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-12'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-13'' AS date) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(''2013-01-14'' AS date) ), #numbered AS ( SELECT 0 RN, CAST(''1900-01-01'' AS date) DT UNION ALL SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DT) RN, DT FROM #tmp ) SELECT * INTO #tmpTable FROM #numbered; SELECT @maxRN = MAX(RN) FROM #tmpTable; INSERT INTO #tmpTable SELECT @maxRN + 1, CAST(''2100-01-01'' AS date); WITH #paired AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY TStart.DT) RN, TStart.DT DTS, TEnd.DT DTE FROM #tmpTable TStart INNER JOIN #tmpTable TEnd ON TStart.RN = TEnd.RN - 1 AND DATEDIFF(dd,TStart.DT,TEnd.DT) > 1 ) SELECT TS.DTE, TE.DTs FROM #paired TS INNER JOIN #paired TE ON TS.RN = TE.RN -1 AND TS.DTE <> TE.DTs -- you could remove this filter if you want to have start and end on the same date DROP TABLE #tmpTable

Reemplace los datos #tmp con su tabla real.

Quiero rellenar el objeto de calendario que requiere información de fecha de inicio y finalización. Tengo una columna que contiene una secuencia de fechas. Algunas de las fechas son consecutivas (tienen una diferencia de un día) y otras no.

InfoDate 2013-12-04 consecutive date [StartDate] 2013-12-05 consecutive date 2013-12-06 consecutive date [EndDate] 2013-12-09 [startDate] 2013-12-10 [EndDate] 2014-01-01 [startDate] 2014-01-02 2014-01-03 [EndDate] 2014-01-06 [startDate] 2014-01-07 [EndDate] 2014-01-29 [startDate] 2014-01-30 2014-01-31 [EndDate] 2014-02-03 [startDate] 2014-02-04 [EndDate]

Quiero elegir la fecha de inicio y finalización de cada intervalo de fechas consecutivas (la primera y la última en el bloque).

StartDate EndDate 2013-12-04 2013-12-06 2013-12-09 2013-12-10 2014-01-01 2014-01-03 2014-01-06 2014-01-07 2014-01-29 2014-01-31 2014-02-03 2014-02-04

Quiero resolver el problema usando solo SQL.

Aqui tienes..

;WITH CTEDATES AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Infodate asc ) AS ROWNUMBER,infodate FROM YourTableName ), CTEDATES1 AS ( SELECT ROWNUMBER, infodate, 1 as groupid FROM CTEDATES WHERE ROWNUMBER=1 UNION ALL SELECT a.ROWNUMBER, a.infodate,case datediff(d, b.infodate,a.infodate) when 1 then b.groupid else b.groupid+1 end as gap FROM CTEDATES A INNER JOIN CTEDATES1 B ON A.ROWNUMBER-1 = B.ROWNUMBER ) select min(mydate) as startdate, max(infodate) as enddate from CTEDATES1 group by groupid

Por favor, no olvide marcarlo como respuesta, si esto responde a su pregunta.

He insertado estos valores en una tabla llamada #consec y luego perforé lo siguiente:

select t1.* ,t2.infodate as binfod into #temp1 from #consec t1 left join #consec t2 on dateadd(DAY,1,t1.infodate)=t2.infodate select t1.* ,t2.infodate as binfod into #temp2 from #consec t1 left join #consec t2 on dateadd(DAY,1,t2.infodate)=t1.infodate ;with cte as( select infodate, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by infodate asc) as seq from #temp1 where binfod is null ), cte2 as( select infodate, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by infodate asc) as seq from #temp2 where binfod is null ) select t2.infodate as [start_date] ,t1.infodate as [end_date] from cte t1 left join cte2 t2 on t1.seq=t2.seq

Mientras sus períodos de fechas no se superpongan, debe hacer el trabajo por usted.

No se requieren uniones ni CTE recursivas. La solución estándar de lagunas e islas es agrupar por (valor menos número de fila), ya que es invariante dentro de una secuencia consecutiva. Las fechas de inicio y finalización son solo las MIN () y MAX () del grupo.