Cómo importar datos CSV/TSV a Couch DB?
couchdb (4)
Apache CouchDB solo almacena documentos JSON. Por lo tanto, para importar CSV debe convertir a documentos JSON individuales y luego POSTALIZARlos normalmente.
Probablemente tendrá que escribir un programa para recorrer cada línea. Convierta la línea CSV (una secuencia de valores ) en el documento JSON (una secuencia de pares clave: valor ). Entonces simplemente envíelo a CouchDB usando HTTP.
Cómo importar datos CSV / TSV a Couch DB?
Es bastante fácil con Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from couchdbkit import Server, Database
from couchdbkit.loaders import FileSystemDocsLoader
from csv import DictReader
import sys, subprocess, math, os
def parseDoc(doc):
for k,v in doc.items():
if (isinstance(v,str)):
#print k, v, v.isdigit()
# #see if this string is really an int or a float
if v.isdigit()==True: #int
doc[k] = int(v)
else: #try a float
if math.isnan(float(v))==False:
doc[k] = float(v)
return doc
def upload(db, docs):
del docs
return list()
def uploadFile(fname, uri, dbname):
print ''Upload contents of %s to %s/%s'' % (fname, uri, dbname)
# #connect to the db
theServer = Server(uri)
db = theServer.get_or_create_db(dbname)
#loop on file for upload
reader = DictReader(open(fname, ''rU''), dialect = ''excel'') #see the python csv module
#for other options, such as using the tab delimeter. The first line in your csv
#file should contain all of the "key" and all subsequent lines hold the values
#for those keys.
#used for bulk uploading
docs = list()
checkpoint = 100
for doc in reader:
newdoc = parseDoc(doc) #this just converts strings that are really numbers into ints and floats
#Here I check to see if the doc is already on the database. If it is, then I assign
#the _rev key so that it updates the doc on the db.
if db.doc_exist(newdoc.get(''_id'')):
newdoc[''_rev''] = db.get_rev(newdoc.get(''_id''))
if len(docs)%checkpoint==0:
docs = upload(db,docs)
#don''t forget the last batch
docs = upload(db,docs)
if __name__==''__main__'':
filename = sys.argv[1]
uri = sys.argv[2]
dbname = sys.argv[3]
uploadFile(filename, uri, dbname)
Acabo de escribir un guión en Ruby: csv2couchdb
Yo uso esto aquí: https: // github / glynnbird / couchimport . Si su CSV es razonablemente simple, simplemente se reducirá a establecer un nombre de base de datos y conectar el CSV a couchimport.