working warning notificationcompat notification not for failed example developer create android android-notifications android-8.0-oreo

warning - NotificationChannel problema en Android O

notification channel android example (3)

Recibo un mensaje que dice "Advertencia del desarrollador para el paquete" al enviar un MMS con mensajes de Android versión 2.3.063.

En los registros

08-12 16:57:52.368 7661 7682 W Notification: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 08-12 16:57:52.368 7661 7682 W Notification: See the documentation of setSound() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case 08-12 16:57:52.369 1604 3146 E NotificationService: No Channel found for, channelId=miscellaneous, id=5, tag=null,, callingUid=10130, userId=0, incomingUserId=0, notificationUid=10130, notification=Notification(channel=miscellaneous pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x8 color=0xff2a56c6 vis=PRIVATE) 08-12 16:57:52.375 1604 3094 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 08-12 16:57:52.375 1604 3094 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 480 08-12 16:57:52.375 1604 3094 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 08-12 16:57:52.378 7661 7682 I BugleNotifications: Notifying for tag = null, type = RESIZING_NOTIFICATION_ID, notification = Notification(channel=miscellaneous pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x8 color=0xff2a56c6 vis=PRIVATE) 08-12 16:57:52.381 7661 8893 W Notification: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 08-12 16:57:52.381 7661 8893 W Notification: See the documentation of setSound() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case 08-12 16:57:52.384 1604 1618 E NotificationService: No Channel found for, channelId=miscellaneous, id=5, tag=null,, callingUid=10130, userId=0, incomingUserId=0, notificationUid=10130, notification=Notification(channel=miscellaneous pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x8 color=0xff2a56c6 vis=PRIVATE) 08-12 16:57:52.384 880 1657 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted 08-12 16:57:52.387 7661 8893 I BugleNotifications: Notifying for tag = null, type = RESIZING_NOTIFICATION_ID, notification = Notification(channel=miscellaneous pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x8 color=0xff2a56c6 vis=PRIVATE) 08-12 16:57:52.390 1604 1647 E NotificationService: No Channel found for, channelId=miscellaneous, id=5, tag=null,, callingUid=10130, userId=0, incomingUserId=0, notificationUid=10130, notification=Notification(channel=miscellaneous pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x48 color=0xff2a56c6 vis=PRIVATE)

Servicios de Google Play ver 11.3.02
Mensajes de Android 2.3.063
Android 8.0.0

¿Alguien allí para ayudarme?

Como está escrito en la documentación de Android:…

Si se dirige a Android O y publica una notificación sin especificar un canal de notificaciones válido, la notificación no se publica y el sistema registra un error.

Para resolver este problema, necesita crear un NotificationChannel.

NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); // The id of the channel. String id = "my_channel_01"; // The user-visible name of the channel. CharSequence name = getString(R.string.channel_name); // The user-visible description of the channel. String description = getString(R.string.channel_description); int importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW; NotificationChannel mChannel = new NotificationChannel(id, name,importance); // Configure the notification channel. mChannel.setDescription(description); mChannel.enableLights(true); // Sets the notification light color for notifications posted to this // channel, if the device supports this feature. mChannel.setLightColor(Color.RED); mChannel.enableVibration(true); mChannel.setVibrationPattern(new long[]{100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 400}); mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannel(mChannel);

Y luego asignarlo a su Notificación de esta manera:

mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); // Sets an ID for the notification, so it can be updated. int notifyID = 1; // The id of the channel. String CHANNEL_ID = "my_channel_01"; // Create a notification and set the notification channel. Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(MainActivity.this) .setContentTitle("New Message") .setContentText("You''ve received new messages.") .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notify_status) .setChannelId(CHANNEL_ID) .build(); // Issue the notification. mNotificationManager.notify(id, notification);


En caso de que quiera usar NotificationCompat aquí hay un ejemplo simple:

NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder; mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext()) .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher_icon) .setContentTitle("Title") .setContentText("Text") .setOngoing(true) .setChannelId(id);

De hecho, tiene que usar Notification Builder para establecer la identificación del canal a través de setChannelId ();

Los mensajes en Toast y Logcat que hablen sobre usted deben prestarse atención a 2 artículos y ordenarlos:

  1. NotificationChannel mChannel = new NotificationChannel(id, name, importance);
  2. builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, id);

También NotificationManager notifManager y NotificationChannel mChannel se crean solo una vez.

Hay setters requeridos para la notificación:

builder.setContentTitle() // required .setSmallIcon() // required .setContentText() // required

Ver el ejemplo en On Android 8.1 API 27 no se muestra la notificación .

Otra solución posible es colocar su targetSdkVersion en 25. Los niveles de API recientes solo han traído sticks y no zanahorias. Hay algunas razones para que los desarrolladores apunten apis más recientes.