volumen ver serie serial saber puedo obtener numero duro disco como cambiar vb6 hdd serial-number

vb6 - ver - ¿Cómo puedo leer el número de serie del volumen de HDD usando VB 6?

obtener serial disco duro c# (3)

Private Declare Function GetVolumeInformation _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" _ (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, _ ByVal pVolumeNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, _ lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, _ lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, _ lpFileSystemFlags As Long, _ ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long Public Function GetSerialNumber( _ ByVal sDrive As String) As Long If Len(sDrive) Then If InStr(sDrive, "//") = 1 Then '' Make sure we end in backslash for UNC If Right$(sDrive, 1) <> "/" Then sDrive = sDrive & "/" End If Else '' If not UNC, take first letter as drive sDrive = Left$(sDrive, 1) & ":/" End If Else '' Else just use current drive sDrive = vbNullString End If '' Grab S/N -- Most params can be NULL Call GetVolumeInformation( _ sDrive, vbNullString, 0, GetSerialNumber, _ ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, vbNullString, 0) End Function


Dim Drive As String Drive = InputBox("Enter drive for checking SN") MsgBox Hex$(GetSerialNumber(Drive))

Fuente: http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/15908

¿Cómo puedo leer el número de serie del volumen de HDD utilizando VB 6 pero sin usar ningún control ActiveX o complementos de terceros?

El siguiente ejemplo proporciona una serie de la unidad donde está su EXE

''APi declaration Declare Function GetVolumeInformation Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, lpFileSystemFlags As Long, ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long Sub subHDsn() Dim TempAPi, VolumeSerial As Long Dim strPATH As String On Error Resume Next TempAPi = 0 VolumeSerial = 0 If App.Path Like "*:*" Then ''checking whether the drive is local or mapped strPATH = Left(App.Path, 3) Else ''if it''s a UNC strPATH = Left(App.Path, InStr((InStr(3, App.Path, "/") + 1), App.Path, "/")) End If ''call API TempAPi = GetVolumeInformation(strPATH, VolumeName, 100, VolumeSerial, 100, FileSystemFlags, FileSystemName, 100) If TempAPi = 0 Then MsgBox "Error calling API!", 16 End End If ''convert from HeX HDsn = Hex(VolumeSerial) End Sub

La siguiente muestra sin necesidad de API.

Public Function GetSerialNumber(ByVal sDrive As String) As String On Error Resume Next Open "Vol.bat" For Output As 1 Print #1, "@vol %1%>DSN" Close Kill "DSN" Shell ("Vol.bat " + sDrive) Do Open "DSN" For Input As 1 Input #1, GetSerialNumber Input #1, GetSerialNumber Close Loop While GetSerialNumber = "" GetSerialNumber = Right$(GetSerialNumber, 9) Kill "Vol.bat" Kill "DSN" End Function