c# - microsoft - exchange web services api
Artículos de búsqueda de servicios web de Exchange(EWS) en todas las carpetas (3)
He encontrado información en la carpeta AllItems dentro de Exchange en el blog de Glen http://gsexdev.blogspot.com/2011/08/using-allitems-search-folder-from.html He portado el script de PowerShell a C # como se muestra abajo.
private static void SearchItems()
ExtendedPropertyDefinition allFoldersType = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(13825, MapiPropertyType.Integer);
FolderId rootFolderId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Root);
FolderView folderView = new FolderView(1000);
folderView.Traversal = FolderTraversal.Shallow;
SearchFilter searchFilter1 = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(allFoldersType, "2");
SearchFilter searchFilter2 = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "allitems");
SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection searchFilterCollection = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(LogicalOperator.And);
FindFoldersResults findFoldersResults = _service.FindFolders(rootFolderId, searchFilterCollection, folderView);
if (findFoldersResults.Folders.Count > 0)
Folder allItemsFolder = findFoldersResults.Folders[0];
Console.WriteLine("Folder:/t" + allItemsFolder.DisplayName);
ItemView iv = new ItemView(1000);
FindItemsResults<Item> findResults = allItemsFolder.FindItems("System.Message.DateReceived:01/01/2011..01/31/2011", iv);
foreach (Item item in findResults)
Console.WriteLine("Subject:/t" + item.Subject);
Console.WriteLine("Received At:/t/t" + item.DateTimeReceived.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"));
Console.WriteLine("Is New:/t/t" + item.IsNew.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Has Attachments:/t/t" + item.HasAttachments.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue");
Estoy utilizando el siguiente código para encontrar todos los correos electrónicos enviados por un usuario, sin embargo, esto solo busca en la carpeta principal de la Bandeja de entrada y no revisa ninguna subcarpeta. Me gustaría buscar todos los elementos de correo, incluidas las subcarpetas.
He probado el WellKnownFolderName.Root y el WellKnownFolderName.Inbox y estos solo buscan esas carpetas, no las subcarpetas.
private static void SearchItems(string email)
ItemView iv = new ItemView(10);
FindItemsResults<Item> fiitems = _service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, "from:[email protected]", iv);
foreach (Item item in fiitems)
Console.WriteLine("Subject:/t" + item.Subject);
Console.WriteLine("Received At:/t/t" + item.DateTimeReceived.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"));
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue");
Si todo lo que necesita es una colección de todas las carpetas y subcarpetas en el servidor, puede enviar sus solicitudes y obtener toda la jerarquía de carpetas del servidor en solo unas pocas llamadas. La clave es la propiedad FolderView.Traversal
Por ejemplo, para un buzón de Exchange con ~ 1,300 carpetas, el código a continuación solo hace 2 solicitudes. Puede configurar el tamaño de su página a lo que quiera, siempre y cuando se mantenga dentro o por debajo del límite del servidor.
Para su información: Exchange Online (Office365) se limita a un máximo de 1,000 artículos en una respuesta. No he probado, por lo que no puedo hablar de límites similares al consultar un servidor de Exchange local.
Imports Exchange = Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Friend Module Main
Public Sub Main()
Dim oService As Exchange.ExchangeService
Dim oUsers As Dictionary(Of String, User)
oUsers = New Dictionary(Of String, User)
oUsers.Add("User1", New User("[email protected]", "Some-Fancy-Password1"))
oUsers.Add("User2", New User("[email protected]", "Some-Fancy-Password2"))
oUsers.ToList.ForEach(Sub(Credential As KeyValuePair(Of String, User))
End Sub)
oUsers.ToList.ForEach(Sub(Credential As KeyValuePair(Of String, User))
LogFileName = Credential.Key
Console.WriteLine("Getting message counts for mailbox [{0}]...", LogFileName)
oService = Service.ConnectToService(Credential.Value)
GetAllFolders(oService, LOG_FILE_PATH.ToFormat(Credential.Key))
End Sub)
Console.Write("Press any key to exit...")
End Sub
Private Sub GetAllFolders(Service As Exchange.ExchangeService, LogFilePath As String)
Dim oIsHidden As Exchange.ExtendedPropertyDefinition
Dim oFolders As List(Of Exchange.Folder)
Dim oResults As Exchange.FindFoldersResults
Dim lHasMore As Boolean
Dim oChild As Exchange.Folder
Dim oView As Exchange.FolderView
Dim _
nOffSet As Short
Dim _
oPath As List(Of String)
oIsHidden = New Exchange.ExtendedPropertyDefinition(&H10F4, Exchange.MapiPropertyType.Boolean)
nPageSize = 1000
oFolders = New List(Of Exchange.Folder)
lHasMore = True
nOffSet = 0
Do While lHasMore
oView = New Exchange.FolderView(nPageSize, nOffSet, Exchange.OffsetBasePoint.Beginning)
oView.PropertySet = New Exchange.PropertySet(Exchange.BasePropertySet.IdOnly)
oView.Traversal = Exchange.FolderTraversal.Deep
oResults = Service.FindFolders(Exchange.WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot, oView)
lHasMore = oResults.MoreAvailable
If lHasMore Then
nOffSet += nPageSize
End If
oFolders.RemoveAll(Function(Folder) Folder.ExtendedProperties(0).Value = True)
oFolders.RemoveAll(Function(Folder) Folder.FolderClass <> "IPF.Note")
oPaths = New List(Of String)
oChild = Folder
oPath = New List(Of String)
oChild = oFolders.SingleOrDefault(Function(Parent) Parent.Id.UniqueId = oChild.ParentFolderId.UniqueId)
Loop While oChild IsNot Nothing
oPaths.Add("{0}{1}{2}".ToFormat(Join(oPath.ToArray, DELIMITER), vbTab, Folder.TotalCount))
End Sub)
oPaths.RemoveAll(Function(Path) Path.StartsWith("Sync Issues"))
File.WriteAllText(LogFilePath, Join(oPaths.ToArray, vbCrLf))
End Sub
Private LogFileName As String
Private Const LOG_FILE_PATH As String = "D:/Emails/Remote{0}.txt"
Private Const DELIMITER As String = "/"
End Module
Friend Class Service
Public Shared Function ConnectToService(User As User) As Exchange.ExchangeService
Return Service.ConnectToService(User, Nothing)
End Function
Public Shared Function ConnectToService(User As User, Listener As Exchange.ITraceListener) As Exchange.ExchangeService
Dim oService As Exchange.ExchangeService
oService = New Exchange.ExchangeService(Exchange.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1)
oService.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(User.EmailAddress, User.Password)
oService.AutodiscoverUrl(User.EmailAddress, AddressOf RedirectionUrlValidationCallback)
If Listener IsNot Nothing Then
oService.TraceListener = Listener
oService.TraceEnabled = True
oService.TraceFlags = Exchange.TraceFlags.All
End If
Return oService
End Function
Private Shared Function RedirectionUrlValidationCallback(RedirectionUrl As String) As Boolean
With New Uri(RedirectionUrl)
Return .Scheme.ToLower = "https"
End With
End Function
End Class
Friend Class User
Public Sub New(EmailAddress As String)
_EmailAddress = EmailAddress
_Password = New SecureString
End Sub
Public Sub New(EmailAddress As String, Password As String)
_EmailAddress = EmailAddress
_Password = New SecureString
Password.ToList.ForEach(Sub(Chr As Char)
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetUser() As User
Dim sEmailAddress As String
Dim oUserInput As ConsoleKeyInfo
Console.Write("Enter email address: ")
sEmailAddress = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Enter password: ")
GetUser = New User(sEmailAddress)
While True
oUserInput = Console.ReadKey(True)
If oUserInput.Key = ConsoleKey.Enter Then
Exit While
ElseIf oUserInput.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape Then
ElseIf oUserInput.Key = ConsoleKey.Backspace Then
If GetUser.Password.Length <> 0 Then
GetUser.Password.RemoveAt(GetUser.Password.Length - 1)
End If
End If
End While
If GetUser.Password.Length = 0 Then
GetUser = Nothing
End If
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property EmailAddress As String
Public ReadOnly Property Password As SecureString
End Class
Friend Class TraceListener
Implements Exchange.ITraceListener
Public Sub Trace(TraceType As String, TraceMessage As String) Implements Exchange.ITraceListener.Trace
File.AppendAllText("{0}.txt".ToFormat(Path.Combine("D:/Emails/TraceOutput", Guid.NewGuid.ToString("D"))), TraceMessage)
End Sub
End Class